Lua Compare two Tables values No Order - performance

I wonder if there is a faster way to check if two tables are equal (without order in the keys).
This is my solution
function TableCompareNoOrder(table1,table2)
if #table1 ~= #table2 then return false end
local equal = false
for key, item in pairs(table1) do
for key2, item2 in pairs(table2) do
if item == item2 then equal = true end
if equal == false then return false end
local equal = false
for key, item in pairs(table2) do
for key2, item2 in pairs(table1) do
if item == item2 then equal = true end
if equal == false then return false end
return equal
a = {1,2,3,0}
b = {2,3,1,0}

Yes, there are faster ways. Your approach is currently O(n²) as it has to compare each element with each other element. One way is to sort the arrays first. Another one would be to build a lookup table ("set") using the hash part. If hash access is assumed to take amortized constant time, this should run in O(n) time - significantly faster. It will take O(n) additional memory but leaves the passed tables intact; to do the same using sorting you'd have to first create a copy, then sort it.
The hash approach looks like the following (and also works for values like tables which are compared by reference and can't be sorted unless a metatable is set or a custom comparator function is supplied):
function TableCompareNoOrder(table1, table2)
if #table1 ~= #table2 then return false end
-- Consider an early "return true" if table1 == table2 here
local t1_counts = {}
-- Check if the same elements occur the same number of times
for _, v1 in ipairs(table1) do
t1_counts[v1] = (t1_counts[v1] or 0) + 1
for _, v2 in ipairs(table2) do
local count = t1_counts[v2] or 0
if count == 0 then return false end
t1_counts[v2] = count - 1
return true
For the sake of completeness, here's a simple implementation using sorting:
function TableCompareNoOrder(table1, table2)
if #table1 ~= #table2 then return false end
-- Lazy implementation: Sort copies of both tables instead of using a binary search. Takes twice as much memory.
local t1_sorted = {table.unpack(table1)} -- simple way to copy the table, limited by stack size
local t2_sorted = {table.unpack(table2)}
for i, v1 in ipairs(t1_sorted) do
if t2_sorted[i] ~= v1 then return false end
return true
This should roughly run in O(n log n) (performance is determined by the sorting algorithm, usually quicksort which has this as it's average running time).


How can I add minutes and seconds to a datetime in lua?

I have a lua function to attempt to convert the time duration of the currently playing song e.g. hh:mm:ss to seconds.
function toSeconds (inputstr)
local mytable = string.gmatch(inputstr, "([^"..":".."]+)");
local conversion = { 60, 60, 24}
local seconds = 0;
--iterate backwards
local count = 0;
for i=1, v in mytable do
count = i+1
for i=1, v in mytable do
seconds = seconds + v*conversion[i]
return seconds
in order to add it to os.time to get the estimated end time of a song.
but the hours may be missing, or the minutes may be missing on a short track.
When running against All I get is input:10: 'do' expected near 'in'
for the test script
function toSeconds (inputstr)
local mytable = string.gmatch(inputstr, "([^"..":".."]+)");
local conversion = { 60, 60, 24}
local seconds = 0;
--iterate backwards
local count = 0;
for i=1, v in mytable do
count = i+1
for i=1, v in mytable do
seconds = seconds + v*conversion[i]
return seconds
You're mixing up the two possible ways of writing a for loop:
for i=1,10 do
print(i, "This loop is for counting up (or down) a number")
for key, value in ipairs({"hello", "world"}) do
print(key, value, "This loop is for using an iterator function")
The first one, as you can see, simply counts up a number, i in this case. The second one is very generic and can be used to iterate over almost anything (for example using io.lines), but is most often used with pairs and ipairs to iterate over tables.
You also don't write for ... in tab, where tab is a table; you have to use ipairs for that, which then returns an iterator for the table (which is a function)
You're also using string.gmatch incorrectly; it doesn't return a table, but an iterator function over the matches of the pattern in the string, so you can use it like this:
local matches = {}
for word in some_string:gmatch("[^ ]") do
table.insert(matches, word)
which gives you an actual table containing the matches, but if you're only going to iterate over that table, you might as well use the gmatch loop directly.
for i=1, v in mytable do
count = i+1
I think you're just trying to count the elements in the table here? You can easily get the length of a table with the # operator, so #mytable
If you have a string like hh:mm:ss, but the hours and the minutes can be missing, the easiest thing might be to just fill them with 0. A somewhat hacky but short way to achieve this is to just append "00:00:" to your string, and look for the last 3 numbers in it:
local hours, minutes, seconds = ("00:00:"..inputstr):match("(%d%d):(%d%d):(%d%d)$")
If nothing is missing, you'll end up with something like 00:00:hh:mm:ss, which you only take the last 3 values of to end up with the correct time.

