enforce enum serialization with a spring jpa projection? - spring

Say I have the following JPA entity, with an enum field ON/OFF mapped to an SQL enum("on", "off").
public class Process {
private Long Id;
#Convert(converter = StatusConverter.class)
private Status status;
// getter/setter omitted
public enum Status {
private final String status;
Status(String status) {
this.status = status;
// JSON (de)serialization
public static Status decode(String status) {
return valueOf(status.toUpperCase());
public getStatus() {
return status;
// DAO layer conversion
public String toDatabaseColumn() {
return this.name().toLowerCase();
public class StatusConverter implements AttributeConverter<Status, String> {
public String convertToDatabaseColumn(Status attribute) {
return attribute.toDatabaseColumn();
public Status convertToEntityAttribute(String dbData) {
return Status.decode(dbData);
// Spring JPA projection
public interface ProcessSummary {
String getStatus();
// a minimalist JPA repository
public interface ProcessRepository extends Repository<Process, Long> {
<T> T findById(Long id, Class<T> type;
If I use repository.findById(1L, Process.class) in a REST controller, both the DAO layer conversion and the JSON serialization work as expected :
my database record has its status set to on
it is mapped to the Java Status.ON
the entity is serialized as
"status" : "on"
But if I use repository.findById(1L, ProcessSummary.class) instead, the entity is serialized as
"status" : "ON"
How can I get the same result when using a projection as target type? Is it possible with a projection, or should I try something else (a DTO class maybe)?

Sorry folks, it was just me and a textbook case of of PEBKAC :)
The getStatus() method in the interface MUST return a Status, not a String.
public interface ProcessSummary {
String getStatus();
does what it's asked: converts the enum to a String, hence Status.ON is serialized as "ON", while
public interface ProcessSummary {
Status getStatus();
indeed uses the #JsonValue annotated method and serializes Status.ON as "on".


Fix string contraints on JPA entity attribute

I am new in JPA,
I want to set only specific fix department names to attribute in entity as a fix string as constraints.I.e default values to attributes.
How to set it?
I think the best option is to use enumerated as indicated by Dinesh Dontha, try this:
public class MyEntity implements Serializable(){
private MyEnum attribute;
public enum MyEnum {
private String shortName;
private MyEnum(String shortName) {
this.shortName = shortName;
public String getShortName() {
return shortName;
public static MyEnum fromShortName(String shortName) {
switch (shortName) {
case "N1":
return NacionalidadEnum.NAME1;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("ShortName [" + shortName
+ "] not supported.");
#Converter(autoApply = true)
public class MyEntityEnumConverter implements AttributeConverter<MyEnum, String> {
public String convertToDatabaseColumn(MyEnum myEnum) {
return myEnum.getShortName();
public MyEnum convertToEntityAttribute(String dbData) {
return MyEnum.fromShortName(dbData);

Jackson: Multiple Serializers on the same entity when differents Rest EndPoint are called

