How to use iOS 14 in xcode - xcode

I am currently using Xcode Version 13.2.1 which has the latest simulator which is iOS 15.2.
I want to test my app on iOS 14, I have downloaded the simulators for this and even built my own iOS 14 sim but every time I try and view my app it defaults back to 15.2.
Any suggestions?


update xcode and ios

ITMS-90725: SDK Version Issue - This app was built with the iOS 13.2 SDK. All iOS apps submitted to the App Store must be built with the iOS 13 SDK or later, included in Xcode 11 or later. Further, starting April 26, 2021 iOS apps submitted to the App Store must be built with the iOS 14 SDK or later, included in Xcode 12 or later.
My current xcode version is 11.3 I want to update it to xcode 12 and iOS 14.
Is there any way to update xcode without downloading manually?

Does the Xcode 6.3 Beta support an iOS Simulator of iOS 7

I've updated Xcode and updated my Swift project, but it's only letting me test in iOS 8.3. Do the betas only let you test the upcoming iOS Beta?
Yes. Download the iOS 7 simulator in the settings.

Xcode 6 doesn't show iOS 7.1 simulators

I have the Xcode Version 6.0.1 (6A317) on Mac OS X 10.9.5 with all iOS 8 simulators. I have also downloaded the iOS 7.1 simulators.
I am developing an app for iOS 8 and iOS 7.
The problem I encounter is that Xcode 6 doesn't show the iOS 7.1 simulators in the devices menu. At some point it did show them but on my newly created Xcode 6 project it does not.
I was looking at some stackoverflow solutions.I have addded the iOS 7.1 simulators Window - Devices - SIMULATORS. They are also checked with "Show in the Run Destionations Menu",however they are not shown.
I found a workaround by setting the Project and Target Deployment Target to 7.1. However, this is a stupid solution since for every test I need to manually switch them forth and back 7.1-8.0
This is my first ipad app and it worked perfectly under Xcode 5.1.1. iOS 7 and iOS 8 (CREATED UNDER Xcode 5.1.1.). Now I have created a project in Xcode 6.0.1. and the project doesn't have the simulators showing correctly and 95% of the app doesn't work.
I am new to iOS development but I suppose that this is a bug, but I am unsure. Please help.
The deployment target is the minimum OS version you intend to support.
As you stated, you need to set the deployment target to 7.1 in order to see the 7.1 simulators. If your deployment target is 8.0, the 7.1 simulators will not be available in the run destinations menu. This is the correct behavior because you can't run on iOS 7.1 if your deployment target is 8.0.
I already had deployment target 7.0 and simulator still wasn't available for 7.1.
I fixed the issue though by going into Xcode preferences, selected Downloads and re-downled the missing 7.1 simulators under 'Components'. Although I previously had 7.1 simulator, the Xcode 6 upgrade had seemed to remove them.

InternationalMountains app built on Xcode 5.1.1 (iOS SDK 7) not running on iOS - 8 simulator

I had the InternationalMountains app downloaded sometime back from apple website, I ran this app in iOS 7 simulator which actually worked. I tried running this app in iOS - 8 simulator that came with Xcode 6.0.1, which actually failed. The application crashes when I click on the app icon. I found this log from the Console app.
Dyld Error Message:
program was built for Mac OS X and cannot be run in simulator.
So I had the source code of the InternationalMountains app and I opened the .xcodeproj file in Xcode 5.1.1 and built the application for iOS SDK 7 as the target to get the .app file, I even used this app in iOS - 8 simulator which agained failed to start with the same error as mentioned above. Saying it still built for Mac OS X.
But if I open the .xcodeproj file in Xcode 6.0.1 and build it against iOS 8 SDK and deploy the new app file in IOS - 8 simulator, then the app seems to work fine.
Is there something I am missing. I am very new to iOS development. Will the apps built in Xcode 5.1.1 for IOS SDK 7 run on IOS - 8 simulator.
Thanks in advance.

Can I profile an iOS 7 device with Xcode 4.6.3?

I have an iPhone 4S with iOS 7 installed. I need to use Xcode 4.6.3 for building with the iOS 6 SDK. When I try profiling the app just hangs in the launch screen. Is it possible to profile an iOS 7 device with Xcode 4.6.3?
I was getting same problem, but this problem was solved as I updated to Xcode 5 So I think you need Xcode 5.
EDIT: and to traget iOS6 you can set the deployment to iOS6 in project configuration
