Shell Script to Move a File Into Another User's Directory? - shell

I'm running a Ubuntu 16.04 server. On my server, I have a file in directory /home/userA/dirA:
userA#myUbuntu:~$ pwd
userA#myUbuntu:~$ ls -l
total 8
drwxrwxr-x 3 userA userA 4096 Feb 17 14:13 dirA
userA#myUbuntu:~$ ls -l dirA/
total 7796
-rw-rw-r-- 1 userA userA 1234 Feb 17 14:05 theFile.txt
Note the ownership here; user userA owns the file and the directory where the file resides.
I need a shell script that moves theFile.txt to another location, into a directory that is not owned by userA. Here's my script:
echo "Attempting to move file..."
sudo mv /home/userA/dirA/theFile.txt /home/userB/dirB/.
} || {
echo "Failed to move file!"
...and the output:
userA#myUbuntu:~$ ./
Attempting to move file...
Failed to move file!
As you can tell, the script runs as userA. I don't want to run it as root.
So I'm assuming the script is failing because of the permissions; a script run as userA does not have permission to move a file into a directory owned by userB. I've been trying all sorts of variations of the sudo command and others, but to no avail. I've also tried goofy workarounds, like copying the file to /tmp (that works) and then doing a chown to change file ownership (that doesn't work). But there's got to be a way to neatly do this. Any ideas?

Create a new group, add both users into it and set the appropriate permissions. After that you will be able to move files between folders.


How to delete a file on ubuntu with another user?

I'm trying to create a file with a user. The file should be created in a manner that another user can delete it (I would be fine with just any user being able to delete it).
cd /tmp
> test
chmod 666 test
#make file owned by a different user and group
chown tomcat:tomcat test
rm -r test
rm: cannot remove 'test': Operation not permitted
What am I doing wrong? How do I have to create that file so another user is able to delete it?
The /tmp directory is a "bit" special. It has the permissions 1777 which sets the sticky bit. You'll see that an ls -l / shows tmp with the permissions:
drwxrwxrwt 25 root root 12288 Aug 3 08:20 tmp/
That t means that it prevents anyone except the owner from removing files. You'll need to use a different directory. Additionally, the -r doesn't make sense for a file.

Soft symbolic link mac permission denied

i've been banging my head for an hour now.
Context : I decided to put my dotfiles in the repo and symlink them.
I tried to symlink and got permission denied so I decided to try a simple symlink and it just won't work.
I created a testFolder( /Users/myUserName/testFolder ) :
drwxr-xr-x 3 myUserName staff 102 24 Nov 16:47 testFolder
Inside there is a test file :
-rw-r--r-- 1 myUserName staff 53 24 Nov 16:47
So I created a symlink to test symlinks in the parent folder with this command :
myUserName testFolder $ ln -s ../
I go to the parent folder and get this symlink :
lrwxr-xr-x 1 myUserName staff 7 24 Nov 16:52 ->
For some reasons, when I try to edit it, I get Permission denied.
If I symlink it in the same folder, I can edit it and no permission denied!
Has any body encountered this? I must be doing something wrong.
Symlinks with relative paths are resolved relative to the directory the symlink is in, not relative to the directory you were in when you created them. So when you run this:
ln -s ../
You’re creating a symlink that points to a file named in the same directory as the symlink, i.e. itself. What you want to do is this:
ln -s testFolder/ ../
Which creates a symlink to in the testFolder sub directory under the directory the symlink is in.
Ah! Found the answer! You can't put relative links in the first argument!!
You HAVE to put absolute path in the first argument like this :
$ ln -s absolute-path-to-source ../

Scripting a file copy from Mac to Windows (IIS) machine

I'm getting permission denied attempting to copy a file at the command-line from my Mac to a remote Windows IIS server. I have access to the IIS server and have confirmed that I have write permissions to the folder. I can remote desktop to the server and navigate and work in the directories i want. I can copy the file successfully using Finder. From the Terminal command-line I'm able to mount a volume, navigate, ls and cat the file in the directory i'm trying to cp to.
$cp -f ham.html /Volumes/external-api/eggs.html
cp: /Volumes/external-api/eggs.html: Permission denied
$ ls -l ham.html
-rw-r--r-- 1 kellykx LEGAL\Domain Users 18218 Jul 29 22:58 ham.html
$ ls -ld
drwxr-xr-x 31 kellykx LEGAL\Domain Users 1054 Jul 29 23:02 .
$ ls -l /Volumes/external-api/eggs.html
-rwx------+ 1 kellykx LEGAL\Domain Users 18218 Jul 29 15:23 /Volumes/external-api/eggs.html
$ ls -ld /Volumes/external-api
drwx------+ 1 johnsob2 LEGAL\Domain Users 16384 Jul 29 17:53 /Volumes/external-api
I'm worried there's some IIS voodoo i'm missing. Or worse, something obviously trivial.
Ideas welcome.
The permissions of the Windows share were more restrictive than the file system permissions and took precedence, causing the permission denied message. The Windows share permission was r while the underlying directory and files were rw, as shown.
To resolve:
I used remote desktop to login to the Windows server.
Navigated file manager to the parent dir of external-api,
Right clicked and followed properties->Sharing->Advanced Sharing->Permissions
Selected my name from the list box -- already set up when the share was created
Checked Full Control, Change and Read checkboxes.
Open question:
How do you inspect permissions of mounted SMB share from the OSX command line? The equiv of ls -l.

Create files in my shell script owned by root without the need for sudo

This might seem a little strange question at first but here me out.
I'm writing a shell script that makes up a file system that'll get compressed back into an archive and it needs some files in it to be owned by the root user. This whole thing is going to be automated soon but right now it's a bit of a problem because if I use sudo I need to enter in a password.
Seeing as the files are created beneath my own home directory for which I have full access I thought perhaps I can change their ownership to a root user. Is that possible?
If I try it normally I get "Operation not permitted". Maybe there is an alternative?
You can do what you want using fakeroot. It's a library that makes programs think they're running as root, when they are not. IIRC, it is used by dpkg to allow non-root users to build .deb packages that contain root-owned files.
Check out this shell script:
mkdir image
touch image/user-owned
touch image/root-owned
chown renato.renato image/user-owned
chown root.root image/root-owned
tar cf image.tar image
Normally, I would only be able to create this tar archive as root. However, if I use fakeroot:
$ fakeroot ./
$ tar tvf image.tar
drwxr-xr-x root/root 0 2014-04-09 01:09 image/
-rw-r--r-- root/root 0 2014-04-09 01:09 image/root-owned
-rw-r--r-- renato/renato 0 2014-04-09 01:09 image/user-owned
However, the files on the disk are still user-owned, so no security risk here:
$ ls -l image/
total 0
-rw-r--r-- 1 renato renato 0 Abr 9 01:09 root-owned
-rw-r--r-- 1 renato renato 0 Abr 9 01:09 user-owned

chmod not changing file permissions

When I try to change the permissions for a file it doesn't seem to work. chmod says it is changing it but the file permissions remain the same. Can anyone explain what I am doing wrong? Here is a copy of my command line.
~$ sudo chmod -v u+x ex01
mode of 'ex01' changed from 0600 (rw-------) to 0700 (rwx------)
~$ ls -l ex01
-rw------- 1 user user 60297 Feb 6 21:50 ex01
Certain file systems, such as vfat, don't support Unix permissions. The owners and permissions of the files are decided when the file system is mounted. On vfat for example there is an option to set the permissions to whatever you want, and another that sets the execute bit only for .exe, .com, .bat and similar files. See
