Searching for a storage API for a client only app - client

I'm searching for an API that I can post information like for example:
/set parameters id: 42 text: Test
And then do a get in order to get the text like for example:
I don't care about the security or if anyone can get the text or set it or if the text is only stored a few hours, the goal is to be able to read information from a client who has made another client. Anyone knows an API or an easy way to do this?


Add multiple events in Google Calendar using batch request

I want to add multiple events in google calendar using google calendar API. I am thinking of using batch request for the same but unfortunately, I couldn't find any helpful pkg or article to help me send batch request using golang.
can anyone please explain me how to send batch request to google calendar to insert event using golang.
Thank you!
The first thing you need to consider is why you want to bother with batching
Batching is not going to save you quota, in some case it will increase the likly hood that you will get a flooding error. All batching saves you is the number of HTTP calls.
You're limited to 50 calls in a single batch request and they must all be to the same authorized user. So unless you are planning on inserting a large number of events to a single users calendar there is really no reason to work out batching.
That being said from what i can see the google-apis-go-client does not support batching and they dont intend to add it. Which would mean that if you do in fact want to add batching you will need to check the first link i posted and code this manually yourself.

How to find messages in google spaces using chat.api

I want to be able to pull all text messages from a google chat space.
I'm looking at the spaces.messages.getbut it assumes you have the ID of a message. In similar programs (MS Teams), you can call an endpoint to list all message ID and then call the message API to extract the contents of an ID. However, google chat has no such API.
Has anyone come across a way to do this?
This is currently not possible
There is already a respective feature request on Google Issue's Tracker.
I recomment you to star it to increase visibility and hope that it will be implemented soon.

How to debug Google Fit data?

I've been sending a ton of data to the Google Fit API for a workout being performed by the user, but none of the data is showing up in the app anywhere and I'm not sure how to tell what is wrong. The data is accepted by the API, but none of it is showing up in the user's profile in the app. Does anyone have a strategy for telling if all the different data sets are being connected correctly?
I've been trying for over a year to find someone who works with the Google Fit team to help answer some questions, but I have not been able to find anyone. It seems like the app only wants to show steps, so all the actual workout data that I'm sending it might just be ignored?

Google Dialogflow API v2 Explorer access_token field

Please forgive me, I am fairly new to the Dialogflow Api (v2.)
I am starting off with testing these API calls using the Google API Explorer utility on the right side of the page.
My question is specifically about the "access_token" field:
Is this supposed to be the JSON authentication file that I downloaded from the Google Cloud Console when I created a new service account?
If not, then where do I find the specific resource I am actually supposed to pass into this field?
Side note: I read in the support section: "Google engineers monitor and answer questions about the Google API Explorer on Stack Overflow using the tag google-apis-explorer." Thank you all in advance for your service/help in this topic!
The access_token field is a higher-level field used across the API by some tooling. In some manual client libraries, you might need to use it, but for the API Explorer utility and for most use-cases, you can ignore it. This is true of most (maybe all) fields under the "Show standard parameters" zippy.
The documentation on the left side should explain the relevant fields you need to fill in to successfully complete a request. Keep in mind that even some of these fields are optional; you can leave them blank if they are not relevant to your goal.

Is there any way we can modify Json data coming in the network tab of chrome and see the changes in the web page?

The webpage Template loads data via some json data we get from the endpoint.
I have a Rest Api and a Angular Front end . The Angular app populates the template from the data coming in from the rest api which we can see in the Network Tab of Chrome Developer Tools.
Is there any way we can modify the Rest data in Network tab and see the changes that occurs in the Webpage.
Is that even possible, It might sound a stupid question but i guess this might be a very special tool if there is not much interaction between the Back end and Front end teams.
I am not quite sure if i am able to explain it properly but this was the best i could edit please bear with me thanks
Just a Screen Shot of the type of data in Network tab.
Sample Data Network Tab
It is not possible from chrome's network tab. You have to use BurpSuite for example which is available in Kali linux as a default. With that you can intercept http requests and responses and modify it's payload.
You can get it from here:
No, you're not able to modify XHR data as you can other sources. What I do is just copy the file to my local drive and temporarily modify it's source. I test responses from API's using Postman and it's pretty awesome.
I have to say I'm a little bit afraid for you though. It's not a great idea to be consuming services from external api's from the client side. Are your API keys and passwords hanging out in that client side code somewhere?
