What does this Ruby code do? unvisited_cities.min do |city| - ruby

I am working through a book on algorithms and it contains a description of Dijkstra's algorithm with a code sample in Ruby. The code solves a hypothetical problem of finding the cheapest flight path from city A to city B. You cannot necessarily fly directly from A to B, and so there may be multiple flights required to complete your trip.
A City object has a #name that is a String and #routes that is a hash with a City object as the key and ticket price as the value.
For example, the city of Atlanta is defined by
atlanta = City.new("Atlanta")
atlanta.add_route(boston, 100)
atlanta.add_route(denver, 160)
# where the add_route method states that
#routes[city] = price
Further, unvisited_cities is an array of City objects, and cheapest_prices_table is a hash with a city #name as the key and ticket price as the value.
My question is, what does the following code, which is part of the Dijkstra algorithm code sample, do? I am unfamiliar with the syntax unvisited_cities.min do |city|. I placed a puts statement just above the code in question (p unvisited_cities.min), and I received an error: ArgumentError (comparison of City with City failed). I could not find a description of this syntax anywhere to understand exactly what the lines below do. That is, how does the code below set current_city to be the least expensive city to fly to in unvisited_cities?
# We visit our next unvisited city. We choose the one that is cheapest
# to get to from the STARTING city:
current_city = unvisited_cities.min do |city|
Thank you!


Prolog Recursion | using multiple predicates to calculate sum

could someone tell me how do I solve the below question:
people_in_capitals(N): N is the total number of people living in capital cities of the world.
"Useful predicates:
country(Name, ID, Capital, CapitalProvince, Size, Population)
city(Name, Country ID, Province, Population, Lat, Lon, Elevation)."
I can use "findall" function to get and store the capitals in List, however, how do I use items in the list to find the population from the predicate city?
Show your code so far!
Also, write a predicate that iterates over the list (as described here: https://www.doc.gold.ac.uk/~mas02gw/prolog_tutorial/prologpages/lists.html) and sums the city population into the target value.

Which data structure to use to implement family tree in ruby?

I am trying to create a simple family tree in ruby where I could add children through the mother nodes. Also when I give a name and a relation as input I should be able to get the output as names of people related to the given person name.
For example, I should be able to do operations like
add_child('Tina', 'bob') // which will add bob as a child node to Tina
get_relation(bob, maternal_uncles) // which should output all the siblings of Tina in this case.
Which data structure is best to implement this and how to implement it in ruby? In my research I found graph is good approach and I was researching on its implementation since 2 days but could not find any solution.
I tried the following libraries
RubyTree https://github.com/evolve75/RubyTree - This helped me to get parents, siblings, grandparents relations but I could not think of how I can use this to get relations like father's brothers(paternal uncle), wife's sisters(sister in law) etc
weighted graph https://github.com/msayson/weighted_graph - I used 0 to represent spouse and 1 to represent children. I could not go anywhere from here. I got confused on how to even get parents and children of a given person.
I explored a little bit about ruby prefix trees and rgl gem but I could not apply them to my application.
Please help. Thanks in advance!
I could figure out a way to get minimum relations using RubyTree itself. RubyTree has inbuilt methods like parent, siblings, children etc and also we can pass content to the nodes.
So I used these to get what I want. For example for creating a spouse I created a child node to the root node and passed a hash like {relation: spouse} in the content. In this way I am able to apply logic by putting conditions on this hash and get the relations that I want
tina = Tree::TreeNode.new('Tina', {gender: 'female', relation: 'root'})
mike = tina << Tree::TreeNode.new('Mike', {gender: 'male', relation: 'spouse'})
sofi = tina << Tree::TreeNode.new('sofi', {gender: 'female', relation: 'child'})
...... #add all children and their children like this
puts "--------siblings of sofi--------"
siblings_of_sofi.each do |sib|
if sib.content[:relation] == 'child'
puts sib.name
# assume tina has 4 sons and one of them is bob and alice is daughter of bob.
puts "--------alice paternal uncles--------"
puts alice.parent.name
puts alice.parent.content
if alice.parent.content[:relation] == 'spouse'
father = alice.parent.parent #as per the question child should be added through mother only, therefore alice is added as a child to bob's wife and bob's wife is added as a child to bob as {relation: spouse}
uncles = father.siblings
uncles.each do |uncle|
puts uncle.name if uncle.content[:gender] == 'male' && uncle.content[:relation] == 'child'

