Svelte Proxy with rollup? - proxy

I'm trying to proxy requests from a Svelte app to a different port, where my backend API runs. I want to use a rollup proxy in the dev environment.
I read the alternative of using a webpack proxy here, but I want to give rollup proxy a try.
This is not an issue in production.
As suggested, I tried configuring rollup-plugin-dev However, whenever I make a request to weatherforecast I still get an CORS error. Below is my configuration and the call:
import dev from 'rollup-plugin-dev'
// other code
export default {
input: 'src/main.js',
output: {
sourcemap: true,
format: 'iife',
name: 'app',
file: 'public/build/bundle.js'
plugins: [
proxy: [{ from: '/weatherforecast', to: 'https://localhost:7262' }]
// other code
and App.svelte looks like this:
import { onMount } from "svelte";
const endpoint = "/weatherforecast";
onMount(async function () {
try {
const response = await fetch(endpoint);
const data = await response.json();
} catch (error) {
Any help in solving this issue is appreciated.

What's happening is the proxy is passing through the CORS headers un-touched, so you're basically interacting with the API as though the proxy wasn't even there, with respect to CORS.
I'll note that you can get around this in dev, but keep in mind this problem will come up in production too, so you may just need to rethink how you're getting this data.
For development though, you can use something like cors-anywhere. This is a middleware that you can run through your dev server that can rewrite the headers for you.

To configure rollup-proxy on dev environment, you need to remove the call to the serve method, call the dev method and move the proxy calls inside the dev method:
import dev from 'rollup-plugin-dev'
// other code
export default {
input: 'src/main.js',
output: {
// other code
// enable the rollup-plugin-dev proxy
// call `npm run start` to start the server
// still supports hot reloading
!production && dev({
dirs: ['public'],
spa: 'public/index.html',
port: 5000,
proxy: [
{ from: '/weatherforecast', to: 'https://localhost:7262/weatherforecast' },
// line below is no longer required
// !production && serve(),
// other code


NextJS - how to configure proxy to log api requests and responses?

I am having an issue with the Cloudinary Node SDK where the Admin Resources endpoint is occasionally throwing a 302 error. Their support suggested that I proxy the request so that I can log the response between my api and their SDK and ultimately get a better idea of what might be causing the problem (in the end they're hoping to see the Location headers that are in the Response).
One of their suggestions was to use Charles Proxy, however I'm very new to how this works and am unable to figure it out. I've read through the Charles docs and spent a full day googling, but I can't find any info related to proxying between the NextJS API and Cloudinary SDK specifically.
How do I go about setting up Charles Proxy so that I can see the request and response in this way? Is there another way that I don't know of that would work instead? Since I'm using the newest version of NextJS v12, could I use the new _middleware option instead? In a later suggestion, their Support made this comment too:
if you can't proxy requests to localhost, you may be able to use a local DNS server or a local override so you can access your local IP using a different hostname (e.g. using /etc/hosts on a unix environment, or C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts on a windows PC) and have that proxied - that said, there's probably an easier way using a Node project or adjusting the settings of the Node server.
but I have no idea where to begin with this either.
Here is the api code I have:
import type { NextApiRequest, NextApiResponse } from 'next';
import cloudinary from 'cloudinary';
export default async function handler(_: NextApiRequest, res: NextApiResponse) {
cloud_name: process.env.CLOUDINARY_CLOUD_NAME,
api_key: process.env.CLOUDINARY_API_KEY,
api_secret: process.env.CLOUDINARY_API_SECRET,
secure: true,
try {
// fetch cloudinary auth images
const response = await cloudinary.v2.api.resources({
type: 'upload',
prefix: 'my_app/auth_pages',
max_results: 20,
// fetch random image
const randImage =
response.resources[~~(response?.resources?.length * Math.random())];
// return image
return res.status(200).json({ image: randImage });
} catch (error) {
console.dir({ error }, { colors: true, depth: null });
return res.status(500).json({ error });
Note: I'm on a Mac.
Try the following:
export default async function handler(_: NextApiRequest, res: NextApiResponse) {
cloud_name: process.env.CLOUDINARY_CLOUD_NAME,
api_key: process.env.CLOUDINARY_API_KEY,
api_secret: process.env.CLOUDINARY_API_SECRET,
api_proxy: 'http://<local_ip>:<charles_port>', //change accordingly
secure: true,
To get the port number, In Charles Proxy go to Proxy > Proxy Settings.

