Getting initial data pattern in Xamarin Forms - xamarin

I'm trying to understand the pattern to use in Xamarin Forms when a page gets its initial data from a web API.
The page is tied to a ViewModel. Let's use this simple example:
public class DataFeedViewModel : BaseViewModel
public DateFeedViewModel()
Title = "My Feed";
public List<FeedItem> Feed { get; set; }
The DataFeedViewModel is bound to the page:
public MainPage()
this.BindingContext = new DataFeedViewModel();
As I understand it, I use the OnAppearing() method to fetch my initial set of data from the backend API:
protected override async void OnAppearing()
var result = await _myApiService.GetFeed();
// What's next? Do I simply do the following?
// new DataFeedViewModel
// {
// Feed = result
// }
Also a second but very important question is whether this pattern is the recommended approach.
As I learn about Xamarin and .NET Maui, I understand, the trend is to go from an event driven model to a more MVVM command driven approach.
I'm a bit confused about how to use a ViewModel to tap into these life cycle methods such as OnAppearing().

create an Init method on your VM
public class DataFeedViewModel : BaseViewModel
public DateFeedViewModel()
Title = "My Feed";
public List<FeedItem> Feed { get; set; }
public async void Init()
Feed = await _myApiService.GetFeed();
and then have your page call it
private DataFeedViewModel VM { get; set; }
public MainPage()
this.BindingContext = VM = new DataFeedViewModel();
protected override async void OnAppearing()
await VM.Init();


ItemsSource doesn't show/bind when ObservableCollection is filled before loading the page

I have a carouselview, in that view I have an ObservableCollection binded as an itemssource. I am able to bind the collection and it would show when I execute the viewmodel's command in the OnAppearing event.
Code that works:
Second Page
public partial class SecondPage : ContentPage
public Coll(bool hard, string subject)
var vm = (DataSelectionViewModel)BindingContext;
vm.Hard = hard;
vm.Subject = subject;
/* had to set "hard" and "subject" here again, otherwise data won't load */
protected override async void OnAppearing()
var vm = (DataSelectionViewModel)BindingContext;
await vm.LoadData.ExecuteAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
The viewmodel for second page
public class DataSelectionViewModel : BaseViewModel
private string subject;
public string Subject { get => subject; set => SetProperty(ref subject, value); }
private bool hard;
public bool Hard { get => hard; set => SetProperty(ref hard, value); }
public ObservableCollection<Items> FilteredData { get; set; }
public UserSelectionViewModel()
_dataStore = DependencyService.Get<IDataStore>();
LoadData= new AsyncAwaitBestPractices.MVVM.AsyncCommand(FilterData);
FilteredData = new ObservableCollection<Items>();
public async Task FilterData()
var filtereddata = await _dataStore.SearchData(Hard, Subject).ConfigureAwait(false);
foreach (var data in filtereddata)
First Page where second page gets Hard and Subject values
private async void ButtonClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
var vm = (BaseViewModel)BindingContext;
vm.Hard = HardButtonSelected == Hard;
vm.Subject = vm.Subject.ToLower();
await Navigation.PushAsync(new SecondPage(vm.Hard, vm.Subject));
So I want to change my code so that if I press the button on the first page, data instantly starts to filter and add to the ObservableCollection and when it's finished, then navigate to the second page. However if I try to load it to the BaseViewModel and then get the data from the second viewmodel it won't show the data.
Code that doesn't work:
Second Page
public partial class SecondPage : ContentPage
public SecondPage()
The viewmodel for second page
public class DataSelectionViewModel : BaseViewModel
public ObservableCollection<Items> FilteredData { get; set; }
public UserSelectionViewModel()
FilteredData = new ObservableCollection<Items>();
public class BaseViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
private string subject;
public string Subject { get => subject; set => SetProperty(ref subject, value); }
private bool hard;
public bool Hard { get => hard; set => SetProperty(ref hard, value); }
public ObservableCollection<Items> FilteredData { get; set; }
/* BaseViewModel has implementation of SetProperty */
First Page where second page gets Hard and Subject values
private async void ButtonClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
var vm = (BaseViewModel)BindingContext;
vm.Hard = HardButtonSelected == Hard;
vm.Subject = vm.Subject.ToLower();
First Page viewmodel
public class FirstPageViewModel : BaseViewModel
public IAsyncCommand MehetButtonClickedCommand { get; }
readonly IPageService pageService;
readonly IFeladatokStore _feladatokStore;
public FeladatValasztoViewModel()
_dataStore = DependencyService.Get<IDataStore>();
ButtonClickedCommand = new AsyncCommand(ButtonClicked);
pageService = DependencyService.Get<IPageService>();
private async Task ButtonClicked()
await FilterData();
await pageService.PushAsync(new SecondPage());
private async Task FilterData()
var datas = await _dataStore.SearchData(Subject, Hard).ConfigureAwait(false);
foreach (var data in datas)
So basically this gives a null exception error. I also tried giving the ObservableCollection as an argument for SecondPage(ObservableCollection x) and that did work, but because I had to make another ObservableCollection for it and copy from one to another it stopped being async and froze for a couple of seconds. So my question is how can I make this async?
To avoid delay, build the new collection in a private variable. Then set the property to that variable:
// Constructor with parameter
public SomeClass(IList<Items> data)
public ObservableCollection<Items> FilteredData { get; set; }
private void SetFilteredDataCopy(IList<Items> src)
var copy = new ObservableCollection<Items>();
foreach (var item in src)
FilteredData = copy;
//MAYBE OnPropertyChanged(nameof(FilteredData));

