Would this n x n transpose algorithm be considered an in place algorithm? - algorithm

Based on my research, I am gaining conflicting information about this simple algorithm. This algorithm is a basic matrix transposition, that transposes an n x n matrix A.
My current understanding is this algorithm would run at O(n^2) time and have a space complexity of O(1) as the matrix we manipulate would be the same one we deal with.
But- I have also been told it would actually run O(n) time and have space complexity of O(n) as well. Which means it wouldn't be in-place, as it requires extra space for manipulation.
Which thought process is correct here for the transpose algo below?
1. for i = 1 to n -1
2. for j = i + 1 to n
3. exchange A[i, j] with A[j,i]

Some confusion might arise from the facts that the workload is proportional to the number of elements in the array, and these elements occupy their own space. So by some notation abuse or inattention, both would be said "O(n)".
But this is wrong because
n is clearly not the number of elements but the number of rows/columns of the array;
by definition the space complexity does not include the input and output data, but any auxiliary space that would be required.
Hence we can confirm the time complexity O(n²) - in fact Θ(n²) - and space complexity O(1). The algorithm is in-place.
Final remark:
If we denote the number of elements as m, the time complexity is O(m), and there is no contradiction.


Big O analysis of Modified Merge Sort (divide by √n arrays, instead 2)

I am working on a modified merge sort algorithm using a similar procedure for merging two sorted arrays, but instead want to merge √n sorted arrays of √n size. It will start with an array of size n, then recursively be divided into √n sub problems as stated above. The following algorithm is used:
1.) Divide array of n elements into √n pieces
2.) Pass elements back into method for recursion
3.) Compare pieces from step 1
4.) Merge components together to form sorted array
I am fairly certain this is the proper algorithm, but I am unsure how to find the Big O run time. Any guidance in the proper direction is greatly appreciated!
The key part is to find the complexity of the merging step. Assuming that an analogous method to that of the 2-way case is used:
Finding the minimum element out of all √n arrays is O(√n).
This needs to be done for all n elements to be merged; possible edge cases when some of the arrays are depleted only contribute a subtracted O(√n) in complexity.
Hence the complexity of merging is O(n√n). Expanding the recurrence:
Where (*) marks an expansion of the T() terms. Spotting the pattern for the m-th expansion:
Coefficient of T-term is n to the power of sum of powers of 1/2 up to m.
Argument of T-term is 1/2 to the power of m.
Accumulated terms the sum of n to the power of 1 + powers of 1/2 up to m.
Writing the above rules as a compact series:
(*) used the standard formula for geometric series.
(**) notes that for a summation of powers of n, the highest power dominates (1/2). Assume the stopping condition to be some small constant, be it n = 1:
Note that as n increases, the 2^(1 - ...) term vanishes. The first term is therefore bounded from above by O(n), which is overshadowed by the second term.
The time complexity of √n-way merge-sort is therefore O(n^1.5), which is worse than the O(n log n) complexity of 2-way merge-sort.

Should we ignore constant k in O(nk)?

Was reading CLRS when I encountered this:
Why do we not ignore the constant k in the big o equations in a. , b. and c.?
In this case, you aren't considering the run time of a single algorithm, but of a family of algorithms parameterized by k. Considering k lets you compare the difference between sorting n/n == 1 list and n/2 2-element lists. Somewhere in the middle, there is a value of k that you want to compute for part (c) so that Θ(nk + n lg(n/k)) and Θ(n lg n) are equal.
Going into more detail, insertion sort is O(n^2) because (roughly speaking) in the worst case, any single insertion could take O(n) time. However, if the sublists have a fixed length k, then you know the insertion step is O(1), independent of how many lists you are sorting. (That is, the bottleneck is no longer in the insertion step, but the merge phase.)
K is not a constant when you compare different algorithms with different values of k.

