Springdocs: Specifying an explicit type for Paged responses - spring-boot

I'm working on a "global search" for my application.
Currently, I'm using hibernate-search to search for instances of multiple different objects and return them to the user.
The relevant code looks as follows:
.search(ModelA.classs, ModelB.class)
.fetch(skip, count);
Skip and count are calculated based on a Pageable and the result is used to create an instance of Page, which will be returned to the controller.
This works as I'd expect, however, the types generated by swagger-docs obviously doesn't know, what the type within the Page is, and therefore uses Object.
I'd like to expose the correct types, as I use them to generate the types for the frontend application.
I was able to set the type to an array, when overwriting the schema like this:
#ArraySchema(schema = #Schema(anyOf = {ModelA.class, ModelB.class}))
public Page<?> search(Pageable pageable) {
However, this just disregards the Page and also isn't correct.
The next thing I tried is extending the PageImpl, overwriting the getContent method, and specifying the same schema on this method, but this wasn't included in the output at all.
Next was implementing Page<T> myself (and later removing the implements reference to Page<T>) and specifying the same schema on getContent, iterator, and the field itself, but also to no effect.
How do I tell spring-docs, what the content of the resulting Page might be?

I stumbled upon this when trying to solve a similar problem
Inspired from this thread Springdoc with a generic return type i came up with the following solution, and it seems to apply to your case also. Code examples are in Kotlin.
I introduced a stub class that will just act as the Schema for the response:
private class PageModel(
#Schema(oneOf = [ModelA::class, ModelB::class]))
content: List<Object>
): PageImpl<Object>(content)
Then i annotated my Controller like this:
responses = [
responseCode = "200",
content = [Content(schema = Schema(implementation = PageModel::class))]
fun getPage(pageable: Pageable): Page<Object>
This generated this api response:
"PageModel": {
"properties": {
"content": {
"items": {
"oneOf": [
"$ref": "#/components/schemas/ModelA"
"$ref": "#/components/schemas/ModelB"
"type": "object"
"type": "array"
... -> more page stuff from spring's PageImpl<>
And in the "responses" section for the api call:
"responses": {
"200": {
"content": {
"application/json": {
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/components/schemas/PageModel"
"description": "OK"
All generated openapi doc is similar to the autogenerated json when returning a Page, it just rewrites the "content" array property to have a specific type.


