Is it safe to share authentication state via reactive global store in Vue 3? - laravel

I'm building a CMS with vue 3 and want to know if using global store = false/true is a secure way of rendering in/out components that are supposed to be seen only by authenticated users. It goes like this:
User enters credentials in login form
Credentials are sent via HTTP request to backend and checked by laravel sanctum
Response arrives in frontend which sets = true
Components and routes that are supposed to be seen only by authenticated users are rendered via v-if
Is this a secure approach or can it be improved?

The security, in this case, depends almost entirely the backend.
Sanctum does not use tokens of any kind. Instead, Sanctum uses Laravel's built-in cookie based session authentication services. Typically, Sanctum utilizes Laravel's web authentication guard to accomplish this. This provides the benefits of CSRF protection, session authentication, as well as protects against leakage of the authentication credentials via XSS.
It seems like sanctum handles the authentication, so you should be fine as long as value is kept up to date, and
the API does it's own authentication and authorization.
Because the entirety of the application is visible through the js source someone could potentially modify state and display options that they shouldn't see. This would be really-really difficult to prevent in SPA, that's why it is paramount that the backend handles this correctly.
You may be able to use code splitting, to prevent loading parts of the application that require authentication, but this is not security measure.


Acceptable OAuth Flow for a decoupled frontend/Backend Architecture?

I have a NextJS frontend and Golang backend architecture with an authentication system using JWTs and an internal user/password database. I'm adding OAuth sign-in in addition to the JWT system, but all API calls will still be maintained using JWTs. I have a working prototype that uses the following OAuth flow:
User is directed to a NextJS page that displays various login options as buttons.
When a provider is chosen, the user is redirected to the backend at /auth/provider where they are then redirected to the provider with all required keys and callback links.
User logs in at the provider and the redirect is triggered to /auth/provider/callback.
The backend server retrieves the user data from the callback and connects the user email to the internal user data for generating a JWT.
The backend returns a page that stores the JWT in local storage and redirects to a NextJS page.
The NextJS page can then use the stored JWT to make API calls.
An additional step could be to exchange the JWT for a new, non-stored JWT or session cookie if the JWT is used twice (potential XSS attempt) and the new JWT is invalidated.
The above method works, but requires a locally stored JWT. Is this a concern, and is it possible to complete the final steps without the need for a locally stored JWT.
Does this flow make sense or am i going about it all wrong? Would swapping to PKCE be overkill?
For the current prototype I'm using the example code running as the golang backend and a basic NEXTjs server
In effect you have a form of backend for frontend there. It is worth browsing OAuth for browser based apps a little similar to section 6.2 of the above doc.
One option might be to host the backend at a URL like, then make it write cookies for the Next.js app, hosted at a URL like
In this way the backend and frontend parts of the OAuth flow are decoupled, and you also avoid locally stored JWTs. Note the same domain prerequisite, needed for the cookie to be considered first-party, and therefore avoid being dropped by browsers later.

Laravel Passport CreateFreshApiToken middleware vs web middleware

If i understand right, the CreateFreshApiToken-middleware uses a cookie-based authentication mechanism ( Accordingly the use of csrf-protection makes sense.
What exactly is the difference between using the CreateFreshApiToken-middleware or simply accessing my API through the web-middleware, since both seem to be stateful.
In my scenario im working on a laravel-module ( which is supposed to be a REST-API. This API can only be accessed by authenticated user and also consumes user informations. The main module/platform uses a normal web authentication through a login form. The user informations are stored in the main module/platform.
What would be the best way to implement the REST-API module stateless (based on the authentication) and without interfering with the web-authentication which is used by the main module.
Should i considere making the API not restful?

Laravel API Auth with Passport and React

I have a Laravel 5.5 Application that's using the session based auth out of the box. On some of these pages I have react components that need to get/post data from/to an API.
What is the best practice for handling this? Do I simply hide the API endpoints behind the auth? This would work but should I be using Laravel Passport for this instead?
I've had a play with Passport and it seems that this would work but I don't need users to be able to create clients and grant 3rd party applications permission etc. There is just the first party react app consuming the data from inside the laravel application (view).
From my initial experimenting with it, it seems I'd need to have the login call made first to receive an access token to then make further calls. As the user will already be authenticated in the session is there an easier way?
I'm not sure if Passport is intended to be used for this purpose or not. I'd rather take the time to get it right now as I'd like to get the foundations right now if the app scales.
You can proxy authentication with Passport. Using the password grant type users would still log in with their username/password, then behind the scenes make an internal request to Passport to obtain an access token.
Restrict what routes are available when registering in a service provider by passing in:
Passport::routes(function ($router) {
That limits access to personal tokens and refresh tokens only. A client will be created when you run php artisan passport:install.
Setup a middleware to merge the password grant client id and secret in with the request, then make a call to the authorization endpoint. Then it's just a matter of returning the encrypted token and observing the Authorization header for requests to your api.

How to protect ajax requests in Laravel?

I use ajax to store, update and delete resources associated with authenticated user. Routes for these actions use web middleware so cookies, session etc are available. Project is based on Laravel framework.
Is it necessary to protect those routes from unauthorized access in any additional way? I've read about API tokens that one could use, but I am not sure if it is necessary.
I will be grateful for any insights on ajax security or how ajax requests work in general, as it is a little over my head at this moment.
I would say no additional work is necessary assuming you have appropriate checks in place such as a user can't delete another user's entities, etc...
AJAX requests are really just like the user browsing to different pages except it's javascript making requests on their behalf. Since everything is already behind the web middleware, there should be no need for additional authentication since your users have technically already logged in.
Look for JSON Web Tokens
What is JSON Web Token?
JSON Web Token (JWT) is an open standard (RFC 7519) that defines a
compact and self-contained way for securely transmitting information
between parties as a JSON object. This information can be verified and
trusted because it is digitally signed. JWTs can be signed using a
secret (with the HMAC algorithm) or a public/private key pair using
and this article:
Authenticate users in Node using JWT and Laravel

Autorization Code Flow with REST API "backend" on a different domain

We are using OIDC and IdentityServer in an enterprise deployment where at the moment we control everything (OP, clients, resources, users).
We have an SPA client that connects to its "own" API and will go through it for everything it requires to do. They are however being served from two different domains. (Let's say the application runs on "my.apps/app" and the API in "my.apis/api").
In our current setup, we use Implicit Flow to have the user authenticated in the SPA and then call the API and verify the token within it. This works very well.
We treat our API as a "resource" even though we don't need to and we don't require the user to give consent.
As mentioned, the SPA needs to go through the API for everything it does and this also includes augmenting user properties upon authentication, so the client doesn't even really let users work with it without going through the API.
Given that scenario, our thinking was that we could even be using Authorization Code flow for our OIDC authentication (treating the API as a backend) and get the security "benefit" of the browser never having access to the tokens.
However, due tue the applications being hosted separately we think this would require us to either:
Initiate the authentication request in the SPA, get the Authorization Code in the fragment but pass it later to the API which will in turn request the tokens and have them live in a cookie or something along those lines.
Initiate the authentication request in the SPA but use redirect_uri to the API domain, thus giving the Authorization Code to it which will request the tokens, have them live in a cookie and then redirect to the SPA again.
Basically we want to know if this is a setup that you think would work, what are the security concerns if any, and if it would be recommended for us to go ahead with this or to keep using Implicit Flow instead (specially from a security standpoint).