How can I access the value of a field in ViewModelA from another ViewModel that is called by ViewModelA

I have a page and a popup page.
public partial class PageA
public PageAViewModel vm;
public PageA()
BindingContext = vm = new PageAViewModel();
public partial class PageAViewModel
public int Field1;
public int Field2;
public int Field3;
public async Task OpenPopup()
PopupA popup = new PopupA();
await PopupNavigation.Instance.PushAsync(popup);
public void Method1() { }:
public partial class PopupA
public PopupViewModel vm;
public PopupA()
BindingContext = vm = new PopupViewModel();
public partial class PopupViewModel
// How can I get the value of Field1, Field2 and Field3 here?
// How can I call Method1 here?
pass a reference to the VM when creating the popup
PopupA popup = new PopupA(this);
then in PopupA
public PopupA(PageAViewModel vma)
BindingContext = vm = new PopupViewModel(vma);
then in PopupViewModel
public PopupViewModel(PageAViewModel vma)
// now this VM has a reference to PageAViewModel
note that this is not a great design approach and it is deeply coupling these two classes
You can do this by adding a design pattern in your project . I use MVVM Light and in that I add a ViewModelLocator class to create a singleton pattern.
Following the link and then you can write
var xyz = App.ViewModelLocator.YourViewModel.YourPublicProperty;

ICommand Xamarin Forms

I have a strange issue of getting null exception. I created class that implements ICommand interface, I have two methods.
public void Execute(object parameter)
private async void NavigateAsync()
await App.MainNavigation.PushAsync(new Pages.SettingsPage());
When NavigateAsync() is exectude my MainNavigation is always null, even that I can see that parameter inside Execute is set.
In my App.xaml.cs file I have created public static INavigation MainNavigation { get; set; }
public partial class App : Application
public static ViewModels.MainViewModel ViewModel { get; set; }
public static INavigation MainNavigation { get; set; }
public App ()
MainPage = new NavigationPage(new Paperboy.MainPage());
protected override void OnStart ()
// Handle when your app starts
protected override void OnSleep ()
// Handle when your app sleeps
protected override void OnResume ()
// Handle when your app resumes
Se when clicking icon i can se that command is executed but App.MainNavigation inside NavigateAsync() in null. So command is not executing PushAsync to SettingsPage.
You never instantiate your static MainNavigation property...
If I can give you 2 remarks:
instead of using a static property declared into your App.xaml.cs, maybe a better implementation could be to embed a Navigation getter into a specific 'service' class or directly into your Command definition:
public class MyCommand : ICommand
// Navigation getter
// There are better places for this prop but it's better
// than in app.xaml.cs
private INavigation MainNavigation
get => Application.Current?.MainPage?.Navigation;
public void Execute(object parameter)
private async void NavigateAsync()
await MainNavigation?.PushAsync(new Pages.SettingsPage());
catch(){ ... }
Another point I would like to note, is that your Command looks like asynchronous. Maybe you already know, but here is a good implementation of async commands to avoid app crashes: Asynchronous commands
I hope it can help you. Happy coding !

