fluentui/react-nortstar Menu how to provide space between content and wrapper - microsoft-teams

how do we override the styles and provide the space between the content and wrapper,
tried to add styles
const myTheme: ThemeInput = {
componentStyles: {
Menu: {
root: {
color: "yellow",
//tried to provide maring space but it is taking for whole menu, rather menuitem content

I did the following. There is still some slight jumping which I think is coming from the MenuItemWrapper. You could play around with the numbers and see if you can get the desired size. The docs are really not clear and I don't know if this approach will be removed in later versions.
<Menu underlined primary defaultActiveIndex={0} styles={{ border: 0 }}
key: "itemOne",
content: "ItemOne",
styles: ({ props }) => {
return {
paddingBottom: 5,
marginBottom: props.active ? 0 : 5,
":hover": {
marginBottom: 0,
paddingBottom: 5
// ...other items

You can use custom css for this. You need to override below class by inspecting
<span class="ui-menu__itemcontent of og oh oi bz gx" dir="auto">Editorials</span
as follow:
.oi {
margin-bottom: 0.7143rem;


How to align createMaterialTopTabNavigator to the Right

Currently my items are all to the left as they should be by default. I can not seem to move it to the right side. For reference, I have attached an image
I have already tried styling it with tabStyle and using alignSelf: 'flex-end' alignItems: 'flex-end' flexDirection: 'row', justifyContent: 'flex-end'
Here is the code:
const TabNavigator = createMaterialTopTabNavigator({
ރިޕޯޓު: {screen: MainScreenCategoryTabNavigator, params:{categoryID: 1004}},
ދީން: {screen: MainScreenCategoryTabNavigator, params:{categoryID: 1003}},
ސިޔާސީ: {screen: MainScreenCategoryTabNavigator, params:{categoryID: 1002}},
ޙަބަރު: {screen: MainScreenTabNavigator, params:{categoryID: 1000}},
lazy: true,
tabBarOptions: {
labelStyle: {
fontSize: 16,
fontFamily: 'MV_Waheed',
fontWeight: "200"
tabStyle: {
width: 60,
textAlign: 'right'
Like I mentioned above, and the reference to the image attached, I would like to move the tabs to the right instead of left. How can I achieve this?
Fixed the issue. The problem for me was that I could not align it to the right. I removed the width and that solved my problem. That was all that needed to be done
One of the variants it's to use your own component as a tabBar. In this way it's easier to customize it as you wish.
import { createBottomTabNavigator, BottomTabBar } from 'react-navigation-tabs';
const TabBarComponent = (props) => (<BottomTabBar {...props} />);
const TabScreens = createBottomTabNavigator(
tabBarComponent: props =>
style={{ borderTopColor: '#605F60' }}

how to change cancel/done button color in ion-picker

i want to change the done/button color, cancel should be red and done should be green
I already tried this:
color: red !important;
.ui-datepicker {
color: red;
ion-picker > div > div > div > button {
color: red;
here is my html:
pickerFormat="DD MMM YYYY">
<span class="caption2">até</span>
pickerFormat="DD MMM YYYY">
You issue is happening because the date picket is set in the root of the app instead of inside the component.
One of the solution is to use your selectors but in your global.scss, but that will apply to all ion-datetime across the app.
Another option is to set a class to the buttons and also modify it inside of your global.scss e.g:
background: forestgreen;
<ion-datetime [pickerOptions]="customPickerOptions"
pickerFormat="DD MMM YYYY">
customPickerOptions: any;
constructor() {
this.customPickerOptions = {
buttons: [{
color: 'red',
text: 'Save',
cssClass: 'test',
handler: () => console.log('Clicked Save!')
}, {
text: 'Log',
handler: () => {
console.log('Clicked Log. Do not Dismiss.');
return false;
That would prevent to do it across the whole app

How to change text in multiple lines / places of a Textbox in FabricJS?

