Read huge Oracle data to SAS - oracle

I need to read in a very large Oracle table (half billion) and save it as a SAS dataset. Eventually I just pulled 1/6 of the oracle tables each time and extracted the data 6 times. Simplified Proc pass-through sql query provided below. But it still takes a long time. Any suggestion to further optimize the process so it will be faster/more efficient?
proc sql noprint;
connect to oracle (user='oooo' password='xxxx' path="ssss" readbuff=10000 preserve_comments);
create table work.sastbl&i. as
select * from connection to oracle
( select column1,
from oraSchema.oraTbl
%if &i. eq 6 %then %do;
where &&strt&i. <= memberID
%end;%else %do;
where &&strt&i. <= memberID
and memberID < &&end&i.
disconnect from oracle;

For the most part the main things you need to do are talk to your Oracle DBA and see if you can tune the settings - like READBUFF - to see if you can get a better pipe; or else consider another option than directly reading in SAS (can you schedule an export from Oracle?).
You might want to see if you can compare the time it takes to do the download with the theoretical time - meaning, what is the size of the network pipe to SAS from Oracle, and what is the time to do the query directly on Oracle. If you try to run the code directly in Oracle (SQL Developer, Toad, etc.) and it takes two hours, and SAS takes 2 hours to do the job, then you need to talk to the DBA to see what can be done to improve things; if you run it in 5 minutes in Oracle but SAS takes 2 hours, then you have things on the SAS side to figure out.


After upgrading from Sql Server 2008 to Sql Server 2016 a stored procedure that was fast is now slow

We have a stored procedure that returns all of the records that fall within a geospatial region ("geography"). It uses a CTE (with), some unions, some inner joins and returns the data as XML; nothing controversial or cutting edge but also not trivial.
This stored procedure has served us well for many years on SQL Server 2008. It has been running within 1 sec on a relatively slow server. We have just migrated to SQL Server 2016 on a super fast server with lots of memory and a super fast SDDs.
The entire database and associated application is going really fast on this new server and we are very happy with it. However this one stored procedure is running in 16 sec rather than 1 sec - against exactly the same parameters and exactly the same dataset.
We have updated the indexes and statistics on this database. We have also changed the compatibility level of the database from 100 to 130.
Interesting, I have re-written the stored procedure to use a temporary table and 'insert' rather than using the CTE. This has brought the time down from 16 sec to 4 sec.
The execution plan does not provide any obvious insights into where a bottleneck may be.
We are a bit stuck for ideas. What should we do next? Thanks in advance.
I have now spent more time on this problem than i care to admit. I have boiled down the stored procedure to the following query to demonstrate the problem.
drop table #T
declare #viewport sys.geography=convert(sys.geography,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
declare #outputControlParameter nvarchar(max) = 'a value passed in through a parameter to the stored that controls the nature of data to return. This is not the solution you are looking for'
create table #T
(value int)
insert into #T
select 136561 union
select 16482 -- These values are sourced from parameters into the stored proc
from GeoServices_Location
inner join GeoServices_GeographicServicesGateway
on GeoServices_Location.GeographicServicesGatewayId = GeoServices_GeographicServicesGateway.GeographicServicesGatewayId
(len(#outputControlParameter) > 0 and GeoServices_Location.GeographicServicesGatewayId in (select value from #T))
or (len(#outputControlParameter) = 0 and GeoServices_Location.Coordinate.STIntersects(#viewport) = 1)
and GeoServices_GeographicServicesGateway.PrimarilyFoundOnLayerId IN (3,8,9,5)
With the stored procedure boiled down to this, it runs in 0 sec on SQL Server 2008 and 5 sec on SQL Server 2016
Windows Server 2016 is choking on the Geospatial Intersects call with 94% of the time spent there. Sql Server 2008 is spending its time with with a bunch of other steps including Hash Matching and Parallelism and other standard stuff.
Remember this is the same database. One has just been copied to a SQL Server 2016 machine and had its compatibility level increased.
To get around the problem I have actually rewritten the stored procedure so that Sql Server 2016 does not choke. I have running in 250msec. However this should not have happened in the first place and I am concerned that there are other previously finely tuned queries or stored procedures that are now not running efficiently.
Thanks in advance.
Furthermore, I had a suggestion to add the traceflag -T6534 to start up parameter of the service. It made no difference to the query time. Also I tried adding option(QUERYTRACEON 6534) to the end of the query too but again it made no difference.
From the query plans you provided I see that spatial index is not used on newer server version.
Use spatial index hint to make sure query optimizer chose the plan with spatial index:
from GeoServices_Location with (index ([spatial_index_name]))...
I see that the problem with the hint is OR operation in query predicate, so my suggestion with hint actually won’t help in this case.
However, I see that predicate depends on #outputControlParameter so rewriting query in order to have these two cases separated might help (see my proposal below).
Also, from your query plans I see that query plan on SQL 2008 is parallel while on SQL 2016 is serial. Use option (recompile, querytraceon 8649) to force parallel plan (should help if your new superfast server has more cores then the old one).
if (len(#outputControlParameter) > 0)
from GeoServices_Location
inner join GeoServices_GeographicServicesGateway
on GeoServices_Location.GeographicServicesGatewayId = GeoServices_GeographicServicesGateway.GeographicServicesGatewayId
GeoServices_Location.GeographicServicesGatewayId in (select value from #T))
and GeoServices_GeographicServicesGateway.PrimarilyFoundOnLayerId IN(3,8,9,5)
option (recompile, querytraceon 8649)
from GeoServices_Location with (index ([SPATIAL_GeoServices_Location]))
inner join GeoServices_GeographicServicesGateway
on GeoServices_Location.GeographicServicesGatewayId = GeoServices_GeographicServicesGateway.GeographicServicesGatewayId
GeoServices_Location.Coordinate.STIntersects(#viewport) = 1
and GeoServices_GeographicServicesGateway.PrimarilyFoundOnLayerId IN (3,8,9,5)
option (recompile, querytraceon 8649)
check the growth of the data/log files on the new server (DBs) vs old server (DBs) configuration: the DB the query is running on + tempdb
check the log for I/O buffer errors
check recovery model of the DB's - simple vs full/bulk
is this a consistent behavior? maybe a process is running during the execution?
regarding statistics/indexes - are you sure it's running on correct data sample? (look at the plan)
many more things can be checked/done - but there is not enough info in this question.

