Is there a way to solve this problem in phpoffice? - laravel

Argument 1 passed to PhpOffice\Common\Drawing::pixelsToEmu() must be of the type float, null given, C:\xampp\htdocs\vendor\phpoffice\phppresentation\src\PhpPresentation\Writer\PowerPoint2007\Abstra...
class GeneratePPT extends Controller{
public function generateppt($id){
if(Auth::user()->user_roles == 'superadmin'
|| Auth::user()->user_roles == 'admin'
|| Auth::user()->user_roles == 'officer'){
// do nothing and pass to process
return redirect('/')->withError("You don't have permission to download");
//convert encrypted id to actutal decrypt value
//get id from route parameter
$id = request()->route('id');
$contracts_id = Crypt::decryptString($id);
$user = ContractDocument::where("contracts_id",$contracts_id)->first();
$contracts = Contract::where("id",$contracts_id)->first();
$shop_branches_id = $contracts->shop_branches_id;
$shop_branches = ShopBranch::where("id",$shop_branches_id)->first();
$family_members = FamilyMember::where("contracts_id",$contracts_id)->get();
// delete old file
//photo from ContractDocument
$loan_user_photo = $user->loan_user_photo;
$objPHPPresentation = new PhpPresentation();
$layout = $objPHPPresentation->getLayout();
$layout->setCX(8.5, $layout::UNIT_INCH);
$layout->setCY(14, $layout::UNIT_INCH);
//create first table
$currentSlide = $objPHPPresentation->getActiveSlide();
// Create user
if ($loan_user_photo != null) {
$currentSlide = $objPHPPresentation->createSlide();
self::createslide($loan_user_photo,$currentSlide,"Borrower ဓါတ်ပုံ");
$oWriterPPTX = IOFactory::createWriter($objPHPPresentation, 'PowerPoint2007');
$savepath = Storage::path("Loan/contract_{$contracts_id}");
$oWriterPPTX->save($savepath. "/contract_{$contracts_id}.ppt");
//update data in daatabase
ContractDocument::where('contracts_id', $contracts_id)->update(["final_all_combined_ppt_contract"=> "Loan/contract_{$contracts_id}/contract_{$contracts_id}.ppt"]);
//move and allow download
Storage::copy("Loan/contract_{$contracts_id}/contract_{$contracts_id}.ppt", "public/temp/{$contracts->apply_user_name}.ppt");
$myFile = storage_path("app/public/temp/{$contracts->apply_user_name}.ppt");
return response()->download($myFile)->deleteFileAfterSend(true);


