How to make a cursor pick table data change? - oracle

I have the following cursor in a procedure :
procedure Run is
Cur Cursor is select * from table where condition;
R Cur%rowtype;
Open Cur;
fetch Cur into R;
exit when Cur%notfound;
-- Run some time consuming operations here
end loop;
Close Cur;
This cursor is run a scheduled job.
Assume when running this cursor there are 100 rows that satisfy the where condition.
If, while the procedure is running, I have a new rows inserted in the table that satisfies the same where condition, Is there any way that cursor picks also these new row please ?

The set of rows the cursor will return is determined at the time the cursor is opened. At that point, Oracle knows the current SCN (system change number) and will return the data as it existed at that point in time.
Depending on the nature of the problem, you could write a loop that just keeps asking for a single row that meets the criteria (assuming your time-consuming operation updates some data so that you know what needs to be processed). Something like
select some_id
into l_some_id
from your_table
where needs_processing = 'Y'
order by some_id
fetch first row only;
when no_data_found
l_some_id := null;
exit when l_some_id is null;
some_slow_operation( l_some_id );
end loop;
assuming that some_slow_operation changes the needs_processing flag to N. And assuming that you are using the default read committed transaction isolation level.

You can have commit inside loop so that select query fetches latest records from table in every iteration.

No, a cursor can't do that. The transactions are consistent and your cursor is a snapshot of the data you've extracted.
If you want consistent results you could either:
Lock the table so that there will be no changes,
Use other mechanism e.g. move the logic to a trigger, which will execute on each new piece of data that satisfies your conditions (and bring overhead too so very situational)



Why Oracle made "where current of" syntax when you can use "rowid"? Example:
FOR rec IN (SELECT t.column1, t.rowid rid FROM test_table) LOOP
UPDATE test_table tb SET column1 = some_function(rec.column1) WHERE tb.rowid = rec.rid;
CURSOR cur IS SELECT t.column1 FROM test_table;
param1 test_table.column1%TYPE;
FETCH cur INTO param1;
UPDATE test_table tb SET tb.column1 = some_function(param1) WHERE CURRENT OF cur;
Where Current Of is used to identify LAST FETCHED ROW in cursor. It's more safe, because You have 100% confidence, that f.e. You updating LAST FETCHED ROW from curosr. With Rowids there's danger, because it's really easy to mess up something.
Using WHERE CURRENT OF clause without having FOR UPDATE clause mentioned in your SELECT statement could be risky. Reason behind that is when you are not applying FOR UPDATE clause then you are not exclusively placing Row level lock to those rows which you are intending to update in the following UPDATE DML. And hence it opens an opportunity for outside world of violating data consistency i.e. some other user from different session may be looking to UPDATE same rows of your targeted table.
Also, in you learn more about WHERE CURRENT OF clause you will notice that during this clause Oracle internally makes use of ROWID's only to reach/identify the rows which needs to be updated.
Hope it helps !! Happy Programming

bulk collect using "for update"