Ruby 2D Extracting Information

I am relatively new to coding and am learning ruby right now. I came across a problem where I have a huge data record (>100k record) consisting of unique ID and another consisting of the date of birth. So it's basically a 2D array. How do I go about creating a method such that every time when I key in method(year), it will give me all the unique ID of those born in the year i choose? And how do I loop this?
The method I tried doing is as follow:
def Id_with_year(year)
emPloyee_ID_for_searching_year = [ ]
if employeelist.select{|a,b| b == year}.map{|a,b| a}
return emPloyee_ID_for_searching_year
I should point out that the ID are sorted. That's why I am trying to sort the year in this method so that it will give me all the ID for the year I key in. The output I had was that it returned me [ ] with nothing inside instead of the ID.
Sidenote: methods in ruby are to be named in snake case (this is not mandatory, though.)
The problem you experience is you return what was never changed. The below should work:
def id_with_year(year)
employeelist.sort_by(&:last) # sorting by last element of array
.select{|_,b| b == year} # select
.map(&:first) # map to the first element

Separate characters and numbers following specific rules

I am trying to distinguish flight numbers.
flightno = "FR556"
split_data = flightno.upcase.match(/([A-Za-z]+)(\d+)/)
first = split_data[1] # FR
second = split_data[1] # 556
I then go on to query the database to find an airline based on the FR in this example and apply some logic with the result which is Ryanair.
My problem is when the flight number might be:
flightno = "U21920"
split_data = flightno.upcase.match(/([A-Za-z]+)(\d+)/)
first = split_data[1] # U
second = split_data[1] # 21920
i basically want first to be U2 not just U. This is used to search the database of airlines by their IATA code in this case is U2
In the interest of clarity i made some mistakes in terminology when asking my question. Due to the complexities of booking reference numbers, the input is taken from whatever the passenger provides. For an easyJet flight for example, the passenger may input EZY1920 or U21920 only the airline provides either so the passenger is ignorant really.
"U2" = IATA
I take the input from the user and try to separate the ICAO or IATA from the flight number "1920" but there is no way of determining that without searching the database or separating the input which i feel is cumbersome from a user experience point of view.
Using a regex to separate characters from numbers works until the user inputs an IATA as part of their flight number (the passenger won't know the difference) and as you can see in the example above this confuses the regex.**
The trouble is i cant think of any other pattern with flight numbers. They always have at least two characters made up of just letters or a mixture of a letter and a number and can be 3 characters in length. The numbers part can be as short as 1 but can also be as long as 4 - always numbers.
As has been mentioned in the comments, there is no fixed size however one thing that is always true (at least so far) is the first character will always be a letter regardless if it is ICAO or IATA.
After considering every bodies input so far i'm wondering if searching the database and returning airlines with an IATA or ICAO that matches the first two letters provided by the user (U2), (FR), (EZ) might be one way to go, however this is subject to obvious problems should an ICAO or IATA be released that matches another airline, for example "EZY" & "EZT". This is not future proof and i'm looking for better ruby or regex solutions.**
Appreciate your input.
I have answered my own question below. While other answers provide a solution for handling some conditions they would fall down if the flight number began with a number so i worked out a crass but to date stable way to analyse the string for digits and then work out if it is an ICAO or IATA from that.