I need to replace text of particular selection when the input value has been changed.
On the initial rendering, I get an object of selections and fields.
Secondly, inputs get values of fields.
Assume I'm changing a value of the Line input, since this field controls two lines, both of those green texts should be replaced with the new one.
/////////////// THIS FUNCTION NEEDS TO BE DEVELOPED ////////////////////
function replaceTextBySelection(fieldId, fieldValue, canvas, text){
var canvas = new fabric.Canvas('paper');
var text = new fabric.Textbox('Sample Line 1 Line 2 Line 3', {
left: 50,
top: 10,
fontFamily: 'arial',
fill: '#333',
fontSize: 50
const fields = {
FIELD_1: {
value: "Sample",
color: '#F00'
FIELD_2: {
value: "Line",
color: '#0F0'
selections = [
rowId: 0,
offset: 0,
length: 6,
field: "FIELD_1"
rowId: 1,
offset: 0,
length: 4,
field: "FIELD_2"
rowId: 2,
offset: 0,
length: 4,
field: "FIELD_2"
text.setSelectionEnd(obj.offset + obj.length);
for (let i = text.selectionStart; i < text.selectionEnd; i++) {
text.insertCharStyleObject(obj.rowId, i, {
textBackgroundColor: fields[obj.field].color
return obj;
$('#FIELD_1').val( fields['FIELD_1'].value );
$('#FIELD_2').val( fields['FIELD_2'].value );
replaceTextBySelection(this.id, this.value, canvas, text);
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/fabric.js/1.7.19/fabric.min.js"></script>
<canvas id="paper" width="400" height="400" style="border:1px solid #ccc"></canvas>
<input type="text" id="FIELD_1" />
<input type="text" id="FIELD_2" />
Your example complicates things because the selections object reasons about rows, but the text doesn't actually contain rows, only spaces that get wrapped to a new line.
It gets easier if you define your text instead as
var text = new fabric.Textbox('Sample\nLine 1\nLine 2\nLine 3', {
left: 50,
top: 10,
fontFamily: 'arial',
fill: '#333',
fontSize: 50
Using this text I have created a functional example: http://jsfiddle.net/hkvmLwfu/12/. I'm not sure this is entirely how you want it, but you should be able to pick it up from here.
Just use \n where you want to break the line. It will work like <br/>.

How to set the height of CKEditor 5 (Classic Editor)