I run into an interesting and unexpected issue when processing records in Oracle (11g) using BULK COLLECT.
The following code was running great, processing through all million plus records with out an issue:
-- Define cursor
cursor My_Data_Cur Is
Select col1
from My_Table_1;
-- Open the cursor
open My_Data_Cur;
-- Loop through all the records in the cursor
-- Read the first group of records
fetch My_Data_Cur
bulk collect into My_Data_Rec
limit 100;
-- Exit when there are no more records to process
Exit when My_Data_Rec.count = 0;
-- Loop through the records in the group
for idx in 1 .. My_Data_Rec.count
… do work here to populate a records to be inserted into My_Table_2 …
end loop;
-- Insert the records into the second table
forall idx in 1 .. My_Data_Rec.count
insert into My_Table_2…;
-- Delete the records just processed from the source table
forall idx in 1 .. My_Data_Rec.count
delete from My_Table_1 …;
end loop;
Since at the end of processing each group of 100 records (limit 100) we are deleting the records just read and processed, I though it would be a good idea to add the “for update” syntax to the cursor definition so that another process couldn’t update any of the records between the time the data was read and the time the record is deleted.
So, the only thing in the code I changed was…
cursor My_Data_Cur
select col1
from My_Table_1
for update;
When I ran the PL/SQL package after this change, the job only processes 100 records and then terminates. I confirmed this change was causing the issue by removing the “for update” from the cursor and once again the package processed all of the records from the source table.
Any ideas why adding the “for update” clause would cause this change in behavior? Any suggestions on how to get around this issue? I’m going to try starting an exclusive transaction on the table at the beginning of the process, but this isn’t an idea solution because I really don’t want to lock the entire table which processing the data.
Thanks in advance for your help,
The problem is that you're trying to do a fetch across a commit.
When you open My_Data_Cur with the for update clause, Oracle has to lock every row in the My_Data_1 table before it can return any rows. When you commit, Oracle has to release all those locks (the locks Oracle creates do not span transactions). Since the cursor no longer has the locks that you requested, Oracle has to close the cursor since it can no longer satisfy the for update clause. The second fetch, therefore, must return 0 rows.
The most logical approach would almost always be to remove the commit and do the entire thing in a single transaction. If you really, really, really need separate transactions, you would need to open and close the cursor for every iteration of the loop. Most likely, you'd want to do something to restrict the cursor to only return 100 rows every time it is opened (i.e. a rownum <= 100 clause) so that you wouldn't incur the expense of visiting every row to place the lock and then every row other than the 100 that you processed and deleted to release the lock every time through the loop.
Adding to Justin's Explantion.
You should have seen the below error message.Not sure, if your Exception handler suppressed this.
And the message itself explains a Lot!
For this kind of Updates, it is better to create a shadow copy of the main table, and let the public synonym point to it. While some batch id, creates a private synonym to our main table and perform the batch operations, to keep it simpler for maintenance.
Error report -
ORA-01002: fetch out of sequence
ORA-06512: at line 7
01002. 00000 - "fetch out of sequence"
*Cause: This error means that a fetch has been attempted from a cursor
which is no longer valid. Note that a PL/SQL cursor loop
implicitly does fetches, and thus may also cause this error.
There are a number of possible causes for this error, including:
1) Fetching from a cursor after the last row has been retrieved
and the ORA-1403 error returned.
2) If the cursor has been opened with the FOR UPDATE clause,
fetching after a COMMIT has been issued will return the error.
3) Rebinding any placeholders in the SQL statement, then issuing
a fetch before reexecuting the statement.
*Action: 1) Do not issue a fetch statement after the last row has been
retrieved - there are no more rows to fetch.
2) Do not issue a COMMIT inside a fetch loop for a cursor
that has been opened FOR UPDATE.
3) Reexecute the statement after rebinding, then attempt to
fetch again.
Also, you can change you Logic by Using rowid
An Example for Docs:
-- if "FOR UPDATE OF salary" is included on following line, an error is raised
CURSOR c1 IS SELECT e.*,rowid FROM employees e;
emp_rec employees%ROWTYPE;
OPEN c1;
FETCH c1 INTO emp_rec; -- FETCH fails on the second iteration with FOR UPDATE
IF emp_rec.employee_id = 105 THEN
UPDATE employees SET salary = salary * 1.05 WHERE rowid = emp_rec.rowid;
-- this mimics WHERE CURRENT OF c1
COMMIT; -- releases locks
You have to fetch a record row by row!! update it using the ROWID AND COMMIT immediately
. And then proceed to the next row!
But by this, you have to give up the Bulk Binding option.

