How to use IDEA to auto complete YAML configurations - spring

I am currently working on spring boot and exploring the spring configurations for spring cloud using YAML. I always copy and paste the whole configuration from some source to my project, is there a way that IDEA auto-completes or shows suggestions while writing the spring cloud configurations. please help.

You can use spring assistant plugin


Azure Active Directory in Spring App Without Boot

I have been trying to set up a Spring Web application to use Azure Active Directory.
All the samples that I have found online are based on Spring Boot, is there a simple example that shows setting up spring framework web app only without using Spring Boot?
I am having no luck finding stuff, I am also trying to figure out how to convert all the spring boot autoconfig. Surely there is a sample somewhere that makes it easy to use for a Spring Framework only web-app?
I was able to figure this out somewhat. I'm very new to OAuth so still trying to learn as I go.
Basically I followed the Spring Reference and got things working using the override auto-configuration sections at
It also helped that I updated the Spring Framework versions to the latest and made sure I used the correct dependencies according to that reference site

Passing configuration from yaml file to spring boot application without rebuilding it

How to pass configuration through yaml file to a running spring boot application so that there is no need of rebuilding the application and changes are reflected while the application is runnig?
I think this can help you:
How to hot-reload properties in Java EE and Spring Boot?
Take a look at Spring Boot Cloud Config. It allows you to manage your config files centralized and has the ability to push new configurations to the connected applications.

how to write a code for database connection from eclipse using spring. This should be a simple spring maven project without using spring boot

I am new to spring. I am not able to figure out how to write a spring project for creating DB connection using maven , without using spring -boot or hibernate. it is supposed to be a simple spring maven project.
can you help me with few sample codes.
Install the Spring tools suite plugin for eclipse from the following link.
With spring tools suite, access the spring dashboard
Select the Import Reference App, this will provide several example applications from the Spring guides, choose the example and the example will be installed onto your eclipse workspace. These examples are well documented , with clear instructions on how to run the project. Hopefully this should help you get started with learning Spring framework.

how to deploy Spring boot actuate application in external tomcat server

Im trying to just use the basic endpoints that comes with spring actuate and want to deploy in the external tomcat server without using spring boot. How to achieve this, could anyone help me please. Is there any configuration changes that I need to do. This website gives an idea but it uses older version of spring-boot-actuate. Also EndpointHandlerMapping and EndpointHandlerAdapter doesnt come with newer version of spring boot actuate.
Anyways I get 404 resource not found when deploying to the server.
Check out this question to see if it helps you. The Actuator component is a Spring Boot feature but you can use individual components within an existing application with the right build and configuration setups.

Spring Security-Reload my security.xml on edit

I am using Spring Security in my project. I have a situation where I need to change the pattern attribute in itercept-url tag on runtime. For this I have to again restart the tomcat server and in turn takes a lot of time for me to test my changes.
Does Spring have a solution where the security.xml file is reloaded when I edit it in my web application, without restarting my server. Please provide some pointers for the same as I am new to Spring Framework.
Any link to a step by step tutorial will certainly help a lot.
Thanks in advance.
Divyang Agrawal
Use spring annotation rather than using xml configuration. so by using annotation you do not required tomcat restart after changing the source code.
you can find simple tutorial for how to use annotation based spring security here Link