In CKEditor 4 to change the editor height there was a configuration option: config.height.
How do I change the height of CKEditor 5? (the Classic Editor)
Answering my own question as it might help others.
CKEditor 5 no longer comes with a configuration setting to change its height.
The height can be easily controlled with CSS.
There is one tricky thing though, if you use the Classic Editor:
<div id="editor1"></div>
.create( document.querySelector( '#editor1' ) )
.then( editor => {
// console.log( editor );
} )
.catch( error => {
console.error( error );
} );
Then the Classic Editor will hide the original element (with id editor1) and render next to it. That's why changing height of #editor1 via CSS will not work.
The simplified HTML structure, after CKEditor 5 (the Classic Editor) renders, looks as follows:
<!-- This one gets hidden -->
<div id="editor1" style="display:none"></div>
<div class="ck-reset ck-editor..." ...>
<div ...>
<!-- This is the editable element -->
<div class="ck-blurred ck-editor__editable ck-rounded-corners ck-editor__editable_inline" role="textbox" aria-label="Rich Text Editor, main" contenteditable="true">
In reality the HTML is much more complex, because the whole CKEditor UI is rendered. However the most important element is the "editing area" (or "editing box") marked with a ck-editor__editable_inline class:
<div class="... ck-editor__editable ck-editor__editable_inline ..."> ... </div>
The "editing area" is the white rectangle where one can enter the text. So to style / change the height of the editing area, it is enough to target the editable element with CSS:
.ck-editor__editable_inline {
min-height: 400px;
Setting the height via a global stylesheet.
Just add to your common .css file (like style.css):
.ck-editor__editable {
min-height: 500px;
In the case of ReactJS.
data="<p>Hello from CKEditor 5!</p>"
onInit={(editor) => {
// You can store the "editor" and use when it is needed.
// console.log("Editor is ready to use!", editor);
editor.editing.view.change((writer) => {
editor.ui.view.editable.editableElement.style.height = '300px';
From CKEditor 5 version 22 the proposed programmatic solutions are not working. Here it is how I get the work done:
ClassicEditor.create( document.querySelector( '#editor' ) )
.then( editor => {
editor.ui.view.editable.element.style.height = '500px';
} )
.catch( error => {
console.error( error );
} );
.ck-editor__editable {min-height: 500px;}
<textarea id="editor">Hi world!</textarea>
<script src="https://cdn.ckeditor.com/ckeditor5/22.0.0/classic/ckeditor.js"></script>
Add this to your stylesheet:
.ck-editor__editable {
min-height: 200px !important;
If you wish to do this programatically, the best way to do it is to use a Plugin. You can easily do it as follows. The following works with CKEditor 5 version 12.x
function MinHeightPlugin(editor) {
this.editor = editor;
MinHeightPlugin.prototype.init = function() {
attributes: {
style: {
minHeight: '300px'
.create( document.querySelector( '#editor1' ) )
.then( editor => {
// console.log( editor );
.catch( error => {
console.error( error );
Or if you wish to add this to a custom build, you can use the following plugin.
class MinHeightPlugin extends Plugin {
init() {
const minHeight = this.editor.config.get('minHeight');
if (minHeight) {
attributes: {
style: {
minHeight: minHeight
This adds a new configuration to the CKEditor called "minHeight" that will set the editor minimum height which can be used like this.
.create(document.querySelector( '#editor1' ), {
minHeight: '300px'
.then( editor => {
// console.log( editor );
} )
.catch( error => {
console.error( error );
} );
I tried to set the height and width on the config but it just didn't work on the classic Editor.
I was able to change the height of the editor programmatically on Vue by doing this.
mounted() {
const root = document.querySelector('#customer_notes');
ClassicEditor.create(root, config).then(editor=>{
// After mounting the application change the height
writer.setStyle('height', '400px', editor.editing.view.document.getRoot());
Use css:
.ck.ck-editor__main .ck-content {
height: 239px;
Add this to your global stylesheet, this will increase the size of the CKEditor :)
.ck-editor__editable_inline {
min-height: 500px;
Just add it to the style tag.
min-height: 150px !important;
max-height: 400px !important;
As for configuring the width of the CKEditor 5:
CKEditor 5 no longer comes with a configuration setting to change its width but its width can be easily controlled with CSS.
To set width of the editor (including toolbar and editing area) it is enough to set width of the main container of the editor (with .ck-editor class):
.ck.ck-editor {
max-width: 500px;
Simply you can add this to your CSS file
.ck-editor__editable {min-height: 150px;}
Put this CSS in your global CSS file and the magic will happen. CkEditor is full of unsolved mysteries.
.ck-editor__editable_inline {
min-height: 400px;
Use max-height and min-height both. Beacuse max-height give scroll bar option after reached maximum mention height. Where min-height give static height to <textarea>.
.ck-editor__editable {
max-height: 400px; min-height:400px;}
If its in latest version of Angular say 12 or 12+. We can add below style to your components style file.
:host ::ng-deep .ck-editor__editable_inline { min-height: 300px; }
If you use jQuery and the CKEditor 5 has to be applied to a textarea, there is a "quick and dirty" solution.
The condition:
<textarea name='my-area' id='my_textarea_id'>
If you use jQuery the Editor call could be:
var $ref=$('#my_textarea_id');
.create( $ref[0] ,{
