Search by slug in Elasticsearch - elasticsearch

I have an index named homes. Here is the simplified mapping of it:
"template": "homes",
"index_patterns": "homes",
"settings": {
"index.refresh_interval": "60s"
"mappings": {
"properties": {
"status": {
"type": "keyword"
"address": {
"type": "keyword",
"fields": {
"suggest": {
"type": "search_as_you_type"
"search": {
"type": "text"
As you can see, there is an address field which I query this way:
"query": {
"bool": {
"filter": [
"term": {
"status": "sale"
"term": {
"address": "406 - 533 Richmond St W"
Now my problem is that I need to be able to query with slugyfied version of the address field as well. For example, I need to query like this:
"query": {
"bool": {
"filter": [
"term": {
"status": "sale"
"term": {
"address": "406-533-richmond-st-w"
So, instead of 406 - 533 Richmond St W I need to query 406-533-richmond-st-w. How can I do that? I was thinking of adding a new field address_slug which is the slugyfied version of address but I need it to be auto populated so I don't need to manually fill this field every time that I insert or update a document in the index.

If you create a custom analyzer with the token filters below and another field for search that uses the custom analyzer, you can achieve this. Here is an example analyze result and output:
GET {index}/_analyze
"tokenizer": "keyword",
"filter": [
"type": "lowercase"
"type": "pattern_replace",
"pattern": """[^A-Za-z0-9]+""",
"replacement": "-"
"text": "406 - 533 Richmond St W"
"tokens" : [
"token" : "406-533-richmond-st-w",
"start_offset" : 0,
"end_offset" : 23,
"type" : "word",
"position" : 0


ElasticSearch Search-as-you-type field type field with partial search

I recently updating my ngram implementation settings to use Search-as-you-type field type.
This worked great but I noticed that partial searching does not work.
If I search for number 00060434 I get the desired result but I would also like to be able to search for 60434, then it should return document 3.
Is there a way todo it with the Search-as-you-type field type or can i only do this with ngrams?
PUT searchasyoutype_example
"settings": {
"analysis": {
"analyzer": {
"englishAnalyzer": {
"tokenizer": "standard",
"filter": [
"filter": {
"ascii_folding": {
"type": "asciifolding",
"preserve_original": true
"mappings": {
"properties": {
"number": {
"type": "search_as_you_type",
"analyzer": "englishAnalyzer"
"fullName": {
"type": "search_as_you_type",
"analyzer": "englishAnalyzer"
PUT searchasyoutype_example/_doc/1
"number" : "00069794",
"fullName": "Employee 1"
PUT searchasyoutype_example/_doc/2
"number" : "00059840",
"fullName": "Employee 2"
PUT searchasyoutype_example/_doc/3
"number" : "00060434",
"fullName": "Employee 3"
GET searchasyoutype_example/_search
"query": {
"multi_match": {
"query": "00060434",
"type": "bool_prefix",
"fields": [
I think you need to query on number,number._2gram & number._3gram like below:
GET searchasyoutype_example/_search
"query": {
"multi_match": {
"query": "00060434",
"type": "bool_prefix",
"fields": [
search_as_you_type creates the 3 sub fields. You can check more on this article how it works:

Simple elasticsearch input - Rejecting mapping update final mapping would have more than 1 type: [_doc, doc]

