stdio file does not belong to any project in macOS CLion - clion

I'm new to C++. I find cstdio file does not belong to any project target in CLion. CLion doesn't support read external libraries in default? How can i solve this problem?
My code


Setup fortran project in Xcode 10 with external build [duplicate]

I would like to use Xcode under Mac OS X to compile and run a program written in a language that is not supported, e.g. Fortran. Assuming I have a compiler installed, e.g. gfortran or ifort, what are the steps in the Xcode project settings to make it possible to compile and run the program?
I have created an new, empty project since Fortran is not supported (only C,C++,Objective-C and Swift are selectable in a command line tool application). I created a simple Fortran file. But now I guess I have to add several things to the Builds tab in the project settings to make it compile and run (it works from the command line). What are these steps?
Add an external build system target to your project. External build system targets/projects let you build projects in languages Xcode doesn't natively support. The external build system target/project is in the Other section under OS X on the left side of the assistant. When you click the Next button, you'll be asked for the location of the build tool. Enter the path to your Fortran compiler. When you build the project, Xcode will use the Fortran compiler to do the building.

writing Qt3D application in windows

I am going to write Qt3D application in windows.
I have also installed necessary tools , but after compilation i receive 'unresolved external symbol' error. what is the solution?
Note : my compiler is microsoft visual c++ 9.0
Are you linking-in the Qt3D library? If you don't - that's the reason for your issue. Open your project and add the neccessary .lib file into the list of libraries (and don't forget to either use a full, preferably relative, path or to add additional library path to the project's library path list)

Optix sample without Cmake

i'm new in Optix world and i want to try to make new project in VS 2008.
My question: how can I use and modify the project "tutorial" without compiling all the examples included with SDK?
I try to create new project in VS2008 with "tutorial" files but don't work :/
Thanx for your help!
I am also new in optix and got the same problem.
I have compiled sample1 which give the green screen within Parallel Nsight 2.0 visual studio 2010.
You need to do the following if you are using nvidia parallel nsight:
change NVCC compilation type to PTX file in cuda c/c++ at project properties.
make sure you build optix-sdk samples files using cmake.
open optix-sample.sln and build the all projects.
new libraries has been created like sutil.lib which you need to link to your new project.
create a new cuda runtime project in my case i have used sample1 files.
make sure to do step 1 and then include optix header files and sutil.h from the optix-sdk.
link sutil.lib optix and opengl libraries like opengl32.lib and glut32.lib
You should now be able to build your project.
Finally you need optix sutil freeglut dll files to run your application.
just open Optix-samples sol file , there you can see all the projects attached, find tutorial among them, right click on it and select "set as a startup project" .
Now you can run and edit tutorial alone.

How can I step into Qt's source code when debugging under Mac OS with Qt-creator

I download the qt framework and debugging helper, I can debug my source with Qt creator, but I can't step in to the Qt source code, I have download the source of Qt, how to config the source to let me can trace into the source? or, Must I compile the library from source to do this?
I can trace into Qt source Under Windows using Visual c++, but On Mac, with Qt creator can't.
The binary downloads of Qt for Mac do not include any debugging info. The "debug" version of the downloads do. But Nokia forgot to include the source files so it doesn't help you either. Here's a bug reported on this issue:
The only way to step into (most) Qt source files on Mac is to download the source files package and build it yourself. Even that doesn't work out of the box (if you can call it that). The installed directory is missing the 'src' sub-directory which is where all Qt source files need to go. The solution is to create a symbolic link to the 'src' directory in your build directory.
Even that doesn't work 100% of the time. I still run into Qt functions that I can't step into. But that's rare after all the mocking.

Generate Makefile from Xcode Project for port of project to other UNIX systems

(This was asked before but the answers were not conclusive)
While I love development using Xcode (3.2.1), I have the need to port some projects to other UNIX systems, and even Windows. The code is all C++ but fairly complex. I'm looking for a way to automated / semi-automated generation of equivalent Makefiles out of my Xcode projects, after getting tired to do this by manual trial-and-error.
Thanks for any hints.
You should probably switch to CMake for all your platforms. CMake, in turn, can generate Makefile, Xcode, Visual Studio, and KDevelop projects/builds using the CMake project description. You will, at first, need to create a CMake description for your project, but then if you only update the CMake project, going from CMake to Xcode is very easy. Or you can use the Makefile generator and create a Makefile-based Xcode project. To get started using CMake, you should read the the CMake wiki, look at the CMake Manual, and -- if you like -- you can look at my C++ Application Project Template and C++ Library Project Template which use CMake (although I have tested them only with the Makefile generator and not with the Xcode generator).
If you need to go cross-platform then it's probably better to use a makefile for all platforms. Xcode supports makefile builds as "legacy projects" - you lose some functionality/flexibility when you do this, but you still get the same code browsing, source level debugging, etc.
Have you tried Pbxbuild?
Pbxbuild is used to take Xcode project files and build the code. It does this by creating GNUmakefiles, and using Make to build those.
