Jacoco 0% coverage on karate test - spring

I am unable to figure out why coverage is 0 even though the tests run successfully
I clone the Spring Boot Example https://github.com/Sdaas/hello-karate
and updated the pom.xml to include Jacoco
<!-- pass jacoco runtime agent to JVM so we record code coverage when tests run -->
<argLine>-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 ${argLine}</argLine>
You can check my change in my minimual reproduced project here https://github.com/yatw/JacocoKarate/commit/bbe1fc9eb89d8c166f4fb1ab51e9f4250992cc67
Similiar questions like Is it possible to get code coverage with karate tests for java code?
and How to get Jacoco reports for the Karate test feature files using gradle both point me to this example https://github.com/karatelabs/karate/blob/master/karate-demo/pom.xml#L160
Which I don't know what I am missing
Thank you


Does cobertura support java 8 ?Because i want to use java8 labmda expression and it is giving me an error

I am new Cobertura I have written Test case and I use Lambda expression in coding and it is giving me an error how to solve this issue.
I search on google and came to know that Jacoco support Java8.
But how to insert jacoco plugin as Cobertura plugin i am not getting.
Cobertura plugin in my spring boot project pom.xml is like below:
<!-- <check> <branchRate>85</branchRate> <lineRate>85</lineRate> <haltOnFailure>true</haltOnFailure>
<totalBranchRate>85</totalBranchRate> <totalLineRate>85</totalLineRate> <packageLineRate>85</packageLineRate>
<packageBranchRate>85</packageBranchRate> </check> -->
Like Cobertura - JaCoCo provides Maven plugin. Its description as well as examples can be found in JaCoCo documentation. As one of examples

Ensure Maven build fails when tests fail to run

I've noticed that sometimes when running maven builds on Jenkins the number of Jbehave tests that are run vary from one run to another. When analyzing the logs I see the following snippet:
Failed to run story stories/cancel.story
java.lang.InterruptedException: stories/cancel.story
at org.jbehave.core.embedder.StoryRunner$RunContext.interruptIfCancelled(StoryRunner.java:616)
at org.jbehave.core.embedder.StoryRunner.runStepsWhileKeepingState(StoryRunner.java:514)
at org.jbehave.core.embedder.StoryRunner.runScenarioSteps(StoryRunner.java:479)
at org.jbehave.core.embedder.StoryRunner.runStepsWithLifecycle(StoryRunner.java:445)
at org.jbehave.core.embedder.StoryRunner.runCancellable(StoryRunner.java:305)
at org.jbehave.core.embedder.StoryRunner.run(StoryRunner.java:220)
at org.jbehave.core.embedder.StoryRunner.run(StoryRunner.java:181)
at org.jbehave.core.embedder.StoryManager$EnqueuedStory.call(StoryManager.java:235)
at org.jbehave.core.embedder.StoryManager$EnqueuedStory.call(StoryManager.java:207)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:262)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1145)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:615)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)
The problem is that when tests are skipped or fail to run in this way the build is still considered a success.
Is there a maven surefire plugin configuration that will ensure that whenever tests fail to run the build results in a failure? Here are the maven surefire build configurations
Your maven-surefire-plugin is set to skip tests completely (with <skip>true</skip>), so tests are running with maven-failsafe-plugin. That plug-in is supposed to not stop on failure during integration-test, and then only fail on verify phase.
So if you really want this question answered:
Is there a maven surefire plugin configuration that will ensure that whenever tests fail to run the build results in a failure?
That is: you want maven-surefire-plugin to run the tests, and not the maven-failsafe-plugin, then the answer is: remove
from your POM. In this case you also don't need maven-failsafe-plugin configuration, because it would just make your tests run twice.
But if your goal is to get maven-failsafe-plugin to work, then I think you may have one of the following issues:
Not running the right goal. As plug-in help states, you should invoke it as
mvn verify
An old plug-in, which is not compatible with test framework you are using (current version is 2.19.1)
Or this help recommendation:
For very complex builds, it may be better to separate the executions for the integration-test and verify goals:

