To add a functioning Custom Barcode Scanner onto the portal using HTML and JS - dynamics-crm

I am working on dynamics portals and I have issues with barcode scanner.
On creation of a result, the record is created in 'Results Entity' in dynamics365.
User needs to fill the details(barcode, result) in the create form and hit submit to create a record in dynamics.
Image:ResultsCreate web page
Image:Barcode scanner webpage
Requirement :
In the Create Result page, in place of the 'barcode' field, I would like to have a button which is labelled as 'scan' and onclicking this button it should redirect to the next page, 'Scan QRcode from Camera'.
This scanBarcode page scans the presented bar/QR code and displays the result in a different section on the same page. I would like this result to be updated in the results entity of my dynamics 365
Image:Results Entity Dynamics 365


CRM 2013 Onprem: logged in users accessed area in CRM

We want to check what areas are used by user when they login to CRM. I have tried the recentlyvieweditems.
Is there any other way we can achieve this.
I do not think there is any solution or way to find out what area are clicked unless you login as that user and check what that user clicked.
The closest you can reach to get some insight for users and which entites they are accessing.
Organization insight solution
You have to capture those user telemetry data like - pages navigated, opened entity records, clicked ribbon buttons, etc using Application Insights or your own Database through your own API for all the breadcrumbs.
There is no other native solution other than Org Insights, that too available from 2016 onwards IIRC. Later they took different diversions during CRM online version upgrades.
You may try the EnableRule of application level command bar button to run your custom JS code to log user navigation. I haven't used it ever, but this is what I would try in your given scenario and I don't see any reason if it wouldn't work.
Create new custom entity/table with User ID/Name and URL attributes/columns
Create a application level command bar button
How do I add a global button (for all entities) on the CRM 2013 Command Bar
In button's enable rule, Add user id/name and document.location.href values as a new record to the custom table.
Create entity record through Javascript , CRM 2013 , SDK.Rest.CreateRecord
Don't forget to return false from the code in 'enable rule' so that the button should not actually be shown anywhere in the application.

Dynamics CRM Power Apps Web Portal Form and Its Subgrid did not show in the web browser

I am preparing a Power Apps web portal. But when I am adding a Form on my page and testing on browser, subgrid is not showing.
Preview on Web browser image which does not show Subgrid:
This is my developing screen where I'm adding a Web Form:
Because the form in Insert mode, try changing it to Edit mode to see the subgrid. You cannot add child records in subgrid unless parent entity record is saved/created/inserted, that is the reason.
When creating a new entity form, the first step is to decide the Entity and Form Name that you will be rendering, in addition to the mode: Insert, Edit, or Read Only. The mode selected will determine if you are creating a new record from the portal, editing an existing record, or just displaying information about a record on the portal.
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Printable templates for Custom Modules

I have a requirement to setup customized printable for few Custom Modules to let the record owner print  the details of the currently opened record, similar to Invoice Template or Sales Order Template. 
Use Case:
Record Owner opens a record from Custom Module
A custom button Print Record will appear when a record is opened
On clicking the Print Record button, a PDF document with data of the opened record must be generated  based on a template (similar to Invoice template) and either download the generated PDF record owner's local drive or send the generated PDF to a specific email address 
Is there a way to set up Invoice Templates for Custom modules? It can be achieved with Mail Merge but I need the outcome as a PDF document and with Mail Merge doing that would require several clicks. I need the PDF to be generated on a single button click.
Also, can the aforementioned use case be automated? Automatically generate a PDF based on a template periodically and send it by email without the user having to navigate the record and print the PDF manually?
I would appreciate any guidance on this use case.

Dynamics CRM - Custom development

I'm completely new to the Dynamics CRM environment.
Within our current implementation, there is a grid which displays a list of current sales opportunities. Within this grid, there is a column for the user which is a link to another part of Dynamics. We want to instead be able to open a new window to another system. How can I customize how that link gets rendered out so that the client "onclick" function can link to a javascript function which will open a new window with the URL we need?
Please see attached:
Snapshot of Dynamics grid
Im afraid that this is not possible with supported customization.
My understanding is that you will keep URL to external system on entity and you would like to be able to open with single click from grid displaying this record?
However, Im not sure if you add this fields as single line of text with format option URL won`t work as expected. If this does not work, you would need a custom grid to display this data.
You can store url in text field with format URL, click on such field will open link in new window/tab.

Not Storing the value of silver light control in MS CRM 2011

I have used the silverlight control in CRM 2011.It also published on form but the problem is i am not able to store its value in CRM.In general if we create any field and publish that field in Form then its value will be stored after clicking on Save button.and after that when we open that record,we can see control value that was stored previously.but in my case i published that silver light control on form but after save the record when i click on Record i cant see its value again.means silverlight control value was not going to stored in CRM.I have just simply used the textbox of silverlight...
You will need to call a JavaScript function on your form from Silverlight. Take a look at the HTML Bridge for communicating between the page and Silverlight. There's an example in the MSDN of registering and calling a JavaScript function from Silverlight.
In Silverlight it looks like:
HtmlPage.Window.Invoke("myJSMethod", myParam);