GraphQL java: return a partial response and inform a user about it

I have a SpringBoot application that uses GraphQL to return data to a request.
What I have
One of my queries returns a list of responses based on a list of ids supplied. So my .graphqls file is a follows:
type Query {
texts(ids: [String]): [Response]
type Response {
id: String
text: String
and the following are request & response:
texts(ids:["id 1","id 2"]){
"data": [
"id": "id 1",
"text": "Text 1"
"id": "id 2",
"text": "Text 2"
At the moment, if id(s) is/are not in aws, then exception is thrown and the response is an error block saying that certain id(s) was/were not found. Unfortunately, the response for other ids that were found is not displayed - instead the data block returns a null. If I check wether data is present in the code via ssay if/else statment, then partial response can be returned but I will not know that it is a partial response.
What I want to happen
My application fetches the data from aws and occasionally some of it may not be present, meaning that for one of the supplied ids, there will be no data. Not a problem, I can do checks and simply never process this id. But I would like to inform a user if the response I returned is partial (and some info is missing due to absence of data).
See example of the output I want at the end.
What I tried
While learning about GraphQL, I have encountered an instrumentation - a great tool for logging. Since it goes through all stages of execution, I thought that I can try and change the response midway - the Instrumentation class has a lot of methods, so I tried to find the one that works. I tried to make beginExecution(InstrumentationExecutionParameters parameters) and instrumentExecutionResult(ExecutionResult executionResult, InstrumentationExecutionParameters parameters) to work but neither worked for me.
I think the below may work, but as comments suggests there are parts that I failed to figure out
public GraphQLSchema instrumentSchema(GraphQLSchema schema, InstrumentationExecutionParameters parameters) {
String id = ""; // how to extract an id from the passed query (without needing to disect parameters.getQuery();
log.info("The id is " + id);
if(s3Service.doesExist(id)) {
return super.instrumentSchema(schema, parameters);
schema.transform(); // How would I add extra field
return schema;
I also found this post that seem to offer more simpler solution. Unfortunately, the link provided by host does not exist and link provided by the person who answered a question is very brief. I wonder if anyone know how to use this annotation and maybe have an example I can look at?
Finally, I know there is DataFetcherResult which can construct partial response. The problem here is that some of my other apps use reactive programming, so while it will be great for Spring mvc apps, it will not be so great for spring flux apps (because as I understand it, DataFetcherResult waits for all the outputs and as such is a blocker). Happy to be corrected on this one.
Desired output
I would like my response to look like so, when some data that was requested is not found.
"data": [
"id": "id 1",
"text": "Text 1"
"id": "id 2",
"text": "Text 2"
"id": "Non existant id",
"msg": "This id was not found"
"error": [
"errors": [
"message": "There was a problem getting data for this id(s): Bad id 1"
"data": [
"id": "id 1",
"text": "Text 1"
"id": "id 2",
"text": "Text 2"
So I figured out one way of achieving this, using instrumentation and extension block (as oppose to error block which is what I wanted to use initially). The big thanks goes to fellow Joe, who answered this question. Combine it with DataFetchingEnviroment (great video here) variable and I got the working solution.
My instrumentation class is as follows
public class CustomInstrum extends SimpleInstrumentation {
public CompletableFuture<ExecutionResult> instrumentExecutionResult(
ExecutionResult executionResult,
InstrumentationExecutionParameters parameters) {
if(parameters.getGraphQLContext().hasKey("Faulty ids")) {
Map<Object, Object> currentExt = executionResult.getExtensions();
Map<Object, Object> newExtensionMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
newExtensionMap.putAll(currentExt == null ? Collections.emptyMap() : currentExt);
newExtensionMap.put("Warning:", "No data was found for the following ids: " + parameters.getGraphQLContext().get("Faulty ids").toString());
return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(
new ExecutionResultImpl(
return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(
new ExecutionResultImpl(
and my DataFetchingEnviroment is in my resolver:
public CompletableFuture<List<Article>> articles(List<String> ids, DataFetchingEnvironment env) {
List<CompletableFuture<Article>> res = new ArrayList<>();
// Below's list would contain the bad ids
List<String> faultyIds = new ArrayList<>();
for(String id : ids) {
log.info("Getting article for id {}",id);
if(s3Service.doesExist(id)) {
} else {
faultyIds.add(id);// if data doesn't exist then id will not be processed
// if we have any bad ids, then we add the list to the context for instrumentations to pick it up, right before returning a response
if(!faultyIds.isEmpty()) {
env.getGraphQlContext().put("Faulty ids", faultyIds);
return CompletableFuture.allOf(res.toArray(new CompletableFuture[0])).thenApply(item -> res.stream()
You can obviously separate error related ids to different contexts but for my simple case, one will suffice. I however still interested in how can the same results be achieved via error block, so i will leave this question hanging for a bit before accepting this as a final answer.
My response looks as follows now:
"extensions": {
"Warning:": "No data was found for the following ids: [234]"
"data": { ... }
My only concern with this approach is security and "doing the right thing" - is this correct thing to do, adding something to the context and then using instrumentation to influence the response? Are there any potential security issues? If someone know anything about it and could share, it will help me greatly!
After further testing it appears if exception is thrown it will still not work, so it only works if you know beforehand that something goes wrong and add appropriate exception handling. Cannot be used with try/catch block. So I am a half step back again.