Sorting League Standings table

Am doing a league management system where the system generates fixtures and assign each match to an official who later enters results. Now when i have set everything possible for the log table but when i pass the results, am getting the some few errors : Too few arguments to function App\Models\Gamescores::updateStandings(), 0 passed in E:\Video\laraVids\laraProjects\HAM\app\Models\Gamescores.php on line 28 and exactly 1 expected
here is my code for the sorting of the league
class Gamescores extends Model
use HasFactory;
protected $table = 'gamescores';
protected $fillable = [
public function game()
return $this->belongsTo(Game::class, 'games_id');
public static function boot()
static::created(function ($gamescore) {
public function updateStandings($league_id)
// Get all gamescores for the specified league
$gameScores = Gamescores::whereHas('game', function ($query) use ($league_id) {
$query->where('league_id', $league_id);
// Loop through each gamescore and update the log table for each team
foreach ($gameScores as $gameScore) {
$game = Games::find($gameScore->games_id);
$league_id = $game->league_id;
$home_team_id = $game->home_team;
$away_team_id = $game->away_team;
$home_team_log = Logtable::where('team_id', $home_team_id)->first();
if ($home_team_log !== null) {
$home_team_log->played += 1;
if ($gameScore->home_score > $gameScore->away_score) {
$home_team_log->won += 1;
$home_team_log->points += 3;
} else if ($gameScore->home_score == $gameScore->away_score) {
$home_team_log->drawn += 1;
$home_team_log->points += 1;
} else {
$home_team_log->lost += 1;
$home_team_log->goals_for += $gameScore->home_score;
$home_team_log->goals_against += $gameScore->away_score;
$home_team_log->goal_difference = $home_team_log->goals_for - $home_team_log->goals_against;
$away_team_log = Logtable::where('team_id', $away_team_id)->first();
if ($away_team_log !== null) {
$away_team_log->played += 1;
if ($gameScore->away_score > $gameScore->home_score) {
$away_team_log->won += 1;
$away_team_log->points += 3;
} else if ($gameScore->home_score == $gameScore->away_score) {
$away_team_log->drawn += 1;
$away_team_log->points += 1;
} else {
$away_team_log->lost += 1;
$away_team_log->goals_for += $gameScore->away_score;
$away_team_log->goals_against += $gameScore->home_score;
$away_team_log->goal_difference = $away_team_log->goals_for - $away_team_log->goals_against;
thats my model where am passing the method to genererate the results
public function fixtureToView($league)
// Fetch all rows from the games table, including the related official model
$games = Games::where('league_id', $league)->get();
// Extract the values for the role column as an array
$pluckedFixtures = $games->pluck('Fixture')->toArray();
// Count the number of occurrences of each value in the array
$counts = array_count_values($pluckedFixtures);
// Initialize an empty array to store the duplicate keys and values
$fixtures = collect([]);
// Iterate over the counts array
foreach ($counts as $key => $count) {
// If the count is greater than 1, add the key and value to the duplicates array
$fixtures->push($games->where('Fixture', $key));
// In your controller
$gamescores = Gamescores::all();
foreach ($gamescores as $gamescore) {
$game = Games::find($gamescore->games_id);
$league_id = $game->league_id;
$game = Games::find($gamescore->games_id);
$league_id = $game->league_id;
$standings = Logtable::all();
$standings = $standings->sortByDesc('points');
// return view('standings', compact('standings'));
return view(
compact('fixtures', 'standings')
thats my controller where am passing the method to retrieve it in the view, what i want is the log table to get the Id of the league where the games/matches belong to
the error am getting this error

Missing required parameters in Route

Hi, I have problem with routes, it's always return "Missing Required Parameters".Please see my code below. Thank you! I think my route is wrong, what should I do?
//Controller Code
public function index($id = 0,$dateStart = null, $dateEnd = null)
//$current_date = date('Y-m-d');
// $attendances= Attendance::select('Name','CheckIn','CheckOut','Note','Date','TotalHours')-
// return view('attendance.index',compact('attendances'))
if($id == 0 && $dateStart == null && $dateEnd == null)
$current_date = date('Y-m-d');
$attendances =
return view('manage.index',compact('attendances'));
elseif ($id != 0)
$sUser = User::select('name')->where('id','=',$id)->get();
$attendances =
return view('manage.index',compact('attendances','sUser'));
elseif($dateStart != null && $dateEnd == null)
$attendances =
return view('manage.index',compact('attendances'));
// return view('manage.index');
* Show the form for creating a new resource.
* #return \Illuminate\Http\Response
And here is my route.
[App\Http\Controllers\ManageAttendanceController::class, 'index'])->name('manageattendance');
if you set the parameters in function must say for route these parameters are not required are optionally add ? after each parameter