Import blob through SAS from ORACLE DB

Good time of a day to everyone.
I face with a huge problem during my work on previous week.
Here ia the deal:
I need to download exel file (blob) from ORACLE database through SAS.
I am using:
First step i need to get data from oracle. I used the construction (blob file is nearly 100kb):
proc sql;
connect to oracle;
create table SASTBL as
select * from connection to oracle (
select dbms_lob.substr(myblobfield,1,32767) as blob_1,
dbms_lob.substr(myblobfield,32768,32767) as blob_2,
dbms_lob.substr(myblobfield,65535,32767) as blob_3,
dbms_lob.substr(myblobfield,97302,32767) as blob_4
from my_tbl;
And the result is:
blob_1 = 70020202020202...02
blob_2 = 02020202020...02
blob_3 = 02020202...02
I do not understand why the field consists from "02"(the whole file)
And the length of any variable in sas is 1024 (instead of 37767) $HEX2024 format.
If I ll take:
dbms_lob.substr(my_blob_field,2000,900) from the same object the result will mush more similar to the truth:
blob = "A234ABC4536AE7...."
The question is: 1. how can i get binary data from blob field correctly trough SAS? What is my mistake?
Thank you.
I get the information but max string is 2000 kb.
Use the DBMAX_TEXT option on the CONNECT statement (or a LIBNAME statement) to get up to 32,767 characters. The default is probably 1024.
PROC SQL uses SQL to interact with SAS datasets (create tables, query tables, aggregate data, connect externally, etc.). The procedure mostly follows the ANSI standard with a few SAS specific extensions. Each RDMS extends ANSI including Oracle with its XML handling such as saving content in a blob column. Possibly, SAS cannot properly read the Oracle-specific (non-ANSI) binary large object type. Typically SAS processes string, numeric, datetime, and few other types.
As an alternative, consider saving XML content from Oracle externally as an .xml file and use SAS's XML engine to read content into SAS dataset:
libname tempdata xml 'C:\Path\To\XML\File.xml';
data Work.XMLData;
set tempdata.NodeName; /* CHANGE TO REPEAT PARENT NODE OF XML. */
Adding as another answer as I can't comment yet... the issue you experienced is that the return of dbms_lob.substr is actually a varchar so SAS limits it to 2,000. To avoid this, you could wrap it in to_clob( ... ) AND set the DBMAX_TEXT option as previously answered.
Another alternative is below...
The code below is an effective method for retrieving a single record with a large CLOB. Instead of calculating how many fields to split the clob into resulting in a very wide record, it instead splits it into multiple rows. See expected output at bottom.
Disclaimer: Although effective it may not be efficient ie may not scale well to multiple rows, the generally accepted approach then is row pipelining PLSQL. That being said, the below got me out of a pinch if you can't make a procedure...
connect to oracle (authdomain=YOUR_Auth path=devdb DBMAX_TEXT=32767 );
create table clob_chunks (compress=yes) as
select *
from connection to Oracle (
, key
, level clob_order
, regexp_substr(clob_value, '.{1,32767}', 1, level, 'n') clob_chunk
SELECT id, key, clob_value
FROM schema.table
WHERE id = 123
CONNECT BY LEVEL <= regexp_count(clob_value, '.{1,32767}',1,'n')
order by id, key, clob_order;
disconnect from oracle;
Expected output:
1 1 1 short_clob
2 2 1 long clob chunk1of3
2 2 2 long clob chunk2of3
2 2 3 long clob chunk3of3
3 3 1 another_short_one
DBMAX_TEXT tells SAS to adjust the default of 1024 for a clob field.
The regex .{1,32767} tells Oracle to match at least once but no more than 32767 times. This splits the input and captures the last chunk which is likely to be under 32767 in length.
The regexp_substr is pulling a chunk from the clob (param1) starting from the start of the clob (param2), skipping to the 'level'th occurance (param3) and treating the clob as one large string (param4 'n').
The connect by re-runs the regex to count the chunks to stop the level incrementing beyond end of the clob.
SAS KB article for DBMAX_TEXT
Oracle docs for REGEXP_COUNT
Oracle docs for REGEXP_SUBSTR
Oracle regex syntax
Stackoverflow example of regex splitting

How to update an Oracle Table from SAS efficiently?