Not able to get it test coverage in sonarqube

[enter image description here][1][enter image description here][2]I know many people got such similar problem. i show many answars, tried the sample code given on sonar site. that sample is working fine. Also i show following link
How to configure multi-module Maven + Sonar + JaCoCo to give merged coverage report?
But nothing seems working in my case. Its not showing IT Test Coverage in sonarqube though mvn clean intsall is making jacoco folder in site where index.html is having coverage report.
i tried almost every thing on net but not able to resolve issue.
its a multi module project
I am using
sonarqube 4.5.6 with java plugin 2.5.1.
maven 3.0.5
please help me resolve this.
Below is parent module pom file
<!-- Sets the path to the file which contains the execution data. -->
<!-- Sets the VM argument line used when unit tests are run. -->
<!-- automatic label creation -->
<!-- Plugin to generate unit test coverage in SonarQube 4.5.x report. -->
Properties in same pom file
<sonar.jacoco.reportPath>${project.basedir}/../target/jacoco.exec</sonar.jacoco.reportPath> <!-- This is the default, put here to be explicit -->
mvn clean install is creating jacoco folder with index.html for test coverage but mvn sonar:sonar is not showing it in sonarqube
what mistake i am making.
in mvn sonar:sonar, it builds successfully and one of the line is JaCoCoSensor: JaCoCo report not found.
what could be the reason
i seriously feel this a bug with jacoco or sonarqube. May be it would not be compatible with java 8 or something. I tried almost every thing. Many things are deprecated with sonar java plugin 2.5.1. Please help me, i need the solution desperately
Just tried it, and the sample project works perfectly. Please make sure you do the following:
git clone https://github.com/SonarSource/sonar-examples.git
cd projects/languages/java/code-coverage/combined ut-it/combined-ut-it-multimodule-maven-jacoco
mvn clean package
mvn sonar:sonar
Also - not sure if this is related, but you're using a very old version of the SQ Java plugin (2.5.1). I can only advise you to update it to latest version.
Well, i am not sure why the above code is not working but i tried same thing bit differently and miracle happened. Let me give the solution what it worked for me.
I removed the below code from parent pom and put it in all child pom. Also since i was using it in child module i used target/jacoco.exec instead of ${project.basedir}/../target/jacoco.exec and same for jacoco-it.exec.
<!-- Sets the path to the file which contains the execution data. -->
Additional information. following plugin which i mentioned in my question is not required if Test coverage is required only in sonar report. If there is requirement for code report separately then its required