how do I use stateless iterators and start from an index other than 1 at the same time

I love lua's for loops and it's encouragement of stateless iterators like pairs/ipairs, but I have no idea how to start from indexes other than 1 when using them.
While iterators is stateless, meaning they're not holding any state, there's still state of the loop. See manuals for the details on generic loop. You can set your own initial values your custom iterator:
local function iter(table, idx)
idx = idx + 1
local v = table[idx]
if v then
return idx, v
local function start_at(table, idx)
return iter, table, idx-1
local values = {33,42,77,91}
for k,v in start_at(values, 3) do
Assuming ipairs implementation will never change, you can hack in like this:
local values = {33,42,77,91}
for k,v in ipairs(values), values, 3-1 do
This last example will use default iterator, returned by ipairs, while dropping other values in loop state, substituting it with altered initial values. Not to be actually used in your code, but it illustrates an idea.

Sorting a Lua table by key

I have gone through many questions and Google results but couldn't find the solution.
I am trying to sort a table using table.sort function in Lua but I can't figure out how to use it.
I have a table that has keys as random numeric values. I want to sort them in ascending order. I have gone through the Lua wiki page also but table.sort only works with the table values.
t = { [223]="asd", [23]="fgh", [543]="hjk", [7]="qwe" }
I want it like:
t = { [7]="qwe", [23]="fgh", [223]="asd", [543]="hjk" }
You cannot set the order in which the elements are retrieved from the hash (which is what your table is) using pairs. You need to get the keys from that table, sort the keys as its own table, and then use those sorted keys to retrieve the values from your original table:
local t = { [223]="asd", [23]="fgh", [543]="hjk", [7]="qwe" }
local tkeys = {}
-- populate the table that holds the keys
for k in pairs(t) do table.insert(tkeys, k) end
-- sort the keys
-- use the keys to retrieve the values in the sorted order
for _, k in ipairs(tkeys) do print(k, t[k]) end
This will print
7 qwe
23 fgh
223 asd
543 hjk
Another option would be to provide your own iterator instead of pairs to iterate the table in the order you need, but the sorting of the keys may be simple enough for your needs.
What was said by #lhf is true, your lua table holds its contents in whatever order the implementation finds feasible. However, if you want to print (or iterate over it) in a sorted manner, it is possible (so you can compare it element by element). To achieve this, you can do it in the following way
for key, value in orderedPairs(mytable) do
print(string.format("%s:%s", key, value))
Unfortunately, orderedPairs is not provided as a part of lua, you can copy the implementation from here though.
The Lua sort docs provide a good solution
local function pairsByKeys (t, f)
local a = {}
for n in pairs(t) do table.insert(a, n) end
table.sort(a, f)
local i = 0 -- iterator variable
local iter = function () -- iterator function
i = i + 1
if a[i] == nil then return nil
else return a[i], t[a[i]]
return iter
Then you traverse the sorted structure
local t = { b=1, a=2, z=55, c=0, qa=53, x=8, d=7 }
for key,value in pairsByKeys(t) do
print(" " .. tostring(key) .. "=" .. tostring(value))
There is no notion of order in Lua tables: they are just sets of key-value pairs.
The two tables below have exactly the same contents because they contain exactly the same pairs:
t = { [223] = "asd" ,[23] = "fgh",[543]="hjk",[7]="qwe"}
t = {[7]="qwe",[23] = "fgh",[223] = "asd" ,[543]="hjk"}