Svelte/Sveltekit and not working in dev (works in preview)

I'm trying to make work in a svelte front end app to talk to an existing API server that already uses After a number of challenges, I managed to make this work but I can only get this to work with sveltekit's preview and not in dev mode. Wondered if someone with some knowledge of those could explain why or suggest what I need to do to get it connecting in dev?
svelte 3.34.0
sveltekit next-169 4.2.0
basic code as follows, currently within a file $lib/db.js where I define a few stores that are pulled into the layout for general use..
import { io } from "";
import { browser } from '$app/env';
const initSocket = async () => {
console.log('creating socket...');
let socket = io('', { 'connect timeout': 5000 });
socket.on("connect", () => {
// always works in preview...
console.log('socket created with ID:',;
socket.on("connect_error", (error) => {
// permanently fired in dev...
console.error('Failed to connect', error);
socket.on("error", (error) => {
console.error('Error on socket', error);
socket.on("foo", data => {
// works in preview when server emits a message of type 'foo'..
console.log("FOO:", data);
if (browser) {
// stores setup and exports omitted..
with svelte-kit preview --host I see the socket creation log message with the socket ID and the same can be seen on the api server where it logs the same ID. The socket works and data is received as expected.
with svelte-kit dev --host however, the log message from socket.on("connect").. is never output and I just see an endless stream of error messages in the browser console from the socket.on("connect_error").. call..
Failed to connect Error: xhr poll error
at XHR.onError (transport.js:31)
at Request.<anonymous> (polling-xhr.js:93)
at Request.Emitter.emit (index.js:145)
at Request.onError (polling-xhr.js:242)
at polling-xhr.js:205
Importantly, there is no attempt to actually contact the server at all. The server never receives a connection request and wireshark/tcpdump confirm that no packet is ever transmitted to
Obviously having to rebuild and re-run preview mode on each code change makes development pretty painful, does anyone have insight as to what the issue is here or suggestions on how to proceed?
I've had a similar problem, I solved it by adding this code to svelte.config.js:
const config = {
kit: {
vite: {
resolve: {
alias: {
"xmlhttprequest-ssl": "./node_modules/",
The solution was provided by this comment from the vite issues.

nuxtjs middleware rest API raw data requests

I have build nuxtjs example with built in rest API requests with middleware technique. In index.js of my middleware section I put some code :
export default {
handler(req, res) {
res.write('Everything ok!')
path: '/test15'
When I call http://ip:port/test15/?cmd=somecmd&param=testparam
In console.log I get params data in log, everything nice. No matter which method used, post or get, it also fixed in log.
The problem is when I try to send raw data (ex json) in request body or form data. I can`t see them in any log output.
So question is, is it possible to send some data in such requests via middleware ?
middleware in nuxt is a sandwich for internal routes aka client side. For your question serverMiddleware is the answer that work on the server side. You can checkout more here
Quick example:
In your nuxt.config.js file add like below
serverMiddleware: [
{ path: '/api/subscribe', handler: '~/api/subscribe' }
Then create an api folder you can create subscribe.js file to add relative api route.
import express from 'express'
const app = express()
app.get('/subscribe', async (req, res) => {
res.send('love to the world');
export default {
path: '/api',
handler: app

Nuxt Axios Dynamic url

I manage to learn nuxt by using following tutorial
In the tutorial, it show that
axios: {
baseURL: ''
it is point to localhost, it is not a problem for my development,
but when come to deployment, how do I change the URL based on the browser URL,
if the system use in LAN, it will be
if the system use at outside, it will be
On the other hand, Currently i using adonuxt (adonis + nuxt), both listen on same port (3000).
In future, I might separate it to server(3333) and client(3000)
Therefore the api links will be
How do I achieve dynamic api url based on browser and switch port?
You don't need baseURL in nuxt.config.js.
Create a plugins/axios.js file first (Look here) and write like this.
export default function({ $axios }) {
if (process.client) {
const protocol = window.location.protocol
const hostname = window.location.hostname
const port = 8000
const url = `${protocol}//${hostname}:${port}`
$axios.defaults.baseURL = url
A late contribution, but this question and answers were helpful for getting to this more concise approach. I've tested it for localhost and deploying to a branch url at Netlify. Tested only with Windows Chrome.
In client mode, windows.location.origin contains what we need for the baseURL.
# /plugins/axios-host.js
export default function ({$axios}) {
if (process.client) {
$axios.defaults.baseURL = window.location.origin
Add the plugin to nuxt.config.js.
# /nuxt.config.js
plugins: [
This question is a year and a half old now, but I wanted to answer the second part for anyone that would find it helpful, which is doing it on the server-side.
I stored a reference to the server URL that I wanted to call as a Cookie so that the server can determine which URL to use as well. I use cookie-universal-nuxt and just do something simple like $cookies.set('api-server', 'some-server') and then pull the cookie value with $cookies.get('api-server') .. map that cookie value to a URL then you can do something like this using an Axios interceptor:
// plguins/axios.js
const axiosPlugin = ({ store, app: { $axios, $cookies } }) => {
$axios.onRequest ((config) => {
const server = $cookies.get('api-server')
if (server && server === 'some-server') {
config.baseURL = ''
return config
Of course you could also store the URL in the cookie itself, but it's probably best to have a whitelist of allowed URLs.
Don't forget to enable the plugin as well.
// nuxt.config.js
plugins: [
This covers both the client-side and server-side since the cookie is "universal"

