Eloquent ORM query - laravel-5

I currently have an Eloquent ORM query.
$uploadedSC = SC::select('id')->with(['cont'=> function ($q) {
return $q->with('crs:id,title')->select('*');
}])->where('act', true)->get();
But I wanna add a ->where('act',true) query to my crs table. However, it gives an error. How can I write this query?
$uploadedSC = SC::select('id')->with(['cont'=> function ($q) {
return $q->with('crs:id,title')->where('act',true)->select('*');
}])->where('act', true)->get();

You could do something like this:
$uploadedSC = SC::select('id')
->with(['cont.crs:id,title' => function ($crs) {
$crs->where('act', true);
->where('act', true)
Depending on the direction of the relationship you must select the foreign key of cont in crs or you will receive an error. This is the problem of giving bad names to your models and tables, other programmers will not understand at the first time what you are trying to do.


How to translate the SQL query to Laravel Eloquent query?

I'm trying to make a complex query using Laravel Eloquent. I know how to do it using raw SQL query, but I don't have any idea how to do it using Eloquent.
Here is my SQL query, and it works perfectly:
select *
from students
where exists(select *
from (select student_movements.id AS sm_id, student_movements.direction, student_movements.deleted_at
from student_movements
inner join student_student_movements
on student_movements.id = student_student_movements.student_movement_id
where students.id = student_student_movements.student_id
and student_movements.deleted_at is null
order by student_movements.id desc
limit 1) as last_sm
where last_sm.direction = 1 AND last_sm.date >= 5-5-2022
My models have many-to-many relation using student_student_movements table:
public function studentMovements(): BelongsToMany
return $this->belongsToMany(
public function students(): BelongsToMany
return $this->belongsToMany(
My goal is to get all Students, who have the last Movement where direction = 1 and the date of the last Movement >= $someDate.
So, my question is: how to translate the SQL query to Eloquent? I saw many similar questions, but they are not helping me.
Thanks for any advice.
Use the whereHas method, then fine tune the sub query inside the closure to your needs.
You can use the whereHas and orWhereHas methods to define
additional query constraints on your has queries.
There is an example like that in laravel documentation
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;
// Retrieve posts with at least one comment containing words like code%...
$posts = Post::whereHas('comments', function (Builder $query) {
$query->where('content', 'like', 'code%');
// Retrieve posts with at least ten comments containing words like code%...
$posts = Post::whereHas('comments', function (Builder $query) {
$query->where('content', 'like', 'code%');
}, '>=', 10)->get();
check the documentation here

How to use where by second table Laravel?

I have the following query:
$objects = Object::with("prototypes");
As you can see I do request to model Object and join it with prototypes.
The prototypes table has structure:
How to make where in above query like as:
$objects = Object::with("prototypes")->where("prototype_id", 3);
Object model:
public function prototypes()
return $this->belongsToMany('App\Prototype', 'object_prototype', 'object_id');
Prototype model:
public function objects(){
return $this->belongsToMany("App\Object", "object_prototype", "prototype_id", "object_id");
If the relationship is correctly set in your Eloquent models, you can use the WhereHas function to query relationship existence.
$objects = Object::with('prototypes')
->whereHas('prototypes', function ($query) {
$query->where('prototype_id', 3);
Just to add on #Jerodev answer.
If you need even more power, you may use the whereHas and
orWhereHas methods to put "where" conditions on your has queries.
These methods allow you to add customized constraints to a
relationship constraint, such as checking the content of a comment:
// Retrieve all posts with at least one comment containing words like foo%
$posts = Post::whereHas('comments', function ($query) {
$query->where('content', 'like', 'foo%');
You can read more about Eloquent Relationships
And in your case you can also construct a your query like.
Object::whereHas('prototypes', function ($query)){
$query->where('prototype_id', 3);

Where clause inside whereHas being ignored in Eloquent

Im trying to make a query using whereHas with eloquent. The query is like this:
$projects = Project::whereHas('investments', function($q) {
Im using Laravel 5.2 using a Postgres driver.
The Project model is:
public function investments()
return $this->hasMany('App\Investment');
The investments model has:
public function project() {
return $this->belongsTo('App\Project');
The projects table has fields id,fields...
The investments table has the fields id,project_id,status,created_at
My issue is that the query runs and returns a collection of the projects which have at least one investment, however the where clause inside the whereHas is ignored, because the resulting collection includes investments with status values different than paid.
Does anyone has any idea of what is going on?
I believe this is what you need
$projects = Project::whereHas('investments', function($q) {
})->with(['investments' => function($q) {
whereHas wil check all projects that have paid investments, with will eagerload all those investments.
You're confusing whereHas and with.
The with method will let you load the relationship only if the query returns true.
The whereHas method will let you get only the models which have the relationship which returns true to the query.
So you need to only use with and not mix with with whereHas:
$projects = Project::with(['investments' =>
function($query){ $query->where('status','=','paid'); }])
Try like this:
$projects = Project::with('investments')->whereHas('investments', function($q) {
$q->where('status','like','paid'); //strings are compared with wildcards.
Change the order. Use with() before the whereHas(). I had a similar problem few weeks ago. Btw, is the only real difference between the problem and the functional example that you made.

