Access variables at play level - ansible

I use localhost and set_fact to store variables and access them in different playbooks.
- hosts: localhost
connection: local
gather_facts: False
- name: set_variables
cloudinit_fqdn: ''
security.nesting: 'false'
security.privileged: 'false'
version: 2
renderer: networkd
dhcp4: False
addresses: []
addresses: []
Now I want to use the cloudinit_fqdn at import_playbook:
- name: system configuration
import_playbook: "{{ hostvars['localhost']['cloudinit_fqdn'] }}_server_config.yml"
I tried different ways to get that variable, but I get errors like:
'ERROR! 'hostvars' is undefined'
I am not able to get access to that variable by:
- debug:
msg: '{{ vars }}'
ERROR! 'debug' is not a valid attribute for a Play
How can I use a variable at play-level?

Regarding your use case I've setup a short test to come around the syntax errors of the variable, as well the debug task.
- hosts: localhost
become: false
gather_facts: false
- name: Set variables
example_fqdn: ''
- name: Show variables
msg: "{{ hostvars['localhost'].example_fqdn }}"
While the example is working, adding
- name: Import playbook
import_playbook: "{{ hostvars['localhost'].example_fqdn }}.yml"
or even a simple
- name: Import playbook
import_playbook: "{{ example_fqdn }}.yml"
let the playbook run fail with
ERROR! 'hostvars' is undefined
ERROR! 'example_fqdn' is undefined
since the import is done during compile time, whereby the variable will be defined during runtime. Even not possible is
- name: Import playbook
import_playbook: "{{ to_import }}.yml"
to_import: "{{ example_fqdn }}"
as the import is static, not dynamic. Importing playbooks and Re-using playbooks seems not working in that way.
What is actually working is
- name: Import playbook
Furher Questions and Answers
Ansible: import_playbook fails with variable undefined error
Ansible: Skip import_playbook with variable definition
What's the difference between include_tasks and import_tasks


How can I access ansible facts of another server?

I am trying to access Ansible facts for a different host than my target host. Following is my sample playbook. But facts are not collected for util server when I run the below play. Can someone help me, how can I access facts of a different server?
- hosts: build
gather_facts: yes
dist: "{{ hostvars['util']['ansible_facts']['distribution'] }}"
- name: Demo Magic variables
var: "{{ dist }}"
Simply gather the needed facts from your desired server prior to using them. The simplest solution:
- name: Gather facts from util server
hosts: util
- name: Do our job
hosts: build
dist: "{{ hostvars['util']['ansible_facts']['distribution'] }}"
- name: Demo Magic variables
var: "{{ dist }}"

How to run a task only once during entire Ansible Playbook?

I have a Ansible playbook which does multiple things as below -
Download artifacts fron nexus into local server (Ansible Master).
Copy those artifacts onto multiple remote machines let's say server1/2/3 etc..
And I have used roles in my playbook and the role (repodownload) which downloads the artifacts I want to run it only once because why would i want to download the same thing again. I have tried to use run_once: true but i guess that won't work because that only works for one playbook run but my playbook is running multiple times for multiple hosts.
- name: Deploy my Application to tomcat nodes
hosts: '{{ target_env }}'
serial: 1
- role: repodownload
- repodownload
- role: copyrepo
- copyrepo
- role: stoptomcat
- stoptomcat
- role: deploy
- deploy
Here target_env is being passed from the command line and it's the remote host group.
Any help is appreciated.
Below is the code from main.yml from repodownload role -
- connection: local
name: Downloading files from Nexus to local server
get_url: url="{{ nexus_url }}/{{item}}/{{ myvm_release_version }}/{{item}}-{{ release_ver }}.war" dest={{ local_server_location }}
- "{{ temps }}"
This is a really simple one that I battled with too.
Try this:
- connection: local
name: Downloading files from Nexus to local server
url: "{{ nexus_url }}/{{item}}/{{ myvm_release_version }}/{{item}}-{{ release_ver }}.war"
dest: "{{ local_server_location }}"
- "{{ temps }}"
run_once: true
Just something else, unrelated to your main question;
When you run a module that has really long args, like in your example above, rather break the params into their own lines nested under the module. It makes for easier reading, and it makes it easier to spot any potential typos or syntax errors early.
Okay extending from your converstation with Zeitounator. The following workaround will work without changing your vars files. Just remember that this is a workaround, might not be the most efficient way to do the job.
- name: Download my repo to localhost
# Executes only for first host in target_env and has visibility to group vars of target_env
hosts: '{{ target_env }}[0]'
serial: 1
- role: repodownload
- repodownload
- name: Deploy my Application to tomcat nodes
# Executes for all hosts in target_env
hosts: '{{ target_env }}'
serial: 1
- role: copyrepo
- copyrepo
- role: stoptomcat
- stoptomcat
- role: deploy
- deploy

Change ansible inventory based on variables

Can a playbook load inventory list from variables? So I can easily customize the run based on chosen environment?
- name: include environment config variables
file: "{{ item }}"
- "../../environments/default.yml"
- "../../environments/{{ env_name }}.yml"
- name: set inventory
inventory.docker_host = " {{ env_docker_host }}"
Yes. Use the add_host module:
As I'm in ansible 2.3 I can't use the add_host module (see Jack's answer and add_host docs) and that would be a superior solution. Therefore, I'll use a different trick to augment an existing ansible inventory file, reload and use it.
- hosts: localhost
- name: include environment config variables
file: "{{ item }}"
- "../environments/default.yml"
- "../environments/{{ env_name }}.yml"
- name: inventory facts
run_once: true
my_host: "{{ env_host_name }}"
- name: update inventory for env
local_action: lineinfile
regexp={{ my_host }}
insertafter="[remotehosts]" line={{ my_host }}
- meta: refresh_inventory
- hosts: remotehosts
The pretasks process the environments yml with all the variable replacement etc and use that to populate hosts.inv prior to reloading via refresh_inventory
Any tasks defined beneath - hosts: remotehosts would execute on the remote host or hosts.

