maven assembly plugin war packaging unexpected output result - maven

I tried using the maven war plugin but is very opinionated on the folder structure and I need specific files into specific folders, so I've looked into using maven assembly plugin with the war format set.
Here's a snippet of the pom.xml.
and the war-assembly.xml
<assembly xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
this produces the desired outcome in terms of where i need the files to be copied to, except something still packages lib folder, classes folder and the web.xml into the webapp folder, which I do not want.
Outputted directory structure:
Expected Directory Structure (lib, classes and web.xml) are removed because they are in the webapp/WEB-INF sub folder:
am I using the maven plugin incorrectly? or a setting that I am overseeing? Or a way to set the output directories for the classes, lib, and the web.xml?


maven-assembly-plugin creates zip with no files

maven-assembly-plugin generate empty zip archive, but source folder is not empty.
Plugin config:
My airflow-dags-assembly.xml:
<assembly xmlns=""
I have files in src/main/airflow-dags and in target/main/airflow-dags, but I keep getting empty zip file:
Try adding includes to the fileSets as described in the assembly documentation.
Adjust the file pattern as needed.

How can a jar with specific deps be created, after using maven-dependency-plugin to select the wanted deps?

My goal is to create a jar with specific dependencies from my dependency list in the pom. I'm using maven-dependency-plugin like so:
<transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.ManifestResourceTransformer">
and an assembly.xml file holding:
<assembly xmlns=""
After mvn clean install all relevant dependencies appear in target/uber-deps as I would expect. My problem is with the next plugin under <plugins> - maven-assembly-plugin. Seems to me as if it doesn't take uber-deps in.
I know this only by trying to unpack the jar using jar xf to see if the deps in uber-deps were packed in the jar created after mvn clean install.
What should be changed?
The jar you are building as part of the assembly-plugin will be called (by default) ./target/<artifactId>-plugin.jar
Note that the plugin part is what you've put under id in your assembly xml file.
Since you already unpack the dependencies to a folder, you should use fileSets rather then dependencySets:
BTW if you want the outputs of your own project in that jar you should add another fileSet:
4) Also just noted that your assembly plugin definition is not stating the location of your assembly xml file and that you try to define mainClass using shade-plugin configuration. This is how it should look in assembly plugin (assuming that your assembly file is located under src/assembly/plugin.xml:

Maven assembly plugin - "install" folder

I have configured maven assembly plugin which generates "tar.gz" file.
However, when I untar, it somehow includes "install" folder at the beginning:
My requirement is that, upon untar, it should have folders like below, no install directory:
My pom.xml plugin:
Appreciate any help or guidance on this. Thanks for reading.
includeBaseDirectory: Includes a base directory in the final archive. For example, if you are creating an assembly named "your-app", setting includeBaseDirectory to true will create an archive that includes this base directory. If this option is set to false the archive created will unzip its content to the current directory.
Default value is: true.

maven-assembly-plugin png and ico broken

I´m using maven-assembly-plugin for creating a zip file containing some artifacts and additional stuff. The additional stuff is located at a folder called "Installationattachments". Everything working alright so far. "Installationattachments" also contains a png and an ico file which are also included but these are broken after they´re included.
Here is the plugin declaration of my pom.xml:
And that´s the critical part of the assembly itself:
<!-- installation files -->
The problem is the specification of line endings through the <lineEnding> parameter. The first fileset selects all files that aren't VBS file, so it also selects PNG and ICO files. But since those are binary files, you don't want to set a specific line ending for those.
For lack of a nonFilteredFileExtensions, whose support is asked in MASSEMBLY-849, you can add a third filesets without line ending for images:

Maven best practice for creating ad hoc zip artifact

Assume that I need to manage an artifact that consists of an aribtrary folder / file structure rolled up as a zip archive. It's not clear to me how to accomplish this in Maven in a way that best fits "the Maven way."
I know that there is no "zip" packaging type. Does this mean there is no generic lifecycle in Maven to simply take what I have in the resources folder, zip it up, and install/deploy it to my repositories?
I'm looking for options, with evaluations of how each option satisifies my requirement to follow the maven way, as I do not wish to incur the obvious penalities of straying from the golden path . . .
Decide what classifier you will use for your zip file, for sake of argument let's say it would be sample.
In your project create file assembly/sample.xml
Fill in assembly/sample.xml with something like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- use this section if you want to package dependencies -->
Add this to your pom's build section
As a result it should create and install
I suggest you read chapter on assemblies from Sonatype's maven book:
Also, read assembly format specification:
Fill in assembly/sample.xml with something like this:
<assembly xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<!-- use this section if you want to package dependencies -->
add below codes in pom.xml file.
run commands as mvn package -P dev -Dmaven.test.skip
will create the zip files that include :
In your maven project create a folder assembly.
Add zip.xml file in the assembly folder.
Add below code in zip.xml to package the content of your project in to zip.
<directory>directoryName of your project</directory>
