Prism ContainerLocator - prism

In 2020 Haukinger wrote on these forms:
So, with Prism 8, you write Prism.Ioc.ContainerLocator.Container
I am using Prism 8.1.97 and I can find no such ContainerLocator using the Visual Studio Object Browser, in any of the Prism namespaces. Nor will Intellisense recognize it (I have
using Prism.Ioc
at the top of the program.) What am I doing wrong?

You have to reference Prism.Core
See the source at github.


Xamarin Android Designer showing blank page

Recently I decided to try using Xamarin for developing simple Android applications.
However, I encountered a problem that the Android Designer for layouts either does not work (in latest stable VS 2017) or shows just a blank page (in latest VS 2017 Preview).
Are there any additional steps to set it up or how can I fix this?
As it happens, Xamarin Designer will not work properly (like the behavior described in my question) if you do not have the correct folder structure. I.e. the layout documents must be in the Resources/layout folder, otherwise the Designer will fail.
I already reported this to VS Community and they said that they will have a look at this issue. Hope they will fix it soon.

Xamarin project template in VS2015 update 2 seems inconsistent with the Microsoft eBook

First of all I am pretty excited to learn that Xamarin is free to all, so I cannot wait to upgraded by Visual Studio 2015 Community edition to update 2, which comes with the Xamarin.
I also downloaded the free eBook from Microsoft and I decided to play with it. Chapter 2 (page 21) I read
In Visual Studio, select the menu option File > New > Project. At the
left of the New Project dialog, select Visual C# and then
But when I opened my VS2015, I only see the project templates
I cannot see that Cross-Platform template at all. But I still browsed around and thought Mobile Apps might be the closest one. So I followed the book again
For now, pick the first one: Blank App (Xamarin.Forms Portable) in
Visual Studio or Use Portable Class Library in Xamarin Studio.
If you’re running Visual Studio, six projects are created: one common
project (the PCL project) and five application projects. For a
solution named Hello, these are:
And the projects created (assume I use "Hello" as solution name) should include Hello.Droid, Hello.iOS, Hello.UWP, Hello.Windows, Hello.WinPhone. But what I see from my VS is only
What do I miss here? How to include UWP in my Xamarin solution from VS2015 update 2?
UWP isn't part of the default template, you need to create a new Universal project, then add a reference to Xamarin Forms.
You can follow this guide:
You are looking at the old templates for some reason. You may need to reinstall Visual Studio to get the current ones. I have a relatively fresh installation of Visual Studio w/ Update 2, and my templates match what the book says.
When I use this template, it does in fact create a UWP and Windows project in addition to WP 8.1, iOS and Android.

Cannot find C++/CX pplawait.h and await

I just started looking into C++/CX as a possible more updated route to create a wrapper for C++ native libraries. One thing I found out was a lot of the WinRT API are asynchronous. I found this and this blogs that mention being able to use await in C++/CX but when I try it in my Windows Runtime Component component that I created it says that it cannot find the "pplawait.h" header that it is supposed to be in.
The blogs that I mentioned say that it is available in the Visual Studio 2013 CTP. I'm using Visual Studio 2013 Update 4 so I'm assuming that it is already in there. Can anyone help me figure out why it's not working for me? Thank you.

In Visual Studio 2012, I get warnings and squiggly lines when trying to write JSX with React JS

I am using a separate javascript file to put my React JS JSX in. When I use the example given by the documents, I get tons of Visual Studio warnings and ugly squiggly lines..
I cannot figure out a way around this.. Pretty much a deal breaker for React JS.
Visual Studio 2012 was released before ReactJs, so you can't really blame them for not supporting it.
There is some visual studio stuff here:
You can see support for tooling being asked here:
with Web Essentials being one of the prime picks for asking for support (might want to add your votes!)
If you are using Resharper it might be added in the next release, JetBrains is looking to add it into WebStorm
This is because you're essentially putting html into your javascript. I found this after a quick google search and might fix your problem:
The page mentions: "Visual Studio currently doesn't have native JSX syntax support. You can edit .jsx files in regular VS JavaScript editor for now and vote for adding native JSX support in Visual Studio here (the most requested feature in WE)."

Making controls deployed in a NuGet package to show in Visual Studio Toolbox

Someone asked about getting the WinRT XAML Toolkit controls to show up in Visual Studio Toolbox. I can see that they do show up when I look at the sample project that uses the source code version of the WinRT XAML Toolkit and I can find them in Blend in an app project that uses NuGet-packaged version of the Toolkit - just by searching for the controls by name, but they don't automatically show up in VS Toolbox somehow. I saw in Tim Heuer's article that you can make them show up in the Toolbox if you do a VSIX deployment, but the Toolkit doesn't support that option right now.
Is it possible to get it to work with NuGet or are using the source code or building Extension SDK the only options?
I think the possible way to do this would be to allow package manager to take additional parameters which would then add them to toolbox
If the default project templates reset the toolbox items each time, this might work great otherwise we will see versioning related issues in no time.