How to add another array value in codeigniter using getRecords

The orignial code was like this , I want to get landline_no value also in getRecords, How to do that
public function checklead() {
$lead = $_POST['number'];
$check = $this->common_model->getRecords('leads',array("phone_no"=>$lead));
if(count($check) > 0) {
$lead = $this->common_model->getRecored_row('leads',array("phone_no"=>$lead));
if($lead->assignto_self != 0) {
$assignto = $lead->assignto_self;
$key = 'Self Assign';
} else if($lead->assignto_se != 0) {
$assignto = $lead->assignto_se;
$key = '';}
What I have achieved so far,but not getting array values from getRecords
$lead = $_POST['number'];
$check = $this->common_model->getRecords('leads',array("phone_no"=>$lead),array("landline_no"=>$lead));
//echo "<pre>";
//echo $check[0]['landline_no'];exit;
if(count($check) > 0) {
$lead = $this->common_model->getRecored_row('leads',array("phone_no"=>$lead,"landline_no"=>$check[0]['landline_no']));
Code for getRecords:
function getRecords($table,$db = array(),$select = "*",$ordercol = '',$group = '',$start='',$limit=''){
if($limit != '' && $start !=''){
if($group != ''){
$q=$this->db->get_where($table, $db);
return $q->result_array();
// Get Recored row
public function getRecored_row($table,$where)
$q = $this->db->where($where)
return $q->row();
Check my answer: This code also working well, i have written, but i am not sure , this logic is correct or not kindly check this one.
public function checklead() {
$lead = $_POST['number'];
echo "<pre>";
//echo $check;
//print_r($check); exit;
$p= $check[0]['phone_no'];
$l= $check[0]['landline_no'];
// exit;
if(count($p) > 0 || count($l)>0) {
$lead = $this->common_model->getRecored_row('leads',array("phone_no"=>$p));
$lead1 = $this->common_model->getRecored_row('leads',array("landline_no"=>$l));
if($lead->assignto_self != 0 || $lead1->assignto_self != 0) {
$assignto = $lead->assignto_self;
$key = 'Self Assign';
} else if($lead->assignto_se != 0 || $lead1->assignto_se != 0) {
$assignto = $lead->assignto_se;
$key = '';
}else if($lead->assignto_tl != 0 || $lead1->assignto_tl != 0) {
$assignto = $lead->assignto_tl;
$key = '';
} else if($lead->uploaded_by != 0 || $lead1->uploaded_by != 0) {
$assignto = $lead->uploaded_by;
$key = 'Uploaded by';
$user = $this->common_model->getRecored_row('admin',array("id"=>$assignto));
$role = $this->common_model->getRecored_row('role',array("id"=>$user->role));
$this->session->set_flashdata('message', array('message' => 'This Lead Already exist with '.$user->name.' ('.$role->role.') '.' ','class' => 'danger'));
} else {
There does not seem to be any reason to use getRecords(). The $check value has no useful purpose and creating it is a waste of resources.
We don't need $check because getRecord_row() will return the "lead" if found so the only check needed is to see if getRecord_row() returns anything. getRecord_row() uses the database function row() which returns only one row or null if no rows are found. Read about row() here.
If what you want is to find the "lead" that has either a "phone_no" or a "landline_no" equal to $_POST['number'] then you need to use a custom string for the where clause. (See #4 at on this documentation page.) You need a custom string because getRecord_row() does not allow any other way to ask for rows where a='foo' OR b='foo'. Here is what I think you are looking for.
public function checklead()
// use input->post() it is the safe way to get data from $_POST
$phone = $this->input->post('number');
// $phone could be null if $_POST['number'] is not set
$lead = $this->common_model->getRecored_row('leads', "phone_no = $phone OR landline_no = $phone");
// $lead could be null if nothing matches where condition
if($lead->assignto_self != 0)
$assignto = $lead->assignto_self;
$key = 'Self Assign';
else if($lead->assignto_se != 0)
$assignto = $lead->assignto_se;
$key = '';
The main difference between getRecords() and getRecord_row() is the number of records (rows of data) to return. getRecord_row() will return a maximum of one record while getRecords() might return many records.
getRecords() accepts arguments that allow control of what data is selected ($db, $select), how it is arranged ($ordercol, $group), and the number of rows to retrieve ($limit) starting at row number x ($start) .

