Can I construct a slice of a generic type with different type parameters? - go

In the following code I have a token type that contains a literal value. By using an empty interface I can create a slice of tokens and append tokens that have different types. I don't think it's possible to accomplish the same using generics since we wouldn't be able to infer a type for the Slice of tokens. Is this assumption correct?
type Token struct {
TokenType string
Literal interface{}
func main(){
tok1 := &Token{TokenType: "string", Literal: "foo"}
tok2 := &Token{TokenType: "integer", Literal: 10}
tokS := []*Token{tok1, tok2}

Given a parametrized Token type as:
type Token[T any] struct {
TokenType string
Literal T
each instantiation with a different type argument produces a different (named) type.
In other words, Token[string] is not assignable to Token[int]. Nor is it assignable to Token[any] as any here is used as a static type to instantiate T.
So when you construct a slice with a specific instance of Token[T any], different instances are simply not assignable to its element type:
tokS := []*Token[string]{tok1, tok2}
// invalid: cannot use tok2 (variable of type *Token[int]) as type *Token[string] in array or slice literal
The only slice that can hold different types, as Token[string] and Token[int] is []interface{} or []any.
since we wouldn't be able to infer a type for the Slice of tokens. Is this assumption correct?
Almost. More precisely, the slice of Token wouldn't infer anything because you yourself must construct it with a concrete instantiation of the generic type
Type inference is used to deduce missing type parameters from those already supplied for function arguments. Generic types must be explicitly instantiated, with a concrete type argument for each type parameter.

Is this assumption correct?
Yes. Your can have a slice of Token[string] or Token[int].


Object variables are passed into functions as interface types. Will there be implicit conversion [duplicate]

I would like to get the reflect.Kind as a reflect.Interface for a type which implements an interface but where its implementation is based on a primitive type: type id string
An alternative answer for this could be how to get any kind of reflect.Type that returns reflect.Interfaces when calling Kind().
Here is a full example on the Go Playground:
type ID interface {
type id string
func (id) myid() {}
func main() {
id := ID(id("test"))
// How to get the kind to return "reflect.Interface" from the var "id"?
reflect.TypeOf() (and reflect.ValueOf()) expects an interface{}. Basically whatever value you pass to reflect.TypeOf(), if it's not already an interface value, it will be wrapped in an interface{} implicitly. If the passed value is already an interface value, then the concrete value stored in it will be passed as a interface{}.
In order to avoid this "repacking", this is one of those rare cases when a pointer to interface makes sense, in fact you can't avoid it here. You have to pass a pointer to the interface value.
So if you pass a pointer to interface, this pointer will be wrapped in an interface{} value. You may use Type.Elem() to get the type descriptor of the "pointed type": that is, the element type of the pointer type, which will be the type descriptor of the interface type you're looking for.
id := ID(id("test"))
t := reflect.TypeOf(&id).Elem()
Which outputs (try it on the Go Playground):
See related question: What is the difference between reflect.ValueOf() and Value.Elem() in go?

How to initialize an array of anonymous struct with generic field

I'd to learn whether it's possible to initialize an array of anonymous struct contains generic-field. Code below doesn't compile, moreover I couldn't find any sample related to:
testCases := type [K comparable, T Numeric] []struct {
name string
args map[K]T
expected int
// items ...
{"integer", map[string]int{ "a":1 },
Without anonymous structs it's easy, but not the aimed:
type args[K comparable, T Numeric] struct {
m map[K]T
testCases := []struct {
name string
args args[string, int]
expected int
Type parameters are introduced so when you instantiate the type, you can give concrete types to type parameters. Given that, there is no sense in what you want to do. You want to create a generic anonymous type and instantiate it right away. You can't use this anonymous struct elsewhere (because it's anonymous), so leave out the type parameters and use the concrete types you'd instantiate the type parameters with if it would be a named type.
And to answer your original question: no, you cannot do this. The syntax does not allow this. There was a proposal to support this but was rejected: proposal: spec: generics: Anonymous generic aggregate types #45591. The workaround is to use a named struct type instead of the anonymous struct type, just as you suggested.

