Reading a process name how it is displayed in Windows Task Manager in Golang - go

I'm currently trying to read the name of a process in Go how it is represented in the windows task manager.
However, when I read it in Go it is displayed always as the executable. I'm trying to get it how it is named in the task manager.
package main
import (
func main() {
p, _ := process.Processes()
for _, pr := range p {
This outputs all process names but none match how it is shown here:
I am trying to read the Spotify process name that is displayed with the song title.

Get window title
Each time you open the "Windows Task Manager" it searches for .Net process.MainWindowTitle property, so you cant grep Windows title using gopsutil ... you have to use some Go wrapper for the .NET Core Runtime , not sure maybe this one would be helpful ... or even use C# instead of Golang
Get currently playing track on Spotify
Spotify has awesome docs with API usage for such case
so you only need to generate auth token and convert next curl request to golang fetch function
curl -X "GET" "" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <<YOUR TOKEN>>"


how to download google docs document exported as pdf from terminal using wget or curl

I'm trying to download my master thesis from google docs as a pdf file..
The ui method (pdf > download > PDF document) fails because of internet connection and the size of the document which is quite big.
I want to download it using wget command from a Linux server which had a good internet connection, I tried a lot of solutions such this one, but they didn't work..
any help please!
If your server can access the user interface of Docs I strongly recommend you to download the PDF with it to save complexity. If the server doesn't offer that option you could use this curl command below to capture Files.export() from Drive API.
curl \
'{DOC ID}/export?mimeType=application%2Fpdf' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {ACCESS TOKEN}' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--compressed >> Doc.pdf
You'll need an access token for a single use, so could use OAuth 2.0 Playground to generate one by selecting the scope and clicking on Exchange authorization code for tokens.

Teams message card

I am trying to post message to Microsoft Teams channel using Windows batch script but I could not make use of the Teams message card formats. I am able to post messages using the below commands but as plain texts. Is there anyway in which I can make use of the Message card JSON formats ?
I also have some command line arguments which need to be used for the batch script so that the message displayed uses the same arguments.
curl -H "Content-type: application/json" --data "{\"#type\": \"ActionCard\",\"title\": \"New Lab %2 deployed successfully\", \"text\": \"Status is %3\"}" %1
The above command worked just fine. But doesnt satisfy my exact requirement which is described above.
I also created a seperate json file which was called as below and this worked fine but couldnt make use of command line arguments to format the JSON values.
curl --data #message.json webhook_url
message.json is as below
"summary":"New Lab deployed",
"activityTitle":"A <b>new lab</b> has been added!"
"name":"Lab Name",
cURL is able to read data from file:
--data-binary "#message.json"
do not forget prepend AT sign to identify the doublequoted string is a filename, not a data itself.

Why Ansible-Tower is ignoring extra variables?

Trying to lunch a job workflow via REST API and passing extra variables for the playbook to consume, but returned body shows that provided variables are put in ignored_fields section.
Used POSTMAN and CURL to run the templates both returned the same result
CURL command
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer Je
gxwfQrdKQXoRUtNWtWFz62FX5bTy" -d "{\"extra_vars\": {\"vendor\":\"juniper\"}}"
Returned body
{"job":34,"ignored_fields":{"extra_vars":{"vendor":"juniper"}},"id":34,"type":"job","url":"/api/v2/jobs/34/","related":{"created_by":"/api/v2/users/1/","modified_by":"/api/v2/users/1/","labels":"/api/v2/jobs/34/labels/","inventory":"/api/v2/inventories/1/","project":"/api/v2/projects/7/","extra_credentials":"/api/v2/jobs/34/extra_credentials/","credentials":"/api/v2/jobs/34/credentials/","unified_job_template":"/api/v2/job_templates/8/","stdout":"/api/v2/jobs/34/stdout/","job_events":"/api/v2/jobs/34/job_events/","job_host_summaries":"/api/v2/jobs/34/job_host_summaries/","activity_stream":"/api/v2/jobs/34/activity_stream/","notifications":"/api/v2/jobs/34/notifications/","job_template":"/api/v2/job_templates/8/","cancel":"/api/v2/jobs/34/cancel/","create_schedule":"/api/v2/jobs/34/create_schedule/","relaunch":"/api/v2/jobs/34/relaunch/"},"summary_fields":{"inventory":{"id":1,"name":"Demo Inventory","description":"","has_active_failures":true,"total_hosts":1,"hosts_with_active_failures":1,"total_groups":0,"groups_with_active_failures":0,"has_inventory_sources":false,"total_inventory_sources":0,"inventory_sources_with_failures":0,"organization_id":1,"kind":""},"project":{"id":7,"name":"Cox-Phase3","description":"","status":"successful","scm_type":"git"},"job_template":{"id":8,"name":"Port Flap","description":""},"unified_job_template":{"id":8,"name":"Port Flap","description":"","unified_job_type":"job"},"created_by":{"id":1,"username":"admin","first_name":"","last_name":""},"modified_by":{"id":1,"username":"admin","first_name":"","last_name":""},"user_capabilities":{"delete":true,"start":true},"labels":{"count":0,"results":[]},"extra_credentials":[],"credentials":[]},"created":"2019-05-14T09:43:16.115516Z","modified":"2019-05-14T09:43:16.177517Z","name":"Port Flap","description":"","job_type":"run","inventory":1,"project":7,"playbook":"main.yml","forks":0,"limit":"","verbosity":1,"extra_vars":"{}","job_tags":"","force_handlers":false,"skip_tags":"","start_at_task":"","timeout":0,"use_fact_cache":false,"unified_job_template":8,"launch_type":"manual","status":"pending","failed":false,"started":null,"finished":null,"elapsed":0.0,"job_args":"","job_cwd":"","job_env":{},"job_explanation":"","execution_node":"","controller_node":"","result_traceback":"","event_processing_finished":false,"job_template":8,"passwords_needed_to_start":[],"ask_diff_mode_on_launch":false,"ask_variables_on_launch":false,"ask_limit_on_launch":false,"ask_tags_on_launch":false,"ask_skip_tags_on_launch":false,"ask_job_type_on_launch":false,"ask_verbosity_on_launch":false,"ask_inventory_on_launch":false,"ask_credential_on_launch":false,"allow_simultaneous":false,"artifacts":{},"scm_revision":"","instance_group":null,"diff_mode":false,"job_slice_number":0,"job_slice_count":1,"credential":null,"vault_credential":null}
According to the fine manual, AWX (and thus Tower) version 3.0 and greater has made extra_vars more strict:
If you are running a version greater than 3.0, you will need to either turn on playbook survey or set ask_variables_on_launch=True for that template
In my case, I'm using curl -L ... and the payload got lost after the redirect. Be sure to double check that if you find the extra_vars still gets ignored after ensuring ask_variables_on_launch=True.
Tangentially related to the API when utilizing the AWX and Tower CLI I ran into a similar issue of variables not being taken when launching jobs. The solution was that on the Job Template in Tower the "Prompt on Launch" setting needed to checked for the variable to pass through. So much time wasted on such a simple miss.