I'm trying to avoid using the DTO antipattern when different EndPoint are called, where each returns a distinct representation of the same entity. I'd like to take advantage of the serialization that Jackson performs when I return the entity in the Rest EndPoint. This means that serialization is only done once and not twice as it would be with a DTO (entity to DTO and DTO to Json):
EndPoints example:
public ResponseEntity<List<Event>> getAllEvents(){
try {
List<Event> events = (List<Event>) eventsRepository.findAll();
return new ResponseEntity<List<Event>>(
events, HttpStatus.OK);
}catch(IllegalArgumentException e) {
return new ResponseEntity<List<Event>>(HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST);
public ResponseEntity<Event> retrieveEvent(#PathVariable String code){
Optional<Event> event = eventsRepository.findByCode(code);
return event.isPresent() ?
new ResponseEntity<Event>(event.get(), HttpStatus.OK) :
new ResponseEntity<Event>(HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST);
Serializer (class that extends of StdSerializer):
public void serialize(Event value, JsonGenerator gen,
SerializerProvider provider) throws IOException {
if(firstRepresentation) {
//First Representation
gen.writeNumberField("id", value.getId());
gen.writeObjectField("creation", value.getCreation());
for (EventTrack eventTrack : value.getEventsTracks()) {
gen.writeNumberField("id", eventTrack.getId());
gen.writeObjectField("startTime", eventTrack.getStartTime());
gen.writeObjectField("endTime", eventTrack.getEndTime());
gen.writeNumberField("priority", eventTrack.getPriority());
gen.writeNumberField("id", eventTrack.getUser().getId());
gen.writeNumberField("id", eventTrack.getState().getId());
gen.writeStringField("name", eventTrack.getState().getName());
}else if(secondRepresentation) {
//Second Representation
#JsonSerialize(using = EventSerializer.class)
public class Event implements Comparable<Event>{
private Long id;
private String code;
private Timestamp creation;
private String description;
private EventSource eventSource;
private String title;
private Category category;
private List<EventTrack> eventsTracks;
private List<ProtocolTrack> protocolTracks;
public void addEventTrack(#NonNull EventTrack eventTracks) {
public EventTrack getLastEventTrack() {
return eventsTracks.get(eventsTracks.size() - 1);
public int getLastPriority() {
return getLastEventTrack().getPriority();
public void generateUUIDCode() {
this.code = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
public int compareTo(Event o) {
return this.getLastPriority() - o.getLastPriority();
So, so far I have been able to serialize a representation type with a class that extend of StdDeserializer, but this doesn't give me the flexibility to extend the representations of the same entity attributes in multiple ways. Although I've tried it with Json annotations, but I realize that the more representations the entity class has, it can get very complex, something that it should be simple. Maybe some idea how I could do it.
Thank you.
If you want to define multiple representations of the same bean you could use Jackson JsonView.
With json views you can set different strategies to define which property will be serialized in the response and so use different views by endpoint.
Documentation here : https://www.baeldung.com/jackson-json-view-annotation
Just don't forget that you doing REST here....avoid expose too many representations of the same resource

Custom Source presence checking method name in MapStruct

is it posible to generate a custom "presence checking" method name, being a method of the property itself rather the owning object?
I know I can use hasProperty() methods to check for presence of a value...
but with Optional or JsonNullable (from OpenApi nonullable) that checking method is on the property itself, not on the owning object... :-(
I can map JsonNullable or Optional easyly 'using' or extending a simple custom Mapper
public class JsonNullableMapper {
public <T> T fromJsonNullable(final JsonNullable<T> jsonNullable) {
return jsonNullable.orElse(null);
public <T> JsonNullable<T> asJsonNullable(final T nullable) {
return nullable != null ? JsonNullable.of(nullable) : JsonNullable.undefined();
what I would like to achieve is something like this as "presence check":
if(source.getProperty().isPresent()) {
Any one found a solution for this?
Thanks and regards
I have managed to implement custom lombok extension which generates "presence checknig" methods.
Here is an example project. In short I added #PresenceChecker annotation and implemented Lombok Javac Annotation handler.
It's possible to use it together with other Lombok annotations:
public class User {
private String name;
public class UserUpdateDto {
private String name;
//MapStruct Mapper interface declaration
public interface UserMapper {
void updateUser(UserUpdateDto dto, #MappingTarget User user);
Generated code:
public class User {
private String name;
public String getName() {
return this.name;
public void setName(String name) {
this.name = name;
public class UserUpdateDto {
private boolean hasName;
private String name;
public String getName() {
return this.name;
public void setName(String name) {
this.name = name;
this.hasName = true;
public boolean hasName() {
return this.hasName;
//MapStruct Mapper implementation
public class UserMapperImpl implements UserMapper {
public void updateUser(UserUpdateDto dto, User user) {
if ( dto == null ) {
if ( dto.hasName() ) {
user.setName( dto.getName() );
The answer is unfortunately a straight no.
It is not possible in the current version of MapStruct (1.3.1final) and its not on the shortlist for 1.4.0. You could open up an issue on the git repo of MapStruct as feature request.

