conditional deep merge an array of hashes in ruby - ruby

I have two data structures that I would like to merge together - as I understand this is called a 'deep merge'.
It should follow the same logic as Rails' deep merge, except my requirement differs in that values are only overwritten on the target hash if they match certain conditions.
As an example, given the following two data structures:
hash1 = {
"data": [
{"id": "1", "type": "foo", created_at: "<IGNORE>" },
{"id": "2", "type": "bar", created_at: "<IGNORE>" }
meta: {
page: 1
hash2 = {
"data": [
{"id": "1", "type": "baz", created_at: "01.01.2022", name: 'thing' },
{"id": "2", "type": "qux", created_at: "02.01.2022" }
meta: {
page: 1
I would like to achieve the following output:
irb(main):001:0> hash1.deep_merge(hash2)
=> {
"data": [
{"id": "1", "type": "baz", created_at: "<IGNORE>", name: 'thing' },
{"id": "2", "type": "qux", created_at: "<IGNORE>" }
meta: {
page: 1
In hash1, the values for created_at contain a tag <IGNORE> that should stipulate that the corresponding value from hash2 should not be merged. All the other keys and values should merge as it would if I was to use Rails' deep_merge.

Disclaimer: You didn't say what the conditions are, even so I'll help you transform this input into this output, it would be interesting to edit your question later and say the conditions.
i don't have many knowledge in ruby but i created a simple algorithm for merge two hash structures without duplicates and keep data type of key, it's not
the better algorithm or solution but i think this implemetation help to your a find other better solution for resolver your problem
Complexity O(n)
Join the hashes and transform the keys into a string
result = hash1.merge(hash2).transform_keys(&:to_s)
save meta information
meta = hash1[:meta]
convert array of symbols to array of strings
`result = result["data"].map do |res|
'id' => res[:id].to_s,
'type' => res[:type].to_s,
'created_at' => res[:created_at].to_s,
'name' => res[:name].to_s
if the hash does not have the key name remove it
result = {
|res| res["name" == ""] ? {
'id' => res["id"],
'type' => res["type"],
'created_at' => res["created_at"]
} : res
Build new hash :D
final_result = {"data" => result, meta: meta}
output result


Convert Array To Collection in Laravel

I have the following array in PHP:
"website": "example",
"url": ""
"website": "example",
"url": ""
Now I would like to convert this to a collection so I sort by the keys website or url. However when I do this:
$myArray = collect(websites);
I get this instead:
"0": {
"website": "example",
"url": ""
"1": {
"website": "example",
"url": ""
And the sorting does not work, I would like to know what I am doing wrong and how I can fix it so I have an array collection of objects I can easily sort.
I expect the output to be the same as this:
"website": "example",
"url": ""
"website": "example",
"url": ""
By "sorting does not work" I meant the items are not sorted.
Edit; I understand this question is getting a lot of hits based on the title so the TLDR for those people is to use the collect() helper to create a Collection instance. In answer to the questioner's brief:
If you have
$collection = collect([
(object) [
'website' => 'twitter',
'url' => ''
(object) [
'website' => 'google',
'url' => ''
You then have your array wrapped in an instance of the Collection class.
That means it does not behave like a typical array (- it will be array-like, but don't treat it like it is one -) until you call all() or toArray() on it. To remove any added indices you need to use values().
$sorted = $collection->sortBy('website');
The expected output:
+"website": "google",
+"url": "",
+"website": "twitter",
+"url": "",
See the docs
The toArray method converts the collection into a plain PHP array. If the collection's values are Eloquent models, the models will also be converted to arrays.
The all method returns the underlying array represented by the collection.
In my case I was making an collection to fake a service for test purpose so I use
$collection = new Collection();
foreach($items as $item){
$collection->push((object)['prod_id' => '99',

How do I access JSON array data?

