Spring does not load Constructor with jUnit parematerised tests for each test - spring

I use Redis keyspace notifications. In my Spring application I have below class:
public class KeyExpiredPublisher {
private final JedisPool jedisPool;
private KeyExpiredSubscriber keyExpiredSubscriber;
public KeyExpiredPublisher(JedisPool defaultJedisPool) {
jedisPool = defaultJedisPool;
public void enablePublishExpire() {
public Mono<Void> enablePublish() {
Mono<Void> mono = Mono.fromRunnable(() -> {
Jedis jedis = jedisPool.getResource();
String subscribedEventPattern = "__keyevent#0__:expired";
jedis.psubscribe(keyExpiredSubscriber, subscribedEventPattern);
return mono.subscribeOn(Schedulers.boundedElastic());
All mono stuff there is just for multithreading.
I have a parameterised unit test, which starts redis before each test and stops it after each test. However before each test, the constructors are not injected. Test with first parameter is passing because it gets to constructor (#PostConstruct method above) and subscription happens. However, after the first run, #BeforeEach kills the redis and although other tests start redis again, the code never goes into #PostSonstruct again so subscription never happens for other tests.
Is there any way to make sure Spring loads application before each parameter?

Depending on what you precisely do in your tests (you didn't show us), spring might be reusing the application context for performance reasons, thus only one instance of the bean is created. Usually a DirtiesContext Annotation in the test setup helps with this.


How to execute code in a SpringBootTest before the Application is run?

I have a SpringBoot based command line application. The application creates or deletes some records in a database. It does so not directly via JDBC but rather through a special API (instance variable dbService).
The application class looks like this:
public class Application implements CommandLineRunner {
private DbService dbService;
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(Application.class, args);
public void run(String... args) {
// Do something via dbService based on the spring properties
Now I'd like to create a SpringBoot test that would run the whole application with a configuration specially prepared for the test.
I run the test with an in-memory DB (H2) which is empty at the test start. Hence I'd like to insert some records into the DB -- as the setup for the test. The code for inserting the records must be executed
After the Spring context has been loaded -- so that I can use the bean dbService.
Before the Application is run -- so that the application runs with the prepared DB.
Somehow I fail to implement the above two points.
What I have so far is this:
#DirtiesContext(classMode = ClassMode.AFTER_CLASS)
public class MyAppTest {
private DbService dbService;
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MyAppTest.class);
// The expectation is that this method is executed after the spring context
// has been loaded and all beans created, but before the Application class
// is executed.
public void preparedDbForTheTest() {
// Create some records via dbService
logger.info("Created records for the test");
// This test is executed after the application has run. Here we check
// whether the DB contains the expected records.
public void testApplication() {
// Check the DB contents
My problem is that the the method preparedDbForTheTest does not seem to get executed at all.
According to the SpringBoot docs, the event ApplicationReadyEvent is sent exactly when I want to execute the setup code. But somehow the code is not executed.
If I annotate the method with #Before... (I tried several variants of it) then it gets executed, but after the Application class has run.
What am I doing wrong?
Test classes aren't Spring-managed beans so things like #EventListener methods will be ignored.
The most conventional solution to your problem would be to add some #TestConfiguration that declares the #EventListener:
#DirtiesContext(classMode = ClassMode.AFTER_CLASS)
public class MyAppTest {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MyAppTest.class);
public void testApplication() {
static class DatabasePreparation {
public void preparedDbForTheTest() {
logger.info("Created records for the test");
A #TestConfiguration is additive so it'll be used alongside your application's main configuration. The preparedDbForTheTest method will now be called as part of refreshing the application context for the tests.
Note that, due to application context caching, this method won't be called for every test. It will only be called as part of refreshing the context which may then be shared among several tests.

Why DirtiesContext is needed on other test classes to mock bean dependency for class with JMS Listener

A Spring Boot application with a Rest endpoint and a JMS AMQ Listener
Test behaviour observed
The tests classes run fine without needing DirtiesContext individually but when the entire suite of test classes are run the following behaviours are observed -
Mocking of a bean dependency for the JMS Consumer test requires the earlier test classes to have a DirtiesContext annotation.
Mocking of bean dependency for RestControllers seem to work differently than a JMS Listener i.e don't need DirtiesContext on the earlier test classes
I've created a simple Spring application to reproduce the Spring context behaviour I need help understanding - https://github.com/ajaydivakaran/spring-dirties-context
The reason this happens is due to the fact that without #DirtiesContext Spring will remain the context for reuse for other tests that share the same setup (read more on Context Caching in the Spring documentation). This is not ideal for your setup as you have a messaging listener, because now multiple Spring Contexts can remain active and steal the message you put into the queue using the JmsTemplate.
Using #DirtiesContext ensures to stop the application context, hence this context is not alive afterward and can't consume a message:
from #DirtiesContext:
Test annotation which indicates that the {#link org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext ApplicationContext} *
associated with a test is dirty and should therefore be
closed and removed from the context cache.
For performance reasons, I would try to not make use of #DirtiesContext too often and rather ensure that the JMS destination is unique for each context you launch during testing. You can achieve this by outsourcing the destination value to a config file (application.properties) and randomly populate this value e.g. using a ContextInitializer.
A first (simple) implementation could look like the following:
public class Consumer {
private EnergeticGreeter greeter;
private MessageRepository repository;
private ApplicationContext applicationContext;
#JmsListener(destination = "${consumer.destination}")
public void consume(
#Header(name = JmsHeaders.MESSAGE_ID, required = false) String messageId,
TextMessage textMessage) {
System.out.println("--- Consumed by context: " + applicationContext.toString());
if ("Ahem hello!!".equals(greeter.welcome().getContent())) {
the corresponding test:
#SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)
#ContextConfiguration(initializers = DestinationValueInitializer.class)
public class JMSConsumerIntegrationTest {
private JmsTemplate jmsTemplate;
private String destination;
private ApplicationContext applicationContext;
private EnergeticGreeter greeter;
private MessageRepository repository;
//Todo - To get all tests in this project to pass when entire test suite is run look at Todos added.
public void shouldInvokeRepositoryWhenGreetedWithASpecificMessage() {
when(greeter.welcome()).thenReturn(new Message("Ahem hello!!"));
System.out.println("--- Send from context: " + applicationContext.toString());
jmsTemplate.send(destination, session -> session.createTextMessage("hello world"));
Awaitility.await().atMost(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS).untilAsserted(
() -> verify(repository, times(1)).save()
and the context initializer:
public class DestinationValueInitializer implements
ApplicationContextInitializer<ConfigurableApplicationContext> {
public void initialize(ConfigurableApplicationContext applicationContext) {
TestPropertyValues.of("consumer.destination=" + UUID.randomUUID().toString()).applyTo(applicationContext);
I've provided a small PR for your project where you can see this in the logs, that a different application context is consuming your message and hence you can't verify that the repository was called on the application context you write your test in.

