Payment address of other country in google play console - google-play-console

I moved to another country and my personal payment address is no longer valid. Google's recommendation is to create another payment account with the actual address. But it makes me wonder:
Taxes of which country is going to be applied to my payments?
Do I need to verify my address the same way as in AdMob? Via verification PIN. And if yes, then what address they will send it to?
How do I withdraw the money I will earn? Is it through the AdSense system or somehow different?
Why do I wonder, you may ask? That's because I was forced to create totally new AdMob account when I moved to another country, but here Google says that it's enough to have just an additional payment address. Am I good?

On your original AdMob Account Add new payment method (new bank account from your new country) then cancel the first payment method (your old bank account)
Call AdMob Support and verify your new address, they will ask for a bill with your name or Bank statement from your new address (make sure your name in statement is identical to your passport and the new address is written in English)
Also they will ask you to fill W-8 form to identify if you working for USA or not.
Remember to close the new AdMob account if this worked properly.
The tax will apply to the country of the bank account which received the payment.


When using Square e-commerce API for Charge with Card On File is billing address still required to ensure ChargeBack protection?

For a normal charge transaction to a card through the API either the billing address or shipping address plus the email address needs to be provided to ensure that the transaction is covered under the Chargeback Protection rules. However when charging a customer's card on-file the billing address is already on-file with the card information. So can the billing address be omitted in the transaction request and still have the transaction covered under chargeback protection? or does the billing address for the card on file still need to be provided each transaction? Seems redundant if it is already on file. But don't want to lose chargeback protection by omitting.
You should submit the billing address with the charge request. You are right that it is "on file" with the card, but they are used in slightly different ways, so you should include that information with each charge you create. Ideally you'd store that with the customer record so it would be easy to pull out every time you charge.

Braintree hosted fields integration - edit existing card data

I'm using Braintree hosted fields to allow credit card payments, and users can use multiple cards.
How can I allow users to edit existing cards? For example, when a card is renewed by the bank, it keeps the same card number, but the expiration date and CVV change. I want users to be able to edit the expiration date and CVV to keep the card active. Is this possible, or does the user have to enter in a new card from scratch with the same card number?
Full disclosure: I work at Braintree. If you have any further questions, feel free to contact support
Once your customer has their payment method stored in a Vault record you can use their associated payment method token to run a PaymentMethod.update() call. Using the payment method update you can change most attributes of the stored method, and you can find a full list of those attributes here. When updating actual card information, such as CC number, expiration date, etc. it is recommended that you generate a nonce with the new information rather than entering it manually, but either will work just fine.

Paypal website payment hosted pro "Please select a valid card type." in iFrame

I am trying to update an existing Magento 1.9 EC site to start to use PayPal Website Payment Pro as payment method but am hitting an issue with the behaviour within the iframe.
I have created a sandbox account for both the buyer and business, the settings are working and I can make the payment if I use the "Pay with Paypal" button. The sandbox credit card also works if in the PayPal page I use it without being logged in.
But if I try to use the credit card in the iFrame I have the "Please select a valid card type." message show up. Invalid credit cards will not show that specific message.
It looks like it wants me to make an action to select Visa as the type, but the card type cannot be selected, it detects the number as a Visa card, greys out the other types and keeps the Visa one visible.
This seems to be all happening within the iFrame I use to host the result of the initial request which builds the form on the paypal site.
Also, the rest of the integration seems to be working, if we use the "Pay with Paypal" button, complete the credit card payment on that page we go back to the proper return page and the order records the payment in Magento.
Which makes me wonder why there is only an issue within that iFrame?
Is that solution not working? Should we look at some of the other options?
Log in to your developer paypal account.
choose the merchant account you have created and click the profile tab
Use the credit which is displayed under Funding Tab..
You can add more cards by logging into your using merchant account u created and goto profile->credit cards which is under financial information
Hope this helps

Admob account setup - what does "How you pay" and "What you pay with" means?

I have developed an android app and included admob banner ads (test ad) in it. Now I want to create a admob account and get a ad unit ID.
While setting up my account, I want to provide the payment details and methods by which the money from ad revenue will be sent to me.
When filling up the form, the payments screen says None selected. So I went to the "Billing" screen.
The billing screen has option to add bank details, but why it says "How you pay" and "What you pay with". Why do I have anything to pay at all? I am obviously doing something wrong.
Can anyone please let me know where can I provide the payment methods where I will receive the ad revenue?
You are doing wrong. After you earn minimum 10$ in your admob account. Then None Selected option will be available to you. In that option their will be choices available for you to attach bank or western union etc depending on your country.
I got 4$ in my admob account and i also have no option for setting bank for getting money. But in this month i got more then 100$ but still their is no option.. Admob still saying non selected. I am waiting for next month. then it will b available because after each month your earning is transfer to admob account.. other wise it is on hold the whole month..

Is there anyway of passing a shipping address to Google Checkout?

I'm looking into integrating Google Checkout into our website. At the checkout stage of our website we calculate the delivery cost based on where they are shipping to, however it appears to me that the user could change the shipping address once they reach Google Checkout i.e the user could indicate on our website that they want it shipped down the road, and then at Google Checkout indicate they want it shipped to Australia!
Is there anyway of passing a shipping address across to Google Checkout, and then prevent the user from changing that address? Failing that, is it at minimum possible to pass the shipping address to GC?
Consider using "merchant-calculated shipping".
Merchant-calculated shipping allows you to wait until the buyer selects the shipping address for an order before you determine the availability and cost of different shipping options for that order.
You must provide a callback URL and Google Checkout will call you back with the final shipping address and request from you the available shipping methods and costs.
More info in this doc:
If the order has been placed by this time, you should be OK - from
You may add shipping addresses to your
account or revise them at any time.
Changes cannot be applied to existing
orders; you will need to contact the
seller to request shipping address
Any changes you make to your shipping
address are not retroactive -- Once
the order is placed, any changes to
the order must be applied by the
seller. Contact the seller directly
with your request