I'm trying to send data to elasticsearch but running into an issue where my number field only comes up as a string. These are the steps I took.
Step 1. Add index & map
"mappings": {
"properties": {
"date": {
"type": "date",
"format": "HH:mm yyyy-MM-dd"
"data": {
"type": "integer"
"acknowledged": true,
"shards_acknowledged": true,
"index": "core_060619"
Step 2. Add data
"test" : [ {
"data" : "119050300",
"date" : "00:00 2019-06-03"
} ]
"error": {
"root_cause": [
"type": "illegal_argument_exception",
"reason": "Rejecting mapping update to [zyxnewcoreyxbl_060619] as the final mapping would have more than 1 type: [_doc, doc]"
"type": "illegal_argument_exception",
"reason": "Rejecting mapping update to [zyxnewcoreyxbl_060619] as the final mapping would have more than 1 type: [_doc, doc]"
"status": 400
You can not have more than one type of document in Elasticsearch 6.0.0+. If you set your document type to doc, then you can add another document by simply PUT, PUT etc.
Elasticsearch 6.+
PUT core_060619/
"mappings": {
"doc": { //type of documents in index is 'doc'
"properties": {
"date": {
"type": "date",
"format": "HH:mm yyyy-MM-dd"
"data": {
"type": "integer"
Since we created mapping to have doc type of documents, now we can add new documents by simply adding /doc/_id:
PUT core_060619/doc/1
"test" : [ {
"data" : "119050300",
"date" : "00:00 2019-06-03"
} ]
PUT core_060619/doc/2
"test" : [ {
"data" : "111120300",
"date" : "10:15 2019-06-02"
} ]
Elasticsearch 7.+
Types are removed, but you can use custom like field(s):
PUT twitter
"mappings": {
"_doc": {
"properties": {
"type": { "type": "keyword" },
"name": { "type": "text" },
"user_name": { "type": "keyword" },
"email": { "type": "keyword" },
"content": { "type": "text" },
"tweeted_at": { "type": "date" }
PUT twitter/_doc/user-kimchy
"type": "user",
"name": "Shay Banon",
"user_name": "kimchy",
"email": ""
PUT twitter/_doc/tweet-1
"type": "tweet",
"user_name": "kimchy",
"tweeted_at": "2017-10-24T09:00:00Z",
"content": "Types are going away"
GET twitter/_search
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": {
"match": {
"user_name": "kimchy"
"filter": {
"match": {
"type": "tweet"
Removal of mapping types

How I can get the distinct result?

What I am trying to do is the query to elastic search (ver 6.4), to get the unique search result (named eids). I made a query as below. What I'd like to do is first text search from both 2 fields called eLabel and pLabel, and get the distinct result called eid. But actually the result is not aggregated, showing redundant ids from 0 to over 20. How I can adjust the query?
"query": {
"multi_match": {
"query": "Brazil Capital",
"fields": [
"size": 200,
"_source": [
"aggs": {
"eids": {
"terms": {
"field": "eid"
my current mappings are as follows.
eid : id of entity
eLabel: entity label (ex, Brazil)
prop_id: property id of the entity (eid)
pLabel: the label of the property (ex, is the capital of, is located at ...)
"mappings": {
"entity": {
"properties": {
"eLabel": {
"type": "text" ,
"index_options": "docs" ,
"analyzer": "my_analyzer"
} ,
"eid": {
"type": "keyword"
} ,
"subclass": {
"type": "boolean"
} ,
"pLabel": {
"type": "text" ,
"index_options": "docs" ,
"analyzer": "my_analyzer"
} ,
"prop_id": {
"type": "keyword"
} ,
"pType": {
"type": "keyword"
} ,
"way": {
"type": "keyword"
} ,
"chain": {
"type": "integer"
} ,
"siteKey": {
"type": "keyword"
"version": {
"type": "integer"
"docId": {
"type": "integer"
Based on your comment, you can make use of the below query using Bool. Don't think anything is wrong with aggregation query, just replace the query you have with the bool query I've mentioned and I think it would suffice.
When you make use of multi_match query, it would retrieve even if the document has eLabel = "Rio is capital of brazil" & pLabel = "something else entirely here"
POST <your_index_name>/_search
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"match": {
"eLabel": "capital"
"match": {
"pLabel": "brazil"
"size": 200,
"_source": [
"aggs": {
"eids": {
"terms": {
"field": "eid"
Note that if you only want the values of eid and do not want the documents, you can set "size":0 in the above query. That way you'd only have aggregation results returned.
Let me know if this helps!!

Elasticsearch fielddata - should I use it?