Jackson derealization with SpringBoot : To get field names present in request along with respective field mapping

I have a requirement to throw different error in case of different scenarios like below, and there are many such fields not just 1.
"id": 1,
"name": "nameWithSpecialChar$"
Here it should throw error for special character.
"id": 1,
"name": null
Here throw field null error.
"id": 1
Here throw field missing error.
Handling, 1st and 2nd scenario is easy, but for 3rd one, is there any way we can have a List of name of fields that were passed in input json at the time of serialization itself with Jackson?
One way, I am able to do it is via mapping request to JsonNode and then check if nodes are present for required fields and after that deserialize that JsonNode manually and then validate rest of the members as below.
public ResponseEntity myGetRequest(#RequestBody JsonNode requestJsonNode) {
throw some error;
MyRequest request = ObjectMapper.convertValue(requestJsonNode, MyRequest .class);
But I do not like this approach, is there any other way of doing it?
You can define a JSON schema and validate your object against it. In your example, your schema may look like this:
"$schema": "https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/schema",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"id": {
"description": "The identifier",
"type": "integer"
"name": {
"description": "The item name",
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^[a-zA-Z]*$"
"required": [ "id", "name" ]
To validate your object, you could use the json-schema-validator library. This library is built on Jackson. Since you're using Spring Boot anyway, you already have Jackson imported.
The example code looks more or less like this:
String schema = "<define your schema here>";
String data = "<put your data here>";
JsonSchemaFactory factory = JsonSchemaFactory.byDefault();
ObjectMapper m = new ObjectMapper();
JsonSchema jsonSchema = factory.getJsonSchema(m.readTree(schema));
JsonNode json = m.readTree(data);
ProcessingReport report = jsonSchema.validate(json);
The report includes detailed errors for different input cases. For example, with this input
"id": 1,
"name": "nameWithSpecialChar$"
this output is printed out
error: ECMA 262 regex "^[a-zA-Z]*$" does not match input string "nameWithSpecialChar$"
level: "error"
schema: {"loadingURI":"#","pointer":"/properties/name"}
instance: {"pointer":"/name"}
domain: "validation"
keyword: "pattern"
regex: "^[a-zA-Z]*$"
string: "nameWithSpecialChar$"
Or instead of just printing out the report, you can loop through all errors and have your specific logic
for (ProcessingMessage message : report) {
// Add your logic here
You could check the example code to gain more information about how to use the library.

graphql-java error data (like extensions) is being stuffed into "message" field on client

In graphql-java, I'm overriding getExtensions on a GraphQLError, in order to pass a "code" extension for Apollo Client to consume.
When I added a breakpoint, I can see that GraphQLObjectMapper sees the error in the executionResult with all its fields, including extensions properly set as expected.
However, when the error arrives at apollo, it gets strangely morphed and the entire error object (including the extensions array) appears to be stuffed into the string message field like so:
"errors": [
"message": "Unexpected error value: { message: \"Exception while fetching data (/myQuery) : Didn't work\", locations: [[Object]], path: [\"myQuery\"], extensions: { code: \"MY_CODE\", classification: \"DataFetchingException\" } }",
"locations": [
"line": 2,
"column": 3
"path": [
"extensions": {
"data": null
As far as I can tell apollo is not doing anything wrong. My suspicion is that graphql-java may be the one stuffing this entire error into the "message" field" and then setting the code as "INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR", but I'm not really sure. Is there something I can do on the graphql-java end to prevent this and make it properly pass the extensions and not stuff them into the message value? Any assistance would be appreciated.
It is not caused by graphql-java but graphql-java-servlet. In some old version , by default it does not serialize GraphQLError to the structure defined by the GraphQL specification , which should be fixed in 7.5.1 in this issue.
If you cannot upgrade to the latest version , the simplest way is customize GraphQLObjectMapper and overriding its convertSanitizedExecutionResult :
public class CustomObjectMapper extends GraphQLObjectMapper {
public Map<String, Object> convertSanitizedExecutionResult(ExecutionResult executionResult, boolean includeData) {
Map<String, Object> result = super.convertSanitizedExecutionResult(executionResult, includeData);
result.put("errors", executionResult.getErrors().stream().map(err->err.toSpecification()).collect(toList()));

GraphQL: Explore API without a wildcard (*)?