bulk collect in oracle

How to query bulk collection? If for example I have
select name
bulk collect into namesValues
from table1
where namesValues is dbms_sql.varchar2_table.
Now, I have another table XYZ which contains
name is_valid
I want to update is_valid to 'Y' if name is in table1 else 'N'. Table1 has 10 million rows. After bulk collecting I want to execute
update xyz
set is_valid ='Y'
where name in namesValue.
How to query namesValue? Or is there is another option. Table1 has no index.
please help.
As Tom Kyte (Oracle Corp. Vice President) says:
My mantra, that I'll be sticking with thank you very much, is:
You should do it in a single SQL statement if at all possible.
If you cannot do it in a single SQL Statement, then do it in PL/SQL.
If you cannot do it in PL/SQL, try a Java Stored Procedure.
If you cannot do it in Java, do it in a C external procedure.
If you cannot do it in a C external routine, you might want to
seriously think about why it is you need to do it…
think in sets...
learn all there is to learn about SQL...
You should perform your update in SQL if you can. If you need to add an index to do this then that might be preferable to looping through a collection populated with BULK COLLECT.
If however, this is some sort of assignment....
You should specify it as such but here's how you would do it.
I have assumed that your DB server does not have the capacity to hold 10 million records in memory so rather than BULK COLLECTing all 10 million records in one go I have put the BULK COLLECT into a loop to reduce your memory overheads. If this is not the case then you can omit the bulk collect loop.
c_bulk_limit CONSTANT PLS_INTEGER := 500000;
CURSOR names_cur
FROM table1;
TYPE namesValuesType IS TABLE OF
namesValues namesValuesType;
-- Populate the collection
OPEN name_cur;
-- Fetch the records in a loop limiting them
-- to the c_bulk_limit amount at a time
FETCH name_cur BULK COLLECT INTO namesValues
LIMIT c_bulk_limit;
-- Process the records in your collection
SET is_valid ='Y'
WHERE name = namesValue(x)
AND is_valid != 'Y';
-- Set up loop exit criteria
EXIT WHEN namesValues.COUNT < c_bulk_limit;
CLOSE name_cur;
-- You want to update all remaining rows to 'N'
SET is_valid ='N'
WHERE is_valid IS NULL;
WHEN others
IF name_cur%ISOPEN
CLOSE name_cur;
-- Re-raise the exception;
Depending upon your rollback segment sizes etc. you may want to issue interim commits within the bulk collect loop but be aware that you will not then be able to rollback these changes. I deliberately haven't added any COMMITs to this so you can choose where to put them to suit your system.
You also might want to change the size of the c_bulk_limit constant depending upon the resources available to you.
Your update will still cause you problems if the xyz table is large and there is no index on the name column.
Hope it helps...
"Table1 has no index."
Well there's your problem right there. Why not? Put an index on TABLE1.NAME and use a normal SQL UPDATE to amend the data in XYZ.
Trying to solve this problem with bulk collect is not the proper approach.

Oracle pl sql 10g - move set of rows from a table to a history table with same structure