The problem I am trying to solve:
I have a SAS dataset work.testData (in the work library) that contains 8 columns and around 1 million rows. All columns are in text (i.e. no numeric data). This SAS dataset is around 100 MB in file size. My objective is to have a step to parse this entire SAS dataset into Oracle. i.e. sort of like a "copy and paste" of the SAS dataset from the SAS platform to the Oracle platform. The rationale behind this is that on a daily basis, this table in Oracle gets "replaced" by the one in SAS which will enable downstream Oracle processes.
My approach to solve the problem:
One-off initial setup in Oracle:
In Oracle, I created a table called testData with a table structure pretty much identical to the SAS dataset testData. (i.e. Same table name, same number of columns, same column names, etc.).
On-going repeating process:
In SAS, do a SQL-pass through to truncate ora.testData (i.e. remove all rows whilst keeping the table structure). This ensure the ora.testData is empty before inserting from SAS.
In SAS, a LIBNAME statement to assign the Oracle database as a SAS library (called ora). So I can "see" what's in Oracle and perform read/update from SAS.
In SAS, a PROC SQL procedure to "insert" data from the SAS dataset work.testData into the Oracle table ora.testData.
Sample codes
One-off initial setup in Oracle:
Step 1: Run this Oracle SQL Script in Oracle SQL Developer (to create table structure for table testData. 0 rows of data to begin with.)
DROP TABLE testData;
On-going repeating process:
Step 2, 3 and 4: Run this SAS code in SAS
******* On-going repeatable process starts here ******;
*** Step 2: Trancate the temporary Oracle transaction dataset;
proc sql;
connect to oracle (user=XXX password=YYY path=ZZZ);
execute (
truncate table testData
) by oracle;
execute (
) by oracle;
disconnect from oracle;
*** Step 3: Assign Oracle DB as a libname;
LIBNAME ora Oracle user=XXX password=YYY path=ZZZ dbcommit=100000;
*** Step 4: Insert data from SAS to Oracle;
insert into ora.testData
select NODENAME length=64,
STORAGE_NAME length=100,
TS length=10,
STORAGE_TYPE length=12,
CAPACITY_MB length=11,
MAX_UTIL_PCT length=12,
AVG_UTIL_PCT length=12,
from work.testData;
**** On-going repeatable process ends here *****;
The limitation / problem to my approach:
The Proc SQL step (that transfer 100 MB of data from SAS to Oracle) takes around 5 hours to perform - the job takes too long to run!
The Question:
Is there a more sensible way to perform data transfer from SAS to Oracle? (i.e. updating an Oracle table from SAS).
First off, you can do the drop/recreate from SAS if that's a necessity. I wouldn't drop and recreate each time - a truncate seems easier to get the same results - but if you have other reasons then that's fine; but either way you can use execute (truncate table xyz) from oracle or similar to drop, using a pass-through connection.
Second, assuming there are no constraints or indexes on the table - which seems likely given you are dropping and recreating it - you may not be able to improve this, because it may be based on network latency. However, there is one area you should look in the connection settings (which you don't provide): how often SAS commits the data.
There are two ways to control this, the DBCOMMMIT setting and the BULKLOAD setting. The former controls how frequently commits are executed (so if DBCOMMIT=100 then a commit is executed every 100 rows). More frequent commits = less data is lost if a random failure occurs, but much slower execution. DBCOMMIT defaults to 0 for PROC SQL INSERT, which means just make one commit (fastest option assuming no errors), so this is less likely to be helpful unless you're overriding this.