I am new to GraphQL and I wonder how I can explore an API without a possible wildcard (*) (https://github.com/graphql/graphql-spec/issues/127).
I am currently setting up a headless Craft CMS with GraphQL and I don't really know how my data is nested.
Event with the REST API I have no chance of just getting all the data, because I have to setup all the endpoints and therefore I have to know all field names as well.
So how could I easily explore my CraftCMS data structure?
Thanks for any hints on this.
------ Edit -------
If I use #simonpedro s suggestion:
__schema {
types {
fields {
I can see a lot of types (?)/fields (?)...
For example I see:
"name": "FlexibleContentTeaser",
"kind": "OBJECT",
"fields": [
"name": "id"
"name": "enabled"
"name": "teaserTitle"
"name": "text"
"name": "teaserLink"
"name": "teaserLinkConnection"
But now I would like to know how a teaserLink ist structured.
I somehow found out that the teaserLink (it is a field with the type Entries, where I can link to another page) has the properties url & title.
But how would I set up query to explore the properties available within teaserLink?
I tried all sorts of queries, but I am always confrontend with messages like this:
I would be really glad if somebody could give me another pointer how I can find out which properties I can actually query...
Thank you
As far as I'm concerned currently there is no graphql implementation with that capability. However, if what you want to do is to explore the "data structure", i.e, the schema, you should use schema instrospection, which was thought for that (explore the graphql schema). For example, a simple graphql instrospection query would be like this:
__schema {
types {
fields {
- https://graphql.org/learn/introspection/
UPDATE for edit:
What you want to do I think is the following:
Make a query like this
__schema {
types {
fields {
type {
fields {
And then find the wished type field to grab more information (the fields) from it. Something like this (I don't know if this works, just an idea):
const typeFlexibleContentTeaser = data.__schema.types.find(t => t === "FlexibleContentTeaser")
const teaserLinkField = typeFlexibleContentTeaser.fields.find(f => f.name === "teaserLink")
const teaserLinkField = teaserLinkField.type.fields;
i.e, you have to transverse recursively through the type field.

Is GitHub API returning an invalid result for the schema query?

type __Schema {
types: [__Type!]!
queryType: __Type!
mutationType: __Type
subscriptionType: __Type
directives: [__Directive!]!
type __Type {
kind: __TypeKind!
name: String
description: String
Information downloaded from https://developer.github.com/v4/guides/intro-to-graphql/#discovering-the-graphql-api (curl -H "Authorization: bearer token" https://api.github.com/graphql)
(beginning of the file
"data": {
"__schema": {
"queryType": {
"name": "Query"
"mutationType": {
"name": "Mutation"
"subscriptionType": null,
"types": [
"kind": "SCALAR",
"name": "Boolean",
I interpreted this so this GitHub schema result is invalid because queryType doesn't specify a kind which is nonNullable (kind: __TypeKind!)
Is this result violating the schema rules or am I missing something?
This response passes validation because a missing field is not the same thing as a field that returns null. A field will be missing from the response only if it wasn't requested in the first place.
If you go to GitHub's GraphQL Explorer, you can generate an introspection query yourself, request the kind field as part of the selection set of the queryType field and it will return the field with a non-null value.
__schema {
queryType {
"data": {
"__schema": {
"queryType": {
"kind": "OBJECT"
Fetching the schema by making a GET request to some endpoint is convenient, but it's not the standard way to introspect the schema. Instead, you should make the request using whatever selection set is needed against the endpoint itself. The drawback of doing it this less conventional way is made apparent by this question. In this case, whatever introspection query GitHub is making for you under the hood is missing one or more fields that could otherwise be requested. Because you're not the one making the introspection query, you don't know what to expect in terms of the shape of the response.
