unable to access ionic application ts files on browser - debugging

I was working on ionic project and i couldn't debug the code on web browser cause all am seeing is compiled js files and webpack is not available
has anyone experienced this before. any help is appreciated.


Getting Error in Production Laravel Livewire

I am stuck on this little problem, hoping that you can help me, I followed all the asset compiling steps from the docs. The app is working totally fine on the local environment as soon as I deployed it causing the /livewire/livewire.js not found.

React Native javascript changes not reflecting in ios simulator

I'm building a React Native application, and the javascript code updates are not reflecting in the ios Simulator. I have restarted the development server with react-native start and react-native start --reset-cache. I have used react-native-clean-project to clean the pods folder, node_modules, and various other caches. I tried reinstalling watchman. All these efforts have not worked.
The issue started about a week ago, until that time the javascript code was updating normally. And it currently will update when a file is changed with the hot reloads, but then when I rerun react-native run-ios it goes back to version of the javascript that was there previously.
Building the app directly from XCode doesn't work either. It still builds with the outdated javascript. Does anyone have any ideas on what may be causing this issue?

Using Angular libraries in Nativescript code sharing project

I'm trying to migrate an Angular app to a shared codebase with Nativescript using the new #nativescript/schematics, however, I'm having problems importing my Angular library when building the mobile version of the app. I used the angular-cli to create the library (ng generate library).
For the web version, all I had to do was build the library separately using ng build library-name which then allowed me to import it into the main application.
How can I build a mobile version of the library that can be imported into the main application when running tns run ios --bundle? I've already migrated the components and module of the library with appropriate *.tns files.
Any help is appreciated
I had the same problem. Nativescript cli do not have this feature where we can build an angular library into npm package and use it in other projects.
I tried a workaround and it worked for me. Write a script to copy all of your project files into another directory and replace all *.tns.ts, *tns.html and *.tns.scss. files with *.ts, *.html and *.scss respectively. Then build these files using regular ng command. You can add a build configuration for the same in angular.json file to build from the copied directory. I hope it helps.
I'm sorry this is just a hyperlink answer but the space required to answer this, in my opinion, is way too large. I just finished finalizing a repo I've been working on to do exactly this. I have a whole slew of angular web libraries that I now want to make available for use on mobile using NativeScript. I have put everything I have learned so far into this repo and I hope it helps you too.
Thanks for the final push/idea #Rohit, a script for doing what he suggests is in the test-lib/gulpfile.js of this repo.

Bootstrap 4 not loaded when publishing Core MVC site to Azure

I have a Core MVC application (.NETCoreApp 1.1) which I upgraded from bootstrap 3.3.7 to 4.0 (via Bower).
Everything renders as expected locally, but when publishing to Azure it goes wrong, on the server bootstrap 4 is not applied, the site is not rendered correctly.
With the Chrome developer tools I can see that locally the bootstrap 4 css is loaded correctly from the lib folder, on the server I don't even see a lib folder.
I tried a lot, I even deleted all files on the server and published the site again, with the same result.
This is bugging me for hours, can somebody help me?
Edit 28/01/2018 21:21
On the server I can see bootstrap 3.3.7 is still loaded via aspnetcdn.com
did you change the conditional in the _layout.chstml for Staged, Production to point to 4.0 cdn
since publishing usually results in a "release" non-development build it sets the environment to production or staged. the conditional will default to what ever is set there.

MQA fails after archiving application in XCode

Short Version: I'm having issues while archiving my application. The debug works, the archive doesn't. There is nothing to troubleshoot, anyone has ideas?
Log Version:
I have a hybrid worklight app, fully functional and archiving was working just fine until I've added MQA and I'm using iOS.
Versions are:
Worklight 6.2, MQA 6.3, Xcode 6.1, and iOS 8.1.2
Now I've added MQA following the steps here.
I've copied the framework into my project directory and added in the other_linked_flags a force load for it.
I've also added a few lines of code to for it to work following the same instructions. Basically everything works just fine when I run it from xcode. When I run the app that xcode deploys on iphone, it the app runs normally and MQA also works.
I only have some kind of problem when I try to archive the app to deploy it in a ad hoc environment.
When I do that the iPhone screen remains black after asking me which user it should use on the MQA. It seems that it can load the webview but can't load the html app.
Unfortunately this doesn't even generate a crash log an as such I'm left in the dark about what is happening.
Can someone give me some light on what can I do to troubleshoot this issue?
You may be trying to integration the wrong library into your project.
Right now it looks like you are working on a Hybrid app but try adding the native libraries into it, which is incorrect.
If you are working on a Hybrid app, you need to download the Hybrid SDK.
If you are working on a Native iOS app, you need to add the native library
There is a library specific to Hybrid apps. You can find it in the following link: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSFRDS_6.3.0/com.ibm.mqa.uau.doc/topics/t_download_wrklight_libraries.html?lang=en
All what is required is to do is removing the native library if added, and integrate the worklight SDK into the app code under the common folder in the main.js file.
