PrimeVue-make a text in a cell of the table a router link - datatable

<script setup lang="ts">
import * as Vue from 'vue';
import { G, ROLES } from '#/G';
import * as DTO from '#/DTO';
import { FilterMatchMode, FilterOperator } from 'primevue/api'
import { ref, onMounted } from 'vue';
import { RouterLink } from 'vue-router';
const recs = Vue.ref<DTO.IWebPages[]>();
G.doAjaxAsync<DTO.IWebPages[]>('webpages/ForUserAtClient',null).then(o => {
if (o !== null)
recs.value = o;})
const filters = Vue.ref();
const clearFilter = () => {
const initFilters = () =>
{filters.value = {'global'{value:'',matchMode:FilterMatchMode.CONTAINS },}};
<div class="grid">
<div class="col-12 lg:col-12 xl:col-12">
<div class="card mb-0">
<h3>Data Page Menu</h3>
<br />
:paginator="true" class="p-datatable-gridlines"
:rows="15" dataKey=""
:rowHover="true"responsiveLayout="scroll"paginatorTemplate="CurrentPageReport FirstPageLink PrevPageLink PageLinks NextPageLink LastPageLink RowsPerPageDropdown"
:alwaysShowPaginator="false"currentPageReportTemplate="Showing {first} to {last} of {totalRecords}"
v-model:filters="filters" filterDisplay="menu" :globalFilterFields="['company']">
<template #empty>
No records
<Column field="company" header="Company" />
<Column field="dataType" header="Type" />
<Column field="screenText" header="Text" class="p-link" />
Above is my code which displays data in three columns. The last row screenText has text values for example NewAssignent. I want to make that text a router link to another page called NewAssignment. The tags and are PrimeVue tags. Wrappers over html table, row and column tags. If you see the third column I placed a class="p-link" but it makes the whole cell clickable. I want the text to be recognized as there are different pages and they should link to these values inside column cell. The other cell value is search so it will go to search page. The data coming from the API for the third column should be links to other pages.


JSX how to return an image correctly? Üebersicht widget

I would like to return an image as a widget.
I put my photo.png in a folder images next to myFile.jsx.
I have always the same error :
Can't walk dependency graph: Cannot find module './images/photo.png' form /Users/macbookpro/Library/Application Support/Übersicht/widgets/my file/myFile.jsx required by /Users/macbookpro/Library/Application Support/Übersicht/widgets/my file/myFile.jsx
I have also tried to: move the photo to my Desktop, use require, use import .. from ...
Here there is the code:
import { css } from "uebersicht";
// import photo from "./images/photo.jpg";
// import photo from "./Users/macbookpro/Desktop/photo.png";
export const render = () => {
return (
<img src="./images/photo.png" />
{/* <img src="./Users/macbookpro/Desktop/photo.png" /> */}
{/* <img src={require("./images/photo.png")} /> */}
{/* <img src={require("./Users/macbookpro/Desktop/photo.png")} /> */}
Since myFile.jsx is actually act as a component for uebersicht you have to include your widget folder name in you src.
For example if your photo.png is in example.widget/images folder, your should be:
<img src="example.widget/images/photo.png/>

gatsby-sharp images loaded via graphql in react-carousel not activated

I have created a react-bootstrap carousel with some images I load via graphql and gatsby-image-sharp (the source images are in directus).
I see the images are created in the code, but they never get assigned the "active" class. When I put the images outside of the carousel, they are shown correctly one below the other, so the retrieval seems to work fine.
If I manually add an item before and/or after the graphql images, those slides get shown correctly.
I also see that in case I put a slide before and after the graphql ones, the first "normal" slide gets shown and when the transaction is started, I get a delay corresponding to the number of generated slides before the next statically created slide is shown again.
When inspecting the site with the react development tools, I see the working slides have a transaction key of ".0" and ".2", while the non-working slides between them have transaction keys of ".1:0:0", ".1:0:1", etc...:
React devtools tree
The code I use to generate this is included below:
import React from "react"
import { Row, Col, Container, Carousel } from "react-bootstrap"
import { graphql } from "gatsby"
import Layout from "../components/layout"
import SEO from "../components/seo"
import Img from "gatsby-image"
const IndexPage = ({ data }) => (
<Layout pageInfo={{ pageName: `index` }}>
<SEO title="Home" keywords={[`gatsby`, `react`, `bootstrap`]} />
<Container className="text-center">
<div className="d-block w-100 gatsby-image-wrapper">
{ => {
return => {
const sharp = data.allImageSharp.edges.find((imageSharp) => (
imageSharp.node.fluid.originalName === image.filename_disk))
return <>
<Carousel.Item key={}>
<Img fluid={sharp.node.fluid} className="d-block w-100" />
<h1>Test 2</h1>
export const query = graphql`
query {
allDirectusSlideshow(filter: {title: {eq: "Voorpagina"}}) {
edges {
node {
images {
allImageSharp {
edges {
node {
fluid {
export default IndexPage
As the directus api for this site is not public, I have put up a generated code example here (note: only the homepage works)
Apparently, bootstrap carousel expects its items to be a direct child of the carousel. This means that react fragments don't work over here.
Changing this:
return <>
<Carousel.Item key={}>
<Img fluid={sharp.node.fluid} className="d-block w-100" />
To this solves the issue:
return (
<Carousel.Item key={}>
<Img fluid={sharp.node.fluid} className="d-block w-100" />