log(n) vs log(k) in runtime of an algorithm with k < n

I am having trouble understanding the difference between log(k) and log(n) in complexity analysis.
I have an array of size n. I have another number k < n that is an input of the algorithm (so it's not a constant known ahead of time). What are some examples of algorithms that would have log(n) vs those that would have log(k) in their complexity? I can only think of algorithms that have log(n) in their complexity.
For example, mergesort has log(n) complexity in its runtime analysis (O(nlogn)).
If your algorithm takes a list of size n and a number of magnitude k < n, the input size is on the order of n + log(k) (assuming k may be on the same asymptotic order of n). Why? k is a number represented in a place-value system (e.g., binary or decimal) and a number of magnitude k requires on the order of log k digits to represent.
Therefore, if your algorithm takes an input k and uses it in a way that requires all its digits be used or checked (e.g., equality is being checked, etc.) then the complexity of the whole algorithm is at least on the order of log k. If you do more complicated things with the number, the complexity could be even higher. For instance, if you have something like for i = 1 to k do ..., the complexity of your algorithm is at least k - maybe higher, since you're comparing to a log k-bit number k times (although i will use fewer bits than k for many/most values of i, depending on the base).
There's no "one-size-fits-all" explanation as to where an O(log k) term might come up.
You sometimes see this runtime arise in searching and sorting algorithms where you only need to rearrange some small part of the sequence. For example, the C++ standard library's std::partial_sort function, which rearranges the sequence so that the first k elements are in sorted order and the remainder are in arbitrary order in time O(n log k). One way this could be implemented is to maintain a min-heap of size at most k and do n insertions/deletions on it, which is n operations that each take time O(log k). Similarly, there's an O(n log k)-time algorithm for finding the k largest elements in a data stream, which works by maintaining a max-heap of at most k elements.
(Neither of these approaches are optimal, though - you can do a partial sort in time O(n + k log k) using a linear-time selection algorithm and can similarly find the top k elements of a data stream in O(n).)m
You also sometimes see this runtime in algorithms that involve a divide-and-conquer strategy where the size of the problem in question depends on some parameter of the input size. For example, the Kirkpatrick-Seidel algorithm for computing a convex hull does linear work per level in a recurrence, and the number of layers is O(log k), where k is the number of elements in the resulting convex hull. The total work is then O(n log k), making it an output-sensitive algorithm.
In some cases, an O(log k) term can arise because you are processing a collection of elements one digit at a time. For example, radix sort has a runtime of O(n log k) when used to sort n values that range from 0 to k, inclusive, with the log k term arising from the fact that there are O(log k) digits in the number k.
In graph algorithms, where the number of edges (m) is related to but can be independent of the number of nodes (n), you often see runtimes like O(m log n), as is the case if you implement Dijkstra's algorithm with a binary heap.

What does it mean to find big o notation for memory

I have a question, what does it mean to find the big-o order of the memory required by an algorithm?
Like what's the difference between that and the big o operations?
a question asks
Given the following pseudo-code, with an initialized two dimensional array A, with both dimensions of size n:
for i <- 1 to n do
for j <- 1 to n-i do
A[i][j]= i + j
Wouldn't the big o notation for memory just be n^2 and the computations also be n^2?
Big-Oh is about how something grows according to something else (technically the limit on how something grows). The most common introductory usage is for the something to be how fast an algorithm runs according to the size of inputs.
There is nothing that says you can't have the something be how much memory is used according to the size of the input.
In your example, since there is a bucket in the array for everything in i and j, the space requirements grow as O(i*j), which is O(n^2)
But if your algorithm was instead keeping track of the largest sum, and not the sums of every number in each array, the runtime complexity would still be O(n^2) while the space complexity would be constant, as the algorithm only ever needs to keep track of current i, current j, current max, and the max being tested.
Big-O order of memory means how does the number of bytes needed to execute the algorithm vary as the number of elements processed increases. In your example, I think the Big-O order is n squared, because the data is stored in a square array of size nxn.
The big-O order of operations means how does the number of calculations needed to execute the algorithm vary as the number of elements processed increases.
Yes you are correct the space and time complexity for the above pseudo code is n^2.
But for the below code the space or memory complexity is 1 and but time complexity is n^2.
I usually go by the assignments etc done within the code which gives you the memory complexity.
for i <- 1 to n do
for j <- 1 to n-i do
A[0][0]= i + j
I honestly never heard of "big O for memory" but I can easily guess it is only loosely relater to the computation time - probably only setting a lower bound.
As an example, it is easy to design an algorithm which uses n^2 memory and n^3 computation, but i think it is impossible to do the other way round - you cannot process n^2 data with n complexity computationally.
Your algorithm has complexity 1/2 * n^ 2, thus O(n^2)
If A is given to your algorithm, then the space complexity is O(1). Iterating over an existing 2D array and writing values to existing memory locations uses no additional memory.
However, if the algorithm allocates A, then the space complexity is O(n2).
The time complexity is O(n2) either way.

