Shopify App Rejected Due To Redirecting To A Different Page When Attempting To Install Your App in incognito - shopify-app

I have created a Shopify public app using node with Shopify CLI, So after i have submitted the app for the reviewing in the Shopify app store.
So the review team rejected the app mentioning the app is not directed to the oAuth page when we install the app ( in Incognito ) window in normal browser their is not mush issue.
The redirecting page in incognito
The issue that point out buy the ShopifyThe replay mail from the review team
The issue only occur in the incognito tab, ie when we log in to our partner dashboard from the Incognito and select the app and choose the "test on development store" option then the issue of select the account to continue will appear.
In normal mode of the browser it will directed to the oAuth page.
because of this reason the review team rejected the app.
import "#babel/polyfill";
import dotenv from "dotenv";
import "isomorphic-fetch";
import createShopifyAuth, { verifyRequest } from "#shopify/koa-shopify-auth";
import Shopify, { ApiVersion } from "#shopify/shopify-api";
import Koa from "koa";
import next from "next";
import Router from "koa-router";
const port = parseInt(process.env.PORT, 10) || 8081;
const dev = process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production";
const app = next({
const handle = app.getRequestHandler();
SCOPES: process.env.SCOPES.split(","),
HOST_NAME: process.env.HOST.replace(/https:\/\/|\/$/g, ""),
API_VERSION: ApiVersion.October20,
// This should be replaced with your preferred storage strategy
SESSION_STORAGE: new Shopify.Session.MemorySessionStorage(),
// Storing the currently active shops in memory will force them to re-login when your server restarts. You should
// persist this object in your app.
app.prepare().then(async () => {
const server = new Koa();
const router = new Router();
server.keys = [Shopify.Context.API_SECRET_KEY];
async afterAuth(ctx) {
// Access token and shop available in ctx.state.shopify
const { shop, accessToken, scope } = ctx.state.shopify;
const host =;
const response = await Shopify.Webhooks.Registry.register({
path: "/webhooks",
webhookHandler: async (topic, shop, body) =>
if (!response.success) {
`Failed to register APP_UNINSTALLED webhook: ${response.result}`
// Redirect to app with shop parameter upon auth
const handleRequest = async (ctx) => {
await handle(ctx.req, ctx.res);
ctx.respond = false;
ctx.res.statusCode = 200;
};"/webhooks", async (ctx) => {
try {
await Shopify.Webhooks.Registry.process(ctx.req, ctx.res);
console.log(`Webhook processed, returned status code 200`);
} catch (error) {
console.log(`Failed to process webhook: ${error}`);
verifyRequest({ returnHeader: true }),
async (ctx, next) => {
await Shopify.Utils.graphqlProxy(ctx.req, ctx.res);
router.get("(/_next/static/.*)", handleRequest); // Static content is clear
router.get("/_next/webpack-hmr", handleRequest); // Webpack content is clear
router.get("(.*)", async (ctx) => {
const shop =;
// This shop hasn't been seen yet, go through OAuth to create a session
if (ACTIVE_SHOPIFY_SHOPS[shop] === undefined) {
// const redirectUri = process.env.HOST + '/auth/callback';
// ctx.redirect(`https://${shop}/admin/oauth/authorize? //client_id=${process.env.SHOPIFY_API_KEY}&scope=${process.env.SCOPES}&state=$//{nonce}&redirect_uri=${redirectUri}`);
} else {
await handleRequest(ctx);
server.listen(port, () => {
console.log(`> Ready on http://localhost:${port}`);
If you guys can share your thoughts on this it will be very helpful.


