Spring interface injection from external jar - spring

I have spring API based authentication classes in external library,
Below are some of the classes in external library,
package com.security;
import org.springframework.security.authentication.AuthenticationProvider;
public class ApiKeyAuthenticationProvider implements AuthenticationProvider {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ApiKeyAuthenticationProvider.class);
private ApiAuthCredentialsConfig apiAuthCredentialsConfig;
public ApiKeyAuthenticationProvider(ApiAuthCredentialsConfig apiAuthCredentialsConfig) {
this.apiAuthCredentialsConfig = apiAuthCredentialsConfig;
package com.security;
public interface ApiAuthCredentialsConfig {
String getAuthToken();
String getAuthTokenHeaderName();
And in the repo I have added the above external library as a gradle dependency.
I have below changes in actual repo.
public class ApiAuthenticationConfig implements ApiAuthCredentialsConfig {
private String authToken;
private String authTokenHeaderName;
public class SecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
private ApiKeyAuthenticationProvider apiKeyAuthenticationProvider;
public void configure(HttpSecurity httpSecurity) throws Exception {
and().addFilterBefore(new ApiKeyAuthenticationFilter(authenticationManager(), apiKeyAuthenticationProvider.getHeaderName()), AnonymousAuthenticationFilter.class)
public AuthenticationManager authenticationManager() {
return new ProviderManager(Collections.singletonList(apiKeyAuthenticationProvider));
#SpringBootApplication(scanBasePackages = {"com.security"})
public class Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(Application.class, args);
When I run the application its failing with below error
Parameter 0 of constructor in com.security.ApiKeyAuthenticationProvider required a bean of type 'com.security.ApiAuthCredentialsConfig' that could not be found.
How to resolve this issue?

After the above comment, I realized that ApiAuthenticationConfig is not in the same package as ApiAuthCredentialsConfig, after I moved ApiAuthenticationConfig to com.security package it started working.


Spring does not find bean

I get the following error:
Field delegate in package.rest.api.MyApiController required a bean of type 'package.rest.api.MyApiDelegate' that could not be found.
I've tried to add annotation #ComponentScan("package.rest") to the main class, but it didn't help.
package package;
public class MyApp extends SpringBootServletInitializer {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(MyApp.class, args);
package package.rest.api;
public class MyApiController implements MyApi {
private MyApiDelegate delegate;
package package.rest;
public class MyApiDelegateImpl implements MyApiDelegate {
package package.rest.api;
public interface MyApiDelegate {
Can that problem happen due to incorrect configuration of the Application context or an inappropriate maven profile? I've tried to move classes to the same package, but it also didn't help.
Given that you are building a JAR file and not a WAR file, please try dropping SpringBootServletInitializer from your main class as follows:
package package;
public class MyApp {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(MyApp.class, args);

ServerHttpSecurity bean not found

I have a Security config class that has a SecurityWebFilterChain bean in it. This bean requires a ServerHttpSecuirty instance but spring says that it cannot find any beans of that type though there is one created in the external library (org.springframework.security.config.annotation.web.reactive.ServerHttpSecurityConfiguration). I have seen this issue on a github page and they said try a different version but I am using spring boot 2.4.5 so it should work.
My Security Config class:
public class SecurityConfig {
SecurityWebFilterChain springWebFilterChain(ServerHttpSecurity http,
JwtTokenProvider tokenProvider,
ReactiveAuthenticationManager reactiveAuthenticationManager) {
final String TAG_SERVICES = "/api/**";
return http.csrf(ServerHttpSecurity.CsrfSpec::disable)
.authorizeExchange(it -> it
.pathMatchers(HttpMethod.POST, TAG_SERVICES).hasAnyRole("USER","ADMIN")
.pathMatchers(HttpMethod.PUT, TAG_SERVICES).hasAnyRole("USER","ADMIN")
.pathMatchers(HttpMethod.GET, TAG_SERVICES).hasAnyRole("USER","ADMIN")
.pathMatchers(HttpMethod.DELETE, TAG_SERVICES).hasAnyRole("USER","ADMIN")
.addFilterAt(new JwtTokenAuthenticationFilter(tokenProvider), SecurityWebFiltersOrder.HTTP_BASIC)
My application class
public class TestPlatformBackendApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(TestPlatformBackendApplication.class, args);
External Library Bean:
ServerHttpSecurity httpSecurity() {
ServerHttpSecurityConfiguration.ContextAwareServerHttpSecurity http = new ServerHttpSecurityConfiguration.ContextAwareServerHttpSecurity();
return http.authenticationManager(this.authenticationManager()).headers().and().logout().and();
As Toerktumlare recommended in the comments (1, 2) I added #EnableWebFluxSecurity to my security config:
public class SecurityConfig {
But I also added the following to my exclude in the #SpringBootApplication annotation.
#SpringBootApplication(exclude={DataSourceAutoConfiguration.class, SecurityAutoConfiguration.class, ManagementWebSecurityAutoConfiguration.class})
public class TestPlatformBackendApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(TestPlatformBackendApplication.class, args);

Why #PostConstruct not invoked in spring container?

