Ethercat lan9255 hanging after flashing hex with ethercat slave stack - microchip

I have a custom hardware using LAN9255.
I used to website to perform all installations and configurations
Since i am not able to browse it on twincat so i decided to create project using this reference and flash the hex.
Earlier was not able to compile my project, now. after making few changes in the code, compilation is successful. And have flashed the generated hex file using jlink commander.
But the moment when i try to connect to Twincat master, it hangs.
Does anybody have any idea how this can be fixed.


How to debug Mac app on older macOS version?

My app has some bugs that only occur on older macOS versions. How can I debug them?
Below are all of the approaches I'm aware of.
Approach 1: Debug using Xcode
The idea is to just use Xcode to build and debug the project on the older macOS version.
Unfortunately the latest version of Xcode that is available on the old macOS cannot open my .xcodeproj file.
I have come accross 2 possible solutions:
1.2 Change Project Format
I have set the Project Format to be compatible with a very old version of Xcode (8.0) but that didn't help.
2.2. Change manually edit project files
You can manually edit the project file with a text editor and decrease the objectVersion to get the project to open. See this SO Answer.
This worked for me.
To get the project to compile on the old macOS version, I had to do a few more hacks:
Set objectVersion to 46
Comment out all code that uses unavailable APIs
Set 'minimumToolsVersion' in Interface Builder files your Xcode version
Set the Code Signing Identity to "Ad Hoc Code Sign" and disable hardened runtime on all targets
After these steps I could build and debug my app on the old macOS version! Some things didn't compile properly, but luckily, in my case, this was good enough to figure out all of the bugs that were occuring on older macOS versions!
I just tried to do the same thing with a Swift project (The other one was ObjC only) and it was so much work that I almost gave up on it. See the bottom of this post for more info.
Approach 2: Debugging from the command-line
The second idea is to use the lldb debugger directly from the command line on the old macOS. This works fine. But the problem here is that it will only show me assembly code. To debug in an efficient way you want to be able to step through source code line by line. This is achievable but it's complicated:
The following data needs to be present on the old macOS:
The app/executable itself
The source code used to build that executable
Some sort of 'debug data' that links machine instructions in the executable to lines in the the source code
You need to tell lldb how to link that data together
Here's an article on how to do this:
This approach is very promising but I gave up on it for now because the setup and debugging workflow sounds very slow and tedious and Approach 3 seemed to be much easier. However I can't get Approach 3 to work at all so far. I'll update this once I look into it more.
Sidenote about 'debug data'
I don't really understand some things about the 'debug data' mentioned above.
From what I gathered, this debug data normally comes in the so called DWARF data format. Debuggers usually extract this DWARF data directly from .o files. .o files are a byproduct when compiling C code (and code in other languages too?).
However for storing and transferring the DWARF data to other machines you can also store it in so called .dSym files.
Now what confuses me is what role does 'code stripping' play in all of this? Because code stripping is described on the internet to "remove debug data from the exectable". My question is - what kind of debug data is in the binaries when you don't strip them? Is it the same DWARF data from the .dSym and .o files which can be used to step through code line by line in a debugger? Or is it a subset of the DWARF data? Or is it something completely different?
Either way here's approach 3:
Approach 3: Remote debugging from the command-line
The lldb debugger has the built-in capability to connect to another machine remotely, then automatically upload the executable you want to debug to the remote machine, and then run and debug that executable.
In theory, this should also let the debugger automatically locate the source code files and the DWARF data - allowing you to step through source code line by line without any extra effort.
This would make the approach much more convenient than Approach 2! So I gave it a try, using the official tutorial.
There are many things that aren't explained in the official tutorial, and it was very hard to Google the various problems I ran into. Here are some things that I had to do which are not mentioned in the tutorial:
I downloaded the latest Xcode and got the debugserver and lldb command-line-tools that are buried deep inside that app bundle. I ran debugserver on the remote machine and connected to it using lldb on the local machine.
The official tutorial talks about using the lldb-server command-line-tool instead of debugserver. But I couldn't find lldb-server in the latest Xcode app bundle nor the latest Xcode Command Line Tools. (The ones that show up at /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools after using xcode-select --install). Older Xcode versions still contained both lldb-server and debugserver and from my testing they behave the same. Only the command line arguments they take are a little different. So I used debugserver instead of lldb-server.
Then I had to open a wifi hotspot on the remote machine using the Create Network... option in the menu bar, and then connect the local machine to that wifi hotspot.
On the remote machine I started the debugserver with this command debugserver means "accept connections from any IP address" and 1234 means only accept connections on port '1234'
On the local machine I started lldb and inside the command prompt I used the following commands:
platform select remote-macosx
platform connect connect://<remote ip address>:1234
Replacing <Remote ip address> with the IP address of the remote machine which you can find under System Preferences > Network.
1234 means 'connect on port 1234'
I don't know where the structure of this URL comes from. I found it by accident
After this, lldb on local and debugserver on remote will both say they connected successfully.
target create <path to appbundle>
Replacing <path to appbundle> with the appropriate path
After this, lldb looks like it's uploading the files to the remote machine, but debugserver on the remote machine won't react. Not sure if that's normal.
process launch
This should launch the app on the remote machine, but instead it just give this cryptic error: error: attach failed: invalid host:port specification: '[<Remote ip address>]'. (Where <Remote ip address> is the actual IP address of the remote machine).
I tested this many times on different macOS versions. Local was always Ventura 13.0 and remote was 10.14 or 10.13. Both lldb and debugserver had version lldb-1400.0.38.13.
I don't know what else to try to make remote debugging using lldb work.
Sidenote about 'GDB'
I haven't looked into using the classic gdb debugger yet. Should I? I heard it's less buggy than lldb and I assume my problems with remote debugging are due to bugs in lldb. If it worked as advertised, remote debugging should be by far the easiest way to solve my problem.
I'll update this if I learn more about using GDB for remote debugging.
I'll be very grateful for any tips or clarifications! I will also update this post if I find out more, so this can hopefully be a useful resource for anyone trying to debug a Mac app on an older macOS version.
Approach 1.2 worked for me!
(Approach 1.2 is getting the project to build in an older Xcode by manually editing project files.)
If you want to further explore the other approaches I've come across, here are my thoughts on how they compare with Approach 1.
Comparison to Approach 2
(Approach 2 is debugging from the command-line)
Pros of Approach 1
Much nicer debugging workflow - You can use the Xcode GUI instead of the command-line, and you won't have to copy over 3 different files to a new machine every time you want to test a change to your code.
Pros of Approach 2
You don't rely on hacking the project files which might not work for all situations. E.g. this might introduce new bugs in your compilation target that interfere with the bugs you actually want to debug.
Comparison to Approach 3
(Approach 3 is remote debugging from the command-line.)
Approach 3 is the holy grail. The debugging workflow would be very nice, no manually transferring files between computers like Approach 2, no weird brittle hacks like Approach 1.
Sadly I couldn't get Approach 3 to to work after days of trying, so I've given up on it now. If you have tips on how to make it work please do let me know!
Update 2
Approach 1.2 worked for my orginal project which was ObjC only. I've now tried to apply it to a Swift project and it's so much more work.
I had to spend hours rewriting code which was written for Swift 5.6 to compile under Swift 5.1 - it did work in the end but it took hours.
Unfortunately I haven't found a way to get a newer Swift version to compile under the older macOS, so I had to resort to this.
So if you're using Swift in your project, Approach 1.2 might be too much work to be feasible.
Update 3
Another possible solution might be using a Virtual Machine but I can't find any examples for how to do this on the internet.

