How can I fetch all NFTs within a NEAR account? [closed] - nearprotocol

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Closed last year.
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Assuming all NFTs adhered to the NEP-171 specification, how can I list all NFTs within an account such as example.near?
I see at that it ought to be possible.

Using the NEAR CLI, run something like NEAR_ENV=testnet near view <the contract ID> nft_tokens_for_owner '{"account_id": "<the account ID>"}'.
from_index defaults to 0 and limit defaults to unlimited.
NEAR_ENV=testnet near view dev-1643292007908-55838431863482 nft_tokens_for_owner '{"account_id": "example.testnet"}'


Is there visibility issue in golang? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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For example, if I update a global variable in one goroutine, then read the variable in another goroutine, can I get the newest value?
Another question is, can "atomic.Load*" and "atomic.Store*" ensure visibility?
Without explicit synchronization between goroutines, there is no guarantee that you will see the latest value of a shared variable. The Go memory model describes this:
Atomic load/store have memory barriers, and they do guarantee you will see the latest value, though the Go memory model does not explicitly state this.

Expanding DL in outlook [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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If we send a mail to a DL and at the other end that DL gets expanded(will show all the names in it).
Does this causes a performance issue on the outlook server?
DL is not expanded on the receiving side. DL is expanded when you send the message - the receiving server will have no idea what your DL contains. Expanding DL is not expensive - it is expensive to deliver messages to multipel recipients.

What's the difference between methods and messages in Ruby? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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What are the "under the hood" differences? What are the practical differences?
Is there any difference from a users perspective?
I know you could use def to define a method, but could you define a message?
When you send a message to an object, the object will (usually) respond by executing a method with the same name as that message.
You cannot define messages. You just send them.

AVISaveOptions without AVIStream [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am coding a program which exports AVI files into directories, is it possible to get an AVISaveOptions dialog without having access to an avistream? The AVICOMPRESSOPTIONS already has all the data, doesn't it? I am not able to create a stream using AVICreateStream because I do not know its parameter and the documentation does not explain them.
AVISaveOptions API passes call to ICCompressorChoose and the API looks up ICM codec from the stream you provide as an argument. This is why streams are required input. You need ICCompressorChoose instead if you don't have [yet] a stream.

Execute an action if your account does not login within 'X' number of days (OSX) [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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So, I'm trying to write a script that can perform an action if I am unable to login to my computer with X number of days. An example of this would be to send an email if I don't login after a week. This is mainly for fun, but I want to have some kind of insurance (ie "if you kill me bad guy incriminating docs will be emailed to the FBI).
My two questions are
a) what does a code like this look like
b) do I inject this into the kernel or is it more of a daemon
Use the 'at' utility. You can have a 'logout' action start the 'at' script and a 'login' action cancel it.