Bulkload is probably my recommendation; that uses SQLLDR to load your data, ie, it batches the whole bit over to Oracle and then says 'Load this please, thanks.' It only works with certain settings and certain kinds of queries, but it ought to work here (subject to other conditions - read the documentation page above).
If you're using BULKLOAD, then you may be up against network latency. 5 hours for 100 MB seems slow, but I've seen all sorts of things in my (relatively short) day. If BULKLOAD didn't work I would probably bring in the Oracle DBAs and have them troubleshoot this, starting from a .csv file and a SQL*LDR command file (which should be basically identical to what SAS is doing with BULKLOAD); they should know how to troubleshoot that and at least be able to monitor performance of the database itself. If there are constraints on other tables that are problematic here (ie, other tables that too-frequently recalculate themselves based on your inserts or whatever), they should be able to find out and recommend solutions.
You could look into PROC DBLOAD, which sometimes is faster than inserts in SQL (though all in all shouldn't really be, and is an 'older' procedure not used too much anymore). You could also look into whether you can avoid doing a complete flush and fill (ie, if there's a way to transfer less data across the network), or even simply shrinking the column sizes.

Oracle accessing multiple databases

I'm using Oracle SQL Developer version
I need to write a query that accesses multiple databases. All that I'm trying to do is get a list of all the IDs present in "TableX" (There is an instance of Table1 in each of these databases, but with different values) in each database and union all of the results together into one big list.
My problem comes with accessing more than 4 databases -- I get this error: ORA-02020: too many database links in use. I cannot change the INIT.ORA file's open_links maximum limit.
So I've tried dynamically opening/closing these links:
SELECT Xdb1.PUID FROM TableX#db1 Xdb1;
SELECT Xdb2.PUID FROM TableX#db2 Xdb2;
SELECT Xdb3.PUID FROM TableX#db3 Xdb3;
SELECT Xdb4.PUID FROM TableX#db4 Xdb4;
SELECT Xdb5.PUID FROM TableX#db5 Xdb5;
However this produces 'ORA-02081: database link is not open.' On whichever db is being closed out last.
Can someone please suggest an alternative or adjustment to the above?
Please provide a small sample of your suggestion with syntactically correct SQL if possible.
If you can't change the open_links setting, you cannot have a single query that selects from all the databases you want to query.
If your requirement is to query a large number of databases via database links, it seems highly reasonable to change the open_links setting. If you have one set of people telling you that you need to do X (query data from a large number of tables) and another set of people telling you that you cannot do X, it almost always makes sense to have those two sets of people talk and figure out which imperative wins.
If we can solve the problem without writing a single query, then you have options. You can write a bit of PL/SQL, for example, that selects the data from each table in turn and does something with it. Depending on the number of database links involved, it may make sense to write a loop that generates a dynamic SQL statement for each database link, executes the SQL, and then closes the database link.
If you want need to provide a user with the ability to run a single query that returns all the data, you can write a pipelined table function that implements this sort of loop with dynamic SQL and then let the user query the pipelined table function. This isn't really a single query that fetches the data from all the tables. But it is as close as you're likely to get without modifying the open_links limit.