// your options
} )
.then( editor => {
// Set custom height via jQuery by appending a scoped style
$('<style type="text/css" scoped>.ck-editor .ck-editor__editable_inline {min-height: 200px !important;}</style>').insertAfter($ref);
} )
.catch( error => {
console.error( error );
} );
In other words, after rendering, you can address the same element used to build the editor and append after a scoped style tag with containing the custom height.
$('<style type="text/css" scoped>.ck-editor .ck-editor__editable_inline {min-height: 200px !important;}</style>').insertAfter($ref);
If you like to use a function (or some class method) to do this, you need something like this:
var editorBuildTo = function(id,options){
var options=options || {};
//Height represents the full widget height including toolbar
var h = options.height || 250; //Default height if not set
var $ref = $('#'+id);
h=(h>40?h-40:h);//Fix the editor height if the toolbar is simple
.create( $ref[0] ,{
// your options
} )
.then( editor => {
// Set custom height via jQuery
$('<style type="text/css" scoped>.ck-editor .ck-editor__editable_inline {min-height: '+h+'px !important;}</style>').insertAfter($ref);
} )
.catch( error => {
console.error( error );
} );
// other options as you need
This works well for me
2.paste this code
window.ClassicEditor = require('#ckeditor/ckeditor5-build-classic');
3.write on terminal
npm install --save #ckeditor/ckeditor5-build-classic
npm run watch
4.in blade file
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<form action="{{route('admin.category.store')}}" method="post" accept-charset="utf-8">
<div class="form-group row">
<div class="col-sm-12">
<label class="form-control-label">Description:</label>
<textarea name="description" id="editor" class="form-control" row="10" cols="80"></textarea>
$(function () {
.create( document.querySelector( '#editor' ), {
toolbar: [ 'heading', '|', 'bold', 'italic', 'link', 'bulletedList', 'numberedList', 'blockQuote' ],
heading: {
options: [
{ model: 'paragraph', title: 'Paragraph', class: 'ck-heading_paragraph' },
{ model: 'heading1', view: 'h1', title: 'Heading 1', class: 'ck-heading_heading1' },
{ model: 'heading2', view: 'h2', title: 'Heading 2', class: 'ck-heading_heading2' }
} )
.catch( error => {
console.log( error );
} );
click to show image here
Building on #Jaskaran Singh React solution. I also needed to ensure it was 100% height to it's parent. I achieved this by assigning a ref called "modalComponent" and further adding this code:
editor.editing.view.change(writer => {
let reactRefComponentHeight = this.modalComponent.current.offsetHeight
let editorToolbarHeight = editor.ui.view.toolbar.element.offsetHeight
let gapForgiveness = 5
let maximizingHeight = reactRefComponentHeight - editorToolbarHeight - gapForgiveness
This CSS Method works for me:
.ck-editor__editable {
min-height: 400px;
I resolve this just adding in my layout page
height: 250px;
Hope i help someone :D
For this particular version https://cdn.ckeditor.com/4.16.0/standard/ckeditor.js,
the below code block worked for me.
.cke_contents { height: 500px !important; }
I guess the difference is just the fact that is it in plural.
In my case it worked for me
Add a ck class and write style like below:
.ck {
height: 200px;
Using plugin here I came up with this
let rows: number;
export class MinHeightPlugin {
constructor(public editor) {
init = function () {
attributes: {
style: {
minHeight: (rows * 40) + 'px',
export const MinHeightPluginFactory = (rowss: number): typeof MinHeightPlugin => {
rows = rowss;
return MinHeightPlugin;
and the usage(4 rows each rows is considered 40px height):
I couldn't manage to make rows variable local to MinHeightPlugin, does anyone know how to do it?
.ck-editor__editable_inline {
min-height: 400px;
This makes height change for every editor used across all components. So it doesn't work in my case.
In Case of react js
toolbar = {
data={this.state.description}//your state where you save data
config={{ placeholder: "Enter description.." }}
onChange={(event, editor) => {
const data = editor.getData();
description : data
editor.editing.view.change((writer) => {
//use max-height(for scroll) or min-height(static)
In order to enable both rich text editor and source mode to have the same height, use the following CSS:
.ck-editor__editable {
min-height: 500px;
.ck-editor__main {
height: 500px;
min-height: 500px;
max-height: 500px;
overflow-y: scroll;
border: 1px solid #bbbbbb;
Just test it's work. Hoping help you
var editor_ = CKEDITOR.replace('content', {height: 250});

Add Legend to jVectorMap

I am updating our application to use jVectorMap instead of a Flash. Some of the maps need the countries to be colored differently. This is pretty simple to create.
<div id="world-map-color" style="width: 900px; height: 600px;"></div>
var myData = {
"AF": 36.63,
"RU": 11.58,
"US": 158.97
backgroundColor: "#FFFFFF",
regionStyle: {
initial: { fill: "#7C96A1" },
hover: { fill: "#A0D1DC" }
series: {
regions: [{
values: myData,
scale: ['#B0ADF7', '#0D0885'],
normalizeFunction: 'polynomial'
The resulting map:
However, I'd like to add some kind of legend/key to say what the scale of the colors are. Something like the following:
Additionally, that example legend (from Flash) allowed the user to change the scaling for the colors using those arrows on the top. So it'd be nice if that was possible as well.
Does anyone know if any parts of these are possible?
The most basic thing is necessary to achieve is the generation of the colorful scale. For that see the similar question I have answered recently.
