How to hide window surface using EGL on weston wayland - opengl-es

I am rendering my GL content using EGL on Weston compositor.
the content displayed well.
my requirement is to hide and show the surface with some event.
Can you suggest how to do that?
when i was using glut with x11 , i used glutShowWindow(); and glutHideWindow();
is there way to simply hide the shell surface and then show it again on Weston?


How to create a global overlay for MacOS?

I am trying to develop a MacOS application using Xcode and Cocoa. My intent is to create an overlay on the user's screen that is mostly transparent, and does not register input. For example, an application like f.lux tints the colour of your entire screen like a global overlay, but you can still click on-screen items, as mouse clicks go right through (assuming that it's an overlay). How can I get started with achieving a similar overlay/widget?

EFL - custom button

I'm porting a C-language kiosk application to a x86 machine, running Ubuntu 16.
I'm using the EFL GUI framework (version 1.20.7) - it is new to me.
I managed to add an icon to a button, but the button still has a frame and the 'pressed' GUI animation.
I want only my custom-button-image to be visible, possibly switching between 2 images: 'pressed' and 'unpressed' (upon matching events, of by configuration... maybe edge???).
I don't mind using any widget (image, etc.), if it has the callbacks for relevant events.
Rather than using a button object which has a standard theme you could just use an image (evas_object_image_add) and change the image on mouse down/up (evas_object_event_callback_add(obj, EVAS_CALLBACK_MOUSE_DOWN, ...)).
You should note the difference between evas_ and elm_ namespaces - elm (the toolkit) has a standard theme and evas (the render library) is a "blank canvas" :). An Evas Object can be added to the UI just like any other Elm widget.

Render OpenGL on background thread and still work with Cocoa Controls in Mac OSX

I am working on a mac osx control that is OpenGL based. Currently I am using an NSOpenGLView and a CVDisplayLink to coordinate my rendering on a background thread. This works great, but I need to allow Cocoa controls to be displayed over this OpenGL based control.
I realize you can do this with putting your Cocoa controls in borderless windows, however, that doesn't seem like a very good workflow for my users.
Alternatively I can make the view layer-backed and I got that working, however I don't like rendering my OpenGL content on the main thread, sometimes it blocks the main thread when the frame-rate dips.
Are there any samples that show how to achieve the best of both worlds?
The background thread for rendering is completely irrelevant. You just need to enable layer-backing for the views and then the subviews/controls will be composited correctly on top of your OpenGL content. You can also use CAOpenGLLayer for more explicit layering with CALayers.

How do I do 3d manipulations on live windows 7 window contents?

This is basically a scoping question, where would I look for the facility to render window contents to 3d surfaces and manipulate them? I mean can I have a program like a shell that composites live windows in 3d like the Vista DWM's 3d Task Switcher and can translate UI interactions back into 2d interactions for each window?
I've seen mention of DWM extensions here and there on the web but can't find any resources as to how that would work. Also there are guides to implementing DWM Thumbnails by relating two windows' HWNDs but that doesn't allow me to do arbitrary transforms on the window and is display only (you can't click on stuff in the thumbnail.)
Any ideas?
There is no interface for manipulating the DWM's 3D visuals. They are internal to the DWM.

modal window with non square borders

How do I make modal windows with non square borders, for instance a modal window which has a corner to indicate it's coming (sorta being shout) from a text.
Create your modal dialog window as you would normally and then call SetWindowRgn API to set the non-rectangular region you want to achieve.
Note that this will not allow you to do semi-transparent effects, it works only for opaque windows. If you want alpha blending, your window has to be top-level (alpha transparency is not supported for child windows) and you should be usign different APIs.
Also, this works for C++ clients using the native Win32 API. If you are writing C#/VB.Net code, you need to specify if you are using WinForms or WPF, as the solution is different for these.