SQL Performance - SSIS takes 2 mins to call a SProc, but SSMS takes <1 sec

I have an SSIS package that fills a SQL Server 2008 R2 DataWarehouse, and when it recreates the DW from scratch, it does several million calls to a stored procedure that does the heavy lifting in terms of calculations.
The problem is that the SSIS package takes days to run and shouldn't take that long. The key seems to be that when the SSIS package calls the SProc, it takes about 2 minutes for the SProc to return the results. But if I recreate the call manually (on the same database) it takes <1 sec to return the result, which is what I'd expect.
See this screen shot, in the top is the SQL Profiler Trace showing the call by the SSIS Package taking 130 seconds, and in the bottom is my recreation of the call, taking <1 sec.
The SProc queries the database, iterates through the results with a cursor, does a lot of calculations on pairs of records, and amalgamates the numbers into 2 results which get returned.
However the timing of the manual call, suggests to me that it's not an issue with the SProc itself, or any indexing issue with the database itself, so why would the SSIS package be taking so much longer than a manual call?
Any hints appreciated.
I don't have a solution for you, but I do have a suggestion and a procedure that can help you get more information for a solution.
Suggestion: a stored proc that gets called millions of times should not be using a cursor. Usually a cursor can be replaced by a few statements and a temp table or two. For temp tables with more than 10k rows or so, index it.
Procedure: At key places in your stored proc put a statement
declare #timer1 datetime = GetDate()
(some code)
declare #timer2 datetime = GetDate()
(more code)
declare #timer3 datetime = GetDate()
then, at the end:
datediff(ss,#timer1,#timer2) as Action1,
datediff(ss,#timer2,#timer3) as Action2
At that point, you'll know which part of your query is working differently. I'm guessing you've got an "Aha!" coming.
I suspect the real problem is in your stored procedure, but I've included some basic SSIS items as well to try to fix your problem:
Ensure connection managers for OLE DB sources are all set toDelayValidation ( = True).
Ensure that ValidateExternalMetadata is set to false
DefaultBufferMaxRows and DefaultBufferSize to correspond to the table's row sizes
DROP and Recreate your destination component is SSIS
Ensure in your stored procedure that SET ANSI_NULLS ON
Ensure that the SQL in your sproc hits an index
Add the query hint OPTION (FAST 10000) - This hint means that it will choose a query which will optimise for the first 10,000 rows – the default SSIS buffer size
Review your stored procedure SQL Server parameter sniffing.
Slow way:
create procedure GetOrderForCustomers(#CustID varchar(20))
select * from orders
where customerid = #CustID
Fast way:
create procedure GetOrderForCustomersWithoutPS(#CustID varchar(20))
declare #LocCustID varchar(20)
set #LocCustID = #CustID
select * from orders
where customerid = #LocCustID
It could be quite simple. Verify the indexes in the table. It could be similiar/conflicting indexes and the solution could be to drop one of them.
With the SQL query in SSMS have a look at the Execution plan and which index object is used. Is it the same for the slow SP?
If they use different indexes try to use the fast one in SP. Example how to:
FROM MyTable WITH (INDEX(IndexName))
WHERE MyIndexedColumn = 0