A solution I think of is that you match your given flight number against a complete list of ICAO/IATA codes: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/datasets/airport-codes/master/data/airport-codes.csv
Spending some time with google might give you a more appropriate list.
Then use the first three characters (if that is the maximum) of your flight number to find a match within the icao codes. If you find one, you will know where to seperate your string.
Here a minimal ugly example that should set you on a track. Feel free to update!
ICAOCODES = %w(FR DEU U21) # grab your data here
def retrieve_flight_information(flightnumber)
ICAOCODES.each do |icao|
co = flightnumber.match(icao).to_s
if co.length > 0
# airline
puts co
# flight number
puts flightnumber.gsub(co,'')
#=> FR
#=> 556
#=> U21
#=> 214123
The biggest flaw lies in using .gsub() as it might mess up your flightnumber in case it looks like this: "FR21413FR2"
However you will find plenty of solutions to this problem on so.
As mentioned in the comments, a list of icao codes is not what you are looking for. But what is relevant here, is that you somehow need a list of strings that you can securely compare against.
I have a fairly crass solution that seems to be working in all scenarios i can throw at it to date. I wanted to make this available to anybody else that might find it useful?
The general rule of thumb for flight codes/numbers seems to be:
IATA: two characters made up of any combination letters and digits
ICAO: three characters made up of letters only (to date)
With that in mind we should be able to work out if we need to search the database by IATA or ICAO depending on the condition of the first three characters.
First we take the flight number and convert to uppercase
string = "U21920".upcase
Next we analyse the first three characters to check for any numbers.
first_three = string[0,3] # => U21
Is there a digit in first_three?
if first_three =~ /\d/ # => true
iata = first_three[0,2] # => If true lets get rid of the last character
# Now we go to the database searching IATA (U2)
search = Airline.where('iata LIKE ?', "#{iata}%") # => Starts with search, just in case
Otherwise if there isnt a digit found in the string
icao = string.match(/([A-Za-z]+)(\d+)/)
search = Airline.where('icao LIKE ?', "#{icao[1]}%")
This seems to work for the random flight numbers ive tested it with today from a few of the major airport live departure/arrival boards. Its an interesting problem because some airlines issue tickets with either an ICAO or IATA code as part of the flight number which means passengers won't know any different, not to mention, some airports provide flight information in their own format so assumign there isnt a change to the ICAO and IATA build then the above should work.
Here is an example script you can run
puts "What is your flight number?"
string = gets.upcase
first_three = string[0,3]
puts "Taking first three from #{string} is #{first_three}"
if first_three =~ /\d/ # Calling String's =~ method.
puts "The String #{first_three} DOES have a number in it."
iata = first_three[0,2]
search = Airline.where('iata LIKE ?', "#{iata}%")
puts "Searching Airlines starting with IATA #{iata} = #{search.count}"
puts "Found #{search.first.name} from IATA #{iata}"
puts "The String #{first_three} does not have a number in it."
icao = string.match(/([A-Za-z]+)(\d+)/)
search = Airline.where('icao LIKE ?', "#{icao[1]}%")
puts "Searching Airlines starting with ICAO #{icao[1]} = #{search.count}"
puts "Found #{search.first.name} from IATA #{icao[1]}"
Airline(id: integer, name: string, iata: string, icao: string, created_at: datetime, updated_at: datetime )
stick this in your lib folder and run
rails runner lib/test.rb
Obviously you can remove all of the puts statements to get straight to the result. I'm using rails runner to include access to my Airline model when running the script.

What would you use for `n to n` relations in python?