Time Complexity of a nested for loop that parses a matrix

Let's say I have a matrix that has X rows and Y columns. The total number of elements is X*Y, correct? So does that make n=X*Y?
for (i=0; i<X; i++)
for (j=0; j<Y; j++)
Then wouldn't that mean that this nested for loop is O(n)? Or am I misunderstanding how time complexities work?
Generally, I thought all nested for loops were O(n^2), but if it goes through X*Y calls to print(), doesn't that mean that the time complexity is O(X*Y) and X*Y is equal to n?
If you have a matrix of size rows*columns, then the inner loop (let's say) is O(columns), and the nested loops together are O(rows*columns).
You are confusing a problem size of N for a problem size of N^2. You can either say your matrix is size N or your matrix is size N^2, though unless your matrix is square you should say that you have a matrix of size Rows*Columns.
You are right when you say n = X x Y but wrong when you say the nested loops should be O(n). The meaning of nested loop can be understood if you dry run your code. You will notice that for each iteration of the outer loop the inner loop runs n (or what ever is the size condition) times. Hence, by simple math, you can deduce that its O(n^2). But, if you had just one loop when you will be iterating over (X x Y) (Eg: for(i = 0; i<(X*Y); i++) elements, then it will be O(n) cause you are not restarting your iteration at any point of time.
Hope this makes sense.
This answer was written hastily and received a few downvotes, so I decided to clarify and rewrite it
Time complexity of an algorithm is an expression of the number of operations of the algorithm in terms of the size of the problem the algorithm is intended to solve.
There are two sizes involved here.
The first size is the number of elements of the matrix X × Y This corresponds to what is known in complexity theory as the size of input. Let k = X × Y denote the number of elements in the matrix. Since the number of operations in the twin loop is X × Y, it is in O(k).
The second size is the number of columns and rows of the matrix. Let m = max(X,Y). The number of operations in the twin loop is in O(m^2). Usually in Linear Algebra this kind of size is used to characterize the complexity of matrix operations on m × m matrices.
When you talk about complexity you have to specify precisely how you encode an instance problem and what parameter you use to specify its size. In Complexity Theory we usually assume that the input to an algorithm is given as a string of characters coming from some finite alphabet and measure the complexity of an algorithm in terms of an upper bound on the number of operations on an instance of a problem given by a string of length n. That is in Complexity Theory n is usually the size of input.
In practical Complexity Analysis of algorithms we often use other measures of the size of an instance that are more meaningful in specific context. For instance if A is a connectivity matrix of a graph, we may use the number of vertices V as a measure of complexity of an instance of a problem, or if A is a matrix of a linear operator acting on a vector space, we may use the dimension of a vector space as such a measure. For square matrices the convention is to specify the complexity in terms of the dimension of the matrix, that is to measure the complexity of algorithms acting upon n × n matrices in terms of n. It often makes practical sense and also agrees with the conventions of a specific application field even if it may contradict the conventions of Complexity Theory.
Let us give the name Matrix Scan to our twin loop. You may legitimately say that if the size of an instance of Matrix Scan is the length of a string encoding of a matrix. Assuming bounded size of the entries it is the number of elements in the matrix, k. Then we can say the complexity of Matrix Scan is in O(k). On the other hand if we take m = max(X,Y) as a parameter that characterizes the complexity of an instance, as is customary in many applications, then the complexity Matrix Scan for an X×Y matrix will is also in O(m^2). For a square matrix X = Y = m and O(k) = O(m^2).
Notice: Some people in the comments asked whether we can always find an encoding of the problem to reduce any polynomial problem to a linear problem. This is not true. For some algorithms the number of operations grows faster than the length of the string encoding of their input. For instance, there is no algorithm to multiply two m×m matrices with θ(m^2) number of operations. Here the size of input grows as m^2, however Ran Raz proved that the number of operations grows at least as fast as m^2 log m. If n is in O(m^2) then m^2 log m is in O(n log n) and the best known algorithms complexity grows as O(m^(2+c)) = O(n^(1+c/2)), where c is at least 0.372 for versions of Coppersmith-Winograd algorithm and c = 1 for the common iterative algorithm.
Generally, I thought all nested for loops were O(n^2),
You are wrong about that. What confuses you I guess is that often people use as an example square(X==Y) matrix so complexity is n*n(X==n,Y==n).
If you want to practise your O(*) skills try to figure out why matrix multiplication is O(n^3). IF you dont know the algorithm for matrix multiplication it is easy to find it online.