Is it possible to have interface composite literals in Go?

I just want to confirm if my understanding is correct about interface{}{}
Does interface{}{} mean a composite literal of interface type?
So, if I wanted to pass a composite type, lets say []byte as a interface{}, I should assign it to a variable of type interface{}{} and pass in that variable, whereas if I wanted to pass a non composite type, such as a int as a interface{}, I should assign it to a variable of type interface{} and pass in that variable.
Is my understanding correct on this?
interface{}{} is invalid syntax.
It is not an empty interface composite literal — there's no such thing. The following don't compile:
var a interface{}{} = "foo" // not a type
b := interface{}{} // not a value
From the specs Composite Literals:
Composite literals construct values for structs, arrays, slices, and maps and create a new value each time they are evaluated.
The valid syntax is interface{}, which is the empty interface, i.e. an interface with no name and empty method set.
If you compare it to a named interface, you will see that the extra set of curly braces at the end makes no sense:
type Fooer interface {
Foo() error
}{} // ???
You can instantiate an empty interface{} by converting nil:
a := (interface{})(nil)
Or you can declare a var of unnamed interface type:
type A struct {}
func (a A) Foo() string {
return "foo"
var a interface{ Foo() string } = A{}
To answer your question:
So, if I wanted to pass a composite type [...]
you can assign any value to a variable of type interface{}, that's about it. Whether the value is composite or not is irrelevant because all types satisfy the empty interface:
var a interface{} = []byte{0x01, 0x02}
var b interface{} = "string_literal"
The empty interface interface{} essentially says "I don't care". Anything can be passed as an empty interface. So for your examples they all could be stored as the empty interface.
Possibly a more interesting question is why you want to avoid types in the first place, and what you're trying to achieve. But for the purposes of using interface{} you can pass anything to it, even a "nil".
interface{} type of empty interface.
you assign []byte or int to any empty variable of empty interface (interface{} type) or you can pass it directly to function that exepts interface values.

Why can't we embed slices or maps into Go structs

I learnt that it is not allowed to embed slices or maps into Go structs. But I found two workarounds to this:
Declare the slice or map outside the struct and embed it into the struct
var mySlice []int
type myStruct struct {
I don't really understand this second workaround, but I found it's called Composition and it's done by just omitting the var keyword when declaring the slice or map within the struct
type myStruct struct {
mySlice []int
My first question is, can anyone explain why we can't directly embed slices and maps into a struct?
Second question: using the second workaround, is there any negative performance effect to that?
Third question: why do the first and second workaround work?
Spec: Struct types:
A field declared with a type but no explicit field name is called an embedded field. An embedded field must be specified as a type name T or as a pointer to a non-interface type name *T, and T itself may not be a pointer type. The unqualified type name acts as the field name.
You can't embed a type like map[int]string, that's an anonymous type. Spec requires a type name. Even if you could embed that, it contains brackets which would make it disqualify from being an identifier, and again, spec says the unqualified type name acts as the field name.
Simply create a new type for it which you can then embed:
type mymap map[int]string
type s struct {
When you embed a type in a struct, you omit the field name. In your second attempt:
type myStruct struct {
mySlice []int
You did not omit the field name (it's mySlice), so this is not embedding, it's a regular, named field.

Unnamed arrays in structs in Go

So I can have
struct {
x []int
struct {
will result in a syntax error: unexpected [, expecting }. Is there a way of having unnamed arrays in structs in Go? If so, what's the correct syntax?
Read The Go Programming Language Specification. In particular, the section on Struct types. The Go term to describe what you are looking for is an anonymous field.
Such a[n] [anonymous] field type must
be specified as a type name T or as a
pointer to a type name *T, and T
itself may not be a pointer type.
int is a type name. []int is neither a type name nor a pointer to a type name.
No, the type of an anonymous field must be a type name or a pointer to a type name. You could declare a new type name that is the same as an array type, and then it would work, but it wouldn't be exactly the same.