after fiddling around with dictionaries, I came to the conclusion, that I would need a data structure that would allow me an n to n lookup. One example would be: A course can be visited by several students and each student can visit several courses.
What would be the most pythonic way to achieve this? It wont be more than 500 Students and 100 courses, to stay with the example. So I would like to avoid using a real database software.
Since your working set is small, I don't think it is a problem to just store the student IDs as lists in the Course class. Finding students in a class would be as simple as doing
To find courses a student is in, just iterate over the courses and find the ID:
studentIDToGet = "johnsmith001"
studentsCourses = list()
for course in courses:
if studentIDToGet in course.studentIDs:
There's other ways you could do it. You could have a dictionary of studentIDs mapped to courseIDs or two dictionaries that - one mapped studentIDs:courseIDs and another courseIDs:studentIDs - when updated, update each other.
The implementation I wrote out the code for would probably be the slowest, which is why I mentioned that your working set is small enough that it would not be a problem. The other implentations I mentioned but did not show the code for would require some more code to make them work that just aren't worth the effort.
It depends completely on what operations you want the structure to be able to carry out quickly.
If you want to be able to quickly look up properties related to both a course and a student, for example how many hours a student has spent on studies for a specific course, or what grade the student has in the course if he has finished it, and if he has finished it etc. a vector containing n*m elements is probably what you need, where n is the number of students and m is the number of courses.
If on the other hand the average number of courses a student has taken is much less than the total number of courses (which it probably is for a real case scenario), and you want to be able to quickly look up all the courses a student has taken, you probably want to use an array consisting of n lists, either linked lists, resizable vectors or similar – depending on if you want to be able to with the lists; maybe that is to quickly remove elements in the middle of the lists, or quickly access an element at a random location. If you both want to be able to quickly remove elements in the middle of the lists and have quick random access to list elements, then maybe some kind of tree structure would be the most suitable for you.
Most tree data structures carry out all basic operations in logarithmic time to the number of elements in the tree. Beware that some tree data structures have an amortized time on these operators that is linear to the number of elements in the tree, even though the average time for a randomly constructed tree would be logarithmic. A typical example of when this happens is if you use a binary search tree and build it up with increasingly large elements. Don't do that; scramble the elements before you use them to build up the tree in that case, or use a divide-and-conquer method and split the list in two parts and one pivot element and create the tree root with the pivot element, then recursively create trees from both the left part of the list and the right part of the list, these also using the divide-and-conquer method, and attach them to the root as the left child and the right child respectively.
I'm sorry, I don't know python so I don't know what data structures that are part of the language and which you have to create yourself.
I assume you want to index both the Students and Courses. Otherwise you can easily make a list of tuples to store all Student,Course combinations: [ (St1, Crs1), (St1, Crs2) .. (St2, Crs1) ... (Sti, Crsi) ... ] and then do a linear lookup everytime you need to. For upto 500 students this ain't bad either.
However if you'd like to have a quick lookup either way, there is no builtin data structure. You can simple use two dictionaries:
courses = { crs1: [ st1, st2, st3 ], crs2: [ st_i, st_j, st_k] ... }
students = { st1: [ crs1, crs2, crs3 ], st2: [ crs_i, crs_j, crs_k] ... }
For a given student s, looking up courses is now students[s]; and for a given course c, looking up students is courses[c].
For something simple like what you want to do, you could create a simple class with data members and methods to maintain them and keep them consistent with each other. For this problem two dictionaries would be needed. One keyed by student name (or id) that keeps track of the courses each is taking, and another that keeps track of which students are in each class.
defaultdicts from the 'collections' module could be used instead of plain dicts to make things more convenient. Here's what I mean:
from collections import defaultdict
class Enrollment(object):
def __init__(self):
self.students = defaultdict(set)
self.courses = defaultdict(set)
def clear(self):
def enroll(self, student, course):
if student not in self.courses[course]:
def drop(self, course, student):
if student in self.courses[course]:
# remove student if they are not taking any other courses
if len(self.students[student]) == 0:
del self.students[student]
def display_course_enrollments(self):
print "Class Enrollments:"
for course in self.courses:
print ' course:', course,
print ' ', [student for student in self.courses[course]]
def display_student_enrollments(self):
print "Student Enrollments:"
for student in self.students:
print ' student', student,
print ' ', [course for course in self.students[student]]
if __name__=='__main__':
school = Enrollment()
school.enroll('john smith', 'biology 101')
school.enroll('mary brown', 'biology 101')
school.enroll('bob jones', 'calculus 202')
school.drop('biology 101', 'mary brown')
print 'After mary brown drops biology 101:'
Which when run produces the following output:
Class Enrollments:
course: calculus 202 ['bob jones']
course: biology 101 ['mary brown', 'john smith']
Student Enrollments:
student bob jones ['calculus 202']
student mary brown ['biology 101']
student john smith ['biology 101']
After mary brown drops biology 101:
Class Enrollments:
course: calculus 202 ['bob jones']
course: biology 101 ['john smith']
Student Enrollments:
student bob jones ['calculus 202']
student john smith ['biology 101']
