How to change the field name in a request body of feign client? - spring

I have a feign client that uses a dto to perform the request using #RequestBody. The problem is that some property does not match with the java standards, for example id_client. Is there a way to change the variable name and keep it working with the feign ?
Below there is the code of the feign client the dto used in the request body.
#FeignClient(name="sso-token", url = "", path="/")
public interface SsoTokenQueryWebAdapter {
#PostMapping(value = "/auth/realms/real-refrigerantes/protocol/openid-connect/token", consumes = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
public String recuperarToken(#RequestBody RequestTokenDto dto);
public class RequestTokenDto {
private String username;
private String password;
private String client_id;
private String client_secret;
private String grant_type;


Why are nested objects retrieved from a OpenFeign request to a Spring Data Rest endpoint null?

I have the following domain classes in my client app:
public class Car {
private Long id;
private Model model;
public class Make {
private Long id;
private String name;
private Model model;
public class Model {
private Long id;
private String name;
My client app tries to get this data from a Spring Data Rest endpoint that return a HATEOAS response. The client does this via OpenFeign:
public interface CarClient {
CollectionModel<Car> getAllCars();
But the each car has its make=null. How can I get make and model to be returned?

Spring MVC Based Rest Services Validations for request body

I have Rest Controller in my application which has the code snippet like below:-
public class UserRestControllerV1 {
public Response registerUser(#RequestBody #Valid final Request<UserDto> request,
final HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest,
BindingResult result){
Response response = new Response(request);
response.setData(new String("Error"));
}else {
response.setData(new String("Test"));
return response;
The Request Class:-
public class Request<T> {
#JsonProperty(value = "co-relation-id")
private String coRelationID;
#NotNull(message = "The request body should be present")
private T data;
..... various other fields
Getters / Setters
The UserDto Class :-
public class UserDto {
#NotNull(message = "The username should not be null")
private String username;
#NotNull(message = "The password should not be null")
private String password;
..... various other fields
Getters / Setters
Issue : I am having issues with my validations here. The field private T data in the request class gets validated but the fields inside T - in the case UserDto are not getting validated.
So I need to know the approach or code snippet to achieve this.
I have tried configuring the hibernate validator bean in the configuration but it is of no help in the scenario
#Valid constraint will instruct the Bean Validator to delve to the type of its applied property and validate all constraints found there.
public class Request<T> {
#JsonProperty(value = "co-relation-id")
private String coRelationID;
//#NotNull(message = "The request body should be present")
private T data;
..... various other fields
Getters / Setters

How to create REST endpoint service consume multipart using Spring 4.x?

I am trying to create a REST service that consumes the "multipart/form-data" with text and attachment objects. For files i can use "org.springframework.web.multipart.MultipartFile", but how do i specify the service method for Text objects?
Below is the expected client call to service.
create Rest endpoint by using this way
public void sendEmail(#RequestParam String to,#RequestParam String from,#RequestParam String cc,#RequestParam String body, #RequestParam(required = false)MultipartFile[] file){
create pojo class for strings
public class Email{
private String from;
private String to;
private String cc;
private String body;
// getters and setters
//email should be json string
public void sendEmail(#RequestParam String email,#RequestParam(required = false) MultipartFile[] file){
ObjectMapper mapper=new ObjectMapper();
Email email_pojo=mapper.readValue(email,Email.class);
Just create the controller as specified below:
#RequestMapping(value = "/uploadFiles", headers = ("content-type=multipart/*"), method = RequestMethod.POST)
public AppDTO uploadFile(UploadFiles uploadFiles, HttpServletRequest request) {
Now create a pojo class for what ever things you need to submit along with a multipartfile member where the file will bind to. refer below code for pojo
class UploadFiles
private String cc;
private String to;
private String from;
private MultipartFile attachment;
//create getters and setters
MultipartFile here used is provided by spring
import org.springframework.web.multipart.MultipartFile;
If you have more than one attachment you can use MultipartFile[] in POJO

Multipart file and number of form parameters are not converting as ModelAttribute in Rest controller (Spring 4)

I am using Chrome postman client for rest calls, here I am sending 15 form parameters like fname, last name.. so on, and also two files as file type.
I am submitting my request POST method, body type is form data selected and content type header is empty.
In the server side, I am consume this as method
#RequestMapping(value = "/create"
method = RequestMethod.POST,
consumes = {"multipart/form-data"},
produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
public ResponseEntity<ResponseTO> create( #ModelAttribute RequestTO updateTripRequestTO, HttpServletRequest request);
public class RequestTO implements Serializable {
private UUID id private Date createdate;
private String createdby;
private String updatedby;
private Date updateddate;
private String visibility;
private String name;
private MultipartFile tripimage;
public class RequestTO implements Serializable {
private UUID id private Date createdate;
private String createdby;
private String updatedby;
private Date updateddate;
private String visibility;
private String name;
private MultipartFile tripimage;
( and Set and get Methods)
When I debug the TO, its giving comma separated values in TO.
If I give fname is "Test", lname "Ltest" in the postman, when I debug the TO its coming fname as "Test,Test" and lname as "Ltest,Ltest " for all form fields. Can some suggest me why like this and any solution please.

javax.validation getting ignore from jersey

I am trying to use Jersey to get JSON request from the user to create vendor
public Response create(VendorTO vendorTO) throws Exception {
But before it converts in vendorTO object I want to validate it with javax.validation
I have added constraints in my pojo like this
public class VendorTO {
private Integer userId;
#Size(min = 2)
private String vendorName;
private String address1;
private String address2;
private String city;
private String state;
private String country;
private String email;
private String phone;
but it doesnt seems to be working. Can anyone help ?
You need to tell the framework that the parameter should be #Validated:
public Response create(#Valid VendorTO vendorTO) {
// ...
At this point, it appears Jersey does not support JSR 303 natively. You might have to write some ResourceFilters and handle the validation manually.
