What is the best way of updating data in SpringBoot? - spring-boot

For put request, Do I always have to check the old data and change the changed fields in order to update the existing data? Is it the right way to check for each data change?

I do not know of any project which takes the effort to only update fields that were actually changed.
Usually what you'd do is that you just override all fields in your table with the new value as this is the easiest and most reliable way of doing so.
Also consider, that custom logic that decides what to update also needs to be maintained and can have bugs. If you end up having a bug in that logic, most likely, you'll realize that you have data consistency errors which might be unfixable.
Most likely, when you use Spring Boot, you would probably also use Spring Data JPA and Hibernate which are going to take care of mapping your objects to your database. In that case, Hibernate is going to decide on the update strategy you use anyways.
If you are worried about data consistency and concurrent updates to the same record, I would recommend looking into Optimistic Locking, which is an easy way to handle that issue. It's very easy to setup by just adding a version column to your table.


Can a commit be reverted in Javers?

I have a scenario where in case a subsequent operation fails, a commit or a shallow delete might need to be reverted. This would be particularly useful in scenarios involving Mongo where there is no atomicity available across collections. Is this possible with Javers?
There is no 'rollback' option for now. It can be implemented in the future but there could be some limitations.
You could annotate your method with #Transactional annotation and if an exception occurs the database updates that occurred within that method would rollback which should include the Javers tables.
Alternatively, you could use Spring AOP to perform a custom rollback and then delete the committed records manually.
How to call a custom rollback method in Spring Transaction Management?
Hope one of these options helps you.
If you need to travel back in time, instead of using Javers, you should redesign your database using functional programming idea called "persistent data structures". At the core of it is that you should never modify any existing data, you should always create new versions of existing entities.
You can read about persistent data structures for example here:

Optimistic locking over multiple documents

I need to update some documents at once, like a RDBMS transaction. The best way to do this for a single document in a key-value store like couchbase seems to be using optimistic locking. This would work for me. However, I need to update multiple documents at once.
I need all documents to be updated, or none. Is this possible in couchbase or some similar highly scalable database?
(by the way, I'm using Go)
There are three approaches to resolve it:
You should take another look at your key/document designs and identify if its possible to combine your multiple docs into one. Then you will be able to do a single transactional update in Couchbase.
Simulate Transaction the effect can be simulated by writing a suitable document and view definition that produces the effect while still only requiring a single document update to be applied.
Simulate Multi-phase Transactions to use the transaction record to record each stage of the update process

Using HIbernate / Spring whats the best way to watch a table for changes to individual records?

Q: What is the proper way to watch a table for record level changes using Hibernate / Spring? The DB is a typical relational database system. Our intent is to move to an in-memory solution some time in the future but we can't do it just yet. Q: Are we on the right track or is there a better approach? Examples?
We've thought of two possibilities. One is to load and cache the whole table and the other is to implement a hibernate event listener. Problem is that we aren't interested in events originating in the current VM. What we are interested in is if someone else changes the table. If we load and cache the entire table we'll still have to figure out an efficient way to know when it changes so we may end up implementing both a cache and a listener. Of course a listener might not help us if it doesn't hear changes external to the VM. Our interest is in individual records which is to say that if a record changes, we want Java to update something else based on that record. Ideally we want to avoid re-loading the entire cache, assuming we use one, from scratch and instead update specific records in the cache as they change.

Check and put in Hbase

I have a case in which we need to insert records into Hbase table, in which 90% of the records coming from the source are repeated. In this case,
is it advisable to first query for the record from Hbase, if not present then call put
just simply call put.
Which of the above will be good in terms of performance.
Both HTable methods checkAndPut() and exists() requires accessing to table data which could hurt you badly if you receive lots of write requests and the data is not in the memstore.
Plain writes in HBase are usually not so expensive, so, if you have a good rowKey design and you're already avoiding hot regions, I'll just stick to overwriting data.
If you don't want to re-insert existing records you can use the checkAndPut method of HTable. Which this the put will be applied only if the condition you specify is met. So you could check for an existence of a column to put only if not existing.
I kind of agree with both answers. It is true that before using the CAS (Check And Set) mechanism, one has to revise his design first, and see if it is possible to refactor it and use plain writes instead. However, in some cases, this is not trivial.
Another thing I would make sure of before using the checkAndPut(), is that this operation requires Isolation, when updating values. HBase only guarantees it, when rewriting, but not updating.
And at last, check if it is possible to use the Append instead of checkAndPut.

Disable Hibernate auto update on flush on read only synonyms

I have a table and two databases which have the same table, but one is a symlink of the other one and only read is permitted on this table.
I have mapped the table to Java using Hibernate and I use spring to set the Entity Manager's data source as one of the two databases based on some input criteria.
I call only read only operations (selects) when I am connected to the second database, but it seems Hibernate tries to flush something back to the database and it fails telling update is not allowed on this view.
How do I disable this update only for the second datasource and keep it normal for the first one?
Looking at the stack trace, the flush seems to be started here:
at org.hibernate.event.def.AbstractFlushingEventListener.performExecutions(AbstractFlushingEventListener.java:321)
at org.hibernate.event.def.DefaultFlushEventListener.onFlush(DefaultFlushEventListener.java:50)
at org.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl.flush(SessionImpl.java:1027)
at org.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl.managedFlush(SessionImpl.java:365)
at org.hibernate.ejb.AbstractEntityManagerImpl$1.beforeCompletion(AbstractEntityManagerImpl.java:504)
... 55 more
Is this related to hibernate.transaction.flush_before_completion property? Can I set it to false for the second data source?
Most probably your entities become "dirty" the same moment they are loaded from the database, and Hibernate thinks that it needs to store the changes. This happens, if your accessors (get and set methods) are not returning the exact same value or reference that had been set by Hibernate.
In our code, this happened with lists, developers created new list instances because they didn't like the type they got in the setter.
If you don't want to change the code, change the mapping to field access.
You can also prevent Hibernate of storing changes by setting FlushMode to never on the session, but this only hides the real problem which will still occur in other situations an will lead to unnecessary updates.
First you need to determine if this is DDL or DML. If you don't know, then I recommend you set hibernate.show_sql=true to capture the offending statement.
If it is DDL, then it's most likely going to be Hibernate updating the schema for you and you'd want to additionally configure the hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto setting to be either "update" or "none", depending on whether you're using the actual db or the symlinked (read-only) one, respectivley. You can use "validate" instead of none, too.
If it is DML, then I would first determine whether your code is for some reason making a change to an instance which is still attached to an active Hibernate Session. If so, then a subsequent read may cause a flush of these changes without ever explicitly saving the object (Grails?). If this is the case, consider evicting the instance causing the flush ( or using transport objects instead ).
Are you perhaps using any aspects or Hibernate lifecycle events to provide auditing of the objects? This, too, could cause access of a read-only to result in an insert or update being run.
It may turn out that you need to provide alternative mappings for the offending class should the updatability of a field come into play, but the code is doing everything exactly as you'd like ( this is unlikely ;0 ). If you are in an all-annotation world, this may be tricky. If working with hbm.xml, then providing an alternative mapping is easier.
