gsap svg element not moving to expected coordinates because of { duration: x } - animation

I am confused with gsap's moving to coordinates.
I have a game board with 182 tiles and 182 playing tiles.
The goal
When the user clicks the bag, a random playing tile is selected and is "supposed" to move over the tile on the board.
If you change[tileArray], TILE[tileArray], {duration: 1 , scale: true});
when changing { duration: 0, ... } the move works as expected, however no animation. When duration is above zero, the final location is very random.

I'm not sure how the duration affects the final position, however, I found a way to get the positions right. That is reset the transform of your PTILE before telling GSAP to do the Flip animation.
// reset transform value
gsap.set(PTILE[tileArray], { transform: "" });
// animate with new transform value[tileArray], TILE[tileArray], {
duration: 1,
scale: true
My reason is that PTITLE and TITLE are placed in different <g> tags which means their transform systems are inconsistent. Plus, will act like with new TITLE position is the to object, GSAP will try to calculate the from object from your original transforms which are already set in the SVG as transform:matrix(). This process, somehow, is messing up. So what I did is give GSAP an exact transform value for the from object, which is empty.

Ok, I found out that Inkscape stores the SVG with inline transforms that threw the animation off. I tried saving in plain or optimised, but still had no luck.
So there are two solutions.
Use SVGOMG an online SVG cleaner.
Use Affinity Designer application which can export and flatten transforms.
The key to rule out other factors is to use relative coordinates and flatten transforms.
I have included a screenshot of Affinity exporting options.
Affinity Export screenshot


Suggestion on how to create a window over a wall

I am working on a three.js application where I have to create a building structure (all on ground floor), the height, width, length will be specified by user. User can change wall and roof color (which are applied using texture, as I have images for each color with some texture). They can also add any accessory on a selected wall (like a window or a door), which can be then dragged and dropped on that same selected wall. After deciding where they want to put the window (for eg.) they will click a button to confirm the position. Now I have to create a window in the wall, so that I can see inside of the room. Please suggest your views on following approaches:
Once the user confirms the position of the door -
a.) I can add the mesh of the window in the main building mesh mainMesh.add(windowMesh);. But the problem is even if I set the transparent material to the window , the wall material still shows.
b.) I can subtract the window mesh from the main building mesh (using CSG, threeCSG) buildingmeshcsg.subtract(windowmeshcsg) which creates a hole in the building mesh, and then I put the window mesh over that hole. Now the problem is after any CSG operation the faces of the original geometry gets all mixed up, so after the csg operation, the color, UV of faces goes away.
c.) I can create wall in small sections,
like from one corner to window corners then, from another window corner to another wall corner. But this messes up the texture I have applied on walls, because I have created UV for front and back walls, as the texture was not applying correctly.
Please suggest your views.
Have to make something like this :
THREE * (any version)
This sounds like a good candidate for the stencil buffer. Draw the window and write to stencil, draw the wall around the written values (0) then draw the wall within the written value (1).
These are the methods you are interested in:
You need to do this first:
const gl = renderer.getContext() //obtain the actual webgl context, because three has no stencil functionality
And then you need to manage your render logic, this is where Object3D.onBeforeRender callback should help.
So let's assume that you have something like this:
const myWindow, myWall //two meshes, you loaded them, instantiated them
//for a proof of concept you can do something like this
const maskScene = new THREE.Scene()
const wallScene = new THREE.Scene()
const windowScene = new THREE.Scene()
gl.enable(gl.STENCIL_TEST) //enable stencil testing
gl.clearStencil( 0 ) //set stencil clear value
gl.clear( _gl.STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT ) //clear the stencil buffer with set value
gl.stencilFunc( gl.ALWAYS, 1, 1) //always pass the stencil test, with ref 1
gl.stencilOp( gl.REPLACE , gl.REPLACE , gl.REPLACE ) //replace the stencil value with the ref
gl.colorMask(false, false, false, false) //do not write any color
gl.depthMask(false) //do not write to depth
myRenderer.render(maskScene, myCamera) //only the stencil is drawn
//now you have a region in the frame buffer with stencil value of 1, and the rest 0, you can draw the wall in 0 and the window back at 1
gl.colorMask(true, true, true, true) //enable writing
gl.stencilFunc( gl.EQUAL , 0 , 1 ) //set the stencil function to EQUAL
gl.stencilOp( gl.KEEP, gl.KEEP, gl.KEEP ) //keep the stencil value in all three tests
myRenderer.render( wallScene, myCamera ) //draw the wall where stencil is 0 (around the window)
gl.stencilFunc( gl.EQUAL , 1 , 1 ) // now func is EQUAL but to value 1
myRenderer.render( windowScene, myCamera ) //draw the window
This is the most basic attempt and it is not tested. Since it's working directly with the WebGL API it should work with any version of three. stencilOp takes two more arguments with which you can manage what happens with the depth tests.

