Extract a word and `n` characters after it from a line? - bash

I am trying to extract the JIRA Ticket number from a string.
The Jira ticket might be mentioned any where in the line like:
Merge pull request #1387 from Config-change/REL-12345
REL-12345: Enable XAPI at config level
I just want REL-12345 as the output.

grep -Eow 'REL-[0-9]+'
+ is one or more, to specifiy N numbers (eg 5):
grep -Eow 'REL-[0-9]{5}
Ranges: {3,6} is 3 to 6, {5,} is 5 or more, etc.
On GNU/Linux: man grep -> /Repetition for more details.
-o prints only matching strings
-w matches full words only, ie. to avoid matching WREL-12345 (for example)
grep -Eow 'REL-[[:alnum:]]+' for both letters and numbers (after REL-).

If this is the standard.....
Input: Merge pull request #1387 from Config-change/REL-12345
echo "Merge pull request #1387 from Config-change/REL-12345" | cut -d/ -f2
Input: REL-12345: Enable XAPI at config level
echo "REL-12345: Enable XAPI at config level" | cut -d: -f1

You can pass a String to sed and use substitution with REGEX, like this:
myString="This is REL-12345 a test string "
sed -n 's/.*\(\REL-5*[0-9]*\).*/\1/p' <<< $myString
this should return: REL-12345

Sample data:
$ cat jira.dat
Merge pull request #1387 from Config-change/REL-12345
REL-12346: Enable XAPI at config level
One idea using bash regex matching and the resulting BASH_REMATCH[]:
while read -r line
printf "\n########## ${line}\n"
[[ "${line}" =~ ${regex} ]] && echo "${BASH_REMATCH[1]}"
done < jira.dat
This generates:

Sample data:
$ cat jira.dat
Merge pull request #1387 from Config-change/REL-12345
REL-12346: Enable XAPI at config level
One idea using grep:
$ grep -Eo 'REL-[[:digit:]]+' jira.dat


Linux bash parsing URL

How to parse the url, for example: https://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/6.1.36/VirtualBox-6.1.36-152435-Win.exe
So that only virtualbox.org/virtualbox/6.1.36 remains?
for url in "${TEST_URLS[#]}"; do
[[ $without_auth =~ ^([^:\/]+)(:[[:digit:]]+\/|:|\/)?(.*) ]]
echo "given: $url"
echo " -> host: $PROJECT_HOST path: $PROJECT_PATH"
Using sed to match whether a sub domain is present (no matter how deep) or not.
$ sed -E 's~[^/]*//(([^.]*\.)+)?([^.]*\.[a-z]+/[^0-9]*[0-9.]+).*~\3~' <<< "${TEST_URLS[0]}"
Or in a loop
for url in "${TEST_URLS[#]}"; do
sed -E 's~[^/]*//(([^.]*\.)+)?([^.]*\.[a-z]+/[^0-9]*[0-9.]+).*~\3~' <<< "$url"
With your shown samples here is an awk solution. Written and tested in GNU awk.
awk '
firstVal=(firstVal?firstVal:"") arr1[i]
print firstVal arr[2]
' Input_file
Explanation: Using awk's match function here. Using GNU awk version of it, where it supports capturing groups getting stored into an array, making use of that functionality here. Using regex https?:\/\/([^/]*)(\/.*) could be also written as ^https?:\/\/([^/]*)(\/.*) where its getting created 2 capturing groups and creating arr also. Then checking if elements are more than 2 then keep last 2 else keep first 2(domain names one), then printing values as per requirement.
I tought about regex but cut makes this work easy.
echo $url | grep -Po '([^\/]*)(?=[0-9\.]*)(.*)\/' | cut -d '/' -f 3-
So, if I am correct in assuming that you need to extract a string of the form...
...where tld is the top-level domain and dirname is the path to the file.
So filtering out any url scheme and subdomains at the beginning, then also filtering out any file basename at the end?
All solutions have assumptions. Assuming one of the original thee letter top level domains ie. .com, .org, .net, .int, .edu, .gov, .mil.
This possible solution uses sed with the -r option for the regular expressions extension.
It creates two filters and uses them to chop off the ends that you don't want (hopefully).
It also uses a capture group in filter_end, so as to keep the / in the filter.
for url in ${test_urls[#]}
echo "$url" | \
sed -r 's/([^.\/][a-z]+\.[a-z]{2,})\/.*//' )
echo "$url" | \
sed 's/.*\(\/\)/\1/g' )
echo "$out_string"

