Golang: Can channels be closed in a deferred function? - go

I was working on some Go code and wanted to close a channel at the end of it. However, I wanted to test if it'd actually close the channel if I use an anonymous function, passing the channel as an argument and use the function with the defer keyword.
channel := make(chan string, 2)
defer func (channel chan string) {
value, ok := <-channel
fmt.Println("Value:", value, "Open channel?", ok)
To my understanding everything in Go is passed by value and not by reference, and make's documentation says that it returns a channel when used to spawn a channel, not a pointer to a channel. Does this imply that if I pass the channel as argument to a function and close the channel within that function, the channel outside the function would remain open? If so, I'm guessing I'd need to pass the channel as a pointer to the function to achieve that behavior?
I'm new to Go, so I'd appreciate if you can explain me the "why" rather than "Oh, just swap this chunk for this other chunk of code" just so I can better understand how it's actually working:)

Channels behaves like slice, map, strings or functions, as in they actually store a wrapped pointer to the underlying data. They behave like opaque pointers.
So passing a channel is copying it by value, but just like a slice, it's "value" is literally just a reference to the actual low-level channel data structure. So there is no need to explicitly pass a channel pointer, since that would be like passing a pointer of a pointer.
To answer your questions: Yes it can and yes it's safe to pass channels by value because they are "pointers" in and of themselves.
You can also verify it with a slightly modified version of your code:
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
channel := make(chan string, 2)
// channel is open here.
// close the channel by passing it into a function
// by value and closing it within the function.
func(channel chan string) {
// is the channel closed?
value, ok := <-channel
fmt.Println("Value:", value, "Open channel?", ok)
Output (go version go1.16 darwin/amd64):
Value: Open channel? false

Does this imply that if I pass the channel as argument to a function and close the channel within that function, the channel outside the function would remain open?
No. Copying a chan variable doesn't produce a copy of the channel itself. Variables of type chan are handles to the underlying channel created by make. Closing any copy of the chan variable closes the channel.


How does this go-routine in an anonymous function exactly work?

func (s *server) send(m *message) error {
go func() {
s.outgoingMessageChan <- message
return nil
func main(s *server) {
for {
select {
case <-someChannel:
// do something
case msg := <-s.outGoingMessageChan:
// take message sent from "send" and do something
I am pulling out of this s.outgoingMessageChan in another function, before using an anonymous go function, a call to this function would usually block - meaning whenever send is called, s.outgoingMessageChan <- message would block until something is pulling out of it. However after wrapping it like this it doesn't seem to block anymore. I understand that it kind of sends this operation to the background and proceeds as usual, but I'm not able to wrap my head around how this doesn't affect the current function call.
Each time send is called a new goroutine is created, and returns immediately. (BTW there is no reason to return an error if there can never be an error.) The goroutine (which has it's own "thread" of execution) will block if nothing is ready to read from the chan (assuming it's unbuffered). Once the message is read off the chan the goroutine will continue but since it does nothing else it will simply end.
I should point out that there is no such thing as an anonymous goroutine. Goroutines have no identifier at all (except for a number that you should only use for debugging purposes). You have an anonymous function which you put the go keyword in front causing it to run in a separate goroutine.
For a send function that blocks as you seem to want then just use:
func (s *server) send(m *message) {
s.outgoingMessageChan <- message
However, I can't see any point in this function (though it would be inlined and just as efficient as not using a function).
I suspect you may be calling send many times before anything is read from the chan. In this case many new goroutines will be created (each time you call send) which will all block. Each time the chan is read from one will unblock delivering its value and that goroutine will terminate. Doing this you are simply creating an inefficient buffering mechanism. Moreover, if send is called for a prolonged period at a faster rate than the values can be read from the chan then you will eventually run out of memory. Better would be to use a buffered chan (and no goroutines) that once it (the chan) became full exerted "back-pressure" on whatever was producing the messages.
Another point is that the function name main is used to identify the entry point to a program. Please use another name for your 2nd function above. It also seems like it should be a method (using s *server receiver) than a function.

Why does net/rpc/client's Go method require a buffered channel?

I am unable to figure out why the method requires you to specifically provide a buffered channel.
From the documentation,
func (*Client) Go
func (client *Client) Go(serviceMethod string, args interface{}, reply interface{}, done chan *Call) *Call
Go invokes the function asynchronously. It returns the Call structure
representing the invocation. The done channel will signal when the
call is complete by returning the same Call object. If done is nil, Go
will allocate a new channel. If non-nil, done must be buffered or Go
will deliberately crash.
LeGEC alluded to this in their comment.
Digging in further you will find this bit in client.go
func (call *Call) done() {
select {
case call.Done <- call:
// ok
// We don't want to block here. It is the caller's responsibility to make
// sure the channel has enough buffer space. See comment in Go().
if debugLog {
log.Println("rpc: discarding Call reply due to insufficient Done chan capacity")
From what you can see here is that the library expects the call to be completely asynchronous. This means the done channel must have enough capacity to completely decouple the two processes (i.e. no blocking at all).
Further when the select statement is used as seen, it is the idiomatic way to do a non-blocking channel operation.