I have the following array:
[ { "attributes": {
"id": "usdeur",
"code": 4
"name": "USD/EUR"
{ "attributes": {
"id": "eurgbp",
"code": 5
"name": "EUR/GBP"
How can I get both ids for futher processing as output?
I tried a lot but no success. My problem is I always get only one id as output: do |market|
Market.all.each{|attributes| present attributes[:id]}
which gives me only "eurgbp" as a result while I need both ids.
JSON#parse should help you with this
require 'json'
json = '[ { "attributes": {
"id": "usdeur",
"code": 4
"name": "USD/EUR"
{ "attributes": {
"id": "eurgbp",
"code": 5
"name": "EUR/GBP"
ids = JSON.parse(json).map{|hash| hash['attributes']['id'] }
#=> ["usdeur", "eurgbp"]
JSON#parse turns a jSON response into a Hash then just use standard Hash methods for access.
I'm going to assume that the data is JSON that you're parsing (with JSON.parse) into a Ruby Array of Hashes, which would look like this:
hashes = [ { "attributes" => { "id" => "usdeur", "code" => 4 },
"name" => "USD/EUR"
{ "attributes" => { "id" => "eurgbp", "code" => 5 },
"name" => "EUR/GBP"
} ]
If you wanted to get just the first "id" value, you'd do this:
first_hash = hashes[0]
first_hash_attributes = first_hash["attributes"]
p first_hash_attributes["id"]
# => "usdeur"
Or just:
p hashes[0]["attributes"]["id"]
# => "usdeur"
To get them all, you'll do this:
all_attributes = {|hash| hash["attributes"] }
# => [ { "id" => "usdeur", "code" => 4 },
# { "id" => "eurgbp", "code" => 5 } ]
all_ids = {|attrs| attrs["id"] }
# => [ "usdeur", "eurgbp" ]
Or just:
p {|hash| hash["attributes"]["id"] }
# => [ "usdeur", "eurgbp" ]
JSON library what using Rails is very slowly...
I prefer to use:
gem 'oj'
fast and simple! LET'S GO!

ruby hash check if value exists

Must be an easy question.. but I can't seem to find the answer.
I'm trying to check if a value exists for a specific key within hash.
hash = {{"name" => "John", "Loc" => "US", "fname" => "John Doe"},
{"name" => "Eve", "Loc" => "UK", "fname" => "John Eve"}}
Currently I am looping through hash, to check for if h["name"] = "John"...
I was looking to see if a .include or .has_value? type of approach is available. I read the documentation on hash and a book I have on hand but couldn't find it.
I thought something like if hash["name"].has_value?("John") be most useful than looping through hash. Thanks in advance for the help!
First of all our hash is not a valid hash. I suppose you want to have an array of hashes like this
array = [
{ "name" => "John", "Loc" => "US", "fname" => "John Doe" },
{ "name" => "Eve", "Loc" => "UK", "fname" => "John Eve" }
then you can do something like this: { |hash| hash['name'] == 'John' }
# => returns [{"name" => "John", "Loc" => "US", "fname" => "John Doe"}]
array.any? { |hash| hash['name'] == 'John' }
# => true

Ruby: Delete a reoccurring hash in a large nested data structure

I am trying to move data between services and need to remove a reoccurring hash from a large record that contains both hashes and arrays.
The hash to remove from every section of the record is
"description": "simple identifier",
"name": "id",
"type": "id"
Heres example data :
{"stuff": { "defs": [
"description": "simple identifiery",
"name": "id",
"type": "id"
"name": "aDate",
"type": "date"
"defs": [
"description": "simple identifier",
"name": "id",
"type": "id"
"case-sensitive": true,
"length": null,
"name": "Id",
"type": "string"
"name": "anotherDate",
"type": "dateTime"
"defs": [
"description": "simple identifier",
"name": "id",
"type": "id"
...lots more....
I created a couple recursive function to remove the element(s) but I'm left with an empty hash '{}'. I also tried to remove the parent but found that I removed the hashes parent and not the hash itself.
I'm pretty sure I could create a new hash and populate it with the data I want but there must be a way to do this.
I am not working in rails and would like to avoid using rails gems.
I figured this out by looking at the data structure closer. The elements that need to be removed are always in an array so before recursing check if the hash key/value exists and delete if so. I'm sure this could be coded better so let me know what you think.
def recursive_delete!(node, key, value)
if node.is_a?(Array)
node.delete_if { |elm| elm[key] == value }
node.each do |elm|
recursive_delete!(elm, key, value)
elsif node.is_a?(Hash)
node.each_value do |v|
recursive_delete!(v, key, value)
If you are looking for the way to delete the same hash as you have inside complex Array/Hash data structure, it's easy:
def remove_hash_from(source, hsh)
return unless source.is_a?(Hash) || source.is_a?(Array)
source.each do |*args|
if args.last == hsh
elsif args.last.is_a?(Hash) || args.last.is_a?(Array)
remove_hash_from(args.last, hsh)
data = [
{h: 'v',
j: [{h: 'v'},
{a: 'c'},
asdf: {h: 'v', j: 'c'}
remove_hash_from(data, {h: 'v'})
# => [{:h=>"v", :j=>[{:a=>"c"}, 8, "asdf"]}, {:asdf=>{:h=>"v", :j=>"c"}}]
Possibly, you will need to adjust method above for your needs. But common idea is clear, I hope.