Trying to include a list of tasks from an playbook in Ansible

My folder structure:
First I'll give you this so you can see how this is laid out and reference it when reading below:
hosts // Inventory file
firewall_rules.yml // File I'm trying to bring in
playbook.yml // Root playbook, just brings in the plays
rev-proxy.yml // Reverse-proxy playbook, included by playbook.yml
- include: webserver.yml
- include: rev-proxy.yml
proxies.yml just contains firewall_custom_include_file: custom_tasks/firewall_rules.yml
- name: "Allowing traffic from webservers on 80"
ufw: src=, port=80, direction=in, rule=allow
- name: "Allowing traffic all on 443"
ufw: port=443, rule=allow
and finally rev-proxy.yml play:
- hosts: proxies
become: yes
- { role: firewall }
- { role: geerlingguy.nginx }
# jessie-backports for nginx-extras 1.10
- name: "Adding jessie-backports repo"
copy: content="deb jessie-backports main" dest="/etc/apt/sources.list.d/jessie-backports.list"
- name: Updating apt-cache.
apt: update_cache="yes"
- name: "Installing htop"
name: htop
state: present
- name: "Coopying SSL certificates"
copy: src=/vagrant/ansible/files/ssl/ dest=/etc/ssl/certs force=no
- name: "Including custom firewall rules."
include: "{{ inventory_dir }}/{{ firewall_custom_include_file }}.yml"
when: firewall_custom_include_file is defined
- ./vars/nginx/common.yml
- ./vars/nginx/proxy.yml
What I'm trying to do:
Using Ansible
I'm trying to include a list of tasks that will be run if a variable firewall_custom_include_file is set. The list is included relative to the inventory directory by doing "{{ inventory_dir }}/{{ firewall_custom_include_file }}.yml" - in this case that works out to /vagrant/ansible/environments/development/custom_tasks/firewall_rules.yml
Essentially the idea here is that I need to have different firewall rules be executed based on what environment I'm in, and what hosts are being provisioned.
To give a simple example: I might want to whitelist a database server IP on the production webserver, but not on the reverse proxy, and also not on my development box.
The problem:
Whenever I include firewall_rules.yml like above, it tells me:
TASK [Including custom firewall rules.] ****************************************
fatal: [proxy-1]: FAILED! => {"failed": true, "reason": "included task files must contain a list of tasks"}
I'm not sure what it's expecting, I tried taking out the tasks: at the beginning of the file, making it:
- name: "Allowing traffic from webservers on 80"
ufw: src=, port=80, direction=in, rule=allow
- name: "Allowing traffic all on 443"
ufw: port=443, rule=allow
But then it gives me the error:
root#ansible-control:/vagrant/ansible# ansible-playbook -i environments/development playbook.yml
ERROR! Attempted to execute "/vagrant/ansible/environments/development/custom_tasks/firewall_rules.yml" as inventory script: problem running /vagrant/ansible/environments/development/custom_tasks/firewall_rules.yml --list ([Errno 8] Exec format error)
Attempted to read "/vagrant/ansible/environments/development/custom_tasks/firewall_rules.yml" as YAML: 'AnsibleSequence' object has no attribute 'keys'
Attempted to read "/vagrant/ansible/environments/development/custom_tasks/firewall_rules.yml" as ini file: /vagrant/ansible/environments/development/custom_tasks/firewall_rules.yml:2: Expected key=value host variable assignment, got: name:
At this point I'm not really sure what it's looking for in the included file, and I can't seem to really find clear documentation on this, or other people having this issue.
Try to execute with -i environments/development/hosts instead of directory.
But I bet that storing tasks file inside inventory is far from best practices.
You may want to define list of custom rules as inventory variable, e.g.:
- src:
port: 80
direction: in
rule: allow
- port: 443
rule: allow
And instead of include task, make something like this:
- ufw:
port: "{{ item.port | default(omit) }}"
rule: "{{ item.rule | default(omit) }}"
direction: "{{ item.direction | default(omit) }}"
src: "{{ item.src | default(omit) }}"
with_items: "{{ custom_rules }}"

Ansible Dynamic Inventory

I'm running a playbook which houses multiple roles targets multiple hosts
The goal is to deploy a VM and use it's IP to deploy an app.
My playbook, has two roles, using "build_vm" role I'm able to display IP address via debug, yet when passing ipaddr variable to second role, Ansible complains that the variable is not defined
- hosts: linux
become: true
- build_vm
- tasks:
- debug: msg="{{ ipaddr }}"
- hosts: "{{ ipaddr }}"
- deploy_app
I have used set_fact with and ran into same issue, I wonder what I should be using here? dynamic inventory? I have searched sparse docs online and I'm unable to find an intuitive example to follow.
There are many ways to using add_host. In this example, I am adding the new host to a group and using it in a later play.
- hosts: linux
become: true
- build_vm
- tasks:
- debug: msg="{{ ipaddr }}"
- name: Add ipaddr to host inventory
add_host: name="{{ ipaddr }}" group=NewHostGroup
- hosts: NewHostGroup
- deploy_app
