How can I pass enum as parameter using solana/web3.js? - solana

I defined UserAction enum in the Solana program.
pub enum UserAction {
Using this in an entry point.
pub fn my_fun(ctx: Context<DoPost>, action: UserAction) -> ProgramResult {
// Do something
How can I pass enum using #solana/web3.js?

As you've noticed, there's no native way to do this in JS, so you'll have to do the encoding by hand, first a byte to define the instruction type, then all the other bytes to define the instruction data.
Here's a simple example to call VIEW, assuming that it also takes a u64:
import * as BufferLayout from '#solana/buffer-layout';
const instructionLayout = BufferLayout.struct([
const data = Buffer.alloc(instructionLayout.span);
instructionLayout.encode({instruction: 0, number: 42}, data);
const instruction = TransactionInstruction({
keys: [
{pubkey: myPubkey, isSigner: false, isWritable: true},
// .. add all your account keys here
programId: myProgramId,
For a more complete example, check out how createAccount is defined for the system program in web3.js:


Retreive a struct/list of structs as views from a smart contract

I am trying to get the data of a single struct and the data of a list of this struct in view methods in a smart contract.
The struct would be something like:
#[derive(NestedEncode, NestedDecode, TopEncode, TopDecode, TypeAbi, Clone)]
pub struct Stream<M: ManagedTypeApi> {
pub id: u64,
pub payment: BigUint<M>,
pub enddate: u64,
pub receiver: ManagedAddress<M>,
A single view would be like:
fn get_stream(&self, id: u64) -> Stream<Self::Api> {
let payment = self.payment( id.clone() ).get().clone();
let enddate = self.enddate( id.clone() ).get().clone();
let receiver = self.receiver( id.clone() ).get().clone();
Stream {
in the mandos tests I would expect something like:
"expect": {
"out": [
but in the test I always get an un-encoded byte result like:
Want: ["u64:1", "100,000,000,000", "u64:200,000", "address:my_address"]. Have: [0x000000000000000100000005174876e8000000000000030d406d795f616464726573735f5f5f5f5f5f5f5f5f5f5f5f5f5f5f5f5f5f5f5f5f5f]
I also tried different return types such as ManagedMultiResultVec, ManagedMultiResultVec or MultiResult with ManagedVec in general. But all seem to produce this output for me.
I also could not find out how I can retrieve and decode such a result in a dApp in TypeScript with the erdjs lib.
Can someone tell me what I have missed?
In mandos, you should expect this as out:
"0id": "u64:1",
"1payment": "biguint:100,000,000,000",
"2enddate": "u64:200,000",
"3receiver": "address:my_address"
I think that should be right.
And in a Dapp, you need the ABI file of the contract and need to do something like:
const result = ...; // do transaction here
const abi = await SmartContractAbi.fromAbiPath('...abi.json');
From there you can figure out how to convert the result.

Does not exist on type 'DefaultRootState'. TS2339

I am trying to implement react-redux in login-form input values.
I have added values to the redux state, but I cannot access the data individually from the state object.
Here are the details:
In App.js file
console.log(useSelector((state) => state));
gives result {email: "" , password: "123456"}
. I am not able to access the email inside the state object using
console.log(useSelector((state) =>;
It is giving the error that
'email' does not exist on type 'DefaultRootState'. TS2339
Here is the reducer.js file
let formValues = {
email: "",
password: "",
export const inputReducer = (state = formValues, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
case "inputValue":
return { ...state, []: action.inputValue };
return state;
Here is the action.txt file
export const handleChange = (name: string, inputValue: string) => {
return {
type: "inputValue",
name: name,
inputValue: inputValue,
I wrote a function to get rid of this problem :
function getProperty<T, K extends keyof T>(o: T, propertyName: K): T[K] {
return o[propertyName]; // o[propertyName] is of type T[K]
You have to pass your object as first parameter, then the name of your property (here it is email or password).
If you want to get all your property at once, you have to encapsulate them in an object property like this:
{ value : {email:"",password:"123" } }
i may be late but thought to provide solution. Basically this type of error message appears when you don't provide the typing in the useSelector hook
As per the doc React-Redux which states:
Using configureStore should not need any additional typings. You will,
however, want to extract the RootState type and the Dispatch type so
that they can be referenced as needed.
here in your code block the RootState type is missing, this can be declared in your store file as below
import {createStore} from 'redux';
const store = createStore(rootReducer);
export default store;
export type RootState = ReturnType<typeof store.getState>;
And in your .tsx or .jsx file where exactly you want to access your store values using react-redux hook useSelector add the type as below.
useSelector((state:RootState) => state)

Can Apollo read partial fragments from cache?

