API Gateway and Lambda Proxy integration {"message": "Internal server error"} - aws-lambda

I have implemented a solution to integrate API Gateway REST API with AWS Lambda. Lambda function uses two URL Query string parameters for further processing.
When API is tested using the API Gateway console "Test" button I am getting Status Code:200. But when I invoke API from a EC2 Linux machine I am getting {"message": "Internal server error"}.
On checking the logs: Only one URL Query parameter string is passed to Lambda "Event" and the second parameter is lost.
Can anyone suggest what can be the reason here ?


API Gateway is returning 403 Forbidden when being called from ECS

I have set up a API gateway in AWS, and when I am able to call it from an application running in my laptop without any issue. However, it's giving me 403 forbidden error when I deploy the app in ECS on Fargate and call the same URL of API gateway.
I've confirmed the API gateway has been deployed and I am passing the stage name correctly.
This is the error message I am getting with 403 HTTP status code.
header([Server:"Server", Content-Type:"application/json", Content-Length:"24", Connection:"keep-alive", x-amzn-RequestId:"7e198xx8-5386-4xx7-axxf-a38cf78618b7", x-amzn-ErrorType:"ForbiddenException", x-amz-apigw-id:"cWxx5GSWXXcFuVg="])
"message": "Forbidden"
And I am using this base endpoint URL
I have tried with various endpoint types (Regional, Edge, Private), but none of them were successful. I might have used wrong URL though.
Do you have any idea what could be wrong in this case?

API GW V2 HTTP API and legacy lambda authorizer

I'm trying to integrate API GW v2 HTTP API with legacy (payload version 1.0) custom lambda authorizer. It's able to invoke the custom lambda authorizer but getting below response ($context.authorizer.error) in gateway logs with 500 status ($context.authorizer.status https://docs.aws.amazon.com/apigateway/latest/developerguide/http-api-logging-variables.html)-
The response from the Lambda Authorizer function doesn't match the format that API Gateway expects. Invalid value for 'context'
Which indicates that it's not abiding to the response format as mentioned here-
But same legacy lambda is working fine with API GW v1 REST APIs. Also cannot enable the execution logs like REST API so not able to see the actual response returned by lambda if by any chance it's not returning the correct response but i doubt that.
So problem seems to be API GW HTTP API doesn't like null values in context variable from Lambda authorizer. For now going to suppress the null values but ideally API GW should handle the null values gracefully. Another problem is it seems to be timing out in case time taken is more than 10 secs by Lambda authorizer but there's no way timeout can be configured for lambda authorizer.

API Gateway WebSocket API postConnection timeout

I'm trying to set up a WebSocket API on API Gateway. I'm following the basic tutorial, and I have everything up and running -> Routes for $connect, $disconnect, "test", $default. I am able to connect to the API, store the connectionId in Redis, and retrieve it when accessing from the test route.
The problem is when I try to send back a message from my lambda (single lambda handling all routes). I'm using the following code
const apigwManagementApi = new AWS.ApiGatewayManagementApi({
apiVersion: '2018-11-29',
endpoint: `https://${event.requestContext.domainName}/${event.requestContext.stage}`
Then I call
await apigwManagementApi.postToConnection({
ConnectionId: connectionId,
Data: `Echo: ${data}`
This is only called on the "test" route.
All of this is as per their guide. I had to add a patch to be able to make postConnection work, again, as per their tutorial. The problem is when the above method is called I get a Internal Server Error message from the API Gateway and the lambda times out after 3 seconds.
There is very little info on this method. I'm not sure what is causing the internal server error. I have checked the endpoint and the connectionId, both are correct.
What am I doing wrong? Any suggestions?
So the problem wasn't the actual lambda but the fact that it wasn't set up in a VPC that had access to the Internet. So if you're lambda has VPC enabled, make sure you it has a NAT gateway and Internet gateway set up.

API Gateway custom authorizer

I'm new to API Gateway. I try to use the "custom authorizer". I followed below document and used sample code that website provided.
The "Lambda Authorizer of the TOKEN type" is work.
curl -v -H 'x-custom-auth: xxxxx" https://xxxxx.execute-api.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/Prod/
For the "Lambda Authorizer of the REQUEST type", I can input header, queryValue1, stageValue1 and accountId for testing via aws console.
I'm confused about the "request type" and did not know how to pass the queryValue1, stageValue1 and accountId to API Gateway.
Can anyone help me to figure it out?
Regardless of which type of Authorizer you use, API Gateway will receive the same headers and parameters that you originally sent.
Your Authorizer cannot modify the original request details (but it include an auth context which API Gateway can also read).
In the example you're referencing:
if (headers.HeaderAuth1 === "headerValue1"
&& queryStringParameters.QueryString1 === "queryValue1"
&& stageVariables.StageVar1 === "stageValue1"
&& requestContext.accountId === "123456789012") {
callback(null, generateAllow('me', event.methodArn));
} else {
What they're saying is that the REQUEST authorizer is expecting specific values in the request object:
If all the values match, the authorizer will Allow the request to continue. API Gateway will receive the same request object (with all the same parameters).
If not all the values match, the authorizer will Deny the request returning 403 Unauthorized; API Gateway will not receive the request.
Each of the properties in the example are sourced in the following ways:
AccountId is set automatically by AWS
StageVar1 comes from the deployed API's stage settings (API Name > Stages > Stage Name > Stage Variables)
HeaderAuth and QueryString1 are sent by the HTTP client (e.g. curl)

AWS api gateway - http proxy should take status code from origin

I am currently trying to setup AWS Api Gateway, to proxy to another api, that has fully functional methods, response content, status codes etc. This is fairly simple to setup, but I have noticed that the Api Gateway always returns 200 OK no matter what the origin api responds with.
Fx. if there was a bad request (in the origin api) which results in a error message in JSON and a 400 Bad Request, the Api Gateway will respond with a the exact same error message, but a status code of 200 OK
If I remove all settings from the Message Response in the API Gateway web-interface, I get an internal error in the API Gateway. Can it be true that I have to map all the different status codes from the origin api manually in the Api Gateway?
I would prefer if it was possible to just let the status code (as well as the response, which currently works great) pass through, and not have the Api Gateway touch it in any way.
Proxy integration can be used to achieve this. In this case, it is HTTP Proxy. Lambda Proxy integration can also be used but will need some code logic in lambda. API GW will then return the result as-is.
You are correct that currently when using API Gateway you are required to map all response codes in your integration responses. We have heard this "pass through" request from other customers and we may consider including this in future updates to the service.
