I'm a newbie in AQA. We're building testing infrastructure and I have no ideas how to realize launching 1 test class for 3 browsers at time using Selenoid. Now I can launch only 4 tests(5 is my quota) at time inside 1 selenoid browser
I'm using Selenoid, java, junit4 .
Help me, pls!
I'm trying to find resolution on this.
I have 1 cucumber scenario with Gradle parameters: firefoxand chrome
Scenario: Run
When I want browser {browser}
Then I get browser {browser}
How I can run this scenario two times in parallel with Gradle, but with different provided parameters - One test with Firefox and One with Chrome, but in same time.
Behind cucumber, I have Java + JUnit
I have been looking for a testcase which can showcase the "SCALABILITY" of Scala/Akka.
i referred to the akka-actor-test/akka.performance.trading test case, but it seems like a Unit Test case rather than a performance benckmark test case.
I have run simple akka Actor based Ping-Pong test case which gives 650K pin-pong per second in the same JVM. But it goes down to 2K ping-pong per second if i make them as remote actors running in different JVM on the same machine.
But i guess this is not enough to showcase why someone should use Scala instead of Java. The same test case if run in Java may give better results. so why someone should go for scala based akka actors? which is that test case scenario which if written in C++/Java will not scale beyond a certain point and for which Scala is more suitable?
is there such a test case available in Github? i have seen jboner/akka-bench but it seems very old (last update seems 3 years ago). is there any other which i am missing? if yes, please share it to me. if not, kindly suggest the scenario , i will develop the test case and upload to github.
Benchmark that tests message sending throughput and message exchange latency in the same JVM for different actor libraries written on Scala (Akka vs. Lift vs. ProxyActors vs. Scala vs. Scalaz): https://github.com/plokhotnyuk/actors
I am using selenium-2.30.0 to run a single test(on windows) which runs for many hours (~ 8 Hrs). I was using the FF driver, but it runs out of memory after just 45 minutes or less, & the test execution just hangs. I was unable to use HTMLUnitDriver (i thought a pure java solution was the answer) to run the same way as the FF driver (as it needs to wait for page loads & I definitely didn't want to put random thread sleeps in my code or implement any new function by extending the HTMLUnitDriver).
I cannot break the test case to multiple smaller units.
I cannot reload the driver as and when i see heavy memory utilization
Is there any way to get this working?
I found this link:creating-firefox-profile-for-your-selenium-rc-tests, & was quite helpful. Created a new firefox profile with absolute minimal settings, & the test has been running without issues for the last 4 hours. Thanks a lot for the help guys !
What sort of testing are you doing? Selenium is used primarily for Acceptance tests. It sounds like what you're trying to do is more like a soak test on your system.
If that's the case, take a look at JMeter, it's much more suited to this type of work. However, a rather significant difference between the two technologies is that JMeter works at the protocol (HTTP Request) level as opposed to Selenium's use of the rendered HTML.
What does crash, your Java test code or Firefox itself? If it's the Java test code, then are you sure that you're not leaking memory? Or maybe the memory leak is in the server side?
I am currently using the jar of my selenium test suite to integrate with JMeter but, the problem which I am facing is that JMeter is opening the Firefox session equals to the number of threads which I specify because of that, my system gets unresponsive.
Does any one knows how to suppress multiple browser session to open on system without affecting the load testing?
It is normal each thread open his own browser... Maybe you can use phantomJS driver but ut will use memory too... Maybe not use this way and use recording controller to record scenario an play it directly with jmeter that is the stress test way the other not test the performance... You can use chrome headless too but cost memory too.. Another solution start new thread only when first thread us finish... I think with versiin 45 of firefox (only version working with jmeter) and jmeter 3.3 firefox not possible headless... Google an phantomJS yes possible.
The best solution use recorder controller.. Record a case and play it... Jmeter will use internal browser "system" low cost to achieve it dont forget that jmeter is stress test tool... You can use to do other action but not efficiently...
I just learned how to use J-Meter and i am loving work with it.
I have to do load testing for a moodle install .
I wonder if there are any set of jmeter scripts to test moodle that i can re-use or like some kind of benchmark scripts that are somehow advanced and that can help me test the moodle performance.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions and links .
J Meter script can not be reused as it requires 1 time recording option.Hence you need to record your script at least 1, then keep running the script with load increase gradually depending on your server capacity.