Untyped channel in golang

I'm writing some package, where channel is only used to interrupt some process, so it is never read any value, just detects that it need to stop, like this:
func myfunc(stop_chan chan /*bool*/) {
for {
//do something time consuming
// ....
// check on channel
case <-stop_chan:
// continue working
later I wish this function to accept any type of channel. Is that possible?
I wish this function to accept any type of channel. Is that possible?
No, this is not possible. There are no untyped channels in Go. You could accept a channel of any type, using interface{}, then using reflection to interact with that channel. But this is cumbersome and slow, so not recommended.
A better approach, probably, is to settle on a single type of channel (chan struct{} is the natural choice for your use-case), or use a context variable instead, which can handle cancellation in a standardized way.

How to pass vars with chan between functions

I'm implementing a simple mechanism of passing variable between two goroutines with a channel. Here is my code:
pipe := make(chan string)
go func(out chan string, data string) { //1st goroutine
out <- DataSignerMd5(data)
}(pipe, data)
go func(in chan string) { //2nd goroutine
data := <-in
in <- DataSignerCrc32(data)
crcMdData := <- pipe
More likely, crcMdData pulls a variable from pipe before 2nd goroutine. I guess that I simply can create another channel to make this work. But maybe it's possible with a single pipe?
You should use a second channel for what you want to do. You could get away with using a single channel and switching on the result, but that's not really ideal - you're basically trying to put two different types of objects into the same channel, and your program will end up being a lot cleaner and easier to reason about if you just have one channel per data type / intended transformation.

Multiple receivers on a single channel. Who gets the data?

Unbuffered channels block receivers until data is available on the channel. It's not clear to me how this blocking behaves with multiple receivers on the same channel (say when using goroutines). I am sure they would all block as long as there is no data sent on that channel.
But what happens once I send a single value to that channel? Which receiver/goroutine will get the data and therefore unblock? All of them? The first in line? Random?
A single random (non-deterministic) one will receive it.
See the language spec:
Execution of a "select" statement proceeds in several steps:
For all the cases in the statement, the channel operands of receive operations and the channel and right-hand-side expressions of send
statements are evaluated exactly once, in source order, upon entering
the "select" statement. The result is a set of channels to receive
from or send to, and the corresponding values to send. Any side
effects in that evaluation will occur irrespective of which (if any)
communication operation is selected to proceed. Expressions on the
left-hand side of a RecvStmt with a short variable declaration or
assignment are not yet evaluated.
If one or more of the communications can proceed, a single one that can proceed is chosen via a uniform pseudo-random selection.
Otherwise, if there is a default case, that case is chosen. If there
is no default case, the "select" statement blocks until at least one
of the communications can proceed.
Unless the selected case is the default case, the respective communication operation is executed.
If the selected case is a RecvStmt with a short variable declaration or an assignment, the left-hand side expressions are
evaluated and the received value (or values) are assigned.
The statement list of the selected case is executed.
By default the goroutine communication is synchronous and unbuffered: sends do not complete until there is a receiver to accept the value. There must be a receiver ready to receive data from the channel and then the sender can hand it over directly to the receiver.
So channel send/receive operations block until the other side is ready:
1. A send operation on a channel blocks until a receiver is available for the same channel: if there’s no recipient for the value on ch, no other value can be put in the channel. And the other way around: no new value can be sent in ch when the channel is not empty! So the send operation will wait until ch becomes available again.
2. A receive operation for a channel blocks until a sender is available for the same channel: if there is no value in the channel, the receiver blocks.
This is illustrated in the below example:
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
ch1 := make(chan int)
go pump(ch1) // pump hangs
fmt.Println(<-ch1) // prints only 0
func pump(ch chan int) {
for i:= 0; ; i++ {
ch <- i
Because there is no receiver the goroutine hangs and print only the first number.
To workaround this we need to define a new goroutine which reads from the channel in an infinite loop.
func receive(ch chan int) {
for {
fmt.Println(<- ch)
Then in main():
func main() {
ch := make(chan int)
go pump(ch)
If the program is allowing multiple goroutines to receive on a single channel then the sender is broadcasting. Each receiver should be equally able to process the data. So it does not matter what mechanism the go runtime uses to decide which of the many goroutine receivers will run Cf. https://github.com/golang/go/issues/247. But only ONE will run for each sent item if the channel is unbuffered.
There have been some discussion about this
But what is established in the Go Memory Model is that it will be at most one of them.
Each send on a particular channel is matched to a corresponding receive from that channel, usually in a different goroutine.
That isn't as clear cut as I would like, but later down they give this example of a semaphore implementation
var limit = make(chan int, 3)
func main() {
for _, w := range work {
go func(w func()) {
limit <- 1
// if it were possible for more than one channel to receive
// from a single send, it would be possible for this to release
// more than one "lock", making it an invalid semaphore
// implementation