Unit test - Problems testing #Retryable and #Recover

I have a component that's using #Retryable annotation and another service using that component. So I'm trying to test that the component using #Retryable annotation is actually retrying.
I've tried every solution there is on the web right now but nothing worked for me. I'm trying to create a unit test for this and not integration test. So far I've managed to get to the exception that's supposed to be thrown and #Retryable wasn't even retrying, the method just threw the exception and thats it.
This is the component using Retryable annotation:
public class OurComponent {
#Retryable(maxAttempts = 10,
backoff = #Backoff(delay = 2000),
value = {someException.class}
public void someMethod(SomeObject someObject) throws someException {
Object createObject = anotherMethod(someObject); //this method throws someException
And the service using this ourComponent:
public class someService {
private final OurComponent ourComponent;
public SomeService(OurComponent ourComponent) {
this.ourComponent = ourComponent;
public void methodUsingComponent() {
SomeObject someObject = new SomeObject(args);
Now I've tried to #InjectMocks and #MockBean this service and component but it still didn't work. Is it even possible to test #Retryable annotation without doing integration test?
If you use a unit test that doesn't use spring at all, you won't be able to test it easily.
This is due to the fact that annotations like this are recognized by spring and the corresponding bean is wrapped with a runtime-generated proxy that implements the "retry" logic.
Now, if you don't have spring who triggers all this mechanism, this #Retryable annotation is basically useless, mockito doesn't know anything about, so is Junit.
You could try to create a proxy like this manually (check what logic spring-retry invokes) but it looks to be an overkill. And frankly speaking, it doesn't give you anything. Unit test should check the functionality of your code and not the logic behind spring retry that was implemented by somewhere else and tested.

Spring Boot - Testing - tearDown for a bean

I use #EmbeddedKafka annotation as follows to have a kafka mock:
#EmbeddedKafka(partitions = 1,
topics = {"topic"},
brokerProperties = {
public class KafkaUsersTest {
private EmbeddedKafkaBroker embeddedKafka;
public void test1() {
// test something
public void test2() {
// test something
Now, after The tests finish I'd like to close the embeddedKafka bean. Something like this:
public void tearDown(){
The problem is:
An #AfterAll method can only be static.
If I make it static - then also the embeddedKafka has to be static, and then #Autowired annotation will not work.
I guess I can the bean to a static field from one of the tests and then use it in the tearDown(), but it's really ugly.
What is the "good practice" for closing a bean only once after all tests have completed?
An #AfterAll method can only be static.
That's not true.
From the JUnit 5 User Guide:
Denotes that the annotated method should be executed after all #Test, #RepeatedTest, #ParameterizedTest, and #TestFactory methods in the current class; analogous to JUnit 4’s #AfterClass. Such methods are inherited (unless they are hidden or overridden) and must be static (unless the "per-class" test instance lifecycle is used).
An #AfterAll method can be non-static if you use #TestInstance(Lifecycle.PER_CLASS). This is also documented in the JUnit 5 User Guide:
The "per-class" mode has some additional benefits over the default "per-method" mode. Specifically, with the "per-class" mode it becomes possible to declare #BeforeAll and #AfterAll on non-static methods as well as on interface default methods.

spring aspect being applied outside of app context (in stubbed out unit test)

Here's a weird one. I've got a few tests failing because an aspect is being applied, so an autowired service is null, bad things ensue. The issue is that I can't understand how the aspect is even being applied, since in the test I construct the object under test with new.
public class TheControllerTest {
private TheController controller = new TheController();
private HttpServletRequest request;
private ConfigService configService;
public void setup() {
public void testGetAccountsList() throws Exception {
Mockito.when(accountService.getAllAccounts()).thenReturn(Arrays.asList(account1, account2));
Map<String, Object> result = controller.getAccountsList(request);
I'm obviously omitting plenty of code, but really, I just don't understand how, given how controller is instantiated, it could have had the advice applied.
One possible reason could be if you are running this in Eclipse - in a project with ajbuilder enabled, even if you are explicitly expecting Spring AOP through dynamic proxies, ajbuilder would actually perform compile team weaving, and hence you would see advice enhanced classes even using normal "new". Can you please check this, the fix would be to disable "ajbuilder" - here is one reference - JUnit weaving wrong Spring AOP Bean
