Test containers: manipulate existing docker compose services - testcontainers

I'm using Maven pre-integration-tests and post-integration tests to setup and tear down a test environment with three services (say A, B and C)
Is it possible using Test containers to restart one of those services before a test? If not, can I do that using other docker library for Java?

If your test is something similar to this.
public GenericContainer container = new GenericContainer(...);
You can use junit5 BeforeEach and AfterEach annotations to restart your containers before/after running your tests cases.
public void beforeEach() {
public void afterEach() {
If you need to restart the container only before specific test, you can try reorganizing your test methods using #Nested annotation


Start a Testcontainers container during each fresh application context (#DirtiesContext), with injection of properties (#DynamicPropertySource)

I am using Testcontainers to execute integration tests in a Spring project. I am using JUnit 4.x and Cucumber 7.4.1.
I want to start a docker-compose.yml-based set of containers before each test, as that makes it easy to start from scratch. Hence, I am using #DirtiesContext.
The challenge here is that certain application properties, such as spring.rabbitmq.host, are needed before the actual application context can start. So I need to inject them beforehand. There is #DynamicPropertySource for that. But then I also need to get access to my context-scoped docker containers. The best I came up with so far is the following:
#SpringBootTest(classes = TestConfig.class)
public class CucumberITConfig {
private static void properties(DynamicPropertyRegistry registry) {
DockerComposeContainer container = new DockerComposeContainer(new File("docker-compose.yml"))
.withExposedService("rabbitmq", 5672);
registry.add("spring.rabbitmq.host", () -> container.getServiceHost("rabbitmq", 5672));
This constructs new docker containers locally and waits for the host to be passed to the registry. While this seem to work, this looks more like a hackish approach to me. Also, a problem here is that the containers stack up after each test. That is, in the 7th test, for example, the containers from all previous 6 cycles are still running.
Are there better approaches to start Testcontainers-based docker containers before each application context, while also being able to destruct them afterwards?
If you are using #DirtiesContext after all, you can set these values as System properties and omit #DynamicPropertySource altogether. However, as others have pointed out, solving test pollution by re-creating the Spring context and all dependent services for every test class will be very slow and is generally considered an anti-pattern.

How to setup local dev environment properties of Spring Boot based on docker compose with testcontainers?

I'm developing a service that has many dependencies like Redis, PubSub, S3, ServiceC and ServiceD. When I hit an endpoint in development, e.g. /data/4, a http request to ServiceC is performed.
So to that to work, something that mocks ServiceC must run. In my case it's wiremock (since I cant run ServiceC directly, as it also has many dependencies). All of these MockServices are in a docker-compose-dev file.
Now to my question: How can I run the docker-compose with testcontainers, get the assigned ports, and set the correct properties to the WebClient has the right mock url + port?
What lifecycle hook can I use to run before spring boot starts, and also can configure the properties?
One downside would be an increased boot time in the dev mode though, but I can't assign fixed ports in docker compose file, because they might be used on the developer's machine. So makes no sense to ship url defaults for the service urls on localhost.
Testcontainers supports starting Docker Compose out-of-the-box using the DockerComposeContainer class. While creating an instance of this class you have to expose all your containers:
public class DockerComposeTest {
public static DockerComposeContainer<?> environment =
new DockerComposeContainer<>(new File("docker-compose.yml"))
.withExposedService("database_1", 5432, Wait.forListeningPort())
.withExposedService("keycloak_1", 8080,
void dockerComposeTest() {
System.out.println(environment.getServicePort("database_1", 5432));
System.out.println(environment.getServicePort("keycloak_1", 8080));
The example above maps a PostgreSQL database and Keycloak to a random ephemeral port on your machine. Right after the wait checks pass, your test will run and you can access the actual port with .getServicePort().
A possible solution for the WebClient configuration is to use a ApplicationContextInitializer as you somehow have to define the Spring Boot property before the container starts:
public class PropertyInitializer
implements ApplicationContextInitializer<ConfigurableApplicationContext> {
public void initialize(ConfigurableApplicationContext configurableApplicationContext) {
// static access to environment variable of the test
.of("your_web_client_base_url=http://localhost:" + environment.getServicePort("serviceC", 8080) + "/api")
You can then register the initializer for your integration tests with:
#ContextConfiguration(initializers = {PropertyInitializer.class})
class DockerComposeTest {
As an alternative, you could also try to solely mock all HTTP communication to external services with WireMock.