express-stormpath request.uri is undefined

I'm trying to run express-stormpath on an aws linux instance that is successfully serving. I've double and tripled checked my keys and app hrefs and assured they were connected to applications. I've gone to a fresh vm and used the simplest service to ensure something wasn't awry in the VM where I am successfully serving a sailsjs app.
var express = require('express');
var stormpath = require('express-stormpath');
var app = express();
var stormpathInit = function(req,res,next) {
stormpath.init(app, {
apiKey: {
secret: '############',
secretKey: 'theLongRoadToNowhere',
application: '',
website: true,
api: true
app.get('/', function (req, res) {
/* and this failed as well with the same output only on server startup
app.use(stormpath.init(app, {
apiKey: {
secret: 's0dA33RPTAqcDAcdbwj6q9i0qDDEr0XyHhsBmjF34SY',
secretKey: 'theLongRoadToFreedomWillPayDividends',
application: '',
website: true,
api: true
The error output:
req.uri = undefined
throw new Error('request.uri field is required.');
Error: request.uri field is required.
at RequestExecutor.executeRequest [as execute] (/var/www/stormpath/node_modules/express-stormpath/node_modules/stormpath/lib/ds/RequestExecutor.js:70:13)
at doRequest (/var/www/stormpath/node_modules/express-stormpath/node_modules/stormpath/lib/ds/DataStore.js:277:27)
at onCacheResult (/var/www/stormpath/node_modules/express-stormpath/node_modules/stormpath/lib/ds/DataStore.js:301:5)
at Array.<anonymous> (/var/www/stormpath/node_modules/express-stormpath/node_modules/stormpath/lib/cache/Cache.js:54:14)
at DisabledCache.get.DisabledCache.set.DisabledCache.delete.DisabledCache.clear.DisabledCache.size (/var/www/stormpath/node_modules/express-stormpath/node_modules/stormpath/lib/cache/DisabledCache.js:11:62)
at Cache.get (/var/www/stormpath/node_modules/express-stormpath/node_modules/stormpath/lib/cache/Cache.js:52:14)
at CacheHandler.getCachedResource [as get] (/var/www/stormpath/node_modules/express-stormpath/node_modules/stormpath/lib/cache/CacheHandler.js:91:51)
at Object.executeRequest [as exec] (/var/www/stormpath/node_modules/express-stormpath/node_modules/stormpath/lib/ds/DataStore.js:294:22)
at DataStore.getResource (/var/www/stormpath/node_modules/express-stormpath/node_modules/stormpath/lib/ds/DataStore.js:122:16)
at Client.getResource (/var/www/stormpath/node_modules/express-stormpath/node_modules/stormpath/lib/Client.js:313:38)
Any guidance is appreciated...
Unfortunately the answer from photon did not work for me, but after communicating with Stormpath support (which was very helpful) the following fixed my problem:
Set environment variable STORMPATH_APPLICATION_HREF by running this in the shell:
Hopefully this will work for others as well.
The problem seems to be a small typo in the stormpath documentation. They currently instruct you to set an environment variable called STORMPATH_CLIENT_APPLICATION_HREF. This is incorrect, it should be STORMPATH_APPLICATION_HREF as shown above.
I had the same problem and after looking at the current default options for the Stormpath middleware, changing the following line resolved my issue.
application: ''
application: {
href: ''