I tried to add some entities in the db shema
public class ApplicationConfig {
public final static String basePackage = "test"
spring container invocation:
public class StartApp {
public static void main(String... args) throws Exception{
ApplicationContext context = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(ApplicationConfig.class);
TestEntityRepository repository = (TestEntityRepository) context.getBean("testEntityRepository");
repository.save(new TestEntity("test"));
target class with annotation:
public class PersistenceService {
TestEntityRepository testEntityRepository;
public void initialize(){
testEntityRepository.save(new TestEntity("test1"));
testEntityRepository.save(new TestEntity("test2"));
testEntityRepository.save(new TestEntity("test3"));
as the result in table only one record - "test". At the Tomcat all works fine.
It seems your PersistenceServiceis not recognized as a Service. Can you add the #Service to PersistenceService?
public class PersistenceService {
Hope this help.

Unit Testing using JUnit for Spring Batch without XML configuration

I am new to Spring Batch and I started developping a simple batch application. Now I am thinking of some unit testing unsing JUnit that could be healthy for my app and code ;)
The problem is that I couldn't find any ressource (examples, tutos ...) on the internet that shows how to perform unit testing with Spring Batch when using no XML.
Here is my code to be more clear :
Config class:
package my.company.project.name.batch.config
public class MyItemBatchConfig {
private StepBuilderFactory steps;
private JobBuilderFactory jobBuilderFactory;
private MyItemTasklet myItemTasklet;
public Job myItemJob(#Qualifier("myItem") Step loadProducts){
return jobBuilderFactory.get("myItemJob").start(myMethod).build();
#Bean(name= "myItem")
public Step myMethod(){
return steps.get("myItem").tasklet(myItemTasklet).build();
MyItemReader class :
package my.company.project.name.batch.reader
public class MyItemReader implements ItemReader<MyItem>{
private String csvFilePath;
private LinkedList<CsvRawLine> myItems;
public void init() {
myItems = new LinkedList<>(CsvUtil.getCsvReader(MyItem.class, csvFilePath));
public MyItem read() throws Exception{
return myItems.poll();
ItemProcessor class :
package my.company.project.name.batch.processor
public class MyItemProcessor implements ItemProcessor<MyItem, MyItemProcessorResult> {
public MyItemProcessorResult process(MyItemitem) throws Exception {
//processing business logic
ItemWriter class :
package my.company.project.name.batch.writer
public class MyItemWriter implements ItemWriter<MyItem> {
public void write(List<? extends MyItem> myItems) throws Exception {
//writer business logic
MyItemTasklet class that will call all the previous classes in order to achieve the task wanted by the batch:
package package my.company.project.name.batch.tasklet
public class MyItemBatchTasklet implements Tasklet{
public MyItemReader myItemReader;
public MyItemProcessor myItemProcessor;
public MyItemeWriter myItemWriter;
public RepeatStatus execute execute(StepContribution contribution, ChunkContext chunkContext) throws Exception {
//calling myItemReader, myItemProcessor and myItemWriter to do the business logic
return RepeatStatus.FINISHED
MyItemTasklet class that will launch the tasklet by its main method :
package package my.company.project.name.batch
public class MyItemTaskletLauncher{
public MyItemTaskletLauncher(){
//No implementation
public static void main (String[] args) throws IOException, JobExecutionException, NamingException {
Launcher.launchWithConfig("Launching MyItemTasklet ...", MyItemBatchConfig.class,false);
I made a simple batch application using Spring Batch and MyBatis and JUnit.
The test codes of application runs unit testing without XML.
Here is test class for Job.
#SpringBootTest(classes = {xxx.class, yyy.class, zzz.class, xxxJobLauncherTestUtils.class})
public class JobTest {
#Qualifier(value = "xxxJobLauncherTestUtils")
private JobLauncherTestUtils xxxJobLauncherTestUtils;
public void testXxxJob() throws Exception {
JobExecution jobExecution = xxxJobLauncherTestUtils.launchJob();
assertThat(jobExecution.getStatus(), is(BatchStatus.COMPLETED));
#Component(value = "xxxJobLauncherTestUtils")
class XxxjobLauncherTestUtils extends JobLauncherTestUtils {
#Qualifier(value = "xxxJob")
public void setJob(Job job) {
About details, please see the below link.
I hope that it will be helpful.

