jqgrid show checkbox even if multiselect is false - jqgrid

is it possible to show checkbox even if multiselect is false?

You can do this if you define additional column in colModel with custom formatter which return input of type checkbox.


How to show a column in the grid and hide it in the view dialog

I've used the information on this link to add a button to my grid and it works great. But I don't want that button to be displayed if the user opens that row in the view dialog. How can I hide this item in the view dialog?
I know that I can hide a column in the grid and then display it in the view dialog by using this syntax in the column definition:
, hidden: true, editrules: { edithidden: true },
But I see no way of reversing these options. I've played with different combinations of the above options, and the hidedlg option, but have had no luck.
To clarify, we are using the free version of jqGrid.
You wrote about "the view dialog" in the title of your question. Do you really mean View dialog or Edit dialog? View Dialog will be shown if you click on "View" button of navigator bar, but the button exists only if view: true option is used in navGrid. In the case you can use viewable: false property in the column.
If you want to hide the column in Edit dialog, then you can use editable: "hidden" property in the column (see the wiki article). The demo https://jsfiddle.net/OlegKi/ho803dvq/ uses properties
viewable: false, editable: "hidden"
in the last note column. The column will be shown in the grid, but the column is not visible in either View or Edit dialog.
If you use Guriddo jqGrid you can use the option viewable in colModel. Set this option to false in order to show the field in grid, but not in view form.
See the documentation for this here

Jqgrid: Adding a column filter with multiselect checkboxes with and ok button just like excel data filter

I have a Jqgrid implementation which has a column filter with checkbox list. It works as expected but the problem is it triggers the search on every check/uncheck of the values in the checkbox list in the column filter. what I want is to let user check/uncheck as many values he/she wants and then have a "ok" button to trigger the search just like the image :Excel Implementation
autosearch should be set to false and use triggerToolbar() when you presse the button.

How to display checkbox with values in filter menu

I am adding columns dynamically in the kendo ui grid. I have added property filterable as true. When I click the filter icon, it opens the default context menu.
What I want is on click of filter icon, I want to display checkbox along with value.
How can I do this.
Try setting filterable to true & columnMenu to false.
Perhaps this link from the official telerik documentation can help: Checkbox filter menu filtering The main idea is to use the filterMenuInit event to insert custom templates for every column needed.

Does jqgrid have some functionality to use multiselect in toolbar search?

I need to make toolbar search with select filter, that give ability to chose several items for one column. Is it possible to do this in jqgrid?
No, it is not possible in the current version of jqGrid.
The option multiple: true can be used in editoptions and it change the behavior of the form editing or the inline editing, but it will be ignored in the toolbar search.

jqGrid onselectrow

I'm using a jqGrid, and it gets populated fine. From the UI perspective, one of the columns in the jqGrid is editable. How can I make one of the columns as editable (say like a text box)?
The reason is, in my case when the grid successfully loads, the UI is going to show one of the column's values as editable.
If you're looking to edit the column values directly in the grid, similarly to how you might in Excel, look into the inline editing API:
In colmodel, you have to specify editable: true.Provide edit action link in editURL:... option of jqgrid.
you have to get the "id" of that column and then remove 'disabled' attribute on that.
for example -
In your colmodel you should specify editable as true i.e, editable:true and specify the editUrl:'localhost:8080/yourApp'
Also if you want to store it in the client side, then specify it as editUrl:'clientArray'