Eloquent filter on pivot table created_at

I want to filter the contents of two tables which have an Eloquent belongsToMany() to each other based on the created_at column in the pivot table that joins them. Based on this SO question I came up with the following:
$data = ModelA::with(['ModelB' => function ($q) {
$q->wherePivot('test', '=', 1);
Here I'm using a simple test column to check if it's working, this should be 'created_at'.
What happens though is that I get all the instances of ModelA with the ModelB information if it fits the criteria in the wherePivot(). This makes sense because it's exactly what I'm telling it to do.
My question is how do I limit the results returned based on only the single column in the pivot table? Specifically, I want to get all instances of ModelA and ModelB that were linked after a specific date.
OK, here it goes, since the other answer is still wrong.
First off, wherePivot won't work in whereHas closure. It's BelongsToManys method and works only on the relation object (so it works when eager loading).
$data = ModelA::with(['relation' => function ($q) use ($someDate) {
$q->wherePivot('created_at', '>', $someDate);
// or
// $q->where('pivot_table.created_at', '>', $someDate);
// or if the relation defines withPivot('created_at')
// $q->where('pivot_created_at', '>', $someDate);
}])->whereHas('ModelB', function ($q) use ($someDate) {
// wherePivot won't work here, so:
$q->where('pivot_table.created_at', '>', $someDate);
You are using Eager Loading Constraints, which constrain only, like you said, the results of the related table.
What you want to use is whereHas:
$data = ModelA::whereHas('ModelB' => function ($q) {
$q->wherePivot('test', '=', 1);
Be aware that ModelB here refers to the name of the relationship.

laravel search many to many Relashionship

I am testing eloquent for the first time and I want to see if it suit my application.
I have Product table:
id, name
and model:
class Produit extends Eloquent {
public function eavs()
return $this->belongsToMany('Eav')
->withPivot('value_int', 'value_varchar', 'value_date');
and eav table:
id, name, code, field_type
and pivot table:
product_id, eav_id, value_int, value_varchar, value_date
class Eav extends Eloquent {
public function produitTypes()
return $this->belongsToMany(
All this is working.
But I want to search in that relashionship:
e.g: all product that have eav_id=3 and value_int=3
I have tested this:
$produits = Produit::with( array('eavs' => function($query)
$query->where('id', '3')->where('value_int', '3');
But I get all the product, and eav data only for these who have id=3 and value_int=3.
I want to get only the product that match this search...
Thank you
I know the question is very old. But added the answer that works in the latest versions of Laravel.
In Laravel 6.x+ versions you can use whereHas method.
So your query will look like this:
Produit::whereHas('eavs', function (Builder $query) {
// Query the pivot table
$query->where('eav_id', 3);
My suggestion and something I like to follow is to start with what you know. In this case, we know the eav_id, so let's go from there.
$produits = Eav::find(3)->produits()->where('value_int', '3')->get();
Eager loading in this case isn't going to save you any performance because we are cutting down the 1+n query problem as described in the documentation because we are starting off with using find(). It's also going to be a lot easier to read and understand.
Using query builder for checking multiple eavs
$produits = DB::table('produits')
->join('eav_produit', 'eav_produit.produit_id', '=', 'produits.id')
->join('eavs', 'eavs.id', '=', 'eav_produit.eav_id')
$query->where('eavs.id', '=', '3');
$query->where('eavs.id', '=', '1');
Making it work with what you already have...
$produits = Produit::with( array('eavs' => function($query)
$query->where('id', '3')->where('value_int', '3');
$query->orWhere('id', '1')->where('value_int', '1');
foreach($produits as $produit)
// Do stuff
From http://four.laravel.com/docs/eloquent:
When accessing the records for a model, you may wish to limit your results based on the existence of a relationship. For example, you wish to pull all blog posts that have at least one comment. To do so, you may use the has method
$posts = Post::has('comments')->get();
Using the "has()" method should give you an array with only products that have EAV that match your criteria.
$produits = Produit::with( array('eavs' => function($query)
$query->where('id', '3')->where('value_int', '3');