How to get from a file only the character with reputed value

I need to extract from the file the words that contain certain letters in a certain amount.
I apologize if this question has been resolved in the past, I just did not find anything that fits what I am looking for.
wab 12aaabbb abababx ab ttttt baaabb zabcabc
baab baaabb cbaab ab ccabab zzz
For example
1. If I chose the letters a and the number is 1 the output should be:
//only the words that contains a and the char appear in the word 1 time
2. If I chose the letters a,b and the number is 3, the output should be:
//only the word contains a,b, and both chars appear in the word 3 times
3. If I chose the letters a,b,c and the number 2, the output should be:
//only the words that contains a,b,c and the chars appear in the word 3 times
Is it possible to find 2 letters in the same script?
I was able to find in a single letter but I get only the words where the letters appear in sequence and I do not want to find only these words, that's what I did:
egrep '([a])\1{N-1}' file
And another problem I can not get only the specific words, I get all file and the letter I am looking for "a" in red.
I tried using -w but it does not display anything.
::: EDIT :::
try to edit what you did to a for
letters=${#: 3}
tr -s '[:space:]' '\n' < $fileName* |
for letter in $letters; do
grep -E "^[^$letter]*($letter[^$letter]*){$i}$"
done | uniq
There are various ways to split input so that grep sees a single word per line. tr is most common. For example:
tr -s '[:space:]' '\n' file | ...
We can build a function to find a specific number of a particular letter:
grep -E "$regex"
# letter=a number=1
tr -s '[:space:]' '\n' file | NofL 1 a
# letters=a,b number=3
tr -s '[:space:]' '\n' file | NofL 3 a | NofL 3 b
# letters=a,b,c number=2
tr -s '[:space:]' '\n' file | NofL 2 a | NofL 2 b | NofL 2 c
Regexes are not really suited for that job as there are more efficient ways, but it is possible using repeated matching. We first select all words, from those we select words with n as, and from those we select words with n bs and so on.
Example for n=3 and a, b:
grep -Eo '[[:alnum:]]+' |
grep -Ex '[^a]*a[^a]*a[^a]*a[^a]*' |
grep -Ex '[^b]*b[^b]*b[^b]*b[^b]*'
To auto-generate such a command from an input like 3 a b, you need to dynamically create a pipeline, which is possible, but also a hassle:
exactly_n_times_char() {
(( $# >= 2 )) || { cat; return; }
local n="$1" char="$2" regex
shift 2
grep -Ex "$regex" | exactly_n_times_char "$n" "$#"
grep -Eo '[[:alnum:]]+' file.txt | exactly_n_times_char 3 a b
With PCREs (requires GNU grep or pcregrep) the check can be done in a single regex:
exactly_n_times_char() {
local n="$1" regex=""
for char; do # could be done without a loop using sed on $*
grep -Pow "$regex"
exactly_n_times_char 3 a b < file.txt
If a matching word appears multiple times (like baaabb in your example) it is printed multiple times too. You can filter out duplicates by piping through sort -u but that will change the order.
A method using sed and bash would be:
for ((i = 0; i < ${#chars}; ++i)); do
sed "${args[#]}" <(tr -s '[:blank:]' '\n' < "$file")
Notice that filename, count, and characters are parameterized. Use it as
./script filename 2 abc
which should print out
given the file content in the question.
An implementation in pure bash, without calling an external program, could be:
readonly file=$1
readonly n=$2
readonly chars=$3
while read -ra words; do
for word in "${words[#]}"; do
for ((i = 0; i < ${#chars}; ++i)); do
(( ${#c} == n )) || continue 2
printf '%s\n' "$word"
done < "$file"
You can match a string containing exactly N occurrences of character X with the (POSIX-extended) regexp [^X]*(X[^X]*){N}. To do this for multiple characters you could chain them, and the traditional way to process one 'word' at a time, simplistically defined as a sequence of non-whitespace chars, is like this
<infile tr -s ' \t\n' ' ' | grep -Ex '[^a]*(a[^a]*){3}' | \grep -Ex '[^b]*(b[^b]*){3}'
# may need to add \r on Windows-ish systems or for Windows-derived data
If you get colorized output from egrep and grep and maybe some other utilities it's usually because in a GNU-ish environment you -- often via a profile that was automatically provided and you didn't look at or modify -- set aliases to turn them into e.g. egrep --color=auto or possibly/rarely =always; using \grep or command grep or the pathname such as /usr/bin/grep disables the alias, or you could just un-set it/them. Another possibility is you may have envvar(s) set in which case you need to remove or suppress it/them, or explicitly say --color=never, or (somewhat hackily) pipe the output through ... | cat which has the effect of making [e]grep's stdout a pipe not a tty and thus turning off =auto.
However, GNU awk (not necessarily others) can also do this more directly:
<infile awk -vRS='[ \t\n]+' -F '' '{delete f;for(i=1;i<=NF;i++)f[$i]++}
or to parameterize the criteria:
<infile awk -vRS='[ \t\n]+' -F '' 'BEGIN{split("ab",w,//);n=3}
{delete f;for(i=1;i<=NF;i++)f[$i]++;s=1;for(t in w)if(f[w[t]]!=occur)s=0} s'
perl can do pretty much everything awk can do, and so can some other general-purpose tools, but I leave those as exercises.

