How to use Spring method DELETE - spring

I have some customers in ArrayList and when I want through Postman delete (with id) it is not working : 500 - Internal Error. Please Could someone help me ?
Delete customer
DELETE http://localhost:8080/api/customers/{customerId}
public void deleteCustomer(#PathVariable Long customerId) {

try like this you did not add "/" in delete mapping.
public void deleteCustomer(#PathVariable Long customerId) {

Is this how you send the request?
If you are sending like this, it won't work because you gave path like this:
In my opinion, either change the path like this:
Or send the request like this:


forwarding from register to authenticate not work

I have two postmapping, one is, e.g. /api/register, another is /api/authenticate, after /api/register given username and password, I want to forward the request to /api/authenticate, make it unnecessary for users input username and password again, my /api/register method like:
public String register(#RequestBody xxxx) {
return "forward:/api/authenticate";
and /api/authenticate is like:
public ResponseEntity<JWTToken> authorize(#RequestBody LoginVM loginVM) {
but it does not work, I emulate with postman and get a string like: "Expected 'a' instead of 'o'", don't know why?
Forward / redirect only works with endpoints which support Get requests so PostMapping("/api/authenticate") would not work.
The best approach you have is to call authorize method directly from your code. Something like -
public ResponseEntity<JWTToken> register(#RequestBody xxxx) {
return authorize(...);

How to pursuade the ApiExplorer to create documentation for ExpandoObject?

I've created a very neat way of implementing a PATCH method for my Web.API project by making use of an ExpandoObject as a parameter. As illustrated below:
[HttpPatch, Route("api/employee/{id:int}")]
public IHttpActionResult Update(int id, [FromBody] ExpandoObject employee)
var source = Repository.FindEmployeeById(id);
Patch(employee, source);
return Ok(source);
However, when generating documentation ApiExplorer is at a loss as to what to do with the ExpandoObject, which is totally understandable. Would anyone have any ideas on how to manipulate the ApiExplorer to provide some sensible documentation?
My idea was to maybe introduce an new attribute which points to the actual Type that is expected:
public IHttpActionResult Update(int id, [FromBody, Mimics(typeof(Employee))] ExpandoObject employee)
But I have no idea where to start, any ideas or suggestions are welcome.
So this has been the source of some late evenings in order to get the Api Explorer to play along with our developed Http Patch mechanism. Truth be told, I'd probably should do a bit of a proper write up to full explain the mechanics behind the whole idea. But for those of you who landed on this page because you want the Api explorer to use a different type in the documentation, this is where you need to look:
Open HelpPageConfigurationExtensions.cs and locate the following method:
//File: Areas/HelpPage/HelpPageConfigurationExtensions.cs
private static void GenerateRequestModelDescription(HelpPageApiModel apiModel, ModelDescriptionGenerator modelGenerator, HelpPageSampleGenerator sampleGenerator)
this is the location where the parameter information is available to you and also provides you with the ability to replace/substitute parameter information with something else. I ended up doing the following to handle my ExpandoObject parameter issue:
if (apiParameter.Source == ApiParameterSource.FromBody)
Type parameterType = apiParameter.ParameterDescriptor.ParameterType;
// do something different when dealing with parameters
// of type ExpandObject.
if (parameterType == typeof(ExpandoObject))
// if a request-type-attribute is defined, assume the parameter
// is the supposed to mimic the type defined.
var requestTypeAttribute = apiParameter.ParameterDescriptor.GetCustomAttributes<RequestTypeAttribute>().FirstOrDefault();
if (requestTypeAttribute != null)
parameterType = requestTypeAttribute.RequestType;
Just, note that the RequestTypeAttribute is something I devised. My WebApi endpoint looks like this now:
public IHttpActionResult Update(int id,
[FromBody, RequestType(typeof(Employee))] ExpandoObject employee)
Thank you to everyone who took time to look into the problem.

how to get current session in onRouteRequest

Hi i am using play framework 2.3(java)
I would like to handle session in onRouteRequest
public play.api.mvc.Handler onRouteRequest(RequestHeader request) {
for eaxmple. I want to like this.
Is possilbe?
if (!session.get("userId")) {
please help me.
you can simply do
redirect("page url to redirect");