Given an index with documents that have a brand property, we need to create a term aggregation that is case insensitive.
Index definition
Please note that the use of fielddata
PUT demo_products
"settings": {
"analysis": {
"analyzer": {
"my_custom_analyzer": {
"type": "custom",
"tokenizer": "keyword",
"filter": [
"mappings": {
"product": {
"properties": {
"brand": {
"type": "text",
"analyzer": "my_custom_analyzer",
"fielddata": true,
POST demo_products/product
"brand": "New York Jets"
POST demo_products/product
"brand": "new york jets"
POST demo_products/product
"brand": "Washington Redskins"
GET demo_products/product/_search
"size": 0,
"aggs": {
"brand_facet": {
"terms": {
"field": "brand"
"aggregations": {
"brand_facet": {
"doc_count_error_upper_bound": 0,
"sum_other_doc_count": 0,
"buckets": [
"key": "new york jets",
"doc_count": 2
"key": "washington redskins",
"doc_count": 1
If we use keyword instead of text we end up the 2 buckets for New York Jets because of the differences in casing.
We're concerned about the performance implications by using fielddata. However if fielddata is disabled we get the dreaded "Fielddata is disabled on text fields by default."
Any other tips to resolve this - or should we not be so concerned about fielddate?
Starting with ES 5.2 (out today), you can use normalizers with keyword fields in order to (e.g.) lowercase the value.
The role of normalizers is a bit like analyzers for text fields, though what you can do with them is more restrained, but that would probably help with the issue you're facing.
You'd create the index like this:
PUT demo_products
"settings": {
"analysis": {
"normalizer": {
"my_normalizer": {
"type": "custom",
"filter": [ "lowercase" ]
"mappings": {
"product": {
"properties": {
"brand": {
"type": "keyword",
"normalizer": "my_normalizer"
And your query would return this:
"aggregations" : {
"brand_facet" : {
"doc_count_error_upper_bound" : 0,
"sum_other_doc_count" : 0,
"buckets" : [
"key" : "new york jets",
"doc_count" : 2
"key" : "washington redskins",
"doc_count" : 1
Best of both worlds!
You can lowercase the aggregation at query time if you use a script. It won't perform as well as a normalized keyword field, but is still quite fast in my experience. For example, your query would be:
GET demo_products/product/_search
"size": 0,
"aggs": {
"brand_facet": {
"terms": {
"script": "doc['brand'].value.toLowerCase()"

Elasticsearch Index type doesn't changed after updating status

I've made some _bulk insert successfully , now I'm trying to make query with date range and filter something like:
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [{
"terms": {
"mt_id": [613]
"range": {
"time": {
"gt": 1470009600000,
"lt": 1470009600000
Unfortunately I got no results , Now I noticed that the index mapping is created after bulk insert as following:
"agg__ex_2016_8_3": {
"mappings": {
"player": {
"properties": {
"adLoad": {
"type": "long"
"mt_id": {
"type": "long"
"time": {
"type": "string"
As a solution I tried to change the index mapping with:
PUT /agg__ex_2016_8_3/_mapping/player
"properties" : {
"mt_id" : {
"type" : "long",
"index": "not_analyzed"
"acknowledged": true
and PUT /agg__ex_2016_8_3/_mapping/player
"properties" : {
"time" : {
"type" : "date",
"format" : "yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"
"error": {
"root_cause": [
"type": "remote_transport_exception",
"reason": "[vj_es_c1-esc13][][indices:admin/mapping/put]"
"type": "illegal_argument_exception",
"reason": "mapper [time] of different type, current_type [string], merged_type [date]"
"status": 400
but nothing happened , and still doesn't get any results.
What i'm doing wrong ? ( I must work with http , not using curl)
Try this:
# 1. delete index
DELETE agg__ex_2016_8_3
# 2. recreate it with the proper mapping
PUT agg__ex_2016_8_3
"mappings": {
"player": {
"properties": {
"adLoad": {
"type": "long"
"mt_id": {
"type": "long"
"time": {
"type": "date"
# 3. create doc
PUT agg__ex_2016_8_3/player/104
"time": "1470009600000",
"domain": "",
"master_domain": "",
"playerRequets": 4,
"playerLoads": 0,
"c_Id": 0,
"cb_Id": 0,
"mt_Id": 613
# 4. search
POST agg__ex_2016_8_3/_search
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"terms": {
"mt_Id": [
"range": {
"time": {
"gte": 1470009600000,
"lte": 1470009600000
