JCache Hazelcast embedded does not scale - spring

Hello, Stackoverflow Community.
I have a Spring Boot application that uses Jcache with Hazelcast implementation as a cache Framework.
Each Hazelcast node has 5 caches with the size of 50000 elements each. There are 4 Hazelcast Instances that form a cluster.
The problem that I face is the following:
I have a very heavy call that reads data from all four caches. On the initial start, when all caches are yet empty, this call takes up to 600 seconds.
When there is one Hazelcast instance running and all 5 caches are filled with data, then this call happens relatively fast, it takes on average only 4 seconds.
When I start 2 Hazelcast instances and they form a cluster, then the response time gets worse, and the same call takes already 25 seconds on average.
And the more Hazelcast instances I add in a cluster, the longer the response time gets. Of course, I was expecting to see some worse delivery time when data is partitioned among Hazelcast nodes in a cluster. But I did not expect that just by adding one more hazelcast instance, the response time would get 6 - 7 times slower...
Please note, that for simplicity reasons and for testing purposes, I just start four Spring Boot Instances with each Hazelcast embedded node embedded in it on one machine. Therefore, such poor performance cannot be justified by network delays. I assume that this API call is so slow even with Hazelcast because much data needs to be serialized/deserialized when sent among Hazelcast cluster nodes. Please correct me if I am wrong.
The cache data is partitioned evenly among all nodes. I was thinking about adding near cache in order to reduce latency, however, according to the Hazelcast Documentation, the near cache is not available for Jcache Members. In my case, because of some project requirements, I am not able to switch to Jcache Clients to make use of Near Cache. Is there maybe some advice on how to reduce latency in such a scenario?
Thank you in advance.
Hazelcast Config: stays default, nothing is changed
private void createCaches() {
CacheConfiguration<?, ?> cacheConfig = new CacheConfig<>()
new EvictionConfig()
cacheManager.createCache("books", cacheConfig);
cacheManager.createCache("bottles", cacheConfig);
cacheManager.createCache("chairs", cacheConfig);
cacheManager.createCache("tables", cacheConfig);
cacheManager.createCache("windows", cacheConfig);
Dummy Controller:
public String getExampleObjects() { // simulates a situatation where one call needs to fetch data from multiple cached sources.
Instant start = Instant.now();
int i = 0;
while (i != 50000) {
Instant end = Instant.now();
return String.format("The heavy call took: %o seconds", Duration.between(start, end).getSeconds());
Dummy service:
public class ExampleService {
#CacheResult(cacheName = "books")
public ExampleBooks getBook(int i) {
try {
Thread.sleep(1); // just to simulate slow service here!
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
return new Book(Integer.toString(i), Integer.toString(i));
#CacheResult(cacheName = "bottles")
public ExampleMooks getBottle(int i) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
return new Bottle(Integer.toString(i), Integer.toString(i));
#CacheResult(cacheName = "chairs")
public ExamplePooks getChair(int i) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
return new Chair(Integer.toString(i), Integer.toString(i));
#CacheResult(cacheName = "tables")
public ExampleRooks getTable(int i) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
return new Table(Integer.toString(i), Integer.toString(i));
#CacheResult(cacheName = "windows")
public ExampleTooks getWindow(int i) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
return new Window(Integer.toString(i), Integer.toString(i));

If you do the math:
4s / 250 000 lookups is 0.016 ms per local lookup. This seems rather high, but let's take that.
When you add a single node then the data gets partitioned and half of the requests will be served from the other node. If you add 2 more nodes (4 total) then 25 % of the requests will be served locally and 75 % will be served over network. This should explain why the response time grows when you add more nodes.
Even simple ping on localhost takes twice or more time. On a real network the read latency we see in benchmarks is 0.3-0.4 ms per read call. This makes:
0.25 * 250k *0.016 + 0.75 * 250k * 0.3 = ~57 s
You simply won't be able to make so many calls serially over the network (even local one), you need to either
parallelize the calls - use javax.cache.Cache#getAll to reduce the number of calls
you can try enabling reading local backups via com.hazelcast.config.MapConfig#setReadBackupData so there is less requests over the network.
The read backup data feature is only available for IMap, so you would need to use Spring caching with hazelcast-spring module and its com.hazelcast.spring.cache.HazelcastCacheManager:
HazelcastCacheManager cacheManager(HazelcastInstance hazelcastInstance) {
return new HazelcastCacheManager(hazelcastInstance);
See documentation for more details.