Share database connection between JUnit 5 test classes

I have 6 JUnit classes into different test packages. I want to use application.properties file which is used by Spring framework to setup database connection.
The problem is how to create database connection when first JUnit test is run and reuse it for all Classes. At the end to close the connection properly.
You can use Testcontainers for this. If you want to reuse an existing database container (e.g. PostgreSQL or MySQL), make sure to use a manual container lifecycle approach and start the container once (e.g. inside an abstract test class). Testcontainers calls this Singleton containers:
abstract class AbstractContainerBaseTest {
static final MySQLContainer MY_SQL_CONTAINER;
static {
MY_SQL_CONTAINER = new MySQLContainer();
class FirstTest extends AbstractContainerBaseTest {
void someTestMethod() {
String url = MY_SQL_CONTAINER.getJdbcUrl();
// create a connection and run test as normal
Once your JVM terminates, your container will be deleted.
Another approach would be the reuse feature of Testcontainers:
static PostgreSQLContainer postgreSQLContainer = (PostgreSQLContainer) new PostgreSQLContainer()
If your database setup is similar for all your tests and you opt-in for this feature, Testcontainers will reuse an already started container. Keep in mind that with this approach you have to clean up the container for yourself as they stay alive after all tests finished.

CI/CD Implementation in WebSphere Liberty server with Maven

Am developing application using Maven it has EJB layer. I configured datasource in WebSphere Liberty server. All transaction can be handle by the server. Am using Jenkins to build a application. I would like to create CI/CD implementation. For that I tried add Junit test in application. but am unable to connect database while doing Jenkins build. Because there is no communication b/w server and Jenkins while doing build. How can I create Junit that handle database connection and EJB without Mock.?
One possible solution you could use here is an integration testing library called MicroShed Testing. It is created for integration tests with JavaEE/MicroProfile app servers such as Liberty, and can be used to test your application with external resources running such as DBs.
MicroShed Testing is ideal if you are running your Liberty application inside of a Docker container. If you are running in Docker, you can easily write an integration test that looks something like this:
public class DatabaseTest {
public static MyJAXRSEndpoint personSvc;
public void testGetPerson() {
Long bobId = personSvc.createPerson("Bob", 24);
Person bob = personSvc.getPerson(bobId);
assertEquals("Bob", bob.name);
assertEquals(24, bob.age);
To get this working, you can define your application topology in the class referenced by the #SharedContainerConfig annotation like this:
public class AppContainerConfig implements SharedContainerConfiguration {
public static PostgreSQLContainer<?> postgres = new PostgreSQLContainer<>()
public static MicroProfileApplication app = new MicroProfileApplication()
.withEnv("POSTGRES_HOSTNAME", "testpostgres")
.withEnv("POSTGRES_PORT", "5432")
public void startContainers() {
The above code will do the following steps:
1) Build your application into a Docker container, using the Dockerfile in your repo
2) Start up the docker container for your app AND the postgresql database (or any other DB container you may need)
3) Wait for containers to be ready, then run tests that invoke HTTP requests on the running containers
I find this approach nice because it works the same way anywhere Docker is installed -- either locally on your machine or in your CI/CD pipeline.
For more info on MicroShed Testing, I recommend checking out the website here:
and especially the examples, which include a Liberty+Database example:
Disclaimer: I work on Liberty and MicroShed Testing

Skip tests at runtime when using SpringJUnit4ClassRunner

In my project, I have acceptance tests which take a long time to run. When I add new features to the code and write new tests, I want to skip some existing test cases for the sake of time. I am using Spring 3 and junit 4 using SpringJUnit4ClassRunner. My idea is to create an annotation (#Skip or something) for the test class. I am guessing I would have to modify the runner to look for this annotation and determine from system properties if a test class should be included while testing. My question is, is this easily done? Or am I missing an existing functionality somewhere which will help me?
Annotate your class (or unit test methods) with #Ignore in Junit 4 and #Disabled in Junit 5 to prevent the annotated class or unit test from being executed.
Ignoring a test class:
public class MyTests {
public void test1() {
Ignoring a single unit test;
public class MyTests {
public void test1() {
#Ignore("Takes too long...")
public void longRunningTest() {
public void test2() {
mvn install -Dmaven.test.skip=true
so you can build your project without test,
mvn -Dtest=TestApp1 test
you can just add the name of your application and you can test it.
I use Spring profiles to do this. In your test, autowire in the Spring Environment:
private Environment environment;
In tests you don't want to run by default, check the active profiles and return immediately if the relevant profile isn't active:
public void whenSomeCondition_somethingHappensButReallySlowly() throws Exception{
if (Arrays.stream(environment.getActiveProfiles()).noneMatch(name -> name.equalsIgnoreCase("acceptance"))) {
// Real body of your test goes here
Now you can run your everyday tests with something like:
> SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=default,test gradlew test
And when you want to run your acceptance tests, something like:
> SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=default,test,acceptance gradlew test
Of course that's just an example command line assuming you use Gradle wrapper to run your tests, and the set of active profiles you use may be different, but the point is you enable / disable the acceptance profile. You might do this in your IDE, your CI test launcher, etc...
Your test runner will report the tests as run, instead of ignored, which is misleading.
Rather than hard code profile names in individual tests, you probably want a central place where they're all defined... otherwise it's easy to lose track of all the available profiles.