drawing lots of identical features — what's the best approach?

I need to draw a large number of rectangles (potentially up to millions), which are located all over the world. I was wondering what the optimal approach is to achieve the best possible performance. my requirements are:
all items are rectangles (not squares), and identical in size and color
their rotation is different per individual item though
they have different fixed locations – they do not move
the rectangles need to be pickable
they might need to be scaled according to current zoom level (to make them look like real objects on the ground)
use the webgl renderer
what I have tried to far:
const features =
(i) => {
// [...] calculate `coords` and `rotation`
const point = new ol.geom.Point(coords);
const feature = new ol.Feature(point);
feature.__angle = rotation;
return feature;
R.range(0, count /* lots of them! */)
const sheetStyle = new{
image: new{
size: [5, 8], // shape of rectangle
src: 'color.png' // 1×1px image
const vectorLayer = new ol.layer.Vector({
source: new ol.source.Vector({ features }),
preload: Infinity,
updateWhileAnimating: true,
updateWhileInteracting: true,
style: (feature, resolution) => {
const image = sheetStyle.getImage();
// TODO: is there a way to only have to do this once?
// scale according to zoom level
image.setScale(0.3 / resolution);
return sheetStyle;
I was wondering if ol3 was doing any sort of optimization under the hood.
does it merge the geometries into one?
does it only display items that in the visible part of the map?
since all items are identical, is there a way to use instancing?
related: for better performance, I am only creating a single style object that I am reusing for all items. however I need to set a rotation on each of them, which is why I am using a style function. once it is set, the rotation won't change anymore though. is there a way around having to call the style function every frame?
I am also considering using a heatmap layer for lower zoom levels and then switching to the vector layer as the user zooms in.
it would be great if someone could give me hints for overall performance improvements.

How to give control back to animation in Unity3D once altering objects location

I have a character made of up child objects that are animated using Unity3D's animation system.
While the player is walking, I can programmatically move the hand object up to catch a ball using the following code.
hand.position.y = ball.transform.position.y;
I need the hand object to go back to following the walk animation after it touches the ball, but instead it just stays at the exact position since it was set.
You want to use inverse kinematics and let Unity do the work of figuring out positioning for you. Here's a quick-and-dirty (untested) example for catching a ball (it's in C#, but it should be pretty similar for UnityScript):
// in a script on the same GameObject as your animation controller
bool isCatching;
Transform ball;
void OnAnimatorIK (int layer) {
if (isCatching) {
// set position and rotation weights for your catching hand
animator.SetIKPosition(AvatarIKGoal.RightHand, ball.position);
animator.SetIKRotation(AvatarIKGoal.RightHand, ball.rotation);
} else {
// return your position and rotation weights back to their defaults (probably 0f?)
You'll need to do some work (possibly raycasting or just checking distance and direction) to determine when to set the isCatching flag to true, and you'll want to play with the weights for position and rotation to make it look natural. The IK manual entry has more detailed information.

