Protect Oracle database server and Listener from distributed denial-of-service(DOS) attack - oracle

I'm finding for best practices and adequate steps to secure oracle server 11G Enterprise edition and network listener from malicious clients.
Any recommendations? Thank you!

Malicious clients can attempt to flood database servers with connect requests that consume resources. This is a possible scenario for a distributed DoS attack.
To prevent this scenario, use the SQLNET.INBOUND_CONNECT_TIMEOUT in the
sqlnet.ora file and INBOUND_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_listener_name parameters in conjunction.
SQLNET.INBOUND_CONNECT_TIMEOUT should be set to a value in seconds and
it determines how long a client has to provide the necessary authentication information to a database because it is possible for connections without authentication to stay open indefinitely.
It is also recommended to set a value for the INBOUND_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_listenername parameter in the listener.ora file to determine how long a client has to complete its connect request to the listener after the network connection has been established.
Then database server terminates the connection if the client fails to establish a connection and complete authentication within the time limit. Therefore, to protect both the database server and the listener, Oracle recommends setting
both these parameters in combination.


JDBC pooling related to ntp sync?

We're having a connection timeout issue from an API pooling connections to an informix connection manager which forwards the queries to the appropriate informix database server.
Recently, I've set up the mail service and realized that we're having delays in receiving the mail send and after troubleshooting I saw that the database server is not syncronized at all with the API ( 2+ minutes difference ).
I've read somewhere that time sync is important when using jdbc pooling but I can't find to much information regarding this on internet. The timeout kinda makes sense because of the tcp keepalive.
Had anyone experienced or know about this ?
Thank you,
It is common to intermix database timestamps and local timestamps. This causes issues when the server times are different. If the mail server is looking for records before the current time, there could be a two minute delay before mail is sent.
Email may be delayed in transit between servers. Check the Received headers to see if there are any unexpected delays. (You will need to compensate for time variances on the servers.
Normally, you would use NTP to ensure the time is the same on all servers. Within a data center it should be able to synchronize times to a millisecond or so.

Restricting EMS cliemt connections

Hi Our EMS server is used by other clients for putting message. But some time they dont close connections and number of connections is reaching maximum limit of the server. Is there any way where we can restrict the number of connections for the client based on emsusername provided to the client or based on the host name from where client is creating connection. Is there any configuration we can do for client specific connections restriction.
No, there is no such provision in EMS server or client libraries where you can restrict the number of consumer/producer clients based on their user names or other properties. You can have a look at the JAAS and JACI provision supported by EMS which can be used to write your own JAVA authentication custom modules which run in JVM within EMS server. You can find more information about JAAS and JACI on Oracles documentation site.
Have you looked into the server_timeout_client_connection setting ?
From the doc :
server_timeout_client_connection = limit
In a server-to-client connection, if the server does not receive a heartbeat for a
period exceeding this limit (in seconds), it closes the connection.
We recommend setting this value to approximately 3 times the heartbeat interval, as it is specified in client_heartbeat_server.
Zero is a special value, which disables heartbeat detection in the server (although
clients still send heartbeats).

MQ client connect to remote MQ server have insufficient authority

Now I use the websphere MQ client connect to remote MQ Server(7.0 version) using c#, and occurs a problem of authority,Which is the user running the MQ client application have insufficient authority to access qmgr.Then I use the 'setmqaut' command to grand the user sufficient authority and it works.
I think it's not very convenient and must be a better way.May via adding user's IP in MQ Server? But I have no idea how to do it.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
WebSphere MQ does not perform any authentication. Local applications are authenticated by the operating system and so their ID can be trusted. (By definition, if you cannot trust the local OS authentication then the entire server is compromised.) Just as with local connections, WMQ trusts that the ID connecting remotely is genuine. It is up to the WMQ administrator to determine what level of authentication to employ. In WMQ v7 there are two choices - authenticate with SSL/TLS channels, or use a channel exit to authenticate.
In either case, it is the channel's MCAUSER value that decides what ID is used for authorization. If the MCAUSER is left blank then the channel will use the user ID that the client sends. In your case you received a 2035 error because the client sent an ID that was not in the administrative (mqm) group. Had your client sent the ID 'mqm' (or on Windows 'MUSR_MQADMIN'), the connection would have succeeded. If your program is Java or JMS, the ability to select the ID presented is part of the API. Just tell the QMgr who you want to be.
If you are willing to allow remote connections to execute OS commands on the server, then just put the administrative ID in the channel's MCAUSER. (For example, MCAUSER('mqm') on UNIX/Linux or typically MCAUSER('MUSR_MQADMIN') for Windows.) However, be aware that remote users with admin rights can remotely execute arbitrary OS command-line code using the QMgr. This is a feature of WMQ and not a bug, hence we NEVER recommend this in Production. In fact, I personally recommend that development environments enable security. Waiting until Production to figure out how to authenticate connections and what authorizations are needed often leads to unnecessary deployment delays.
If you want to use IP filtering to mitigate that threat, you can either move to WMQ v7.1 which includes this feature natively, or use an exit such as BlockIP2. Either of these solutions will allow you to create rules that filter incoming connection requests by IP address, user ID, etc.
Note that on a v7.0 QMgr all the channels are unprotected by default. So even if you filter incoming requests on one channel, if the others are left in their default state, anyone can still connect and execute commands as the administrator. For a comprehensive review of all this, please take a look at the Hardening WebSphere MQ presentation at Scroll down to the v7.0 presentations.