Restricting auto Help Page contents when using Attribute Routing in Web API 2

I'm currently implementing a Web API using Web API 2's attribute routing ( I am also using the Help Pages module in order to automatically generate documentation from XML comments (
For this API I am providing support for optional return format extensions, so that every API method has a pair of routes defined on it like so:
public HttpResponseMessage DoFoo()
// Some API function.
This allows a user to hit any of these and get a result:
My issue is that when Help Pages uses MapHttpAttributeRoutes() to generate documentation, it is picking up both routes for each method. So right now I see help for:
But I want to only see:
I would prefer to hide the non-extension route on each method, so that every method only shows a single Help Page entry.
Has anyone else tried something similar? Is there a work around that I am missing?
My question would be is that, would consumers of your api figure out easily that the {ext} is optional?...personally, I would prefer the default behavior...but anyways following are some workarounds that I can think of:
A quick and dirty workaround. Split the DoFoo into 2 actions like DoFoo() and DoFooWithExt maybe. Notice that I am using an attribute called ApiExplorerSettings, which is for HelpPage purposes. Example below:
public HttpResponseMessage DoFoo()
return DoFooHelper();
public HttpResponseMessage DoFooWithExt()
return DoFooHelper();
private HttpResponseMessage DoFooHelper()
//do something
Create a custom ApiExplorer (which HelpPage feature uses internally) and check for specific routes like the following and can decide whether to show the action or not for that particular route.
// update the config with this custom implementation
config.Services.Replace(typeof(IApiExplorer), new CustomApiExplorer(config));
public class CustomApiExplorer : ApiExplorer
public CustomApiExplorer(HttpConfiguration config) : base(config)
public override bool ShouldExploreAction(string actionVariableValue, HttpActionDescriptor actionDescriptor, IHttpRoute route)
if (route.RouteTemplate.EndsWith("Path/Foo", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
return false;
return base.ShouldExploreAction(actionVariableValue, actionDescriptor, route);
Get list of all ApiDescription from the default ApiExplorer and then filter out the descriptions which you do not like. Example:
Configuration.Services.GetApiExplorer().ApiDescriptions.Where((apiDesc) => !apiDesc.RelativePath.EndsWith("Path/Foo", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))

AJAC MVC3 Request object and raw Ajax data, where the heck is it?

If this was a regular post of a form I could go to Request.Form['somevalue'] and get the value. If this was a get with a query string I could go to Request.QueryString["somevalue"] and get the value.
Where is the raw data when you post an ajax request. I need a value out of the raw data string in a filter method.
Any help will be appreciated!!
Edits below:
public class ValidateAntiForgeryId : FilterAttribute, IAuthorizationFilter {
public void OnAuthorization(AuthorizationContext filterContext) {
if (filterContext == null) {
throw new ArgumentNullException("filterContext");
Guid filterGuid;
Guid.TryParse(filterContext.RequestContext.HttpContext.Request.Form["__sessionId"], out filterGuid);
if (filterGuid == Guid.Empty)
throw new AuthenticationException("Authentication failure");
try {
var cookieGuid = (Guid)filterContext.RequestContext.HttpContext.Items["SessionId"];
} catch {
throw new AuthenticationException("Authentication failure");
The posted data looks like this:
I need access to the __sessionId chunk inside the filter.
There's nothing magic about AJAX posts. They're just plain old HTTP. That means you have plain old HTTP post values, and/or plainold HTTP Get values.
If you're not seeing them, it probably means you're not actually submitting them.
Two issues you did not include in your original question: 1) That this is JSON, and 2) That this is in an AuthorizationFilter (rather than an action method).
Both change the answers. Since ASP.NET does not natively understand JSON post values, you will have to parse them, via Request.InputStream. MVC3 by default has a JSON model binder, but AuthorizationFilters execute before model binders do, so you will be accessing things prior to the model binders being executed, and as such FormsCollection won't be populated (Request.Form[] won't work either, because as I said, doesn't natively understand JSON).
You may find that installing via nuget may help with this task. Or you might just write a simple parse routine, since you know exactly what you're looking for.
You can accept the parameter values the same way you accept in normal form post.
Ex :
$.get("User/Get", { userId : "24"} ,function(data){
Your action method should look like
public ActionResult Get(int userId)
// you have value present in userId
return View("Partial/MyPartialView");
return View();
One thing you have to remember is, the parameter name of your action method should be same as of what your parameter/querystring name.
The fitlerContext has an ActionParameters collection which should have the parsed JSON properties (in case that helps). This may be easier than parsing the InputStream.
var sessionId = filterContext.ActionParameters["__sessionId"];