Snap SVG animating existing matrix

I use Snap.svg to create a simple card game. I loaded drawed cards from file and moved them to specific location using matrix translate.
It's svg element now looks kinda like this:
<g id="card11" inkscape:label="#g3908" transform="matrix(1.5621,0,0,1.5621,625.1085,529.3716)" cardposition="4" style="visibility: visible;" class="card inhand hand-4 ofplayer1">...</g>
However, now I'm trying to animate them to a specific position (same for all cards) using this:
function animateTo(object, x, y, scaleX, scaleY, time) {
var matrix = object.transform().localMatrix;
var added = new Snap.Matrix();
added.translate(x, y);
added.scale(scaleX, scaleY);
object.animate({transform: added}, time);
or something like this:
function animateTo(object, x, y, scaleX, scaleY, time) {
object.animate({transform: "t100,100"}, time);//this one I tried to use to understand how snap animations works
And here is my problem - when it animates, it allways first deletes the animation matrix of object and start animate from it's original location with blank matrix (where the object would be without transform attribute).
For example, when I tried:
var matrix = object.transform().localMatrix;
object.animate({transform: matrix}, time);
I expected it will do nothing, but my object blinks to the top left corner (blank matrix) and animates to position where it should stay.
What am I doing wrong? I need to animate that object from some matrix state to another (ideally the same one for every object). Is it somehow possible? Like I can specify start transform attribute somehow?
According to Ian's advice, I've used toTransformString:
object.animate({transform: matrix.toTransformString()}, time);
but of course, I had to use it in previous transformations too using
object.attr({transform: added.toTransformString()});//this
//object.transform(added);//instead of this
However, getting local matrix still works as expected. Animation now works and I can use matrix.translate() - to relative move the object or object.animate({transform: "t100,100"}, time).
I also can modify a,b,c,d,e,f attributes of the matrix directly. (or use transform: "T100,100")
It works!

SVG performance drop when animating 2 or more elements, RaphaelJS

I am testing SVG performance using RaphaelJS library.
My code works, can be found here: JSFiddle
When you type in textbox "1" and press "add", a rectangle will be generated on screen and 4 animations will loop on it- moving right, down, left, up (also rotating, scaling and changing colour).
Performance seems to be ok. But add another element on stage and the performance gets knocked down to minimum in 3-4 seconds. Checked in Chrome timeline, the thing that is getting stacked up is "Animation Frame Fired - > Install Timer".
Perhaps I am doing loop incorrectly? Altough next animation starts when the previous ends, through callback function. Or is it Raphael itself? Should I try doing this with SVG and SMIL? (Raphael uses VML)
Any ideas?
With RaphaelJS I did bad animation loop hooks, see answer below.
But another problem that does occur - add 1 element 10 times and you can see how animations get distorted, not finishing their full cycle, or add 10 elements 1 time and after few seconds you can see delayed animations on some of the elements.
I made SMIL version JSFiddle (no Raphael here), animations do not lag, delay, but they get syncronized. Can anyone explain why? And how to make those animations NOT sync, but unique?
I think the problem is you are recursively calling animations on a set.
So at the end of each animation, each element in the set calls an animation for the set again, so it spirals and grinds to a halt. You can get around this, by using 'this' instead of the set 'rectangles'.
//define 4 animations
var move_up = Raphael.animation({fill: "green", transform: "t0,0r360s1,1"}, 400, function(){ this.attr({"transform" : "t0,0"}); this.animate(move_right); });
var move_left = Raphael.animation({fill: "yellow", transform: "t0,100r270s0.5,0.5"}, 400, function(){ this.animate(move_up); });
var move_down = Raphael.animation({fill: "red", transform: "t100,100r180s1,1"}, 400, function(){ this.animate(move_left); });
var move_right = Raphael.animation({fill: "blue", transform: "t100,0r90s1.5,1.5"}, 400, function(){this.animate(move_down); });