Sorting multidimensional table in Lua

The "how to sort a table in Lua" question isn't new, but the answers I found can't help me out, maybe you can.
I got this Table:
table = {} -- some kind of database
table[1] = {table.containing.table.with.even.more.tables.inside}
table[9] = {table.containing.table.with.even.more.tables.inside}
table[13] = {table.containing.table.with.even.more.tables.inside}
table[15] = {table.containing.table.with.even.more.tables.inside}
table[45] = {table.containing.table.with.even.more.tables.inside}
table[3254] = {table.containing.table.with.even.more.tables.inside}
Now I want to iterate through "table", check for an specified boolean it contains and if so, run a method with parameters from some subtabels.
for key, value in pairs(table) do
Is something like:
9 13 1 3254 45 15
As far as I know, that's because Lua iterates through hashvalues(right?).
My Idea was:
sorted_table = {} -- shall point to table, with sorted keys
for i = 0, #table do -- from 0 to the last key of table (some write #table is the last key, some write it's the number of contained keys, I don't know. If you do, please tell me.)
if table[i] then -- for runs every number from i to #table, if i is a key, bingo.
table.insert(sorted_table,(table[i])) -- first key found -> sorted_table[1], second -> sorted_table[2]....
for k,v in pairs(sorted_table) do
I got no error, it just jumps over the function and nothing happens. When I print #table, it prints 0. #table is in another file but it's not local but used at other location in the functionfile, so,.. this is weird.
Mh strange. I threw some debugs, #table is nil, but in a pairs(table) just under the code, everything works fine.
local sorted_table = {}
for k, v in pairs(original_table) do
table.insert(sorted_table, k)
for k, v in ipairs(sorted_table) do
A little try of explanation:
#table does not necessarily return the length of a table. A table element gets a default key if added in a table without a special key. These keys start from 1 and go up to n. If there is a gap between two keys, when you give your own key, #table will return the key right before that gap.
t = {'one', 'two', 'three'} -- would be a table like 1 - one, 2 - two, 3 - three
print(#t) -- the last key -> 3, here it works
t2 = {'one', 'two', [4] = 'four'} -- would be a table like 1 - one, 2 - two, 4 - four
print(#t2) -- the last key without a gap -> 2, does not work
Same with pairs(table) and ipairs(table). ipairs iterates from key 1 to n without a gap, pairs iterates over all keys. That's why the solution works.
You can set an own metamethod for the table (__len) to use # for the right length.
And remember that your table keys start at 1 by default.
Hope it helped a bit to unterstand the problem here.
local sorted_table = {}
for k, v in pairs(original_table) do
table.insert(sorted_table, k)
for k, v in ipairs(sorted_table) do

Determine if two tables have the same set of keys

I'm using Lua tables as sets by placing the value of the set in the table key and 1 as the table value, e.g.
function addToSet(s,...) for _,e in ipairs{...} do s[e]=1 end end
function removeFromSet(s,...) for _,e in ipairs{...} do s[e]=nil end end
local logics = {}
To test if two sets are equal I need to ensure that they have exactly the same keys. What's an efficient way to do this?
Since you asked about efficiency, I'll provide an alternative implementation. Depending on your expected input tables, you might want to avoid the second loop's lookups. It is more efficient if the tables are expected to be the same, it is less efficient if there are differences.
function sameKeys(t1,t2)
local count=0
for k,_ in pairs(t1) do
if t2[k]==nil then return false end
count = count + 1
for _ in pairs(t2) do
count = count - 1
return count == 0
Another version avoids lookups unless they are necessary. This might perform faster in yet another set of use-cases.
function sameKeys(t1,t2)
local count=0
for _ in pairs(t1) do count = count + 1 end
for _ in pairs(t2) do count = count - 1 end
if count ~= 0 then return false end
for k,_ in pairs(t1) do if t2[k]==nil then return false end end
return true
EDIT: After some more research and testing, I came to the conclusion that you need to distinguish between Lua and LuaJIT. With Lua, the performance characteristics are dominated by Lua's Parser and therefore by the number of source code tokens. For Lua, this means that Phrogz's version is most likely the faster alternative. For LuaJIT, the picture changes dramatically, as the parser is no longer an issue. For almost all cases the first version I showed is an improvement, the second version is probably best when the tables are very big. I would advise everyone to run their own benchmarks and check which version works best in their environment.
Loop through both tables and make sure that the key has a value in the other. Fail as soon as you find a mismatch, return true if you got through both. For sets of size M and N this is O(M+N) complexity.
function sameKeys(t1,t2)
for k,_ in pairs(t1) do if t2[k]==nil then return false end end
for k,_ in pairs(t2) do if t1[k]==nil then return false end end
return true
Seen in action:
local a,b,c,d = {},{},{},{}
print(sameKeys(a,b)) --> true
print(sameKeys(a,c)) --> false
print(sameKeys(d,c)) --> true
Note testing for t[k]==nil is better than just not t[k] to handle the (unlikely) case that you have set a value of false for the table entry and you want the key to be present in the set.