Remote debugging using lldb/Xcode

I've got 2 stations, one for development and another one for testing. I'd like to be able to run and debug targets that were built under release mode (the code is stripped) on the testing station.
Since the code may not be copied to the testing station for security reasons, I've tried remote debugging as described in the following link -
Since both sides of the debugging runs OS X, the settings instructions specify that my local (development) station should run 'lldb-server' along with 'debugserver', and remote (testing) side should run 'platform'.
Unfortunately, I couldn't find all those tools inside the Xcode bundle. I also tried to download lldb source code and create those executable by myself, but I'm still missing the lldb-server target.
I wish I had some clear and comprehensive guide about how to do lldb remote debugging properly from A to Z.
Make sure that Xcode is installed on both machines. (Different versions are OK!)
On the remote machine (running the executable):
Start the app you want to debug
Start debugserver, attach to your app, and listen for connections from the other Mac:
/Applications/ development-mac.local:16000 --attach="Photo Booth"
On the development machine:
Start lldb by typing lldb
Connect to the debug server:
process connect connect://test-mac.local:16000
On the test machine, you should now see the message Waiting for debugger instructions for process 0. After a short while, the (lldb) prompt should appear on your development machine, and you can start debugging as normal.
Unfortunatly, I'm not sure how to connect from Xcode.
Please give feedback for Apple to update their documentation here
In the mean time, I'm getting more milage using hopperapp with app disassembly. There's a free trial - and it has a remote debugger available.