windows server 2003 - unable to create socket - exception

I have the following system:
A Windows 2003 server running WebSphere Application Server, listening on port 8080.
A lot of clients of this server.
I tried a loads test - making clients connect to the server and asking for services. This didn't end well: Many clients were denied service and the server started reporting it was unable to create new sockets.
My question is which parameters should I change in my Windows?
I thought about number of connections, but I am not sure this exists on 2003 (from what I have read). Instead, there is a number of userPorts, which I don't think is what I need, since I am only using one port (8080) on the server side.
Am I wrong assuming that I am only using one port in the server side?
Are there parameters for number of connections per port, per system, or perhaps this is affected by the amount of data transferred. I pass a lot of data, so a reference to amount of data (if there is such a parameter that might limit, I am glad to hear it).
Should I also reduce the amount of wait each connection waits after tear down? This may allow the pool of connections to be more available. If so which Parameter is this?
Any other parameters that are consistent with this problem?

How to clear the ODP.NET connection pool on connection errors?

I'm using NHibernate and ODP.NET to connect to a Oracle 11g database. Of course there can be connection errors (network failure, DB down, ...). I'm handling all these exceptions in my code, so no problem there. But of course the user can retry his actions (maybe it was just a short network failure), and there comes my problem:
ODP.NET is using connection pooling by default. No problem with that usually, but when the user retries an action after a connection error, NHibernate gets an invalid (pooled) connection from ODP.NET. The user has to retry it multiple times (until the pool is empty) to get it working again.
Of course I can disable connection pooling in ODP.NET, but I'd like to avoid that. I've also read about a setting that checks the connection to the DB for each returned connection from the pool, but this adds an additional round trip to each connection which I'd like to avoid too.
Is there any way to configure ODP.NET to automatically clear the connection pool when any connection throws an connection exception?
If you can use odac (odp) 11g, you have setting Validate Connection for your pool. It can validate the connection before you use it.
The Validate Connection attribute validates connections coming out of the pool. This attribute should be used only when absolutely necessary, because it causes a round-trip to the database to validate each connection immediately before it is provided to the application. If invalid connections are uncommon, developers can create their own event handler to retrieve and validate a new connection, rather than using the Validate Connection attribute. This generally provides better performance.
If it will not be good enough - you can try this document from oracle.
Connection Pool Management
ODP.NET connection pool management provides explicit connection pool
control to ODP.NET applications. Applications can explicitly clear
connections in a connection pool.
Using connection pool management, applications can do the following:
Note: These APIs are not supported in a .NET stored procedure. Clear
connections from connection pools using the ClearPool method.
Clear connections in all the connection pools in an application
domain, using the ClearAllPools method.
When connections are cleared from a pool, ODP.NET repopulates the pool
with new connections that have at least the number of connections set
by Min Pool Size in the connection string. New connections do not
necessarily mean the pool will have valid connections. For example, if
the database server is down when ClearPool or ClearAllPools is called,
ODP.NET creates new connections, but these connections are still
invalid because they cannot connect to the database, even if the
database comes up a later time.
It is recommended that ClearPool and ClearAllPools not be called until
the application can create valid connections back to the database.
.NET developers can develop code that continuously checks whether or
not a valid database connection can be created and calls ClearPool or
ClearAllPools once this is true.
Also, may be this post will help you.
As pointed by #MPelletier, for oracle 12 the link is different.
Generally speaking, you should avoid trying to manipulate the connection pool for any ADO.NET provider (and also WCF channels - an aside). If you application needs to be resilient in the face of underlying data errors (e.g. timeouts, broken connections in pool, etc.) then you should implement the appropriate level of transaction to ensure data integrity and retry logic to re-execute the failed operation.