Benchmarking spring data vs JDBI in select from postgres Database

I wanted to compare the performence for Spring data vs JDBI
I used the following versions
Spring Boot 2.2.4.RELEASE
JDBI 3.13.0
the test is fairly simple select * from admin table and convert to a list of Admin object
here is the relevant details
with spring boot
public interface AdminService extends JpaRepository<Admin, Integer> {
and for JDBI
public List<Admin> getAdmins() {
String sql = "Select admin_id as adminId, username from admins";
Handle handle = null;
try {
handle = Sql2oConnection.getInstance().getJdbi().open();
return handle.createQuery(sql).mapToBean(Admin.class).list();
}catch(Exception ex) {
log.error("Could not select admins from admins: {}", ex.getMessage(), ex );
return null;
} finally {
the test class is executed using junit 5
#DisplayName("How long does it take to run 1000 queries")
public void loadAdminTable() {
System.out.println("Running load test");
Instant start = Instant.now();
for(int i= 0;i<1000;i++) {
adminService.getAdmins(); // for spring its findAll()
for(Admin admin: admins) {
if(admin.getAdminId() == 654) {
System.out.println("just to simulate work with the data");
Instant end = Instant.now();
Duration duration = Duration.between(start, end);
System.out.println("Total duration: " + duration.getSeconds());
i was quite shocked to get the following results
Spring Data: 2 seconds
JDBI: 59 seconds
any idea why i got these results? i was expecting JDBI to be faster
The issue was that spring manages the connection life cycle for us and for a good reason
after reading the docs of JDBI
There is a performance penalty every time a connection is allocated
and released. In the example above, the two insertFullContact
operations take separate Connection objects from your database
connection pool.
i changed the test code of the JDBI test to the following
#DisplayName("How long does it take to run 1000 queries")
public void loadAdminTable() {
System.out.println("Running load test");
String sql = "Select admin_id as adminId, username from admins";
Handle handle = null;
handle = Sql2oConnection.getInstance().getJdbi().open();
Instant start = Instant.now();
for(int i= 0;i<1000;i++) {
List<Admin> admins = handle.createQuery(sql).mapToBean(Admin.class).list();
if(!admins.isEmpty()) {
for(Admin admin: admins) {
Instant end = Instant.now();
Duration duration = Duration.between(start, end);
System.out.println("Total duration: " + duration.getSeconds());
this way the connection is opened once and the query runs 1000 times
the final result was 1 second
twice as fast as spring
On the one hand you seem to make some basic mistakes of benchmarking:
You are not warming up the JVM.
You are not using the results in any way.
Therefore what you are seeing might just be effects of different optimisations of the VM.
Look into JMH in order to improve your benchmarks.
Benchmarks with an external resource are extra hard, because you have so many more parameters to control.
One big question is for example if the connection to the database is realistically slow as in most production systems the database will be on a different machine at least virtually, quite possibly on different hardware.
Is that true in your test as well?
Assuming your results are real, the next step is to investigate where the extra time gets spent.
I would expect the most time to be spent with executing the SQL statements and obtaining the result via the network.
Therefore you should inspect what SQL statements actually get executed.
This might point you to one possible answer that JPA is doing lots of lazy loading and hasn't even loaded most of you really need.

Kafka state store not available in distributed environment

I have a business application with the following versions
spring boot(2.2.0.RELEASE) spring-Kafka(2.3.1-RELEASE)
We have around 20 batches.Each batch using 6-7 topics to handle the business.Each service has its own state store to maintain the status of the batch whether its running/Idle.
Using the below code to query th store
private InteractiveQueryService interactiveQueryService;
public ReadOnlyKeyValueStore<String, String> fetchKeyValueStoreBy(String storeName) {
while (true) {
try {
log.info("Waiting for state store");
return new ReadOnlyKeyValueStoreWrapper<>(interactiveQueryService.getQueryableStore(storeName,
QueryableStoreTypes.<String, String> keyValueStore()));
} catch (final IllegalStateException e) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e1) {
When deploying the application in one instance(Linux machine) every thing is working fine.While deploying the application in 2 instance we find the folowing observations
state store is available in one instance and other dosen't have.
When the request is being processed by the instance which has the state store every thing is fine.
If the request falls to the instance which does not have state store the application is waiting in the while loop indefinitley(above code snippet).
While the instance without store waiting indefinitely and if we kill the other instance the above code returns the store and it was processing perfectly.
No clue what we are missing.
When you have multiple Kafka Streams processors running with interactive queries, the code that you showed above will not work the way you expect. It only returns results, if the keys that you are querying are on the same server. In order to fix this, you need to add the property - spring.cloud.stream.kafka.streams.binder.configuration.application.server: <server>:<port> on each instance. Make sure to change the server and port to the correct ones on each server. Then you have to write code similar to the following:
org.apache.kafka.streams.state.HostInfo hostInfo = interactiveQueryService.getHostInfo("store-name",
key, keySerializer);
if (interactiveQueryService.getCurrentHostInfo().equals(hostInfo)) {
//query from the store that is locally available
else {
//query from the remote host
Please see the reference docs for more information.
Here is a sample code that demonstrates that.