upload zip file to google drive using curl

I am trying to upload a zip file to Google drive account using curl.
The file is uploaded successfully but the filename is not getting updated. It gets uploaded with default filename i.e. "Untitled".
I am using below command.
curl -k -H "Authorization: Bearer cat /tmp/token.txt" -F "metadata={name : ''} --data-binary ""
You can use Drive API v3 to upload the zip file. The modified curl code is as follows.
curl -X POST -L \
-H "Authorization: Bearer `cat /tmp/token.txt`" \
-F "metadata={name : ''};type=application/json;charset=UTF-8" \
-F ";type=application/zip" \
In order to use this, please include in the scope.
The answer above works fine and was the command I used in uploading my file to Google Drive using Curl. However, I didn't understand what scope was and all of the initial setup required to make this command work. Hence, for documentation purposes. I'll give a second answer.
Valid as at the time of writing...
Visit the Credentials page and create a new credential (this is assuming you have created a project). I created credentials for TVs and Limited devices, so the work flow was similar to:
Create credentials > OAuth client ID > Application Type > TVs and Limited Input devices > Named the client > Clicked Create.
After doing this, I was able to copy the Client ID and Client Secret when viewing the newly created credential.
NB: Only the variables with double asterisk from the Curl commands should be replaced.
Next step was to run the Curl command:
curl -d "client_id=**client_id**&scope=**scope**"
Scope in this situation can be considered to be the kind of access you intend to have with the credential having the inputted client_id. More about scope from the docs For the use case in focus, which is to upload files, the scope chosen was
On running the curl command above, you'll get a response similar to:
{ "device_code": "XXXXXXXXXXXXX", "user_code": "ABCD-EFGH",
"expires_in": 1800, "interval": 5, "verification_url":
"" }
Next step is to visit the verification_url in the response in your browser, provide the user_code and accept requests for permissions. You will be presented with a code when all prompts have been followed, this code wasn't required for the remaining steps (but there may be some reasons to use it for other use cases).
Next step is to use the Curl command:
curl -d client_id=**client_id** -d client_secret=**client_secret** -d device_code=**device_code** -d grant_type=urn%3Aietf%3Aparams%3Aoauth%3Agrant-type%3Adevice_code
You will get a response similar to:
{ "access_token": "XXXXXXXXX", "expires_in": 3599,
"refresh_token": "XXXXXXXXX", "scope":
"", "token_type": "Bearer"
Now you can use the access token and follow the accepted answer with a Curl command similar to:
curl -X POST -L \
-H "Authorization: Bearer **access_token**" \
-F "metadata={name : ''};type=application/json;charset=UTF-8" \
-F ";type=application/zip" \

Load GeoJSON file into Apache CouchDB

I am working on Windows10 and tried to load a geojson file into my couchdb via the "curl" command and a POST request in the cmd which looks like that:
C:\Program Files\cURL\bin>curl -d #path-to-my-data\data.geojson -H "Content-type: application/json" -X POST
and then I get the following error:
{"error":"method_not_allowed","reason":"Only GET,HEAD allowed"}
On it is said, that "If you use the an unsupported HTTP request type with a URL that does not support the specified type, a 405 error will be returned, listing the supported HTTP methods."
When I try that with a PUT request, I get the same error.
I validated the json with jsonlint so this should not be the problem.
I tried several tutorials like "Three Steps to CouchDB Heaven …" or "Export & Import a Database with CouchDB" but none of them seems to work.
So I am not sure, where the problem is. Do I need to make changes in my geojson file, or something else?
thanks for your help
The needed curl command just looks like that:
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:5984/db -d #C:\Users\Name\Desktop\data.geojson