Create Spring boot standalone app

I'm trying to figure out how to build a Spring Boot standalone app. Of course to have things autowired requires some initial context starting point. If I just try to Autowire a class to run a job it is null even if I make it static.
Is there a way to use Spring #Services in a standalone non-web app?
public class MyApplication {
private static JobRunnerService job;
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(MyApplication.class, args);
job.send(); //job is null !
So first wired in a static JobRunnerService to the main running MyApplication the JobRunner(Service) Class has a non-static SshSessionService wired into it.
the SshSession(Service) finally just has a no-arg constructor.
public final class JobRunner implements JobRunnerService{
private SshSessionService ssh;
public JobRunner(SshSessionService ssh){
this.ssh = ssh;
public void sendToAgent() { ....
public class SshSession implements SshSessionService {
public SshSession() {
It starts off being null at the JobRunnerService job reference.
Several different solutions comes to mind:
If you take a look at the SpringApplication.run() method you will notice that it returns a ApplicationContext. From that, you can fetch the JobRunnerService, e.g.
public class MyApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ApplicationContext ctx = SpringApplication.run(MyApplication.class, args);
JobRunnerService job = ctx.getBean(JobRunnerService.class);
Another solution is to use #PostConstruct annotation for the send() method:
public class JobRunner implements JobRunnerService {
public void send() { ... }
However in your case, I would implement the ApplicationRunner interface, either as a separate bean which autowires the JobRunnerService and then calls its send() method
public class SendRunner implements ApplicationRunner {
private JobRunnerService job;
public void run(ApplicationArguments args) {
or let the JobRunner implement the ApplicationRunner interface directly:
public class JobRunner implements JobRunnerService, ApplicationRunner {
public void send() { ... }
public void run(ApplicationArguments args) {
You haven't provided the code for JobRunnerService but I am assuming it has a default constructor and that it is annotated by #Component for Spring to figure it out as a bean before you can actually autowire it. your job is null probably because it's not able to find an autowired bean for JobRunnerService and that's probably because you don't have an identifier for Spring to scan and create bean of type JobRunnerService
You can use #Servicesor #Component to the JobRunnerService class then add annotation #ComponentScan("package of JobRunnerService") below #SpringBootApplication, see this link:
How to scan multiple paths using the #ComponentScan annotation?
You need a few steps to get your standalone app working:
A class with main() method.
A #SpringBootApplication annotation to your main class.
And a call to the SpringApplication.run() method.
package com.example.myproject;
import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;
#SpringBootApplication // same as #Configuration #EnableAutoConfiguration #ComponentScan
public class Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(Application.class, args);
As noted, the #SpringBootApplication is a composite annotation which consist of #Configuration #EnableAutoConfiguration and #ComponentScan. In other words, it can be replaced by the three latter annotations. Alternatively, you can use the alias scanBasePackage or scanBasePackageClasses to customize which directories that should be used for component scanning.
The example is copied from the #SpringBootApplication paragraph in the Spring Boot reference docs (see link above). If you would like to quick start your project, complete with build scripts (Maven or Gradle), dependencies, etc, you can generate a project skeleton using the Spring Initializr
I'm trying to run as Thread/runnable now as mentioned in the Spring document 3. Task Execution and Scheduling..
import org.springframework.core.task.TaskExecutor;
public class TaskExecutorExample {
private class MessagePrinterTask implements Runnable {
private String message;
public MessagePrinterTask(String message) {
this.message = message;
public void run() {
private TaskExecutor taskExecutor;
public TaskExecutorExample(TaskExecutor taskExecutor) {
this.taskExecutor = taskExecutor;
public void printMessages() {
for(int i = 0; i < 25; i++) {
taskExecutor.execute(new MessagePrinterTask("Message" + i));
So in my case I'm trying...
public class JobRunner implements JobRunnerService, ApplicationRunner{
public TaskExecutor taskExecutor;
private SshSessionService ssh;
private class JobTask implements Runnable{
public void run(){
Boolean success = connectToAgent();
* Construct JobRunner with TaskExecutor
* #param taskExecutor
public JobRunner(TaskExecutor taskExecutor, SshSessionService ssh) {
this.taskExecutor = taskExecutor;
this.ssh = ssh;
private Map<String, String> sessionParams;
private final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass());
public void run(ApplicationArguments args) {
* Starting point of application
taskExecutor.execute(new JobTask());
just getting org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException: No qualifying bean of type [org.springframework.core.task.TaskExecutor] found for dependency
How can i get the imported lib to be accepted as a TaskExecutor Bean ??