NextJS getServerSideProps not sending cookies to server during production

I use getServerSideProps to fetch data so that it is available to the user immediately when a user clicks on a link. Sometimes, some data is protected and only available to authenticated users, so I'll need to send an HttpOnly cookie containing the user's JWT to confirm if the user is authenticated or not. This is one of the examples:
export const getSession = async (context: GetServerSidePropsContext) => {
return axios
.get(process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_API_URL + "/auth/user", {
withCredentials: true,
headers: {
Cookie: context.req.headers.cookie!,
.then((response) => Promise.resolve(response))
.catch((error) => {
return null;
export const getServerSideProps: GetServerSideProps = async (context) => {
const session = await getSession(context);
if (!session) {
return {
redirect: {
destination: "/login"
props: {},
return {
props: { },
This works well in development because both my frontend and backend share the same host (localhost).
However, in production, I host my nextjs app on Vercel and my backend on Heroku. Since they now belong to different domains, the ctx object in getServerSideProps no longer has access to the cookies, causing some parts of the website to break. Is there a way to be able to get access to the cookies, or do I need to set up the backend on Heroku as a subdomain of the frontend site?

add API key to url

Hi I'm build a wildfire app tracker with react using the nasa API it works in development by using the url directly witch is
But when I deploy it. It does not get the data. I obviously need a api key witch I have, but how do I implement it in the url above ?
here is my code..
useEffect(() => {
const fetchEvents = async () => {
const res = await fetch('')
const {events} = await res.json()
// eslint-disable-next-line
}, [])
You could try to create a .env file in which you can set URLS as
and then in your app component import as

How to set up a socket connection on a strapi server

I am trying to integrate with strapi. But unfortunately I have been unable to do so without any proper tutorial or documentation covering this aspect.
I followed along with the only resource I found online which is:
But I think the article is outdated. I can't seem to run the code mentioned in it without running into tonnes of errors.
Below is my attempt to implement it and I have been trying to connect it through a chrome websocket plugin smart websocket client But I am not getting any response when I try to run the server.
I'm totally in the dark. Any help will be appreciated
module.exports = ()=> {
// import socket io
var io = require('')(strapi.server)
console.log(strapi.server) //undefined
// listen for user connection
io.on('connect', socket => {
// or with emit() and custom event names
socket.emit('greetings', 'Hey!', { 'ms': 'jane' }, Buffer.from([4, 3, 3, 1]));
// handle the event sent with socket.send()
socket.on('message', (data) => {
// handle the event sent with socket.emit()
socket.on('salutations', (elem1, elem2, elem3) => {
console.log(elem1, elem2, elem3);
So I found the solution. Yay. I'll put it here just in case anybody needs it.
module.exports = async () => {
process.nextTick(() =>{
var io = require('')(strapi.server);
io.on('connection', async function(socket) {
console.log(`a user connected`)
// send message on user connection
socket.emit('hello', JSON.stringify({message: await{"posted_by"})}));
// listen for user diconnect
socket.on('disconnect', () =>{
console.log('a user disconnected')
}); = io; // register socket io inside strapi main object to use it globally anywhere
Found this at:
Apparently, socket.server is not available when the server starts. So you have to make use of process.nextTick that waits for the socket.server to initialize.
I'll also add a few questions that I faced when setting this up.
How do i connect from an external client like nuxt,vue or react?
You just have to connect through "http://localhost:1337" that is my usual address for strapi.
I am using nuxt as my client side and this is how set up my socketio on the client side
I first installed nuxt-socket-io through npm
Edited the nuxt.config file as per it's documention
io: {
// module options
sockets: [
name: 'main',
url: 'http://localhost:1337',
And then i finally added a listener in one of my pages.
created() {
this.socket = this.$nuxtSocket({})
this.socket.on('hello', (msg, cb) => {
console.log('SOCKET HI')
And it works.
A clean way to integrate third-party services into Strapi is to use hooks. They are loaded once during the server boot. In this case, we will create a local hook.
The following example has worked with strapi#3.6.
Create a hook for at ./hooks/
module.exports = strapi => {
return {
async initialize() {
const ioServer = require('')(strapi.server, {
cors: {
origin: process.env['FRONT_APP_URL'],
methods: ['GET', 'POST'],
/* ...other cors options */
ioServer.on('connection', function(socket) {
socket.emit('hello', `Welcome ${}`)
// store the instance to global var to use elsewhere = ioServer
Enable the new hook in order for Strapi to load it - ./config/hook.js
module.exports = {
settings: {
'': {
enabled: true,
That's done. You can access the websocket server inside ./config/functions/bootstrap.js or models' lifecycle hooks.
// ./api/employee/models/employee.js
module.exports = {
lifecycles: {
async afterUpdate(result, params, data) {'update:employee', result)
For those who are looking the answer using Strapi version 4
var io = require("")(strapi.server.httpServer)