I have a simple mutation editPerson. It changes the name and/or description of a person specified by an id.
I use this little snippet to call the mutator from React components:
function useEditPerson(variables) {
const gqlClient = useGQLClient();
const personFragment = gql`fragment useEditPerson__person on Person {
return useMutation(gql`
mutation editPerson($id: ID!, $description: String, $name: String) {
editPerson(id: $id, description: $description, name: $name) {
`, {
optimisticResponse: vars => {
const person = gqlClient.readFragment({
fragment: personFragment,
return {
editPerson: {
__typename: "Person",
description: "",
name: "",
This works well enough unless either the name or description for the indicated person hasn't yet been queried and does not exist in the cache; in this case person is null. This is expected from readFragment - any incomplete fragment does this.
The thing is I really need that data to avoid invariant errors - if they're not in the cache I'm totally okay using empty strings as default values, those values aren't displayed anywhere in the UI anyway.
Is there any way to read partial fragments from the cache? Is there a better way to get that data for the optimistic response?
I guess you use the snippet in the form that has all the data you need. So, you can pass the needed data to your useEditPerson hook through the arguments and then use in optimistic response, and then you won't need to use gqlClient.

Can't custom value of graphql enum

I have looked this question: How to use or resolve enum types with graphql-tools?
And, this doc:
Now, I want to custom the value of graphql enum.
import { gql } from 'apollo-server';
export const typeDefs = gql`
enum Device {
type CampaignPerformanceReport {
campaignNme: String!
campaignId: ID!
device: Device
type Query {
campaignPerformanceReports: [CampaignPerformanceReport]!
import { IResolvers } from 'graphql-tools';
import { IAppContext } from './appContext';
export const resolvers: IResolvers = {
Device: {
UNKNOWN: 'Other',
DESKTOP: 'Computers',
HIGH_END_MOBILE: 'Mobile devices with full browsers',
TABLET: 'Tablets with full browsers',
CONNECTED_TV: 'Devices streaming video content to TV screens',
Query: {
async campaignPerformanceReports(_, __, { db }: IAppContext) {
return db.campaignPerformanceReports;
As you can see, I custom the value of Device enum in the resolver.
db.ts: a fake db with datas
enum Device {
UNKNOWN = 'Other',
DESKTOP = 'Computers',
HIGH_END_MOBILE = 'Mobile devices with full browsers',
TABLET = 'Tablets with full browsers',
CONNECTED_TV = 'Devices streaming video content to TV screens',
export const db = {
campaignPerformanceReports: [
campaignId: 1,
campaignNme: 'test',
device: Device.DESKTOP,
I also made an integration test for this:
test.only('should query campaign performance reports correctly with executable graphql schema', async () => {
const schema = makeExecutableSchema({ typeDefs, resolvers });
const server: ApolloServerBase = new ApolloServer({ schema, context: { db } });
const { query }: ApolloServerTestClient = createTestClient(server);
const res: GraphQLResponse = await query({ query: Q.campaignPerformanceReports });
Object {
"data": Object {
"campaignPerformanceReports": Array [
Object {
"campaignId": "1",
"campaignNme": "test",
"device": "DESKTOP",
"errors": undefined,
"extensions": undefined,
"http": Object {
"headers": Headers {
Symbol(map): Object {},
As you can see, the result of snapshot testing. The value of device field is still "DESKTOP", I expected the value should be "Computers"
Dependencies version:
"apollo-server": "^2.9.3",
"apollo-server-express": "^2.9.3",
"graphql": "^14.5.4",
The minimal repo:
The internal values you specify for a GraphQL enum are just that -- internal. This is stated in the documentation:
These don't change the public API at all, but they do allow you to use that value instead of the schema value in your resolvers
If you map the enum value DESKTOP to the internal value Computers, only the behavior of your resolvers will be affected. Specifically:
If a field takes an argument of the type Device and the argument is passed the value DESKTOP, the value actually passed to the resolver function will be Computers.
If a field itself has the type device and we want to return DESKTOP, inside our resolver, we will need to return Computers instead.
Take for example a schema that looks like this:
type Query {
someQuery(device: Device!): Device!
If you don't specify internal values, our resolver works like this:
function (parent, args) {
console.log(args.device) // "DESKTOP"
return 'DESKTOP'
If you do specify internal values, the resolver looks like this:
function (parent, args) {
console.log(args.device) // "Computers"
return 'Computers'
The resolver is the only thing impacted by providing internal values for each enum value. What doesn't change:
How the enum value is serialized in the response. Enum values are always serialized as strings of the enum value name.
How the enum value is written as a literal inside a document. For example, if querying the above same field, we would always write: { someQuery(device: DESKTOP) }
How the enum value is provided as a variable. A variable of the type Device would always be written as "DESKTOP".
NOTE: While the question pertains specifically to Apollo Server, the above applies to vanilla GraphQL.js as well. For example, this enum
const DeviceEnum = new GraphQLEnumType({
name: 'Device',
values: {
UNKNOWN: { value: 'Other' },
DESKTOP: { value: 'Computers' },
HIGH_END_MOBILE: { value: 'Mobile devices with full browsers' },
TABLET: { value: 'Tablets with full browsers' },
CONNECTED_TV: { value: 'Devices streaming video content to TV screens' },
will still behave as described above.