VueJS mouseover in for loop

I have a for that will create a component for each index.
In this component, I have a child div containing edit, add, minus buttons.
I would like it to be displayed on the component mouseover.
How do I achieve this dynamically without having to play with indexes ?
Thank you kindly.
Post component
<div v-on:mouseleave.native="showOperations = false"
v-on:mouseover.native="showOperations = true">
<!-- post data -->
<div v-if="showOperations">
<!-- operations -->
export default {
data () {
return {
showOperations: false
List of post
<post v-for="post in posts"
This pattern works for me and I think it works for you as well

react-apollo mutation doesn't refetch

I have a component RecipeList and another AddRecipe.after adding a recipe it should be redirected to RecipeList and all items be displayed.
here is the code of AddRecipe Component.
import React ,{Component}from 'react'
import { Mutation } from "react-apollo";
import {ADD_RECIPE} from '../../mutations';
import Error from '../Error';
import {withRouter} from 'react-router-dom';
import {GET_ALL_RECIPIES} from '../../queries'
class AddRecipe extends Component {
render (){
const{name,category,description,instruction,username} = this.state;
return(<div className="App">
<h2>Add recipe</h2>
update={(cache, {data:{addRecipe}}) => {
const {getAllRecipes} = cache.readQuery({ query: GET_ALL_RECIPIES });
}} >
{(addRecipe, {data,loading,error})=>
(<form className="form" onSubmit={event=>this.onSubmit(event,addRecipe)}>
<input type="text" name="name" onChange={this.handleChange.bind(this)} placeholder="recipe name" value={name}/>
<select name="category" value="breakfast" id="" onChange={this.handleChange.bind(this)} value={category}>
<option value="breakfast">breakfast</option>
<option value="lunch">lunch</option>
<option value="dinner">dinner</option>
<option value="snack">snack</option>
<input type="text" name="description" onChange={this.handleChange.bind(this)} placeholder="recipe description" value={description}/>
<textarea name="instruction" id="instruction" cols="30" rows="10" onChange={this.handleChange.bind(this)} value={instruction}> </textarea>
<button type="submit" className="button-primary" disabled = {loading || this.validateForm()}>submit</button>
{error && <Error error={error}/>}
my add recipe mutation is :
import gql from 'graphql-tag';
export const GET_ALL_RECIPIES =gql`
query {
and finally get recipe list query is :
import gql from "graphql-tag";
export const GET_RECIPE_ITEM =gql`
after submitting form and adding recipe I expect that
first component is redirected to recipe list and
second component the list of recipes includes the newly added recipe .
but I see the old list that does not contain any of newly added recipes and for displaying new components I should refresh the page .
Apollo Client caches data for performance improvements and it does not refetch a list of your recipes because it already in cache.
In order to overcome this, you can either change fetchPolicy from default cache-first to cache-and-network or network-only but I don't recommend this in your case or refetch getAllRecipes query after addRecipe mutation like so:

react-children expect to receive a single react element child error

I was trying to create a survey app using React, Redux. While trying to run the program on localhost:3000, I am getting this React.Children.only expected to receive a single React element child error. I have tried using various solutions which programmers have mentioned elsewhere but nothing has worked. The codes are as below. I must admit I am an absolute tyro as far as programming is concerned
import React from 'react';
import {BrowserRouter,Route} from 'react-router-dom';
import Header from './Header';
const Dashboard =() => <h2>Dashboard</h2>;
const SurveyNew =() => <h2>SurveyNew</h2>;
const Landing =() => <h2>Landing</h2>;
const App = () => {
return (
<Header />
<Route exact path= "/" component = {Landing} />
<Route exact path = "/surveys" component= {Dashboard} />
<Route path = "/surveys/new" component={SurveyNew} />
export default App;
The code of header.js file is as below:
import React, {Component} from 'react';
class Header extends Component {
render () {
return (
<div className = "nav-wrapper">
<a className = "left brand-logo">
<ul className="right">
<a> Login with Google </a>
export default Header;