Windows Phone Page navigation in MVVM

I am using MVVM in one of the app. I have created different project for Model, View and View Model.
I need to navigate to another XAML from ViewModel. I found some solution using MVVM light. Is there any way of implementing navigation from view model without using MVVM light.
Simple as that,
IF you want to navigate from page1 to page2,
private void MoveToPage2FromPage1()
NavigationService.Navigate(new Uri("/Page2.xaml", UriKind.Relative));
How to perform page navigation on Windows Phone 8
You can store current page url on a notify property of Shared ViewModel in App. After that, it is easy to catch the change of this url and navigate to the correct url by observing it.
public class AppViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
public string CurrentPageURL { get; set; }
private string _currentPageURL;
public string CurrentPageURL
get { return _currentPageURL;}
if (_currentPageURL==value)
return; // to prevent reload the same page.
_currentPageURL = value;
// INotifyPropertyChanged implementations
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
public void NotifyPropertyChanged(String info)
if (PropertyChanged != null)
PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(info));
// Store in static singleton instance of AppViewModel
public class App : Application
private static Lazy<AppViewModel> _ViewModel=new Lazy<ViewModel>();
public static AppViewModel ViewModel { get { return _ViewModel.Value; } }
public App()
AppViewModel.PropertyChanged=(s,a) =>
if (a.PropertyName=="CurrentPageURL")
NavigationService.Navigate(new Uri(AppViewModel.CurrentPageURL, UriKind.Relative));
// Usage sample
public class Page1ViewModel
private btnMoveNextPage_Click(object s, EventHandler a) {

NavigationService throws NullReferenceException

Using MVVM Light, I'm trying to develop a rather simple WP7 application. I've run into a problem using the navigation service. I can navigate to a page, but after pressing the back button I can't navigate to the same page again. NavigationService throws a NullReferenceException.
I have implemented my navigation using Messaging from the GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Messaging namespace. All my views inherits from a customized PhoneApplicationPage base class that registrers a listener on "NavigationRequest":
public class PhoneApplicationPage : Microsoft.Phone.Controls.PhoneApplicationPage
public PhoneApplicationPage() : base()
Messenger.Default.Register<Uri>(this, "NavigationRequest", (uri) => NavigationService.Navigate(uri));
From my view models I post Uri's to this listener:
SendNavigationRequestMessage(new Uri("/View/AppSettingsView.xaml", UriKind.Relative));
Like i said, this works except when navigating after pressing the Back button.
Why is this and how can I solve it?
Is there a better way to implement navigation using MVVM Light?
I'm using MVVM Light as well. I have a class called PageConductor, which is based on what John Papa (Silverlight MVP) from Microsoft uses. Here's the PageConductor Service I use
public class PageConductor : IPageConductor
protected Frame RootFrame { get; set; }
public PageConductor()
Messenger.Default.Register<Messages.FrameMessage>(this, OnReceiveFrameMessage);
public void DisplayError(string origin, Exception e, string details)
string description = string.Format("Error occured in {0}. {1} {2}", origin, details, e.Message);
var error = new Model.Error() { Description = description, Title = "Error Occurred" };
Messenger.Default.Send(new Messages.ErrorMessage() { Error = error });
public void DisplayError(string origin, Exception e)
DisplayError(origin, e, string.Empty);
private void OnReceiveFrameMessage(Messages.FrameMessage msg)
RootFrame = msg.RootFrame;
private void Go(string path, string sender)
RootFrame.Navigate(new Uri(path, UriKind.Relative));
public void GoBack()
In my MainPage.xaml.cs constructor, I have this, which creates an instance of my ContentFrame in my PageConductor service.:
Messenger.Default.Send(new Messages.FrameMessage() { RootFrame = ContentFrame });
I then use dependency injection to instantiate an instance of my PageConductor Service into my MainPage ViewModel. Here is my MainViewModel class:
protected Services.IPageConductor PageConductor { get; set; }
public RelayCommand<string> NavigateCommand { get; set; }
public MainViewModel(Services.IPageConductor pageConductor)
PageConductor = pageConductor;
private void RegisterCommands()
NavigateCommand = new RelayCommand<string>(
(source) => OnNavigate(source));
private void OnNavigate(string sender)
PageConductor.GoToView(sender, "main");
Notice the instance of my PageConductorService as a parameter in my MainViewModel constructor method. I pass this in via my ViewModelLocator:
private readonly TSMVVM.Services.ServiceProviderBase _sp;
public ViewModelLocator()
_sp = Services.ServiceProviderBase.Instance;
#region MainPageViewModel
public static MainViewModel MainStatic
Services.ServiceProviderBase SP = Services.ServiceProviderBase.Instance;
if (_main == null)
return _main;
Justification = "This non-static member is needed for data binding purposes.")]
public MainViewModel Main
return MainStatic;
public static void ClearMain()
_main = null;
public static void CreateMain(Services.ServiceProviderBase SP)
if (_main == null)
_main = new MainViewModel(SP.PageConductor);
For further reference, my Messages.FrameMessage class is simply:
internal class FrameMessage
public Frame RootFrame { get; set; }
I've had no issues with forward/back buttons.