PL SQL moves older versions of data from a transaction table to a history table of same structure and archive for a certain period -
for each record
insert into tab_hist (select older_versions of current row);
delete from tab (select older_versions of current row);
ps: earlier we were not archiving(no insert) - but after adding the insert it has doubled the run time - so can we accomplish insert and delete with a single select statement? as there is large data to be processed and across multiple table
This is a batch operation, right? In which case you should avoid Row By Row and use set processing. SQL is all about The Joy Of Sets.
Oracle has fantastic bulk SQL processing capabilities. The pseudo code you paosted would look something like this:
cursor c_oldrecs is
select * from your_table
where criterion between some_date and some_other_date;
type rec_nt is table of your_table%rowtype;
oldrecs_coll rec_nt;
open c_oldrecs;
fetch c_oldrecs into oldrecs_coll limit 1000;
exit when oldrecs_coll.count() = 0;
forall i in oldrecs_coll.first() oldrecs_coll.last()
insert into your_table_hist
values oldrecs_coll(i);
forall i in oldrecs_coll.first() oldrecs_coll.last()
delete from your_table
where pk_col = oldrecs_coll(i).pk_col;
end loop;
This bulk processing is faster because it sends one thousand statements to the database at a time, instead of switching between PL/SQL and SQL one thousand times. The LIMIT 1000 clause is there to prevent a really huge selection blowing the PGA. This safeguard may not be necessary in your case, or perhaps you can work with a higher value.
I think your current implementation is wrong. It is better to keep only the current version in the live table, and to keep all the historical versions in a separate table from the off. Use triggers to maintain the history as part of every transaction.
It may be that the slowness you are seeing is due to the logic that selects which rows are to be moved. If so, you might get better results by doing the select once to get the rowids into a nested table in memory, then doing the insert and the delete based on that list; or alternatively, driving your loop with a query that selects the rows to be moved.
You might instead consider creating a trigger on insert that will move the existing rows that "match" the row being inserted. This will slow down the inserts somewhat, but would mean you don't need any process to move the old rows in bulk.
If you are on Enterprise edition with the partitioning option, look at partition exchange.
As simple as this
If you are deleting a lot of rows you will be hitting your undo tablespace and a delete which deletes say 100k rows can cause performance issues. You are better of deleting by batch say 5k rows at a time and committing.
-- Where condition on insert and delete must be the same
INSERT INTO BACKUP_TAB SELECT * FROM TAB WHERE 1=1 and rownum < 5000; --Your condition here
exit when SQL%rowcount < 4999;
end loop;
where 1=1--Your condition here
and rownum < 5000;
exit when SQL%rowcount < 4999;
end loop;

Showing rows that are locked in Oracle

Using Oracle, is it possible to indicate which rows are currently locked (and which are not) when performing a select statement (I don't want to lock any rows, just be able to display which are locked)?
For example, a pseudo column that would return the lock/transaction against the row:
SELECT lockname FROM emp;
One thing you could do is this - although it is not terribly efficient and so I wouldn't want to do use it for large data sets. Create a row-level function to try and lock the row. If it fails, then the row is already locked
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION is_row_locked (v_rowid ROWID, table_name VARCHAR2)
RETURN varchar2
Select 1 into :x from '
|| table_name
|| ' where rowid =:v_rowid for update nowait;
When Others Then
USING OUT x, v_rowid;
-- now release the lock if we got it.
IF x = 1
And then you could
Select field1, field2, is_row_locked(rowid, 'MYTABLE') from mytable;
It will work, but it isn't pretty nor efficient.
Indeed, it has exactly one redeeming quality - it will work even if you don't have select privs on the various v$ tables required in the linked document. If you have the privs, though, definitely go the other route.
is it possible to indicate which rows are currently locked (and which are not) when performing a select statement
A SELECT statement will never lock any rows - unless you ask it to by using FOR UPDATE.
If you want to see locks that are held due to a SELECT ... FOR UPDATE (or a real update), you can query the v$lock system view.
See the link that OMG Pony posted for an example on how to use that view.
I think #Michael Broughton's answer is the only way that will always work. This is because V$LOCK is not accurate 100% of the time.
Sessions don't wait for a row, they wait for the end of the transaction that modified that row. Most of the time those two concepts are the same thing, but not when you start using savepoints.
For example:
Session 1 creates a savepoint and modifies a row.
Session 2 tries to modify that same
row, but sees session 1 already has that row,
and waits for session 1 to finish.
Session 1 rolls back to the
savepoint. This removes its entry
from the ITL but does not end the
transaction. Session 2 is still
waiting on session 1. According to
V$LOCK session 2 is still waiting on
that row, but that's not really true
because now session 3 can modify that
row. (And if session 1 executes a
commit or rollback, session 2 will
wait on session 3.)
Sorry if that's confusing. You may want to step through the link provided by OMG Ponies, and then try it again with savepoints.