Strange error session get destroyed

I have a problem when I execute controller method it process controller code but destroy all session including user.
So after process thus controller and I try to open home page, there is no logged in account.
I'm sure no destroy session code, nor logout code in my controller. and I can say this is not about session expired.
I don't know what wrong is this about code, yii2 configuration or logic, but is someone have similar problem in past?
Hope you can guide me to solve this problem.
If you need more information, please let me know.
This not related to code maybe, but here is my controller code.
namespace frontend\controllers;
use Yii;
use common\models\TbCustomer;
use yii\web\Controller;
use common\models\Model;
use common\models\VwProdukAgent;
use common\models\TbCart;
use yii\helpers\VarDumper;
use common\models\VwProduk;
use yii\data\ActiveDataProvider;
use common\models\VwProdukCustomer;
use common\models\TbCustomerShipment;
use common\component\BeoHelper;
use common\models\TbProdukEkspedisi;
use common\models\TbKota;
use yii\helpers\Url;
* CustomerController implements the CRUD actions for TbCustomer model.
class Pengiriman1Controller extends Controller
public function beforeAction($action)
Yii::$app->timeZone = 'Asia/Jakarta';
//$url = Url::to([['home'],'message'=>'Anda Harus Login Terlebih Dahulu']);
\Yii::$app->getSession()->setFlash('message', \Yii::t('app', 'Anda Harus Login Terlebih Dahulu'));
return FALSE;
//if ($action->id == 'my-method') {
$this->enableCsrfValidation = false;
// }
return parent::beforeAction($action);
public function actionIndex()
//get alamat customer
//$lsalamat = array();
//cek cart kosong atau tidak
$lsproduk = \Yii::$app->session['produkcart'];
if (count($lsproduk)<1)
\Yii::$app->getSession()->setFlash('message',"silahkan berbelanja terlebih dahulu");
return $this->redirect(Url::to(['cart/index']));
$customer_id = Yii::$app->user->id;
$message = '';
$model = null;
$opsi_pengiriman = \Yii::$app->request->post('opsi_alamat',null);
//return $opsi_pengiriman;
if($opsi_pengiriman == 'new')
$model = new TbCustomerShipment();
$model->customer_id = $customer_id;
\Yii::$app->session['shipemenadd'] = $model;
//get kurir preselected
$hargatotal = 0;
$lsproduk = \Yii::$app->session['produkcart'];
$lsprodukedit = array();
foreach ($lsproduk as $produk)
//pre selected
$pengiriman = TbProdukEkspedisi::find()->where(['produk_id' => $produk->produk_id])->one();
$kode = $pengiriman->idEkspedisi->kode_ekspedisi;
$service = $pengiriman->idEkspedisi->service;
$produk->kurir = $kode;
$kota_asal = TbKota::find()->where("kota_id = $produk->kota_id ")->one();
$kota_tujuan = TbKota::find()->where("kota_id = $model->kota_id ")->one();
$berat_produk = $produk->kuantitas *$produk->berat_produk;
$berat_produk = round($berat_produk);
$result = BeoHelper::getCostEkspedisi($kota_asal->api_id, $kota_tujuan->api_id, $berat_produk, $kode,$service,$produk->produk_id);
$produk->harga_kurir = $result[0]['value'];
$produk->estimasi_sampai = $result[0]['etd'];
$message = "pilihan kurir untuk lokasi tersebut tidak tersedia";
//return VarDumper::dump($result);
$lsprodukedit[$i++] = $produk;
$hargatotal += $produk->kuantitas * $produk->harga_agen;
\Yii::$app->session['produkcart'] = $lsprodukedit;
return "exists";
return "doesn't exist";
//return $this->redirect(['pengiriman2/index','message'=>$message]);
// VarDumper::dump($model);
$pengiriman_selected = TbCustomerShipment::find()->where("customer_shipment_id = $opsi_pengiriman")->one();