Merging records in JSON with Ruby

I have two json files that I'm trying to merge. The JSONs have different formatting (see below). I'd like to merge records, so [0] from file one and [0] from file two would become one record [0] in the new merged file.
The first JSON (file_a.json), appears like so:
"query": {
"count": 4,
"created": "2012-11-21T23:07:00Z",
"lang": "en-US",
"results": {
"quote": [
"Name": "Bill",
"Age": "46",
"Number": "3.55"
"Name": "Jane",
"Age": "33",
"Number": nil
"Name": "Jack",
"Age": "55",
"Number": nil
"Name": "Xavier",
"Age": nil,
"Number": "153353535"
The second JSON (file_b.json) appears like so:
"Number2": 25253,
"Number3": 435574,
"NAME": "Bill"
"Number2": 345353,
"Number3": 5566,
"NAME": "Jane"
"Number2": 56756,
"Number3": 232435,
"NAME": "Jack"
"Number2": 7457,
"Number3": 45425,
"NAME": "Xavier"
None of the keys are the same in both JSONs (well, actually "Name" is a key in both, but in the first the key is "Name" and in the second its "NAME" - just so I can check that the merge works correctly - so I want "Name" and "NAME" in the final JSON), the first record in the first file matches with the first record in the second file, and so on.
So far, I tried merging like this:
merged = %w[a b].inject([]) { |m,f| m << JSON.parse("file_#{f}.json")) }.flatten
But this of course merged them, but not how I wanted them merged (they are merged sucessively, and because of the different formatting, it gets quite ugly).
I also tried merging like this:
a = JSON.parse("file_a.json"))
b = JSON.parse("file_b.json"))
merged =
Came closer but still not correct and the formatting was still horrendous.
In the end, what I want is this (formatting of second JSON - headers from first JSON can be junked):
"Name": "Bill",
"Age": 46,
"Number": 3.55,
"Number2": 25253,
"Number3": 435574,
"NAME": "Bill"
"Name": "Jane",
"Age": 33,
"Number": nil,
"Number2": 345353,
"Number3": 5566,
"NAME": "Jane"
"Name": "Jack",
"Age": 55,
"Number": nil,
"Number2": 56756,
"Number3": 232435,
"NAME": "Jack"
"Name": "Xavier",
"Age": nil,
"Number": 153353535,
"Number2": 7457,
"Number3": 45425,
"NAME": "Xavier"
Any help is appreciated. Thanks a lot.
Hеllo, seems format changed from last time :)
UPDATE: more readable version that also convert corresponding values to integers/floats:
require 'json'
require 'ap'
a = JSON.parse('./a.json'))['query']['results']['quote'] rescue []
b = JSON.parse('./b.json'))
final = []
a.each_with_index do |ah,i|
unless bh = b[i]
bh = {}
puts "seems b has no #{i} key, merging skipped"
final << ah.merge(bh).inject({}) do |f, (k,v)|
if v.is_a?(String)
if v =~ /\A\d+\.\d+\Z/
v = v.to_f
elsif v =~ /\A\d+\Z/
v = v.to_i
f.update k => v
ap final
will display:
[0] {
"Name" => "Bill",
"Age" => 46,
"Number" => 3.55,
"Number2" => 25253,
"Number3" => 435574,
"NAME" => "Bill"
[1] {
"Name" => "Jane",
"Age" => 33,
"Number" => nil,
"Number2" => 345353,
"Number3" => 5566,
"NAME" => "Jane"
[2] {
"Name" => "Jack",
"Age" => 55,
"Number" => nil,
"Number2" => 56756,
"Number3" => 232435,
"NAME" => "Jack"
[3] {
"Name" => "Xavier",
"Age" => nil,
"Number" => 153353535,
"Number2" => 7457,
"Number3" => 45425,
"NAME" => "Xavier"
Here is a working demo
Btw, your json is a bit wrong in both files.
See the fixed versions here and here