UNIX - Replacing variables in sql with matching values from .profile file

I am trying to write a shell which will take an SQL file as input. Example SQL file:
Now the script should extract all variables, which in this case everything starting with %%. So the output file will be something as below:
Now I should be able to extract the matching values from the user's .profile file for these variables and create the SQL file with the proper values.
FROM tempdb.TBL_abc
WHERE CITY = 'Chicago'
As of now I am trying to generate the file1 which will contain all the variables. Below code sample -
sed "s/[(),']//g" "T:/work/shell/sqlfile1.sql" | awk '/%%/{print $NF}' | awk '/%%/{print $NF}' > sqltemp2.sql
takes me till
Can someone help me in getting to file1 listing the variables?
You can use grep and sort to get a list of unique variables, as per the following transcript:
$ echo "SELECT *
WHERE CITY = '%%CITY'" | grep -o '%%[A-Za-z0-9_]*' | sort -u
The -o flag to grep instructs it to only print the matching parts of lines rather than the entire line, and also outputs each matching part on a distinct line. Then sort -u just makes sure there are no duplicates.
In terms of the full process, here's a slight modification to a bash script I've used for similar purposes:
# Define all translations.
declare -A xlat
# Check all variables in input file.
for key in $(grep -o '%%[A-Za-z0-9_]*' input.sql | sort -u) ; do
if [[ "${xlat[$key]}" == "" ]] ; then
echo "Bad key ($key) in file:"
grep -n "${key}" input.sql | sed 's/^/ /'
if [[ ${okay} -eq 0 ]] ; then
exit 1
# Process input file doing substitutions. Fairly
# primitive use of sed, must change to use sed -i
# at some point.
# Note we sort keys based on descending length so we
# correctly handle extensions like "NAME" and "NAMESPACE",
# doing the longer ones first makes it work properly.
cp input.sql output.sql
for key in $( (
for key in ${!xlat[#]} ; do
echo ${key}
) | awk '{print length($0)":"$0}' | sort -rnu | cut -d':' -f2) ; do
sed "s/${key}/${xlat[$key]}/g" output.sql >output2.sql
mv output2.sql output.sql
cat output.sql
It first checks that the input file doesn't contain any keys not found in the translation array. Then it applies sed substitutions to the input file, one per translation, to ensure all keys are substituted with their respective values.
This should be a good start, though there may be some edge cases such as if your keys or values contain characters sed would consider important (like / for example). If that is the case, you'll probably need to escape them such as changing:

How to use sed to extract a string [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
BASH extract value after string in variable Not file [duplicate]
(2 answers)
Closed last year.
I need to extract a number from the output of a command: cmd. The output is type: 1000
So my question is how to execute the command, store its output in a variable and extract 1000 in a shell script. Also how do you store the extracted string in a variable?
This question has been answered in pieces here before, it would be something like this:
line=$(sed -n '2p' myfile)
echo "$line"
if [ `echo $line || grep 'type: 1000' ` ] then;
echo "It's there!";
Store output of sed into a variable
String contains in Bash
EDIT: sed is very limited, you would need to use bash, perl or awk for what you need.
This is a typical use case for grep:
output=$(cmd | grep -o '[0-9]\+')
You can write the output of a command or even a pipeline of commands into a shell variable using so called command substitution:
In comments it appeared that the output of cmd contains more lines than the type : 1000. In this case I would suggest sed:
output=$(cmd | sed -n 's/type : \([0-9]\+\)/\1/p;q')
You tagged your question as sed but your question description does not restrict other tools, so here's a solution using awk.
output = `cmd | awk -F':' '/type: [0-9]+/{print $2}'`
Alternatively, you can use the newer $( ) syntax. Some find the newer syntax preferable and it can be conveniently nested, without the need for escaping backtics.
output = $(cmd | awk -F':' '/type: [0-9]+/{print $2}')
If the output is rigidly restricted to "type: " followed by a number, you can just use cut.
var=$(echo 'type: 1000' | cut -f 2 -d ' ')
Obviously you'll have to pipe the output of your command to cut, I'm using echo as a demo.
In addition, I'd use grep and then cut if the string you are searching is more complex. If we assume there can be all kind of numbers in the text, but only one occurrence of "type: " followed by a number, you can use the command:
>> var=$(echo "hello 12 type: 1000 foo 1001" | grep -oE "type: [0-9]+" | cut -f 2 -d ' ')
>> echo $var
You can use the | operator to send the output of one command to another, like so:
echo " 1\n 2\n 3\n" | grep "2"
This sends the string " 1\n 2\n 3\n" to the grep command, which will search for the line containing 2. It sound like you might want to do something like:
cmd | grep "type"
Here is a plain sed solution that uses a regualar expression to find the number in your string:
cmd | sed 's/^.*type: \([0-9]\+\)/\1/g'
^ means from the start
.* can be any character (also none)
\([0-9]\+\) are numbers (minimum one character)
\1 means it takes the first pattern it finds (and only in this case) and uses it as replacement for the whole string

help on sorting a file using sort

I have this file:
100: pattern1
79: pattern1
61: pattern1
and I want to sort it like this:
Is it possible using Linux sort command only ?
If I had :
O/p should be:
So, want to sort on first group, but "group" on the pattern of second group.
Please note, the thing after : is a regex pattern not a literal.
Best you can do is to sort it according to the numerical values. But you cannot do anything with the "+"-string.
$ sort -n input
61: this is it
79: this is it
100: this is it
I don't believe sort alone can do what you need.
Create a new shell script and put this in its contents (ie mysort.sh):
IFS=$'\n' # This makes the for loop below split on newline instead of whitespace.
for l in `grep -v ^+| sort -g` # Ignore all + lines and sort by number
current=`echo $l | sed s/^[0-9]*://g` # Get what comes after the number
if [ ! -z "$prev" ] && [ "$prev" != "$current" ] # If it has changed...
then # then output a ++++ delimiter line.
echo $delim
echo $l # Output this line.
To use it, pipe in the contents of your file like so:
cat input | sh mysort.sh
Probably not -- it's not in the sort of format sort(1) expects. And if you did it would be one of those amazing hacks, not easily used. If you have some sort of rule for what goes between the lines of plus signs, you can do it readily enough with an AWK or Perl or Python script.
If your input was space delimited, not ':' delimited:
sort -rk2 | uniq -D -f1
will do the grouping;
I guess you'd need to sort the 'subsections' later (unfortunately my sort(1) doesn't do composite key ordering. I do believe there are version that allow you to do sort -k2,1n and you'd be done at once).
use --all-repeated=separate instead of -D to get blank separators between groups. Look at man uniq for more ideas!
However, since your input is colon delimited, a hack is required:
sed 's/\([0123456789]\+\):/\1 /' t | sort -rk2 | uniq -D -f1