Owin + Unity container is bad performance

I Use JMeter to make load to my WebApi. 100 user + 4000 loop for every user.
Simple OWIN: avg 5-10ms, max response 200 ms II. OWIN
Microsoft Unity container: avg 15 ms, max response 9000ms.
Performance charts
I have OWIN self-hosted WebApi + Microsoft unity container.
With VS performance explorer I investigated hot Paths:
public IDependencyScope BeginScope()
var childContainer = Container.CreateChildContainer(); //47% CPU
return new UnityDependencyScope(childContainer);
public object GetService(Type serviceType)
if (typeof(IHttpController).IsAssignableFrom(serviceType))
return Container.Resolve(serviceType); //35% CPU
return Container.Resolve(serviceType);
return null;
public void Dispose()
Container.Dispose(); //16%CPU
How to optimize Unity container use or where is problem?
If your controller depends on too many objects for construction, it may take some time building all object graph.
For every request that hit your controller, you are going to instantiate all of the dependencies even if you don't need any of them at all.
You can try splitting your one big controller into smaller multiple controllers and refactor your object graph (dependency tree) to keep it minimum per controller.

Twitter crawler: why does the memory grow?

I have been trying to crawl Twitter via the Streaming API and by filtering the retrieved tweets by keywords/hashtags/users.
Here is my example using HBC (although the same problem happens with Twitter4J):
// After connection:
final BlockingQueue<String> queue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<String>(10000);
StatusesFilterEndpoint filterQuery = new StatusesFilterEndpoint();
final ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(4);
Runnable tweetAnalyzer = defineRunnable(queue);
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; i++)
where the analyzer tweetAnalyzer is returned by:
private Runnable defineRunnable(final BlockingQueue<String> queue) {
return new Runnable() {
public void run() {
while (true)
try {
catch (InterruptedException e) {
However, the process continues to grow in memory.
Two questions:
How to design this crawler properly, so that it does not grow in memory and does not saturate the RAM?
How to select the best queue length (here set to 10000) so that it does not saturate? I have seen that using this length the queue continues to be full of tweets (it never goes empty) and I am able to crawl 700 tweets/min, which is huge)
Thank you in advance.
It's a bit hard to determine from the snippets that you provide. Do you register StatusesFilterEndpoint correctly?
I would recommend that you write a separate thread to monitor the size of the queue.
Obvious you are not able to proceed all the twitter messages you download. So you can only:
reduce the number of tweets you download by filtering more aggressively
Sample the input by throwing away every n message.
use a faster machine although for the tweetAnalyzer you display in the question this might not help.
deploy on a cluster

Azure cache write implementation approaches - when to use which

I used to call the Put(Key, Value) method to set data in Azure cache. I later learnt that this method could lead to race conditions during writes and introduced the following code for setting data into cache.
if (GetData(key) == null)
_cache.Add(key, "--dummy--");
DataCacheLockHandle lockHandle;
TimeSpan lockTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1);
_cache.GetAndLock(key, lockTimeout, out lockHandle);
if (ttlInMinutes == 0)
_cache.PutAndUnlock(key, value, lockHandle);
TimeSpan ttl = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(ttlInMinutes);
_cache.PutAndUnlock(key, value, lockHandle, ttl);
catch (Exception e)
This involves two IOs as against one in the previous call. Is this locking really needed in application code? Is cache consistency not taken care of by Azure's caching framework? What is the standard way of managing cache writes in Azure? When to use Put and when PutAndUnlock?