Deserializing interfaces with Spring Data MongoDB

i've currently a problem with the serialize/deserialize in MongoDB of an object that contains an attribute defined by a marker interface. The implementations are Enum.
My versions are Spring 4.3.7 and Spring-data-mongodb 1.10.1.
My code sounds like:
public interface EventType {
String getName();
public interface DomainEvent extends Serializable {
UUID getId();
LocalDateTime getOccurredOn();
EventType getEventType();
String getEventName();
public abstract class AbstractDomainEvent implements DomainEvent {
private UUID id;
private LocalDateTime occurredOn;
private EventType eventType;
protected AbstractDomainEvent(EventType eventType) {
this.id = UUID.randomUUID();
this.occurredOn = LocalDateTime.now();
this.eventType = eventType;
public class MyEventOne extends AbstractDomainEvent {
private Object myConcreteData;
public MyEventOne(Object data) {
this.myConcreteData = data;
public enum MyEventType implements EventType {
public String getName() {
return this.name();
Ok, well.
My problem is when I try to deserialize an event persisted in mongoDB.
When I persist MyEventOne, Spring data mongo persist the object as:
"_class" : "xxx.xxx.xxx.MyEventOne",
"_id" : LUUID("d74478e7-258c-52c4-4fc5-aba20a30d4b6"),
"occurredOn" : ISODate("2018-02-21T14:39:53.549Z"),
"eventType" : "EVENT_ONE"
Note the eventType is a String.
When I try to read this document, I have this exception:
org.springframework.core.convert.ConverterNotFoundException: No converter found capable of converting from type [java.lang.String] to type [xxx.xxx.xxx.EventType]
Any idea? there a some solution like a insert metadata information about the concrete Enum instance, like a "_class" field?
I try insert #JsonTypeInfo annotation in EventType attribute at AbstractDomainEvent but it doesnt works.
Thank you!!!

No composite key property found for type error in Spring JPA2

I have an error in spring JPA
org.springframework.data.mapping.PropertyReferenceException: No property CompanyId found for type CompanyUserDetail!
public class CompanyUserKey implements Serializable {
public CompanyUserKey() {
#Column(name = "company_id")
private UUID companyId;
#Column(name = "user_name")
private String userName;
public UUID getCompanyId() {
return companyId;
public void setCompanyId(UUID companyId) {
this.companyId = companyId;
public String getUserName() {
return userName;
public void setUserName(String userName) {
this.userName = userName;
#Table(name = "company_user_detail")
public class CompanyUserDetail {
CompanyUserKey companyUserkey;
public CompanyUserKey getCompanyUserkey() {
return companyUserkey;
public void setCompanyUserkey(CompanyUserKey companyUserkey) {
this.companyUserkey = companyUserkey;
I am trying to access below method Service layer
public interface CompanyUserRepository extends JpaRepository<CompanyUserDetail, CompanyUserKey> {
public List<CompanyUserDetail> findByCompanyId(UUID companyId);
How can I achieve this ?
Since in java model your CompanyUserKey is a property in the CompanyUserDetail class, I believe you should use full path (companyUserkey.companyId) to reach companyId:
public List<CompanyUserDetail> findByCompanyUserkeyCompanyId(UUID companyId);
Also note that you have a naming inconsistency: field in CompanyUserDetail is named companyUserkey instead of companyUserKey.
Assuming you are not using spring-data-jpa's auto generated implementations, your method contents might look something like the following:
FROM CompanyUserDetail c WHERE c.companyUserKey.companyId = :companyId
Now simply provide that query to the EntityManager
entityManager.createQuery( queryString, CompanyUserDetail.class )
.setParameter( "companyId", companyId )
The key points are:
Query uses a named bind parameter called :companyId (not the leading :).
Parameter values are bound in a secondary step using setParameter method variants.
createQuery uses a second argument to influence type safety so that the return value from getResultList is a List<CompanyUserDetail> just like you requested.
Looking at spring-data-jpa's implementation however, I suspect it could look like this:
public interface CustomerUserRepository
extends JpaRepository<CompanyUserDetail, CompanyUserKey> {
#Query("select c FROM CompanyUserDetail c WHERE c.companyUserKey.companyId = :companyId")
List<CompanyUserDetail> findByCompanyId(#Param("companyId") UUID companyId);