Pass through GraphQL variables to second function in an elegant manner

I'm working with GraphQL and having some trouble finding the best way to pipe variables from the query to the result.
I have a schema like so:
type Fragment {
# The id of the fragment
id: String!
# The key of the fragment
key: String!
# The type of component
component_type: String!
# The params used to build the fragment
params: JSON
# Component data
data: JSON
children: [JSON]
items: [JSON]
The fragment is meant as a "cms" fragment. I want to pass some query data through to another backend after this resolves.
My query looks like this:
query getFragmentsWithItems($keys: [String!]!
$platform: PlatformType
$version: String
$userInfo: UserInput
$userId: Int
) {
fragmentsWithItems(keys: $keys, platform: $platform, version: $version, userInfo: $userInfo, userId: $userId) {
Here's the problem: I have some query data in the data field from the Fragment. That data is not available until that Fragment has resolved. I want to take that data and send it to a different backend. I want to do this with GraphQL, and I was hoping to do something like:
Fragment: () => {
async query(obj, args, context, info, {modles}) => {
const items = await models.getItems(obj.query_string);
But I need the user_info and user_id that I passed to the original query. Apparently that is only accessible from the info argument which is not meant to be used.
The other path I've taken is to have a manual resolver that does something like so:
const resolveFI = ({ keys, platform, version, userInfo, userId, models }) => {
if (!keys || !keys.length) {
return Promise.resolve(null);
return models.release.get({ platform, version }).then(release =>
Promise.all( =>
).then(data => {
const promises = [];
data.rows.forEach(r => {
if ( {
const d = {
// Can just ignore
filters: || {},
user_info: userInfo,
user_id: userId
new Promise(resolve => {
models.itemSearch.get(d).then(i => ({ items: i.items, ...r }))
...etc other backends
This works, however a manual promise chain seems to defeat the purpose of using GraphQL.
The last thing I tried was making items a non-scalar type, something like:
type Fragment {
items: ItemSearchResult(user_info: UserInput) etc
But since I can't pipe the actual result from Fragment to the ItemSearchResult that doesn't work.
I realize this is pretty long-winded so I'm open to edits or clarifying.
I'm looking to see if I've missed a better approach or if I should just bag it and have the client apps do the item query after they get the Fragment data back.
It's not that you're not supposed to use info -- it's just a tremendous pain in the butt to use ;) In all seriousness, it's meant to be used for optimization and more advanced use cases, so you shouldn't hesitate to use it if a better solution doesn't present itself. There are libraries out there (like this one) that you can use to parse the object more easily.
That said, there's a couple of ways I imagine you could handle this:
1.) Inside your query resolver(s)
getFragmentsWithItems: async (obj, args, ctx, info) => {
const fragments = await howeverYouDoThat()
const backendCalls = => {
// extract whatever data you need from the fragment
return asyncCallToBackEnd()
await backendCalls
return fragments
Unfortunately, if you have a lot of different queries returning fragments, you'll end up with redundancy.
2.) Inside the resolver for an existing field (or an additional one) on the Fragment type.
If you go this route, and you need args passed to the query field, you can extract them using the info. Alternatively, you can also mutate the context object inside your query resolver and attach those arguments to it. Then, all resolvers "below" the query resolver (like the resolvers for your Fragment fields) can access those arguments through the context.
3.) Apollo Server lets you define a formatResponse function when configuring its middleware. This essentially provides a hook to do whatever you want with the response before it's returned to the client. You could parse the response inside that function and make the calls to the other backend from there.