How to get session object in Microsoft azure bot sdk 4.0 in node.js?

Attaching the code snippet below. UniversalBot and ChatConnector has been deprecated in botbuilder 4.1.5.
var bot;
try {
bot = new BasicBot(conversationState, userState, botConfig);
} catch (err) {
console.error(`[botInitializationError]: ${ err }`);
// Create HTTP server
// let server = restify.createServer();
let server = express();
server.listen(process.env.port || process.env.PORT || 3978, function() {
console.log(`\n${ } listening to ${ server.url }`);
console.log(`\nGet Bot Framework Emulator:`);
console.log(`\nTo talk to your bot, open file in the Emulator`);
// Listen for incoming activities and route them to your bot main dialog.'/api/messages', (req, res) => {
// Route received a request to adapter for processing
adapter.processActivity(req, res, async (turnContext) => {
// route to bot activity handler.
await bot.onTurn(turnContext);
Your question is fairly general.
The session object from 3.x has been removed. Instead acccessors are used. You will want to do following in the bot class:
public onTurn = async (turnContext: TurnContext) => {
const userProfile = await this.userProfile.get(turnContext, new UserProfile());
const conversationData = await this.dialogStateAccessor.get(turnContext, { dialogStack: undefined });
// set vars in cache
userProfile.yourUserVarProp = "userValue";
conversationData.yourConversationVarProp = "conversationValue";
// persist userVars through dialog turn
await this.userProfile.set(turnContext, userProfile);
// persist conversationVars through dialog turn
await this.dialogStateAccessor.set(turnContext, conversationData);
// -> your dialogs here (await dc.beginDialog("dialogname");)
// save uservars to db at end of a turn
await this.userState.saveChanges(turnContext);
// save conversationVars to db at end of a turn
await this.conversationState.saveChanges(turnContext);
But there is some additional constructor stuff
#param {ConversationState} conversationState A ConversationState object used to store the dialog state.
#param {UserState} userState A UserState object used to store values specific to the user.
... and creating the userProfile and dialogStateAccessor itself.
For the whole picture have better a look at .
Or try the generator:

How can i solve a type error causing heroku app to crash?

I am getting a weird error from heroku stating: TypeError: OAuth2Strategy requires a clientID option.
I solved one error with this regarding a script task. I have tried removing files and rebuilding the entire apllication
const passport = require('passport');
const GoogleStrategy = require('passport-google-oauth20').Strategy;
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const keys = require('../config/keys');
const googleClientID = keys.googleClientID
const googleClientSecret = keys.googleClientSecret
const User = mongoose.model('users');
//Takes user model and passes it into a cookie
//Use Mongo autogenerated ID
passport.serializeUser((user, done)=>{
passport.deserializeUser((id, done)=>{
done(null, user);
// Creates a new instance of google strategy
// Tells Google how to authenticate Google strategies
passport.use(new GoogleStrategy({
clientID: googleClientID,
clientSecret: googleClientSecret,
callbackURL: '/auth/google/callback',
proxy: true
//Whenever we reach out to our database it is an asynchronous
async (accessToken, refreshToken, profile, done ) =>{
const existingUser = await User.findOne({googleID:})
done(null, existingUser)
const user = await new User({googleID:, email: profile.emails[0].value, name: profile.displayName}).save()
done(null, user);