\Yii::$app->session['shipemenadd'] = $pengiriman_selected;
$hargatotal = 0;
$lsproduk = \Yii::$app->session['produkcart'];
$lsprodukedit = array();
foreach ($lsproduk as $produk)
//pre selected
$pengiriman = TbProdukEkspedisi::find()->where("produk_id =$produk->produk_id")->one();
$kode = $pengiriman->idEkspedisi->kode_ekspedisi;
$service = $pengiriman->idEkspedisi->service;
$produk->kurir = $kode;
//get kota id rajaongkir
$kota_asal = TbKota::find()->where("kota_id = $produk->kota_id ")->one();
$kota_tujuan = TbKota::find()->where("kota_id = $pengiriman_selected->kota_id ")->one();
//$result = BeoHelper::getCostEkspedisi($kota_asal->api_id, $kota_tujuan->api_id, $produk->berat_produk, $kode,$service);
//return VarDumper::dump($result);
//$produk->harga_kurir = $result[0]['value'];
//$produk->estimasi_sampai = $result[0]['etd'];
$produk->harga_kurir = 0;
$produk->estimasi_sampai = 0;
// $message = "pilihan kuriri untuk lokasi tersebut tidak tersedia";
$lsprodukedit[$i++] = $produk;
$hargatotal += $produk->kuantitas * $produk->harga_agen;
\Yii::$app->session['produkcart'] = $lsprodukedit;
return $this->redirect(['pengiriman2/index','message'=>$message]);
$lsalamat = TbCustomerShipment::find()->where(['customer_id'=>$customer_id])->all();
//insert to tb shipment
$datacustomer = TbCustomer::find()->where(['customer_id'=>$customer_id])->one();
$newalamat = new TbCustomerShipment();
$newalamat->customer_id = $customer_id;
$newalamat->kota_id = $datacustomer->kota_id;
$newalamat->kecamatan_id = $datacustomer->kecamatan_id;
$newalamat->negara_id = $datacustomer->negara_id;
$newalamat->propinsi_id = $datacustomer->propinsi_id;
$newalamat->alamat = $datacustomer->alamat;
$newalamat->shipment_name = "Alamat Rumah";
$newalamat->penerima = $datacustomer->nama;
$newalamat->hp_penerima = $datacustomer->hp;
$lsalamat = TbCustomerShipment::find()->where(['customer_id'=>$customer_id])->all();
return $this->render('index',['lsalamat'=>$lsalamat,'newalamat'=> $model]);
return $this->goHome();
here is the problem
\Yii::$app->session['shipemenadd'] = $model;
it should
$currentTbCustomerShipment = TbCustomerShipment::find()->where(['customer_user_id' => $model->customer_user_id])->one(); //find latest object
Yii::$app->session['shipemenadd'] = $currentTbCustomerShipment;

Laravel 5.3 database transaction issue?

I have used more time with Laravel 5.0 on database transaction but when I change to Laravel 5.3.* it not work as I want even I have disabled commit() method all data still continue insert into database.
if ($request->isMethod('post')) {
$cats = new Cat();
$cats->parent_id = $this->request->input('category_id');
$cats->status = ($this->request->input('status')) ? $this->request->input('status') : 0;
if ($res['cat'] = $cats->save()) {
$catD = new CategoryDescriptions();
$catD->category_id = $cats->id;
$catD->language_id = 1;
$catD->name = $this->request->input('en_name');
if ($res['cat2'] = $catD->save()) {
$catD2 = new CategoryDescriptions();
$catD2->category_id = $cats->id;
$catD2->language_id = 2;
$catD2->name = $this->request->input('kh_name');
$res['all'] = $catD2->save();
if ($res) {
return $res;
return [false];
Check this line ($res['cat'] is a boolean):
if($res['cat'] = $cats->save()) {
And this ($res is an array. You compare an array as boolean!):
The right condition should be:
$res = array(); // the first line of your method
// .... your http method check, start transaction, etc.
if (!in_array(false, $res, true)) { // check if array doesn't contain 'false values'