JaCoCo not generating jacoco.exec until after skipping JaCoCo execution

I'm having trouble generating AHP reports via JaCoCo in one of my modules. When the build starts, I see JaCoCo correctly setting argLine with:
[INFO] jacoco.agent.argLine set to -javaagent:<...>/.m2/repository/org/jacoco/org.jacoco.agent/<...>/target/jacoco.exec
However, the .exec hasn't been created yet by the time maven tries to run JaCoCo:
[INFO] Skipping JaCoCo execution due to missing execution data file:<...>/target/jacoco.exec
The jacoco.exec does eventually get created, after maven has skipped JaCoCo execution. Therefore, I can still generate AHP reports, if I re-run the build without cleaning.
I've seen in various other questions that I need to be careful using Maven Surefire with JaCoCo. However, I don't explicitly use argLine in my Surefire plugins, or in any plugin for that matter. I'm starting to wonder if one of the other plugins is hijacking the argLine parameter automatically like JaCoCo does.
Here is a list of all plugins used:
I do see one suspicious message in the build output:
[INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.0:compile (default-compile) # <module> ---
[INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module!
I'm not sure if that's relevant, but it appears twice before the Skipping message, and doesn't appear in a module where JaCoCo works properly.
Any ideas?
*edit - Here's the jacoco config
<!--This plugin's configuration is used to store Eclipse m2e settings only. It has no influence on the Maven build itself.-->
I'm not sure exactly what that plugin management part is doing, but commenting it out doesn't fix anything. I've also tried putting the JaCoCo plugin config above the surefire/failsafe config in case order mattered for plugins sharing the same goals, but that didn't help either.
*edit 2 - Looks like the problem was surefire's includes. Commenting them out somehow fixes JaCoCo's .exec generation, and JaCoCo works properly.
<!-- <includes>
</includes> -->
Anyone know why?
Just an addition to the answers already given.
It could happen that in your maven-surefire-plugin configuration you already use the argLine configuration to override something like the memory used. If you do so the argline set by jacoco-maven-plugin will not be used failing to generate the jacoco report.
In this case assign a property name to the jacoco-maven-plugin config and then reference it in your maven-surefire-plugin argLine parameter.
<!-- prepare agent for measuring unit tests -->
<!-- Sets the VM argument line used when unit tests are run. -->
<argLine>${surefireArgLine} -Xmx1024m -noverify</argLine>
To solve this issue I would use the following three steps:
Determine which plugin execution is producing the jacoco.exec file. To do that, you could run Maven with debug logging enabled (mvn -X) and look for the jacoco.agent.argLine property name or its value in the output. You could also have a look at the effective POM (mvn help:effective-pom) in case the relevant configuration comes from the parent POM. Note that my guess is that it's an execution of the maven-failsafe-plugin.
Determine the phase that plugin is executed in. E.g. for maven-failsafe-plugin this would likely be integration-test.
Change the configuration of the JaCoCo plugin so that the report goal is executed later in the build lifecycle. E.g. if the jacoco.exec file is produced in the integration-test phase, you could execute the report goal in the post-integration-test phase.
In my case the solution was what #massimo mentioned, i was overriding memory values inside <surefireArgLine> tag, after i removed the tag it started generating the report and showed code coverage.
for me one of the reason for exec file not getting generated is when i placed the prepare-agent , prepare-package goals inside plugin section of pluginManagement
when i tried the same outside pluginManagement , i was sucessfully able to run the same and jacoco-exec file was generated using mvn clean install command
my pomfile is as below :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">
<!-- FIXME change it to the project's website -->
<argLine>-Xms256m -Xmx1524m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Duser.language=en</argLine>
<pluginManagement><!-- lock down plugins versions to avoid using Maven defaults (may be moved to parent pom) -->
<!-- see http://maven.apache.org/ref/current/maven-core/default-bindings.html#Plugin_bindings_for_jar_packaging -->
I did not find any solution, but I did the following:
mvn clean jacoco:prepare-agent install
create file jacoco.exec, but execute mvn sonar:sonar not create File.
Step 1:
mvn clean jacoco:prepare-agent install
Step 2:
copy file jacoco.exec from /src/main/resources
Step 3:
Add next plugin on pom.xml
${basedir}/src/main/resources/ </directory>
Step 4:
mvn clean install
Step 5:
mvn sonar:sonar
Add my section Plugins
${basedir}/src/main/resources/ </directory>
<!-- Plugin Sonar -->
I also faced the same problem where jacoco plugin was added to parent pom, and jacoco.exec file was generating for one of the sub modules. I had to remove the argLine arguments of maven surefire plugin, then it got generated.

How does Sonar Maven Plugin orchestrate tests?

Is it possible to configure how the surefire plugin is called when used with mvn sonar:sonar post compile.
In my maven project I have multiple test executions, for example
Note the integration tests in particular require some preprocessing ( aspectj compile for example ).
Is there any way to tell sonar to do this ? Or Indeed is it possible to generate the reports beforehand and just tell sonar to use them ?
You can have a look at the reuse report mode: http://docs.codehaus.org/display/SONAR/Code+Coverage+by+Unit+Tests+for+Java+Project
