Payment Services Exception merchantId=***** (truncated...)\n - applepay

I am trying to implement Apple pay in a website, but the following error appears
Client error: 'POST' resulted in a '400 Bad Request' response:\n{\n \"statusMessage\": \"Payment Services Exception merchantId=***** (truncated...)\n
I tried to look for a solution in Google and Stackoverflow, no hint about the reason of the truncated word. It does not seem to be a popular issue
Any help will be appreciated


Missing permissions "Forbidden" error catching

So I searched on GitHub, reddit & other questions in Stack Overflow but I nowhere found a way how to catch Forbidden - missing permissions error:
discord.commands.errors.ApplicationCommandInvokeError: Application Command raised an exception: Forbidden: 403 Forbidden (error code: 50013): Missing Permissions
Basically I've already solved this problem, just use commands.discord.Forbidden error in async def on_command_error(ctx, error), but... could someone show me the clearest way, like Forbidden({"error":"text"}) instead of common method. Also I use commands.slash_command, maybe it has a difference.
I don't know Forbidden syntax. Also I need the same NotFound answer if I need channel error instead of Member Thanks so much who helps me!

SagePay V4.0 CHALLENGE has stopped working for me

I am working on a c# service that uses the V4.0 protocol of sagepay. I am trying to simulate a 3DAUTH request by passing in CHALLENGE as the Cardholder name.
It was working fine earlier this week but today the response status returned is OK and the 3DSecureStatus is ERROR.
Looking at the test MySagePay Fraud Results screen, there is a red shield with the message "The Authentication callback message was Malformed..."
I have set the ThreeDSNotificationURL to a page that doesn't exist but could the error be Sage is somehow trying to validate this page?
I was expecting a status response of "3DAUTH".
Any help greatly appreciated including any tips on getting more info from the mysagepay console error.
this is part of the message I am sending in
I think it (the test sandbox) is working again now.
You need the ThreeDSNotificationURL. This is the page the bank posts back to after the challenge.
There you have to get the post values for cres, VPSTxID and threeDSessionData from the form and post them to SagePay. Then handle the SagePay response to find out if the payment was successful or failed or if an error occured.
We have the same issue. Our code was working fine. We would pass "CHALLENGE" as the CardHolder and we would get the expected status but, at some point, we started receiving "3DSecureStatus=ERROR".
Has anything changed with the sandbox?
Seems to be working again now. Getting this response
StatusDetail=2021 : Please redirect your customer to the ACSURL, passing CReq.
Must have been a blip on the test site. Be good to know if Sage post release notes for these instances so deployment history can be tracked.
For info, you don't need a valid ThreeDSNotificationURL when posting using Cardholder=Challenge.
Thanks all

Error: invalid_scope - This app hasn't been verified to access

Has anyone experienced this error before? I have been researching, testing, and banging my head to get this error to go away but nothing seems to work.
This is a similar question to the following posts:
Error: invalid_scope google read contact
Google Api:: Error: invalid_scope
403 error when calling Google People API
Unfortunately, these posts never were resolved or aren't helpful.
What is puzzling is, i'm following the examples listed here: Along with testing the ONLY the scopes I need here:
However, I cannot seem to get past the popup screen that states i'm passing an invalid scope.
FYI, I have the API Console setup to use Google People API, Google+, and Google Contacts. I'm using my client id and api key in the "gapi.auth2.init" config call.
Any insight would be super helpful! Thank you for your time and response.
This is a scope issue because my web application has not been verified by Google for OAuth.
As a developer you can test the source by entering your test account(s) here:!forum/risky-access-by-unreviewed-apps
To get approval you must submit the form here:
after googling some time I've come across this question and the list of scopes of google:
Just in case this helps.
I copied and paste code from google developers example page
Search list
and that example didn't work for me. I got the same error about invalid scope...
Solution was to change below line:
private static final Collection<String> SCOPES = Arrays.asList("YouTubeScopes. YouTubeScopes.");
with following line:
private static final Collection<String> SCOPES = Arrays.asList("");
Basically I just get rid of "YouTubeScopes" prefix and it has started to work.

JMeter REST Response is blank

I have searched extensively for the solution of this problem but did not get enough information. I am testing a GET request in REST API and although Sample Result is OK, I do not get any response in Response data tab. A screenshot is attached.
I am getting this error - ERROR - jmeter.protocol.http.sampler.HTTPJavaImpl: readResponse: Not in GZIP format
I have no java code. I know my REST API result is huge. (search result). Please suggest how do I get around this problem?
Thank you
I remember facing this issue! Changing the implementation to java/HttpClient4/3.1 in the HTTP requests will work.

comment on facebook post using graph api returns "Bad request"

i am trying to comment on a post using the graphi api, but i get a "Bad request" status in return.
i can successfully able to post to walls though.
the content of the response is "{"error":{"type":"OAuthException","message":"(#100) Error finding the requested story"}}"
My request url is :"postid"/comments?access_token="hereaccesstoken"&message=post%20a%20comment (removed postid & access_token).
i have these permissions: "publish_stream", "read_stream", "user_hometown", "user_checkins", "friends_checkins", "friends_photos", "user_activities", "friends_activities", "offline_access"
any help is appreciated, thanks.
I had this exact same problem when working on an Android app that interfaced with Facebook. I was creating a wall post, then attempting to post a comment to it (needed to post text over 420 had to do it in a comment).
I was receiving the 'Error finding requested story' error when I wasn't requesting 'read_stream' permissions. As soon as I requested 'read_stream' permissions when authorizing it worked.
Looks like you're already asking for those permissions - maybe double-check for a typo or something. Also might be worth noting that I requested permissions in the array in order: read_stream first, then publish_stream.
Hope this helps.