VC++ app fails to start — but there's no error

I made a minor change to a legacy Visual C++ / MFC app built with VS 2008. I changed some UI resources in the .rc file and compiled without any problems, then deployed it on my client's system. However, the program which was previously doing fine now fails to run on exactly one of their servers. It works fine on my laptop and on their other servers, many of whom are basically identical to the one having the trouble.
The weird thing however is that there is absolutely no error message whatsoever. No message box, no errorlevel set (when run on command prompt), no Dr. Watson entry, no nothing.
It's an MFC app that does not really comprise anything very special. It does link in some external libraries – e.g., some old version of the Xerces C++ XML parser. But this is probably not too relevant, right?
The program has a class derived from CWinApp, and I tried to add some logging in its constructor. Based on this, it looks like not even this constructor is reached.
The server in question is running Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition Service Pack 2, and we are trying to run the program in a Remote Desktop session. (Because of the client's environment, I cannot easily test in a console session right now.)
I reverted my changes from version control, which did not help – but I do not know if I had built myself the previously installed version (which ran just fine even on this server) or if it had been built by someone else.
Have also tried to reinstall the Visual C++ runtime libraries and of course reboot Windows, but neither helped. Now I'm really running out of ideas... Any clues on what I could try or check?
Probably some error occurs but is surpressed e.g. empty catch() statement or similar.
You could try and install Debugging tools for Windows WinDbg to see if you could get more info when trying to run it. Since the download is rather small 25Mb maybe it is possible to install it on your client's PC.
But first check the eventview log for your app, maybe there is something in there that can shed some light.

What's causing this weird Windows Phone Emulator crash?

I am trying to debug my Windows Phone 7 app, and I am getting the following error upon launching the app in the emulator (via VS2010 debug):
Unable to start program
The drive cannot locate a specific area or track.
Any ideas as what may be causing this? The most recent change I made was adding functionality to save game data, via the IsolatedStorageFile. However, it was working for a while with this functionality in there.
I found the problem. If only I had read the release notes. For anyone else that might be experiencing this issue, it is addressed in the WPDT Beta Release Notes.
Release Notes - WPDT Beta 7/16/2010
Unable to start program error if
project not configured to build or
deploy. If a project is not configured
to build and or deploy a game, the
operation will fail with the following
error message:
Unable to start program
The drive cannot locate a specific area or track
on the disk.
To set a game project to
build or deploy: In Visual Studio 2010
Express for Windows Phone, click
Tools, then click Settings, then click
Expert Settings to enable the Solution
Configurations drop-down. From the
Solution Configurations drop-down in
the standard toolbar, select
Configuration Manager. Check the Build
and Deploy checkboxes.
what worked for me was to update my graphic card driver. Even though my computer said the device was up to date, going to the manufacturer website and downloading the latest drive allowed it to work. (using Nvidia by the way) this was after after about 5 hours of trying to figure this thing out.
also make sure you all the rest of your updates are up to date, and that directX is current.

How do I set up my environment to debug on a Blackberry device?

I'm sorry if I'm asking the wrong thing in stackoverflow, but I've come to my wits end dealing with Blackberry. Documentation, site organization, general levels of support have all come together to the point that I haven't been able to do a whole lot of actual work in this environment.
I currently have the Eclipse environment downloaded from the blackberry developer's area website. I can run the simulator and everything else without issue. What I'm trying to do now is to move from debugging on the simulator to debugging on the device itself. This is an important step for me, but I haven't found a satisfactory way to do it...
What I've found are some posts saying that I should package an ALX (of which I'm still not sure on how to do), and using the BDM to install it. This, however, means I won't be able to use the debugger...
If someone could direct me to a resource that will give me step by step instructions from coding to release of blackberry development, this would be awfully helpful.
Thanks so much!
Yes, please test your code on a device. Basic stuff works the same between both, but especially when you get into networking, media, etc. the devices are different.
You can debug on your device through Eclipse. I can't provide you with an end-to-end guide on SO, but here's the quick debug guide.
Build (sign if necessary) and load your app onto the device. You can do this with the desktop manager, or with the command-line javaloader tool that comes with the JDE (look in the bin directory), or even OTA (over the air)
After loading, make sure the Desktop Manager is NOT running (it'll interfere with on-device debugging)
From Eclipse, create a new debug configuration, in the Debug Configurations dialog click on BlackBerry Device, and then click on the new configuration icon. Default settings should be fine.
Make sure your device is plugged into your USB port and start your new debug configuration. You'll probably get a lot of prompts about things missing (because actual devices don't have debug info for any built-in stuff, generally) but click through those and you should be fine to debug.
This is something we struggled with a lot at my old company. I don't think it's possible to do with Eclipse, you have to use the BB JDE, creating the necessary project files against the same code base. I could be wrong on that one as we weren't using the RIM Eclipse plugin, just building it all with Ant.
Personally I never managed to get passed "debugger attaching..." on the device, although I believe a colleague got it to connect but found it too slow to be usable (if you think how slow the emulator can be sometimes...). I know our ant build file had a target for building a version specifically for the JDE profiler, although that was only against the emulator.
In the end we resorted to using our own function debugging code that manually logged entries, exits, parameters and run times, sending the result to a special server.
Sorry if that doesn't help much, but that was our experience.
Never needed to debug on the device itself, I've always found that the apps i've written work on the device, same as on the handset.
As for generating an ALX, in eclipse right click on the project inside the Package Explorer and select "Generate ALX File".
